use of org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin in project zookeeper by apache.
the class ReconfigExceptionTest method resetZKAdmin.
// Utility method that recreates a new ZooKeeperAdmin handle, and wait for the handle to connect to
// quorum servers.
private void resetZKAdmin() throws InterruptedException {
String cnxString;
ClientBase.CountdownWatcher watcher = new ClientBase.CountdownWatcher();
try {
cnxString = "" + qu.getPeer(1).peer.getClientPort();
if (zkAdmin != null) {
zkAdmin = new ZooKeeperAdmin(cnxString, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("Fail to create ZooKeeperAdmin handle.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | TimeoutException e) {
fail("ZooKeeper admin client can not connect to " + cnxString);
use of org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin in project zookeeper by apache.
the class ReconfigTest method createAdminHandles.
public static ZooKeeperAdmin[] createAdminHandles(QuorumUtil qu) throws IOException {
// create an extra handle, so we can index the handles from 1 to qu.ALL
// using the server id.
ZooKeeperAdmin[] zkAdminArr = new ZooKeeperAdmin[qu.ALL + 1];
// not used.
zkAdminArr[0] = null;
for (int i = 1; i <= qu.ALL; i++) {
// server ids are 1, 2 and 3
zkAdminArr[i] = new ZooKeeperAdmin("" + qu.getPeer(i).peer.getClientPort(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, DummyWatcher.INSTANCE);
zkAdminArr[i].addAuthInfo("digest", "super:test".getBytes());
return zkAdminArr;
use of org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin in project zookeeper by apache.
the class ReconfigTest method testRoleChange.
public void testRoleChange() throws Exception {
// create 3 servers
qu = new QuorumUtil(1);
qu.disableJMXTest = true;
zkArr = createHandles(qu);
zkAdminArr = createAdminHandles(qu);
// changing a server's role / port is done by "adding" it with the same
// id but different role / port
List<String> joiningServers = new ArrayList<String>();
int leaderIndex = getLeaderId(qu);
// during first and second iteration, leavingIndex will correspond to a
// follower
// during third and fouth iteration leavingIndex will be the index of
// the leader
int changingIndex = (leaderIndex == 1) ? 2 : 1;
// first convert participant to observer, then observer to participant,
// and so on
String newRole = "observer";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// some of the operations will be executed by a client connected to
// the removed server
// while others are invoked by a client connected to some other
// server.
// when we're removing the leader, zk1 will be the client connected
// to removed server
ZooKeeper zk1 = (changingIndex == leaderIndex) ? zkArr[leaderIndex] : zkArr[(leaderIndex % qu.ALL) + 1];
ZooKeeperAdmin zkAdmin1 = (changingIndex == leaderIndex) ? zkAdminArr[leaderIndex] : zkAdminArr[(leaderIndex % qu.ALL) + 1];
// exactly as it is now, except for role change
joiningServers.add("server." + changingIndex + "=localhost:" + qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.getQuorumAddress().getAllPorts().get(0) + ":" + qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.getElectionAddress().getAllPorts().get(0) + ":" + newRole + ";localhost:" + qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.getClientPort());
reconfig(zkAdmin1, joiningServers, null, null, -1);
testNormalOperation(zkArr[changingIndex], zk1);
if (newRole.equals("observer")) {
assertTrue(qu.getPeer(changingIndex) != null && qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.follower == null && qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.leader == null);
assertTrue(qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.getPeerState() == ServerState.OBSERVING);
} else {
assertTrue(qu.getPeer(changingIndex) == null && (qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.follower != null || qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.leader != null));
assertTrue(qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.getPeerState() == ServerState.FOLLOWING || qu.getPeer(changingIndex).peer.getPeerState() == ServerState.LEADING);
if (newRole.equals("observer")) {
newRole = "participant";
} else {
// lets change leader to observer
newRole = "observer";
leaderIndex = getLeaderId(qu);
changingIndex = leaderIndex;
use of org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin in project zookeeper by apache.
the class ReconfigTest method testRemoveAddOne.
public void testRemoveAddOne() throws Exception {
// create 3 servers
qu = new QuorumUtil(1);
qu.disableJMXTest = true;
zkArr = createHandles(qu);
zkAdminArr = createAdminHandles(qu);
List<String> leavingServers = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> joiningServers = new ArrayList<String>();
int leaderIndex = getLeaderId(qu);
// during first iteration, leavingIndex will correspond to a follower
// during second iteration leavingIndex will be the index of the leader
int leavingIndex = (leaderIndex == 1) ? 2 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// some of the operations will be executed by a client connected to
// the removed server
// while others are invoked by a client connected to some other
// server.
// when we're removing the leader, zk1 will be the client connected
// to removed server
ZooKeeper zk1 = (leavingIndex == leaderIndex) ? zkArr[leaderIndex] : zkArr[(leaderIndex % qu.ALL) + 1];
ZooKeeper zk2 = (leavingIndex == leaderIndex) ? zkArr[(leaderIndex % qu.ALL) + 1] : zkArr[leaderIndex];
ZooKeeperAdmin zkAdmin1 = (leavingIndex == leaderIndex) ? zkAdminArr[leaderIndex] : zkAdminArr[(leaderIndex % qu.ALL) + 1];
ZooKeeperAdmin zkAdmin2 = (leavingIndex == leaderIndex) ? zkAdminArr[(leaderIndex % qu.ALL) + 1] : zkAdminArr[leaderIndex];
// remember this server so we can add it back later
joiningServers.add("server." + leavingIndex + "=localhost:" + qu.getPeer(leavingIndex).peer.getQuorumAddress().getAllPorts().get(0) + ":" + qu.getPeer(leavingIndex).peer.getElectionAddress().getAllPorts().get(0) + ":participant;localhost:" + qu.getPeer(leavingIndex).peer.getClientPort());
String configStr = reconfig(zkAdmin1, null, leavingServers, null, -1);
testServerHasConfig(zk2, null, leavingServers);
testNormalOperation(zk2, zk1);
QuorumVerifier qv = qu.getPeer(1).peer.configFromString(configStr);
long version = qv.getVersion();
// checks that conditioning on version works properly
try {
reconfig(zkAdmin2, joiningServers, null, null, version + 1);
fail("reconfig succeeded even though version condition was incorrect!");
} catch (KeeperException.BadVersionException e) {
reconfig(zkAdmin2, joiningServers, null, null, version);
testNormalOperation(zk1, zk2);
testServerHasConfig(zk1, joiningServers, null);
// second iteration of the loop will remove the leader
// and add it back (as follower)
leavingIndex = leaderIndex = getLeaderId(qu);
use of org.apache.zookeeper.admin.ZooKeeperAdmin in project zookeeper by apache.
the class ObserverMasterTest method testDynamicReconfig.
// This test is known to be flaky and fail due to "reconfig already in progress".
// TODO: Investigate intermittent testDynamicReconfig failures.
@ValueSource(booleans = { true, false })
public void testDynamicReconfig(boolean testObserverMaster) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeeperException {
if (!testObserverMaster) {
// create a quorum running with different observer master port
// to make it easier to choose which server the observer is
// following with
// we have setObserverMaster function but it's broken, use this
// solution before we fixed that
int clientPort1 = PortAssignment.unique();
int clientPort2 = PortAssignment.unique();
int omPort1 = PortAssignment.unique();
int omPort2 = PortAssignment.unique();
String quorumCfgSection = createServerString("participant", 1, clientPort1) + "\n" + createServerString("participant", 2, clientPort2);
MainThread s1 = new MainThread(1, clientPort1, quorumCfgSection, String.format("observerMasterPort=%d%n", omPort1));
MainThread s2 = new MainThread(2, clientPort2, quorumCfgSection, String.format("observerMasterPort=%d%n", omPort2));
// create observer to follow non-leader observer master
long nonLeaderOMPort = s1.getQuorumPeer().leader == null ? omPort1 : omPort2;
int observerClientPort = PortAssignment.unique();
int observerId = 10;
MainThread observer = new MainThread(observerId, observerClientPort, quorumCfgSection + "\n" + createServerString("observer", observerId, observerClientPort), String.format("observerMasterPort=%d%n", nonLeaderOMPort));"starting observer");
// create a client to the observer
final LinkedBlockingQueue<KeeperState> states = new LinkedBlockingQueue<KeeperState>();
ZooKeeper observerClient = new ZooKeeper("" + observerClientPort, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, event -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
// wait for connected
KeeperState state = states.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(KeeperState.SyncConnected, state);
// issue reconfig command
ArrayList<String> newServers = new ArrayList<String>();
String server = "server.3=" + PortAssignment.unique() + ":" + PortAssignment.unique() + ":participant;localhost:" + PortAssignment.unique();
ZooKeeperAdmin admin = createAdmin(clientPort1);
ReconfigTest.reconfig(admin, newServers, null, null, -1);
// make sure the observer has the new config
ReconfigTest.testServerHasConfig(observerClient, newServers, null);
// shouldn't be disconnected during reconfig, so expect to not
// receive any new event
state = states.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);