use of org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext in project zeppelin by apache.
the class ElasticsearchInterpreterTest method testCount.
public void testCount(ElasticsearchInterpreter interpreter) {
final InterpreterContext ctx = buildContext("testCount");
InterpreterResult res = interpreter.interpret("count /unknown", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.ERROR, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("count /logs", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
assertEquals("50", res.message().get(0).getData());
assertNotNull(ctx.getAngularObjectRegistry().get("count_testCount", null, null));
assertEquals(50l, ctx.getAngularObjectRegistry().get("count_testCount", null, null).get());
res = interpreter.interpret("count /logs { \"query\": { \"match\": { \"status\": 500 } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
use of org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext in project zeppelin by apache.
the class ElasticsearchInterpreterTest method testGet.
public void testGet(ElasticsearchInterpreter interpreter) {
final InterpreterContext ctx = buildContext("get");
InterpreterResult res = interpreter.interpret("get /logs/http/unknown", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.ERROR, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("get /logs/http/unknown/unknown", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.ERROR, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("get /unknown/unknown/unknown", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.ERROR, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("get /logs/http/very/strange/id#1", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("get /logs/http/4", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("get /logs/_all/4", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
use of org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext in project zeppelin by apache.
the class JDBCInterpreterTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getJdbcConnection());
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
statement.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table; " + "CREATE TABLE test_table(id varchar(255), name varchar(255));");
PreparedStatement insertStatement = connection.prepareStatement("insert into test_table(id, name) values ('a', 'a_name'),('b', 'b_name'),('c', ?);");
insertStatement.setString(1, null);
interpreterContext = new InterpreterContext("", "1", null, "", "", new AuthenticationInfo(), null, null, null, null, null, null);
use of org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext in project zeppelin by apache.
the class ElasticsearchInterpreterTest method testSearch.
public void testSearch(ElasticsearchInterpreter interpreter) {
final InterpreterContext ctx = buildContext("search");
InterpreterResult res = interpreter.interpret("size 10\nsearch /logs *", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs {{{hello}}}", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.ERROR, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"query\": { \"match\": { \"status\": 500 } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs status:404", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"fields\": [ \"date\", \"request.headers\" ], \"query\": { \"match\": { \"status\": 500 } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
use of org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterContext in project zeppelin by apache.
the class ElasticsearchInterpreterTest method testAgg.
public void testAgg(ElasticsearchInterpreter interpreter) {
final InterpreterContext ctx = buildContext("agg");
// Single-value metric
InterpreterResult res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"aggs\" : { \"distinct_status_count\" : " + " { \"cardinality\" : { \"field\" : \"status\" } } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
// Multi-value metric
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"aggs\" : { \"content_length_stats\" : " + " { \"extended_stats\" : { \"field\" : \"content_length\" } } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
// Single bucket
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"aggs\" : { " + " \"200_OK\" : { \"filter\" : { \"term\": { \"status\": \"200\" } }, " + " \"aggs\" : { \"avg_length\" : { \"avg\" : { \"field\" : \"content_length\" } } } } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
// Multi-buckets
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"aggs\" : { \"status_count\" : " + " { \"terms\" : { \"field\" : \"status\" } } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());
res = interpreter.interpret("search /logs { \"aggs\" : { " + " \"length\" : { \"terms\": { \"field\": \"status\" }, " + " \"aggs\" : { \"sum_length\" : { \"sum\" : { \"field\" : \"content_length\" } }, \"sum_status\" : { \"sum\" : { \"field\" : \"status\" } } } } } }", ctx);
assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, res.code());