use of in project santuario-java by apache.
the class Canonicalizer20010315ExclusiveTest method testPropagateDefaultNs4.
public void testPropagateDefaultNs4() throws Exception {
final String XML = "<Envelope" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:env=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsd=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\"" + " xmlns:ns0=\"\"" + " xmlns:wsu=\"\">" + "<env:Body wsu:Id=\"body\">" + "<ns0:Ping xsi:type=\"ns0:ping\">" + "<ns0:text xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">hello</ns0:text>" + "</ns0:Ping>" + "</env:Body>" + "</Envelope>";
final String c14nXML = "<env:Body" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:env=\"\"" + " xmlns:wsu=\"\"" + " wsu:Id=\"body\">" + "<ns0:Ping xmlns:ns0=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:type=\"ns0:ping\">" + "<ns0:text xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">hello</ns0:text>" + "</ns0:Ping>" + "</env:Body>";
Document doc = this.db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(XML)));
Canonicalizer20010315ExclOmitComments c14n = new Canonicalizer20010315ExclOmitComments();
byte[] bytes = c14n.engineCanonicalizeSubTree(doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(), "#default", true);
assertEquals(c14nXML, new String(bytes));
use of in project santuario-java by apache.
the class Canonicalizer20010315ExclusiveTest method testDefaultNSInInclusiveNamespacePrefixList2.
* Test default namespace behavior if its in the InclusiveNamespace prefix list.
* @throws Exception
public void testDefaultNSInInclusiveNamespacePrefixList2() throws Exception {
final String XML = "<env:Envelope" + " xmlns:env=\"\"" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsd=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\"" + " xmlns:ns0=\"\"" + " xmlns:wsu=\"\">" + "<env:Body wsu:Id=\"body\">" + "<ns0:Ping xsi:type=\"ns0:ping\">" + "<ns0:text xmlns=\"\" xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">hello</ns0:text>" + "</ns0:Ping>" + "</env:Body>" + "</env:Envelope>";
final String c14nXML1 = "<env:Body" + " xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:env=\"\"" + " xmlns:wsu=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\"" + " wsu:Id=\"body\">" + "<ns0:Ping xmlns:ns0=\"\" xsi:type=\"ns0:ping\">" + "<ns0:text xmlns=\"\" xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">hello</ns0:text>" + "</ns0:Ping>" + "</env:Body>";
final String c14nXML2 = "<env:Body" + " xmlns:env=\"\"" + " xmlns:wsu=\"\"" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\"" + " wsu:Id=\"body\">" + "<ns0:Ping xmlns:ns0=\"\" xsi:type=\"ns0:ping\">" + "<ns0:text xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">hello</ns0:text>" + "</ns0:Ping>" + "</env:Body>";
Document doc = this.db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(XML)));
Canonicalizer20010315ExclOmitComments c14n = new Canonicalizer20010315ExclOmitComments();
XMLSignatureInput input = new XMLSignatureInput(doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild());
byte[] bytes = c14n.engineCanonicalize(input, "#default xsi");
assertEquals(c14nXML1, new String(bytes));
Canonicalizer20010315ExclOmitComments c14n = new Canonicalizer20010315ExclOmitComments();
XMLSignatureInput input = new XMLSignatureInput(doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild());
byte[] bytes = c14n.engineCanonicalize(input, "xsi");
assertEquals(c14nXML2, new String(bytes));