use of org.apache.xbean.finder.archive.Archive in project tomee by apache.
the class ConfigurableClasspathArchive method archive.
public static Archive archive(final ClassLoader loader, final URL location, boolean forceDescriptor) {
try {
URL scanXml = loader.getResource(SCAN_XML);
if (scanXml == null && !forceDescriptor) {
return ClasspathArchive.archive(loader, location);
} else if (scanXml == null) {
return new ClassesArchive();
// read descriptors
ScanHandler scan;
if (scanXml != null) {
scan = read(scanXml);
} else {
scan = new ScanHandler();
final Archive packageArchive = packageArchive(scan.getPackages(), loader, location);
final Archive classesArchive = classesArchive(scan.getPackages(), scan.getClasses(), loader);
if (packageArchive != null && classesArchive != null) {
return new CompositeArchive(classesArchive, packageArchive);
} else if (packageArchive != null) {
return packageArchive;
return classesArchive;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (forceDescriptor) {
return new ClassesArchive();
return ClasspathArchive.archive(loader, location);
use of org.apache.xbean.finder.archive.Archive in project tomee by apache.
the class ApplicationComposers method finderFromClasses.
private static IAnnotationFinder finderFromClasses(final DeploymentModule module, final Class<?>[] value, final Collection<File> others, final String[] excludes) {
final Collection<Archive> archives = new ArrayList<>(1 + (others == null ? 0 : others.size()));
final Filter filter = excludes == null || excludes.length == 0 ? null : Filters.invert(Filters.prefixes(excludes));
final Collection<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<>(asList(FinderFactory.ensureMinimalClasses(module)));
if (value != null) {
final ClassesArchive classesArchive = new ClassesArchive(classes);
archives.add(filter == null ? classesArchive : new FilteredArchive(classesArchive, filter));
if (others != null) {
final ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
for (final File f : others) {
try {
final Archive archive = f.isDirectory() ? new FileArchive(classLoader, f) : new JarArchive(classLoader, f.toURI().toURL());
archives.add(filter == null ? archive : new FilteredArchive(archive, filter));
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
return new FinderFactory.OpenEJBAnnotationFinder(new CompositeArchive(archives)).link();
use of org.apache.xbean.finder.archive.Archive in project tomee by apache.
the class TomEEEmbeddedApplicationRunner method start.
public synchronized void start(final Class<?> marker, final Properties config, final String... args) throws Exception {
if (started) {
started = true;
final Class<?> appClass = app.getClass();
final AnnotationFinder finder = new AnnotationFinder(new ClassesArchive(ancestors(appClass)));
// setup the container config reading class annotation, using a randome http port and deploying the classpath
final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
final ContainerProperties props = appClass.getAnnotation(ContainerProperties.class);
if (props != null) {
final Properties runnerProperties = new Properties();
for (final ContainerProperties.Property p : props.value()) {
final String name =;
if (name.startsWith("tomee.embedded.application.runner.")) {
// allow to tune the Configuration
// no need to filter there since it is done in loadFromProperties()
runnerProperties.setProperty(name.substring("tomee.embedded.application.runner.".length()), p.value());
} else {, StrSubstitutor.replaceSystemProperties(p.value()));
if (!runnerProperties.isEmpty()) {
// overrides, note that some config are additive by design
final List<Method> annotatedMethods = finder.findAnnotatedMethods(org.apache.openejb.testing.Configuration.class);
if (annotatedMethods.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one @Configuration is supported: " + annotatedMethods);
for (final Method m : annotatedMethods) {
final Object o = m.invoke(app);
if (Properties.class.isInstance(o)) {
final Properties properties = Properties.class.cast(o);
if (configuration.getProperties() == null) {
configuration.setProperties(new Properties());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported " + o + " for @Configuration");
final Collection<org.apache.tomee.embedded.LifecycleTask> lifecycleTasks = new ArrayList<>();
final Collection<Closeable> postTasks = new ArrayList<>();
final LifecycleTasks tasks = appClass.getAnnotation(LifecycleTasks.class);
if (tasks != null) {
for (final Class<? extends org.apache.tomee.embedded.LifecycleTask> type : tasks.value()) {
final org.apache.tomee.embedded.LifecycleTask lifecycleTask = type.newInstance();
final Map<String, Field> ports = new HashMap<>();
Class<?> type = appClass;
while (type != null && type != Object.class) {
for (final Field f : type.getDeclaredFields()) {
final RandomPort annotation = f.getAnnotation(RandomPort.class);
final String value = annotation == null ? null : annotation.value();
if (value != null && value.startsWith("http")) {
ports.put(value, f);
type = type.getSuperclass();
if (ports.containsKey("http")) {
// at least after LifecycleTasks to inherit from potential states (system properties to get a port etc...)
final Configurers configurers = appClass.getAnnotation(Configurers.class);
if (configurers != null) {
for (final Class<? extends Configurer> type : configurers.value()) {
final Classes classes = appClass.getAnnotation(Classes.class);
String context = classes != null ? classes.context() : "";
context = !context.isEmpty() && context.startsWith("/") ? context.substring(1) : context;
Archive archive = null;
if (classes != null && classes.value().length > 0) {
archive = new ClassesArchive(classes.value());
final Jars jars = appClass.getAnnotation(Jars.class);
final List<URL> urls;
if (jars != null) {
final Collection<File> files = ApplicationComposers.findFiles(jars);
urls = new ArrayList<>(files.size());
for (final File f : files) {
} else {
urls = null;
final WebResource resources = appClass.getAnnotation(WebResource.class);
if (resources != null && resources.value().length > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one docBase is supported for now using @WebResource");
String webResource = null;
if (resources != null && resources.value().length > 0) {
webResource = resources.value()[0];
} else {
final File webapp = new File("src/main/webapp");
if (webapp.isDirectory()) {
webResource = "src/main/webapp";
if (config != null) {
// override other config from annotations
final Container container = new Container(configuration);
SystemInstance.get().setComponent(TomEEEmbeddedArgs.class, new TomEEEmbeddedArgs(args, null));
SystemInstance.get().setComponent(LifecycleTaskAccessor.class, new LifecycleTaskAccessor(lifecycleTasks));
container.deploy(new Container.DeploymentRequest(context, // call ClasspathSearcher that lazily since container needs to be started to not preload logging
urls == null ? new DeploymentsResolver.ClasspathSearcher().loadUrls(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).getUrls() : urls, webResource != null ? new File(webResource) : null, true, null, archive));
for (final Map.Entry<String, Field> f : ports.entrySet()) {
switch(f.getKey()) {
case "http":
setPortField(f.getKey(), f.getValue(), configuration, context, app);
case "https":
throw new IllegalArgumentException("port " + f.getKey() + " not yet supported");
final AnnotationFinder appFinder = new AnnotationFinder(new ClassesArchive(appClass));
for (final Method mtd : appFinder.findAnnotatedMethods(PostConstruct.class)) {
if (mtd.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
if (!mtd.isAccessible()) {
hook = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// ensure to log errors but not fail there
for (final Method mtd : appFinder.findAnnotatedMethods(PreDestroy.class)) {
if (mtd.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
if (!mtd.isAccessible()) {
try {
} catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e.getCause());
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
for (final Closeable c : postTasks) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
app = null;
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
// no-op: that's ok at that moment if not called manually
SHUTDOWN_TASKS.put(hook, hook);
use of org.apache.xbean.finder.archive.Archive in project tomee by apache.
the class Container method deploy.
public Container deploy(final DeploymentRequest request) {
final ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
final SystemInstance systemInstance = SystemInstance.get();
String contextRoot = request.context == null ? "" : request.context;
if (!contextRoot.isEmpty() && !contextRoot.startsWith("/")) {
contextRoot = "/" + request.context;
File jarLocation = request.docBase == null || !request.docBase.isDirectory() ? fakeRootDir() : request.docBase;
final WebModule webModule = new WebModule(new WebApp(), contextRoot, loader, jarLocation.getAbsolutePath(), contextRoot.replace("/", ""));
if (request.docBase == null) {
webModule.getProperties().put("fakeJarLocation", "true");
final AnnotationFinder finder;
try {
Filter filter = configuration.getClassesFilter();
if (filter == null && (request.jarList.size() <= 4 || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(SystemInstance.get().getProperty("tomee.embedded.filter-container-classes")))) {
filter = new ContainerClassesFilter(configuration.getProperties());
final Archive archive;
if (request.archive == null) {
archive = new WebappAggregatedArchive(webModule, request.jarList, // see org.apache.openejb.config.DeploymentsResolver.ClasspathSearcher.cleanUpUrlSet()
} else if (WebappAggregatedArchive.class.isInstance(request.archive)) {
archive = request.archive;
} else {
archive = new WebappAggregatedArchive(request.archive, request.jarList);
finder = new FinderFactory.OpenEJBAnnotationFinder(archive).link();
SystemInstance.get().fireEvent(new TomEEEmbeddedScannerCreated(finder));
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
final File beansXml = new File(request.docBase, "WEB-INF/beans.xml");
if (beansXml.exists()) {
// add it since it is not in the scanned path by default
try {
webModule.getAltDDs().put("beans.xml", beansXml.toURI().toURL());
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
// no-op
// else no classpath finding since we'll likely find it
final AppModule app = new AppModule(loader, null);
try {
final Map<String, URL> webDescriptors = DeploymentLoader.getWebDescriptors(jarLocation);
if (webDescriptors.isEmpty()) {
// likely so let's try to find them in the classpath
final ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
final Collection<String> metaDir = asList("META-INF/tomee/", "META-INF/");
for (final String dd : asList("app-ctx.xml", "", "", "", NewLoaderLogic.EXCLUSION_FILE, "web.xml", "ejb-jar.xml", "openejb-jar.xml", "validation.xml")) {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(SystemInstance.get().getProperty("tomee.embedded.descriptors.classpath." + dd + ".skip")) || webDescriptors.containsKey(dd)) {
for (final String meta : metaDir) {
final URL url = classLoader.getResource(meta + dd);
if (url != null) {
webDescriptors.put(dd, url);
DeploymentLoader.addWebModule(webModule, app);
DeploymentLoader.addWebModuleDescriptors(new File(webModule.getJarLocation()).toURI().toURL(), webModule, app);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
if (!SystemInstance.isInitialized() || Boolean.parseBoolean(SystemInstance.get().getProperty("tomee.embedded.add-callers", "true"))) {
addCallersAsEjbModule(loader, app, request.additionalCallers);
systemInstance.addObserver(new StandardContextCustomizer(configuration, webModule, request.keepClassloader));
if (systemInstance.getComponent(AnnotationDeployer.FolderDDMapper.class) == null) {
systemInstance.setComponent(AnnotationDeployer.FolderDDMapper.class, new AnnotationDeployer.FolderDDMapper() {
public File getDDFolder(final File dir) {
try {
return isMaven(dir) || isGradle(dir) ? new File(request.docBase, "WEB-INF") : null;
} catch (final RuntimeException re) {
// folder doesn't exist -> test is stopped which is expected
return null;
private boolean isGradle(final File dir) {
return dir.getName().equals("classes") && dir.getParentFile().getName().equals("target");
private boolean isMaven(final File dir) {
return dir.getName().equals("main") && dir.getParentFile().getName().equals("classes") && dir.getParentFile().getParentFile().getName().equals("build");
try {
final AppInfo appInfo = configurationFactory.configureApplication(app);
systemInstance.getComponent(Assembler.class).createApplication(appInfo, loader);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return this;