use of org.apache.whirr.Cluster.Instance in project whirr by apache.
the class HadoopConfigurationBuilderTest method newCluster.
private Cluster newCluster(int numberOfWorkers) {
DnsResolver fakeDnsResolver = new FakeDnsResolver();
NodeMetadata node = mock(NodeMetadata.class);
List<Processor> processors = ImmutableList.of(new Processor(4, 1.0));
Hardware hardware = new HardwareImpl(null, null, "id", null, null, ImmutableMap.<String, String>of(), ImmutableSet.<String>of(), processors, 1024, ImmutableList.<Volume>of(), null, "xen");
Builder<Instance> instances = ImmutableSet.<Instance>builder();
Instance master = new Instance(new Credentials("", ""), ImmutableSet.of(HadoopNameNodeClusterActionHandler.ROLE, HadoopJobTrackerClusterActionHandler.ROLE), "", "", "1", node, fakeDnsResolver);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWorkers; i++) {
int id = i + 2;
instances.add(new Instance(new Credentials("", ""), ImmutableSet.of(HadoopDataNodeClusterActionHandler.ROLE, HadoopTaskTrackerClusterActionHandler.ROLE), "10.0.0." + id, "10.0.0." + id, id + "", node, fakeDnsResolver));
return new Cluster(;