Search in sources :

Example 6 with AttachmentManager

use of in project jspwiki by apache.

the class Image method execute.

 *  {@inheritDoc}
public String execute(WikiContext context, Map<String, String> params) throws PluginException {
    WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
    String src = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_SRC);
    String align = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_ALIGN);
    String ht = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_HEIGHT);
    String wt = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_WIDTH);
    String alt = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_ALT);
    String caption = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_CAPTION);
    String link = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_LINK);
    String target = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_TARGET);
    String style = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_STYLE);
    String cssclass = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_CLASS);
    // String map     = getCleanParameter( params, PARAM_MAP );
    String border = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_BORDER);
    String title = getCleanParameter(params, PARAM_TITLE);
    if (src == null) {
        throw new PluginException("Parameter 'src' is required for Image plugin");
    if (target != null && !validTargetValue(target)) {
        // not a valid value so ignore
        target = null;
    try {
        AttachmentManager mgr = engine.getAttachmentManager();
        Attachment att = mgr.getAttachmentInfo(context, src);
        if (att != null) {
            src = context.getURL(WikiContext.ATTACH, att.getName());
    } catch (ProviderException e) {
        throw new PluginException("Attachment info failed: " + e.getMessage());
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    result.append("<table border=\"0\" class=\"imageplugin\"");
    if (title != null) {
        result.append(" title=\"" + title + "\"");
    if (align != null) {
        if (align.equals("center")) {
            result.append(" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;\"");
        } else {
            result.append(" style=\"float:" + align + ";\"");
    if (caption != null) {
        result.append("<caption>" + caption + "</caption>\n");
    // move css class and style to the container of the image,
    // so it doesn't affect the caption
    if (cssclass != null) {
        result.append(" class=\"" + cssclass + "\"");
    if (style != null) {
        result.append(" style=\"" + style);
        // Make sure that we add a ";" to the end of the style string
        if (result.charAt(result.length() - 1) != ';')
    if (link != null) {
        result.append("<a href=\"" + link + "\"");
        if (target != null) {
            result.append(" target=\"" + target + "\"");
    result.append("<img src=\"" + src + "\"");
    if (ht != null)
        result.append(" height=\"" + ht + "\"");
    if (wt != null)
        result.append(" width=\"" + wt + "\"");
    if (alt != null)
        result.append(" alt=\"" + alt + "\"");
    if (border != null)
        result.append(" border=\"" + border + "\"");
    // if( map != null )    result.append(" map=\""+map+"\"");
    result.append(" />");
    if (link != null)
    return result.toString();
Also used : ProviderException( PluginException( Attachment( AttachmentManager( WikiEngine(

Example 7 with AttachmentManager

use of in project jspwiki by apache.

the class LuceneSearchProvider method getAttachmentContent.

 * @param att Attachment to get content for. Filename extension is used to determine the type of the attachment.
 * @return String representing the content of the file.
 * FIXME This is a very simple implementation of some text-based attachment, mainly used for testing.
 * This should be replaced /moved to Attachment search providers or some other 'pluggable' wat to search attachments
protected String getAttachmentContent(Attachment att) {
    AttachmentManager mgr = m_engine.getAttachmentManager();
    // FIXME: Add attachment plugin structure
    String filename = att.getFileName();
    boolean searchSuffix = false;
    for (String suffix : SEARCHABLE_FILE_SUFFIXES) {
        if (filename.endsWith(suffix)) {
            searchSuffix = true;
    String out = null;
    if (searchSuffix) {
        InputStream attStream = null;
        StringWriter sout = new StringWriter();
        try {
            attStream = mgr.getAttachmentStream(att);
            FileUtil.copyContents(new InputStreamReader(attStream), sout);
            out = sout.toString();
        } catch (ProviderException e) {
            log.error("Attachment cannot be loaded", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Attachment cannot be loaded", e);
        } finally {
    return out;
Also used : StringWriter( InputStreamReader( ProviderException( InputStream( AttachmentManager( IOException(

Example 8 with AttachmentManager

use of in project jspwiki by apache.

the class AttachmentsIteratorTag method doStartTag.

 *  {@inheritDoc}
public final int doStartTag() {
    m_wikiContext = (WikiContext) pageContext.getAttribute(WikiTagBase.ATTR_CONTEXT, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
    WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
    AttachmentManager mgr = engine.getAttachmentManager();
    WikiPage page;
    page = m_wikiContext.getPage();
    if (!mgr.attachmentsEnabled()) {
        return SKIP_BODY;
    try {
        if (page != null && engine.pageExists(page)) {
            Collection atts = mgr.listAttachments(page);
            if (atts == null) {
                log.debug("No attachments to display.");
                // There are no attachments included
                return SKIP_BODY;
            m_iterator = atts.iterator();
            if (m_iterator.hasNext()) {
                Attachment att = (Attachment);
                WikiContext context = (WikiContext) m_wikiContext.clone();
                pageContext.setAttribute(WikiTagBase.ATTR_CONTEXT, context, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
                pageContext.setAttribute(getId(), att);
            } else {
                return SKIP_BODY;
        } else {
            return SKIP_BODY;
        return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED;
    } catch (ProviderException e) {
        log.fatal("Provider failed while trying to iterator through history", e);
    // FIXME: THrow something.
    return SKIP_BODY;
Also used : WikiContext( ProviderException( WikiPage( Collection(java.util.Collection) Attachment( AttachmentManager( WikiEngine(

Example 9 with AttachmentManager

use of in project jspwiki by apache.

the class HasAttachmentsTag method doWikiStartTag.

public final int doWikiStartTag() throws IOException {
    WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
    WikiPage page = m_wikiContext.getPage();
    AttachmentManager mgr = engine.getAttachmentManager();
    try {
        if (page != null && engine.pageExists(page) && mgr.attachmentsEnabled()) {
            if (mgr.hasAttachments(page)) {
                return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
    } catch (ProviderException e) {
        log.fatal("Provider failed while trying to check for attachements", e);
    // FIXME: THrow something.
    return SKIP_BODY;
Also used : ProviderException( WikiPage( AttachmentManager( WikiEngine(

Example 10 with AttachmentManager

use of in project jspwiki by apache.

the class WikiEngine method initialize.

 *  Does all the real initialization.
private void initialize(Properties props) throws WikiException {
    m_startTime = new Date();
    m_properties = props;
    if (!c_configured) {
        String useExternalLogConfig = TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, "jspwiki.use.external.logconfig", "false");
        if (useExternalLogConfig == null || useExternalLogConfig.equals("false")) {
        c_configured = true;
    }"*******************************************"); + " " + Release.getVersionString() + " starting. Whee!");
    // begin initialization
    log.debug("Java version: " + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"));
    log.debug("Java vendor: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"));
    log.debug("OS: " + System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version") + " " + System.getProperty("os.arch"));
    log.debug("Default server locale: " + Locale.getDefault());
    log.debug("Default server timezone: " + TimeZone.getDefault().getDisplayName(true, TimeZone.LONG));
    if (m_servletContext != null) {"Servlet container: " + m_servletContext.getServerInfo());
        if (m_servletContext.getMajorVersion() < 2 || (m_servletContext.getMajorVersion() == 2 && m_servletContext.getMinorVersion() < 4)) {
            throw new InternalWikiException("I require a container which supports at least version 2.4 of Servlet specification");
    log.debug("Configuring WikiEngine...");
    // Initializes the CommandResolver
    m_commandResolver = new CommandResolver(this, props);
    // Create and find the default working directory.
    m_workDir = TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, PROP_WORKDIR, null);
    if (m_workDir == null) {
        m_workDir = System.getProperty("", ".");
        m_workDir += File.separator + Release.APPNAME + "-" + m_appid;
    try {
        File f = new File(m_workDir);
        if (!f.exists())
            throw new WikiException("Work directory does not exist: " + m_workDir);
        if (!f.canRead())
            throw new WikiException("No permission to read work directory: " + m_workDir);
        if (!f.canWrite())
            throw new WikiException("No permission to write to work directory: " + m_workDir);
        if (!f.isDirectory())
            throw new WikiException("jspwiki.workDir does not point to a directory: " + m_workDir);
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        log.fatal("Unable to find or create the working directory: " + m_workDir, e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find or create the working dir: " + m_workDir, e);
    }"JSPWiki working directory is '" + m_workDir + "'");
    m_saveUserInfo = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty(props, PROP_STOREUSERNAME, m_saveUserInfo);
    m_useUTF8 = "UTF-8".equals(TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, PROP_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1"));
    m_beautifyTitle = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty(props, PROP_BEAUTIFYTITLE, m_beautifyTitle);
    m_templateDir = TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, PROP_TEMPLATEDIR, "default");
    m_frontPage = TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, PROP_FRONTPAGE, "Main");
    // Initialize the page name comparator now as it may be used while
    // initializing other modules
    // of a better way to do the startup-sequence.
    try {
        Class<?> urlclass = ClassUtil.findClass("", TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, PROP_URLCONSTRUCTOR, "DefaultURLConstructor"));
        m_urlConstructor = (URLConstructor) urlclass.newInstance();
        m_urlConstructor.initialize(this, props);
        m_pageManager = (PageManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(PageManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_pluginManager = (PluginManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(PluginManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_differenceManager = (DifferenceManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(DifferenceManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_attachmentManager = (AttachmentManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AttachmentManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_variableManager = (VariableManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(VariableManager.class.getName(), props);
        // m_filterManager     = (FilterManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(FilterManager.class.getName(), this, props );
        m_renderingManager = (RenderingManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(RenderingManager.class.getName());
        m_searchManager = (SearchManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(SearchManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_authenticationManager = (AuthenticationManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AuthenticationManager.class.getName());
        m_authorizationManager = (AuthorizationManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AuthorizationManager.class.getName());
        m_userManager = (UserManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(UserManager.class.getName());
        m_groupManager = (GroupManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(GroupManager.class.getName());
        m_editorManager = (EditorManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(EditorManager.class.getName(), this);
        m_progressManager = new ProgressManager();
        // Initialize the authentication, authorization, user and acl managers
        m_authenticationManager.initialize(this, props);
        m_authorizationManager.initialize(this, props);
        m_userManager.initialize(this, props);
        m_groupManager.initialize(this, props);
        m_aclManager = getAclManager();
        // Start the Workflow manager
        m_workflowMgr = (WorkflowManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(WorkflowManager.class.getName());
        m_workflowMgr.initialize(this, props);
        m_internationalizationManager = (InternationalizationManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(InternationalizationManager.class.getName(), this);
        m_templateManager = (TemplateManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(TemplateManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        // Since we want to use a page filters initilize() method
        // as a engine startup listener where we can initialize global event listeners,
        // it must be called lastly, so that all object references in the engine
        // are availabe to the initialize() method
        m_filterManager = (FilterManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(FilterManager.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_adminBeanManager = (AdminBeanManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AdminBeanManager.class.getName(), this);
        // RenderingManager depends on FilterManager events.
        m_renderingManager.initialize(this, props);
        // ReferenceManager has the side effect of loading all
        // pages.  Therefore after this point, all page attributes
        // are available.
        // initReferenceManager is indirectly using m_filterManager, therefore
        // it has to be called after it was initialized.
        // Hook the different manager routines into the system.
        m_filterManager.addPageFilter(m_referenceManager, -1001);
        m_filterManager.addPageFilter(m_searchManager, -1002);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // RuntimeExceptions may occur here, even if they shouldn't.
        log.fatal("Failed to start managers.", e);
        throw new WikiException("Failed to start managers: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        log.fatal("JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor was not found: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new WikiException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        log.fatal("JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor could not be instantiated: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new WikiException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        log.fatal("JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor cannot be accessed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new WikiException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Final catch-all for everything
        log.fatal("JSPWiki could not start, due to an unknown exception when starting.", e);
        throw new WikiException("Failed to start. Caused by: " + e.getMessage() + "; please check log files for better information.", e);
    try {
        if (TextUtil.getBooleanProperty(props, RSSGenerator.PROP_GENERATE_RSS, false)) {
            m_rssGenerator = (RSSGenerator) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(RSSGenerator.class.getName(), this, props);
        m_pageRenamer = (PageRenamer) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(PageRenamer.class.getName(), this, props);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Unable to start RSS generator - JSPWiki will still work, " + "but there will be no RSS feed.", e);
    // Start the RSS generator & generator thread
    if (m_rssGenerator != null) {
        m_rssFile = TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, RSSGenerator.PROP_RSSFILE, "rss.rdf");
        File rssFile = null;
        if (m_rssFile.startsWith(File.separator)) {
            // honor absolute pathnames:
            rssFile = new File(m_rssFile);
        } else {
            // relative path names are anchored from the webapp root path:
            rssFile = new File(getRootPath(), m_rssFile);
        int rssInterval = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty(props, RSSGenerator.PROP_INTERVAL, 3600);
        RSSThread rssThread = new RSSThread(this, rssFile, rssInterval);
    // initialization complete
    fireEvent(WikiEngineEvent.INITIALIZED);"WikiEngine configured.");
    m_isConfigured = true;
Also used : WikiException( RSSThread( WorkflowManager( GroupManager( FilterManager( AdminBeanManager( PluginManager( TemplateManager( EditorManager( InternationalizationManager( SearchManager( RSSGenerator( CommandResolver( Date(java.util.Date) WikiException( DecisionRequiredException( NoSuchVariableException( UnsupportedEncodingException( FilterException( IOException( ProviderException( AuthenticationManager( DifferenceManager( RenderingManager( UserManager( ProgressManager( PageRenamer( AttachmentManager( AuthorizationManager( File(


AttachmentManager ( Attachment ( ProviderException ( File ( Collection (java.util.Collection)5 WikiEngine ( Test (org.junit.Test)4 WikiPage ( IOException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( InputStreamReader ( StringWriter ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( Date (java.util.Date)1 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)1 WikiContext ( AdminBeanManager ( FilterManager ( PluginManager (