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Example 16 with XMLString

use of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString in project j2objc by google.

the class NotEqualComparator method compare.

   * Tell if one object is less than the other.
   * @param obj2 Object to compare this nodeset to
   * @param comparator Comparator to use
   * @return See the comments below for each object type comparison 
   * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
public boolean compare(XObject obj2, Comparator comparator) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {
    boolean result = false;
    int type = obj2.getType();
    if (XObject.CLASS_NODESET == type) {
        // %OPT% This should be XMLString based instead of string based...
        // From 
        // If both objects to be compared are node-sets, then the comparison 
        // will be true if and only if there is a node in the first node-set 
        // and a node in the second node-set such that the result of performing 
        // the comparison on the string-values of the two nodes is true.
        // Note this little gem from the draft:
        // NOTE: If $x is bound to a node-set, then $x="foo" 
        // does not mean the same as not($x!="foo"): the former 
        // is true if and only if some node in $x has the string-value 
        // foo; the latter is true if and only if all nodes in $x have 
        // the string-value foo.
        DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
        DTMIterator list2 = ((XNodeSet) obj2).iterRaw();
        int node1;
        java.util.Vector node2Strings = null;
        while (DTM.NULL != (node1 = list1.nextNode())) {
            XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node1);
            if (null == node2Strings) {
                int node2;
                while (DTM.NULL != (node2 = list2.nextNode())) {
                    XMLString s2 = getStringFromNode(node2);
                    if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2)) {
                        result = true;
                    if (null == node2Strings)
                        node2Strings = new java.util.Vector();
            } else {
                int n = node2Strings.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, (XMLString) node2Strings.elementAt(i))) {
                        result = true;
    } else if (XObject.CLASS_BOOLEAN == type) {
        // From 
        // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a boolean, 
        // then the comparison will be true if and only if the result of 
        // performing the comparison on the boolean and on the result of 
        // converting the node-set to a boolean using the boolean function 
        // is true.
        double num1 = bool() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
        double num2 = obj2.num();
        result = comparator.compareNumbers(num1, num2);
    } else if (XObject.CLASS_NUMBER == type) {
        // From 
        // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number, 
        // then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a 
        // node in the node-set such that the result of performing the 
        // comparison on the number to be compared and on the result of 
        // converting the string-value of that node to a number using 
        // the number function is true. 
        DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
        double num2 = obj2.num();
        int node;
        while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode())) {
            double num1 = getNumberFromNode(node);
            if (comparator.compareNumbers(num1, num2)) {
                result = true;
    } else if (XObject.CLASS_RTREEFRAG == type) {
        XMLString s2 = obj2.xstr();
        DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
        int node;
        while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode())) {
            XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node);
            if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2)) {
                result = true;
    } else if (XObject.CLASS_STRING == type) {
        // From 
        // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a 
        // string, then the comparison will be true if and only if there 
        // is a node in the node-set such that the result of performing 
        // the comparison on the string-value of the node and the other 
        // string is true. 
        XMLString s2 = obj2.xstr();
        DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
        int node;
        while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode())) {
            XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node);
            if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2)) {
                result = true;
    } else {
        result = comparator.compareNumbers(this.num(), obj2.num());
    return result;
Also used : XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString) DTMIterator(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator)

Example 17 with XMLString

use of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString in project j2objc by google.

the class FuncSubstringAfter method execute.

   * Execute the function.  The function must return
   * a valid object.
   * @param xctxt The current execution context.
   * @return A valid XObject.
   * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
public XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {
    XMLString s1 = m_arg0.execute(xctxt).xstr();
    XMLString s2 = m_arg1.execute(xctxt).xstr();
    int index = s1.indexOf(s2);
    return (-1 == index) ? XString.EMPTYSTRING : (XString) s1.substring(index + s2.length());
Also used : XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString)

Example 18 with XMLString

use of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString in project j2objc by google.

the class FuncKey method execute.

   * Execute the function.  The function must return
   * a valid object.
   * @param xctxt The current execution context.
   * @return A valid XObject.
   * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
public XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {
    // TransformerImpl transformer = (TransformerImpl)xctxt;
    TransformerImpl transformer = (TransformerImpl) xctxt.getOwnerObject();
    XNodeSet nodes = null;
    int context = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
    DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(context);
    int docContext = dtm.getDocumentRoot(context);
    if (DTM.NULL == docContext) {
    // path.error(context, XPATHErrorResources.ER_CONTEXT_HAS_NO_OWNERDOC); //"context does not have an owner document!");
    String xkeyname = getArg0().execute(xctxt).str();
    QName keyname = new QName(xkeyname, xctxt.getNamespaceContext());
    XObject arg = getArg1().execute(xctxt);
    boolean argIsNodeSetDTM = (XObject.CLASS_NODESET == arg.getType());
    KeyManager kmgr = transformer.getKeyManager();
    // Don't bother with nodeset logic if the thing is only one node.
    if (argIsNodeSetDTM) {
        XNodeSet ns = (XNodeSet) arg;
        int len = ns.getLength();
        if (len <= 1)
            argIsNodeSetDTM = false;
    if (argIsNodeSetDTM) {
        Hashtable usedrefs = null;
        DTMIterator ni = arg.iter();
        int pos;
        UnionPathIterator upi = new UnionPathIterator();
        while (DTM.NULL != (pos = ni.nextNode())) {
            dtm = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
            XMLString ref = dtm.getStringValue(pos);
            if (null == ref)
            if (null == usedrefs)
                usedrefs = new Hashtable();
            if (usedrefs.get(ref) != null) {
                // We already have 'em.
            } else {
                // ISTRUE being used as a dummy value.
                usedrefs.put(ref, ISTRUE);
            XNodeSet nl = kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname, ref, xctxt.getNamespaceContext());
            nl.setRoot(xctxt.getCurrentNode(), xctxt);
            //        try
            //        {
        //        }
        //        catch(CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
        //        {
        //          // will never happen.
        //        }
        //mnodeset.addNodesInDocOrder(nl, xctxt); needed??
        int current = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
        upi.setRoot(current, xctxt);
        nodes = new XNodeSet(upi);
    } else {
        XMLString ref = arg.xstr();
        nodes = kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname, ref, xctxt.getNamespaceContext());
        nodes.setRoot(xctxt.getCurrentNode(), xctxt);
    return nodes;
Also used : TransformerImpl(org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl) UnionPathIterator(org.apache.xpath.axes.UnionPathIterator) QName(org.apache.xml.utils.QName) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString) XNodeSet(org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet) DTMIterator(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator) DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM) XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString) KeyManager(org.apache.xalan.transformer.KeyManager) XObject(org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject)

Example 19 with XMLString

use of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString in project j2objc by google.

the class ClonerToResultTree method cloneToResultTree.

//  /**
//   * Clone an element with or without children.
//   * TODO: Fix or figure out node clone failure!
//   * the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.
//   *
//   * @param node The node to clone
//   * @param shouldCloneAttributes Flag indicating whether to 
//   * clone children attributes
//   * 
//   * @throws TransformerException
//   */
//  public void cloneToResultTree(int node, boolean shouldCloneAttributes)
//    throws TransformerException
//  {
//    try
//    {
//      XPathContext xctxt = m_transformer.getXPathContext();
//      DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(node);
//      int type = dtm.getNodeType(node);
//      switch (type)
//      {
//      case DTM.TEXT_NODE :
//        dtm.dispatchCharactersEvents(node, m_rth, false);
//        break;
//      case DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE :
//        // Can't clone a document, but refrain from throwing an error
//        // so that copy-of will work
//        break;
//      case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE :
//        {
//          Attributes atts;
//          if (shouldCloneAttributes)
//          {
//            m_rth.addAttributes(node);
//            m_rth.processNSDecls(node, type, dtm);
//          }
//          String ns = dtm.getNamespaceURI(node);
//          String localName = dtm.getLocalName(node);
//          m_rth.startElement(ns, localName, dtm.getNodeNameX(node), null);
//        }
//        break;
//        m_rth.startCDATA();          
//        dtm.dispatchCharactersEvents(node, m_rth, false);
//        m_rth.endCDATA();
//        break;
//      case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :
//        m_rth.addAttribute(node);
//        break;
//      case DTM.COMMENT_NODE :
//        XMLString xstr = dtm.getStringValue (node);
//        xstr.dispatchAsComment(m_rth);
//        break;
//        m_rth.entityReference(dtm.getNodeNameX(node));
//        break;
//        {
//          // %REVIEW% Is the node name the same as the "target"?
//          m_rth.processingInstruction(dtm.getNodeNameX(node), 
//                                      dtm.getNodeValue(node));
//        }
//        break;
//      default :
//        //"Can not create item in result tree: "+node.getNodeName());
//        m_transformer.getMsgMgr().error(null, 
//                         XSLTErrorResources.ER_CANT_CREATE_ITEM,
//                         new Object[]{ dtm.getNodeName(node) });  
//      }
//    }
//    catch(org.xml.sax.SAXException se)
//    {
//      throw new TransformerException(se);
//    }
//  }  // end cloneToResultTree function
   * Clone an element with or without children.
   * TODO: Fix or figure out node clone failure!
   * the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.
   * @param node The node to clone
   * @param shouldCloneAttributes Flag indicating whether to 
   * clone children attributes
   * @throws TransformerException
public static void cloneToResultTree(int node, int nodeType, DTM dtm, SerializationHandler rth, boolean shouldCloneAttributes) throws TransformerException {
    try {
        switch(nodeType) {
            case DTM.TEXT_NODE:
                dtm.dispatchCharactersEvents(node, rth, false);
            case DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE:
                // so that copy-of will work
            case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE:
                    // Note: SAX apparently expects "no namespace" to be
                    // represented as "" rather than null.
                    String ns = dtm.getNamespaceURI(node);
                    if (ns == null)
                        ns = "";
                    String localName = dtm.getLocalName(node);
                    //  rth.startElement(ns, localName, dtm.getNodeNameX(node), null);
                    //  don't call a real SAX startElement (as commented out above),
                    //  call a SAX-like startElement, to be able to add attributes after this call
                    rth.startElement(ns, localName, dtm.getNodeNameX(node));
                    // xsl:attribute directive.)
                    if (shouldCloneAttributes) {
                        SerializerUtils.addAttributes(rth, node);
                        SerializerUtils.processNSDecls(rth, node, nodeType, dtm);
            case DTM.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
                dtm.dispatchCharactersEvents(node, rth, false);
            case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
                SerializerUtils.addAttribute(rth, node);
            case DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE:
                // %REVIEW% Normally, these should have been handled with element.
                // It's possible that someone may write a stylesheet that tries to
                // clone them explicitly. If so, we need the equivalent of
                // rth.addAttribute().
                SerializerUtils.processNSDecls(rth, node, DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE, dtm);
            case DTM.COMMENT_NODE:
                XMLString xstr = dtm.getStringValue(node);
                    // %REVIEW% Is the node name the same as the "target"?
                    rth.processingInstruction(dtm.getNodeNameX(node), dtm.getNodeValue(node));
                //"Can not create item in result tree: "+node.getNodeName());
                throw new TransformerException("Can't clone node: " + dtm.getNodeName(node));
    } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException se) {
        throw new TransformerException(se);
Also used : XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString) XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString) TransformerException(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException)

Example 20 with XMLString

use of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString in project j2objc by google.

the class KeyTable method getRefsTable.

   * @return lazy initialized refs table associating evaluation of key function
   *         with a XNodeSet
private Hashtable getRefsTable() {
    if (m_refsTable == null) {
        // initial capacity set to a prime number to improve hash performance
        m_refsTable = new Hashtable(89);
        KeyIterator ki = (KeyIterator) (m_keyNodes).getContainedIter();
        XPathContext xctxt = ki.getXPathContext();
        Vector keyDecls = getKeyDeclarations();
        int nKeyDecls = keyDecls.size();
        int currentNode;
        while (DTM.NULL != (currentNode = m_keyNodes.nextNode())) {
            try {
                for (int keyDeclIdx = 0; keyDeclIdx < nKeyDecls; keyDeclIdx++) {
                    KeyDeclaration keyDeclaration = (KeyDeclaration) keyDecls.elementAt(keyDeclIdx);
                    XObject xuse = keyDeclaration.getUse().execute(xctxt, currentNode, ki.getPrefixResolver());
                    if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET) {
                        XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();
                        addValueInRefsTable(xctxt, exprResult, currentNode);
                    } else {
                        DTMIterator i = ((XNodeSet) xuse).iterRaw();
                        int currentNodeInUseClause;
                        while (DTM.NULL != (currentNodeInUseClause = i.nextNode())) {
                            DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(currentNodeInUseClause);
                            XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(currentNodeInUseClause);
                            addValueInRefsTable(xctxt, exprResult, currentNode);
            } catch (TransformerException te) {
                throw new WrappedRuntimeException(te);
    return m_refsTable;
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) DTMIterator(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator) XNodeSet(org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet) KeyDeclaration(org.apache.xalan.templates.KeyDeclaration) XPathContext(org.apache.xpath.XPathContext) XMLString(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString) DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM) Vector(java.util.Vector) XObject(org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject) TransformerException(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException) WrappedRuntimeException(org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException)


XMLString (org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString)32 DTM (org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM)12 DTMIterator (org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator)10 XNodeSet (org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet)6 XObject (org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject)6 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)6 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)4 TransformerException (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException)4 FastStringBuffer (org.apache.xml.utils.FastStringBuffer)3 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 KeyDeclaration (org.apache.xalan.templates.KeyDeclaration)2 KeyManager (org.apache.xalan.transformer.KeyManager)2 TransformerImpl (org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl)2 NodeConsumer (org.apache.xml.utils.NodeConsumer)2 QName (org.apache.xml.utils.QName)2 WrappedRuntimeException (org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException)2 XMLStringFactory (org.apache.xml.utils.XMLStringFactory)2 Expression (org.apache.xpath.Expression)2 NodeSetDTM (org.apache.xpath.NodeSetDTM)2 XPathContext (org.apache.xpath.XPathContext)2