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Example 16 with Transforms

use of in project santuario-xml-security-java by apache.

the class SignatureTest method signDocument.

private XMLSignature signDocument(Document doc, Provider provider) throws Throwable {
    XMLSignature sig = new XMLSignature(doc, "", XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_DSA, provider);
    Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
    sig.getSignedInfo().addResourceResolver(new ResolverXPointer());
    Transforms transforms = new Transforms(doc);
    sig.addDocument("", transforms, Constants.ALGO_ID_DIGEST_SHA1);
    return sig;
Also used : ResolverXPointer( XMLSignature( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Transforms(

Example 17 with Transforms

use of in project santuario-xml-security-java by apache.

the class RetrievalMethodResolver method resolveInput.

 * Resolves the input from the given retrieval method
 * @return the input from the given retrieval method
 * @throws XMLSecurityException
private static XMLSignatureInput resolveInput(RetrievalMethod rm, String baseURI, boolean secureValidation) throws XMLSecurityException {
    Attr uri = rm.getURIAttr();
    // Apply the transforms
    Transforms transforms = rm.getTransforms();
    ResourceResolverContext resContext = new ResourceResolverContext(uri, baseURI, secureValidation);
    if (resContext.isURISafeToResolve()) {
        XMLSignatureInput resource = ResourceResolver.resolve(resContext);
        if (transforms != null) {
            LOG.debug("We have Transforms");
            resource = transforms.performTransforms(resource);
        return resource;
    String uriToResolve = uri != null ? uri.getValue() : null;
    Object[] exArgs = { uriToResolve != null ? uriToResolve : "null", baseURI };
    throw new ResourceResolverException("utils.resolver.noClass", exArgs, uriToResolve, baseURI);
Also used : Transforms( ResourceResolverContext( XMLSignatureInput( ResourceResolverException( Attr(org.w3c.dom.Attr)

Example 18 with Transforms

use of in project santuario-xml-security-java by apache.

the class Reference method calculateDigest.

 * Method calculateDigest
 * @param validating true if validating the reference
 * @return reference Calculate the digest of this reference.
 * @throws ReferenceNotInitializedException
 * @throws XMLSignatureException
private byte[] calculateDigest(boolean validating) throws ReferenceNotInitializedException, XMLSignatureException {
    XMLSignatureInput input = this.getContentsBeforeTransformation();
    if (input.isPreCalculatedDigest()) {
        return getPreCalculatedDigest(input);
    MessageDigestAlgorithm mda = this.getMessageDigestAlgorithm();
    XMLSignatureInput output = null;
    try (DigesterOutputStream diOs = new DigesterOutputStream(mda);
        OutputStream os = new UnsyncBufferedOutputStream(diOs)) {
        output = this.getContentsAfterTransformation(input, os);
        this.transformsOutput = output;
        // C14N11 transform if needed
        if (Reference.useC14N11 && !validating && !output.isOutputStreamSet() && !output.isOctetStream()) {
            if (transforms == null) {
                transforms = new Transforms(getDocument());
                getElement().insertBefore(transforms.getElement(), digestMethodElem);
            output.updateOutputStream(os, true);
        } else {
        return diOs.getDigestValue();
    } catch (XMLSecurityException | IOException ex) {
        throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException(ex);
    } finally {
        // NOPMD
        try {
            if (output != null && output.getOctetStreamReal() != null) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new ReferenceNotInitializedException(ex);
Also used : DigesterOutputStream( OutputStream( UnsyncBufferedOutputStream( Transforms( MessageDigestAlgorithm( DigesterOutputStream( IOException( UnsyncBufferedOutputStream( XMLSecurityException(

Example 19 with Transforms

use of in project santuario-xml-security-java by apache.

the class Reference method getContentsAfterTransformation.

private XMLSignatureInput getContentsAfterTransformation(XMLSignatureInput input, OutputStream os) throws XMLSignatureException {
    try {
        Transforms transforms = this.getTransforms();
        XMLSignatureInput output = null;
        if (transforms != null) {
            output = transforms.performTransforms(input, os);
            // new XMLSignatureInput(output.getBytes());
            this.transformsOutput = output;
        // this.transformsOutput.setSourceURI(output.getSourceURI());
        } else {
            output = input;
        return output;
    } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) {
        throw new XMLSignatureException(ex);
Also used : Transforms( XMLSecurityException(

Example 20 with Transforms

use of in project santuario-xml-security-java by apache.

the class Reference method getHTMLRepresentation.

 * Method getHTMLRepresentation
 * @return The HTML of the transformation
 * @throws XMLSignatureException
public String getHTMLRepresentation() throws XMLSignatureException {
    try {
        XMLSignatureInput nodes = this.getNodesetBeforeFirstCanonicalization();
        Transforms transforms = this.getTransforms();
        Transform c14nTransform = null;
        if (transforms != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < transforms.getLength(); i++) {
                Transform t = transforms.item(i);
                String uri = t.getURI();
                if (uri.equals(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS) || uri.equals(Transforms.TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_WITH_COMMENTS)) {
                    c14nTransform = t;
        Set<String> inclusiveNamespaces = new HashSet<>();
        if (c14nTransform != null && c14nTransform.length(InclusiveNamespaces.ExclusiveCanonicalizationNamespace, InclusiveNamespaces._TAG_EC_INCLUSIVENAMESPACES) == 1) {
            // there is one InclusiveNamespaces element
            InclusiveNamespaces in = new InclusiveNamespaces(XMLUtils.selectNode(c14nTransform.getElement().getFirstChild(), InclusiveNamespaces.ExclusiveCanonicalizationNamespace, InclusiveNamespaces._TAG_EC_INCLUSIVENAMESPACES, 0), this.getBaseURI());
            inclusiveNamespaces = InclusiveNamespaces.prefixStr2Set(in.getInclusiveNamespaces());
        return nodes.getHTMLRepresentation(inclusiveNamespaces);
    } catch (XMLSecurityException ex) {
        throw new XMLSignatureException(ex);
Also used : Transforms( InclusiveNamespaces( Transform( XMLSecurityException( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


Transforms ( XMLSignature ( Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)57 Document (org.w3c.dom.Document)45 XPath (javax.xml.xpath.XPath)24 XPathFactory (javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory)23 ByteArrayOutputStream ( DSNamespaceContext ( PrivateKey ( InputStream ( ByteArrayInputStream ( XMLSecurityException ( NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)14 SignatureAlgorithm ( ObjectContainer ( FileInputStream ( XMLSignatureException ( XPathContainer ( KeyStore ( X509Certificate (