use of org.apache.xpath.XPath in project j2objc by google.
the class StylesheetRoot method initDefaultRule.
* Create the default rule if needed.
* @throws TransformerException
private void initDefaultRule(ErrorListener errorListener) throws TransformerException {
// Then manufacture a default
m_defaultRule = new ElemTemplate();
XPath defMatch = new XPath("*", this, this, XPath.MATCH, errorListener);
ElemApplyTemplates childrenElement = new ElemApplyTemplates();
m_startRule = m_defaultRule;
// -----------------------------
m_defaultTextRule = new ElemTemplate();
defMatch = new XPath("text() | @*", this, this, XPath.MATCH, errorListener);
ElemValueOf elemValueOf = new ElemValueOf();
XPath selectPattern = new XPath(".", this, this, XPath.SELECT, errorListener);
m_defaultRootRule = new ElemTemplate();
defMatch = new XPath("/", this, this, XPath.MATCH, errorListener);
childrenElement = new ElemApplyTemplates();
use of org.apache.xpath.XPath in project j2objc by google.
the class KeyIterator method acceptNode.
* Test whether a specified node is visible in the logical view of a
* TreeWalker or NodeIterator. This function will be called by the
* implementation of TreeWalker and NodeIterator; it is not intended to
* be called directly from user code.
* @param testNode The node to check to see if it passes the filter or not.
* @return a constant to determine whether the node is accepted,
* rejected, or skipped, as defined above .
public short acceptNode(int testNode) {
boolean foundKey = false;
KeyIterator ki = (KeyIterator) m_lpi;
org.apache.xpath.XPathContext xctxt = ki.getXPathContext();
Vector keys = ki.getKeyDeclarations();
QName name = ki.getName();
try {
// System.out.println("lookupKey: "+lookupKey);
int nDeclarations = keys.size();
// Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
for (int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++) {
KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration) keys.elementAt(i);
// matches the name on the iterator for this walker.
if (!kd.getName().equals(name))
foundKey = true;
// xctxt.setNamespaceContext(ki.getPrefixResolver());
// See if our node matches the given key declaration according to
// the match attribute on xsl:key.
XPath matchExpr = kd.getMatch();
double score = matchExpr.getMatchScore(xctxt, testNode);
if (score == kd.getMatch().MATCH_SCORE_NONE)
return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
// end for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
} catch (TransformerException se) {
// TODO: What to do?
if (!foundKey)
throw new RuntimeException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_XSLKEY_DECLARATION, new Object[] { name.getLocalName() }));
return DTMIterator.FILTER_REJECT;
use of org.apache.xpath.XPath in project j2objc by google.
the class RedundentExprEliminator method createLocalPseudoVarDecl.
* Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the
* shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.
* @param uniquePseudoVarName The name of the new variable.
* @param psuedoVarRecipient The broadest scope of where the variable
* should be inserted, usually an xsl:template or xsl:for-each.
* @param lpi The LocationPathIterator that the variable should represent.
* @return null if the decl was not created, otherwise the new Pseudo var
* element.
protected ElemVariable createLocalPseudoVarDecl(QName uniquePseudoVarName, ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi) throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException {
ElemVariable psuedoVar = new ElemVariablePsuedo();
XPath xpath = new XPath(lpi);
ElemVariable var = addVarDeclToElem(psuedoVarRecipient, lpi, psuedoVar);
return var;
use of org.apache.xpath.XPath in project j2objc by google.
the class ElemVariable method compose.
* This function is called after everything else has been
* recomposed, and allows the template to set remaining
* values that may be based on some other property that
* depends on recomposition.
public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws TransformerException {
// See if we can reduce an RTF to a select with a string expression.
if (null == m_selectPattern && sroot.getOptimizer()) {
XPath newSelect = rewriteChildToExpression(this);
if (null != newSelect)
m_selectPattern = newSelect;
StylesheetRoot.ComposeState cstate = sroot.getComposeState();
// This should be done before addVariableName, so we don't have visibility
// to the variable now being defined.
java.util.Vector vnames = cstate.getVariableNames();
if (null != m_selectPattern)
m_selectPattern.fixupVariables(vnames, cstate.getGlobalsSize());
// it was already added by stylesheet root.
if (!(m_parentNode instanceof Stylesheet) && m_qname != null) {
m_index = cstate.addVariableName(m_qname) - cstate.getGlobalsSize();
} else if (m_parentNode instanceof Stylesheet) {
// If this is a global, then we need to treat it as if it's a xsl:template,
// and count the number of variables it contains. So we set the count to
// zero here.
// This has to be done after the addVariableName, so that the variable
// pushed won't be immediately popped again in endCompose.
use of org.apache.xpath.XPath in project j2objc by google.
the class RedundentExprEliminator method createGlobalPseudoVarDecl.
* Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the
* shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.
* @param uniquePseudoVarName The name of the new variable.
* @param stylesheetRoot The broadest scope of where the variable
* should be inserted, which must be a StylesheetRoot element in this case.
* @param lpi The LocationPathIterator that the variable should represent.
* @return null if the decl was not created, otherwise the new Pseudo var
* element.
protected ElemVariable createGlobalPseudoVarDecl(QName uniquePseudoVarName, StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot, LocPathIterator lpi) throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException {
ElemVariable psuedoVar = new ElemVariable();
XPath xpath = new XPath(lpi);
Vector globalVars = stylesheetRoot.getVariablesAndParamsComposed();
return psuedoVar;