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Example 6 with TypeDescription

use of org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription in project uima-uimaj by apache.

the class MultiPageEditor method doJCasGen.

 * Do J cas gen.
 * @param monitor
 *          the monitor
public void doJCasGen(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    if (0 < mergedTypesAddingFeatures.size()) {
        if (Window.CANCEL == Utility.popOkCancel("Type feature merging extended features", "Before generating the JCas classes for the CAS types, please note that " + "the following types were generated by merging different type descriptors, " + "where the resulting number of features is larger than that of the components. " + "Although the resulting generated JCas classes are correct, " + "doing this kind of merging makes reuse of this component more difficult." + makeMergeMessage(mergedTypesAddingFeatures) + "\n   Press OK to generate the JCas classes anyway, or cancel to skip generating the JCas classes.", MessageDialog.WARNING)) {
    final JCasGenThrower jCasGenThrower = new JCasGenThrower();
    try {
        final IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
        final Jg jg = new Jg();
        final TypeDescription[] types = mergedTypeSystemDescription.getTypes();
        final String outputDirectory = getPrimarySourceFolder().getLocation().toOSString();
        // path to descriptor file
        final String inputFile = file.getLocation().toOSString();
        IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {

            public void run(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
                try {
                    jg.mainForCde(new MergerImpl(), new JCasGenProgressMonitor(progressMonitor), jCasGenThrower, inputFile, outputDirectory, types, (CASImpl) getCurrentView(), //
                    getProject().getLocation().toString(), // /default/ etc
                    limitJCasGenToProjectScope, mergedTypesAddingFeatures);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                    Utility.popMessage(// $NON-NLS-1$
                    Messages.getString("MultiPageEditor.25"), // $NON-NLS-1$
                    Messages.getString("MultiPageEditor.26") + getMessagesToRootCause(e), MessageDialog.ERROR);
        };, monitor);
        getPrimarySourceFolder().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
        String jcasMsg = jCasGenThrower.getMessage();
        if (null != jcasMsg && jcasMsg.length() > 0) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            Utility.popMessage(// $NON-NLS-1$
            Messages.getString("MultiPageEditor.JCasGenErrorTitle"), // $NON-NLS-1$
            Messages.getFormattedString(// $NON-NLS-1$
            "MultiPageEditor.jcasGenErr", new String[] { jcasMsg }), MessageDialog.ERROR);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        Utility.popMessage(// $NON-NLS-1$
        Messages.getString("MultiPageEditor.JCasGenErrorTitle"), // $NON-NLS-1$
        Messages.getFormattedString(// $NON-NLS-1$
        "MultiPageEditor.jcasGenErr", new String[] { jCasGenThrower.getMessage() }), MessageDialog.ERROR);
Also used : IWorkspaceRunnable(org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable) IProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) IWorkspace(org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace) TypeDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription) MergerImpl(org.apache.uima.jcas.jcasgenp.MergerImpl) IOException( Jg( CoreException(org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException) PartInitException(org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException) JavaModelException(org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException) ResourceInitializationException(org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException) InvalidXMLException(org.apache.uima.util.InvalidXMLException) IOException( FileNotFoundException( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) UnsupportedEncodingException( MalformedURLException(

Example 7 with TypeDescription

use of org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription in project uima-uimaj by apache.

the class MultiPageEditor method checkForNewlyDirtyTypes.

 * Check for newly dirty types.
 * @param oldTsd
 *          the old tsd
private void checkForNewlyDirtyTypes(TypeSystemDescription oldTsd) {
    // an array of TypeDescription objects (not CAS), including imported ones
    TypeDescription[] oldTypes = (null == oldTsd || null == oldTsd.getTypes()) ? new TypeDescription[0] : oldTsd.getTypes();
    HashMap oldTypeHash = new HashMap(oldTypes.length);
    for (int i = 0, length = oldTypes.length; i < length; i++) {
        TypeDescription oldType = oldTypes[i];
        oldTypeHash.put(oldType.getName(), oldType);
    TypeDescription[] newTypes = mergedTypeSystemDescription.getTypes();
    for (int i = 0; i < newTypes.length; i++) {
        TypeDescription newType = newTypes[i];
        TypeDescription oldType = (TypeDescription) oldTypeHash.get(newType.getName());
        if (newType.equals(oldType)) {
        } else {
            if (oldType != null) {
    Set deletedTypes = oldTypeHash.keySet();
    Iterator deletedTypeIterator = deletedTypes.iterator();
    while (deletedTypeIterator.hasNext()) {
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) TypeDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription) IExtensionPoint(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint)

Example 8 with TypeDescription

use of org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription in project uima-uimaj by apache.

the class DefinedTypesWithSupers method update.

 * Update.
private void update() {
    // for aggregates, this is the fully-merged type system
    // for all systems, it is the type system with imports resolved
    TypeSystemDescription typeSystemDescription = modelRoot.getMergedTypeSystemDescription();
    if (typeSystemDescription == null)
        // cleared table
    TypeDescription[] types = typeSystemDescription.getTypes();
    TypeSystem typeSystem = modelRoot.descriptorCAS.get().getTypeSystem();
    String typeName;
    Map allTypes = modelRoot.allTypes.get();
    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        cachedResult.add(typeName = types[i].getName());
        Type nextType = (Type) allTypes.get(typeName);
        while (nextType != null) {
            nextType = typeSystem.getParent(nextType);
            if (nextType != null)
Also used : TypeSystem(org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem) Type(org.apache.uima.cas.Type) TypeSystemDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeSystemDescription) TypeDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 9 with TypeDescription

use of org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription in project uima-uimaj by apache.

the class Jg method generateAllTypesFromTemplates.

 * Generate all types from templates.
 * @param outputDirectory
 *          the output directory
 * @param tds
 *          the tds
 * @param aCas
 *          the a cas
 * @param jcasTypeClass
 *          the jcas type class
 * @throws IOException
 *           Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws InstantiationException
 *           the instantiation exception
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 *           the illegal access exception
// This is also the interface for CDE
private void generateAllTypesFromTemplates(String outputDirectory, TypeDescription[] tds, CASImpl aCas, Class<JCasTypeTemplate> jcasTypeClass) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    // Create instances of Template classes
    IJCasTypeTemplate jcasTypeInstance = (IJCasTypeTemplate) jcasTypeClass.newInstance();
    Set<String> generatedBuiltInTypes = new TreeSet<>();
    this.cas = aCas;
    this.typeSystem = cas.getTypeSystem();
    this.casStringType = typeSystem.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING);
    this.tcasAnnotationType = typeSystem.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
    for (int i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
        TypeDescription td = tds[i];
        // System.out.println("Description: " + td.getDescription() );
        if (noGenTypes.contains(td.getName()))
        if (td.getSupertypeName().equals("uima.cas.String"))
        if (limitJCasGenToProjectScope && isOutOfScope(td, projectPathDir)) {
            Set<String> mt = mergedTypesAddingFeatures.get(td.getName());
            if (null == mt) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n");
            for (String p : mt) {
                sb.append("  ").append(p).append('\n');
            error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("limitingButTypeWasExtended", new Object[] { td.getName(), sb.toString() }), null);
        // if the type is built-in - augment it with the built-in's features
        FeatureDescription[] builtInFeatures = (FeatureDescription[]) extendableBuiltInTypes.get(td.getName());
        if (null != builtInFeatures) {
            List<FeatureDescription> newFeatures = setDifference(td.getFeatures(), builtInFeatures);
            int newFeaturesSize = newFeatures.size();
            if (newFeaturesSize > 0) {
                int newSize = builtInFeatures.length + newFeaturesSize;
                FeatureDescription[] newFds = new FeatureDescription[newSize];
                System.arraycopy(builtInFeatures, 0, newFds, 0, builtInFeatures.length);
                for (int j = builtInFeatures.length, k = 0; k < newFeaturesSize; j++, k++) newFds[j] = (FeatureDescription) newFeatures.get(k);
            } else {
                // In this case, skip generation
        generateClassesFromTemplate(td, outputDirectory, jcasTypeInstance);
     * This code was supposed to generate extendable built-in types that were not extended by the
     * input types But the only extendable built-in type is DocumentAnnotation, and it should not be
     * generated by default - there's one provided by the framework.
     * for (Iterator it = extendableBuiltInTypes.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry
     * entry = (Map.Entry); String typeName = (String) entry.getKey(); if
     * (noGenTypes.contains(typeName) || generatedBuiltInTypes.contains(typeName)) continue;
     * TypeDescription td = createTdFromType(typeName); generateClasses(td, outputDirectory); }
Also used : FeatureDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FeatureDescription) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) TypeDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription)

Example 10 with TypeDescription

use of org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription in project uima-uimaj by apache.

the class Jg method main1.

 * Arguments are: -jcasgeninput xxxx -jcasgenoutput xxxx -jcasgenclasspath xxxx
 * @param arguments
 *          the arguments
 * @return the int
public int main1(String[] arguments) {
    boolean hadError = false;
    try {
        try {
            if (null == progressMonitor) {
                progressMonitor = new UimaLoggerProgressMonitor();
            if (null == error)
                error = new LogThrowErrorImpl();
            String inputFile = null;
            String outputDirectory = null;
            TypeSystemDescription typeSystemDescription = null;
            TypeDescription[] tds = null;
            // init to default value
            projectPathDir = "";
            limitJCasGenToProjectScope = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
                if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-jcasgeninput")) {
                    inputFile = arguments[++i];
                if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-jcasgenoutput")) {
                    outputDirectory = arguments[++i];
                // This is used by the jcasgen maven plugin
                if (//
                arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("=jcasgenclasspath") || arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-jcasgenclasspath")) {
                    classPath = arguments[++i];
                if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-limitToDirectory")) {
                    projectPathDir = arguments[++i];
                    limitJCasGenToProjectScope = (projectPathDir.length() > 0);
            xmlSourceFileName = inputFile.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
            URL url;
            if (inputFile.substring(0, 4).equalsIgnoreCase("jar:")) {
                // get things out of Jars
                try {
                    url = new URL(inputFile);
                    // }
                    if (null == outputDirectory || outputDirectory.equals("")) {
                        error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("sourceArgNeedsDirectory", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileNotFound", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
                    // never get here, the previous statement throws. Needed, though for java
                    url = null;
                // path analysis.
            } else {
                File file = new File(inputFile);
                if (!file.exists()) {
                    error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileNotFound", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
                if (null == outputDirectory || outputDirectory.equals("")) {
                    File dir = file.getParentFile();
                    if (null == dir) {
                        error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("sourceArgNeedsDirectory", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
                    outputDirectory = dir.getPath() + File.separator + "JCas" + ((null != merger) ? "" : "New");
                url = file.toURI().toURL();
            progressMonitor.beginTask("", 5);
            progressMonitor.subTask("Output going to '" + outputDirectory + "'");
            progressMonitor.subTask(getString("ReadingDescriptorAndCreatingTypes", new Object[] { inputFile }));
            // code to read xml and make cas type instance
            CASImpl casLocal = null;
            // handle classpath
            try {
                XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(url);
                XMLizable specifier = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parse(in);
                if (specifier instanceof AnalysisEngineDescription) {
                    AnalysisEngineDescription aeSpecifier = (AnalysisEngineDescription) specifier;
                    if (!aeSpecifier.isPrimitive())
                        typeSystemDescription = CasCreationUtils.mergeDelegateAnalysisEngineTypeSystems(aeSpecifier, createResourceManager(), mergedTypesAddingFeatures);
                        typeSystemDescription = mergeTypeSystemImports(aeSpecifier.getAnalysisEngineMetaData().getTypeSystem());
                } else if (specifier instanceof TypeSystemDescription)
                    typeSystemDescription = mergeTypeSystemImports(((TypeSystemDescription) specifier));
                else {
                    error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileDoesntParse", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
                if (mergedTypesAddingFeatures.size() > 0) {
                    error.newError(IError.WARN, getString("typesHaveFeaturesAdded", new Object[] { makeMergeMessage(mergedTypesAddingFeatures) }), null);
                TypePriorities typePriorities = null;
                FsIndexDescription[] fsIndexDescription = null;
                try {
                    // no ResourceManager, since everything has been
                    // imported/merged by previous actions
                    casLocal = (CASImpl) CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystemDescription, typePriorities, fsIndexDescription);
                } catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
                    error.newError(IError.WARN, getString("resourceInitializationException", new Object[] { e.getLocalizedMessage() }), e);
                    // continue with null cas, anyway
                    casLocal = null;
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } catch (InvalidXMLException e) {
                error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("invalidXML", new Object[] { inputFile }), e);
            } catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
                error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("resourceInitializationExceptionError", new Object[] {}), e);
            tds = typeSystemDescription.getTypes();
            // Generate type classes from DEFAULT templates
            generateAllTypesFromTemplates(outputDirectory, tds, casLocal, JCasTypeTemplate.class);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("IOException", new Object[] {}), e);
        } catch (ErrorExit e) {
            hadError = true;
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("InstantiationException", new Object[] {}), e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("IllegalAccessException", new Object[] {}), e);
    } finally {
    return (hadError) ? -1 : 0;
Also used : MalformedURLException( TypeSystemDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeSystemDescription) XMLInputSource(org.apache.uima.util.XMLInputSource) URL( CASImpl(org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl) InvalidXMLException(org.apache.uima.util.InvalidXMLException) TypeDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription) FsIndexDescription(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FsIndexDescription) XMLizable(org.apache.uima.util.XMLizable) IOException( TypePriorities(org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypePriorities) ResourceInitializationException(org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException) AnalysisEngineDescription(org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineDescription) File(


TypeDescription (org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription)147 TypeSystemDescription (org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeSystemDescription)100 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)53 CAS (org.apache.uima.cas.CAS)36 TypeSystemDescription_impl (org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.impl.TypeSystemDescription_impl)32 FeatureDescription (org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FeatureDescription)29 Type (org.apache.uima.cas.Type)28 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)24 XMLInputSource (org.apache.uima.util.XMLInputSource)23 File ( List (java.util.List)21 InvalidXMLException (org.apache.uima.util.InvalidXMLException)18 ResourceInitializationException (org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException)16 IOException ( AnnotationLayer (de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.model.AnnotationLayer)13 Arrays.asList (java.util.Arrays.asList)13 AnnotationFS (org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS)12 FsIndexDescription (org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FsIndexDescription)12 URL ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)11