use of org.apereo.cas.ticket.AbstractTicketException in project cas by apereo.
the class AbstractServiceValidateController method handleTicketValidation.
* Handle ticket validation model and view.
* @param request the request
* @param service the service
* @param serviceTicketId the service ticket id
* @return the model and view
protected ModelAndView handleTicketValidation(final HttpServletRequest request, final WebApplicationService service, final String serviceTicketId) {
TicketGrantingTicket proxyGrantingTicketId = null;
final Credential serviceCredential = getServiceCredentialsFromRequest(service, request);
if (serviceCredential != null) {
try {
proxyGrantingTicketId = handleProxyGrantingTicketDelivery(serviceTicketId, serviceCredential);
} catch (final AuthenticationException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to authenticate service credential [{}]", serviceCredential);
return generateErrorView(CasProtocolConstants.ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PROXY_CALLBACK, new Object[] { serviceCredential.getId() }, request, service);
} catch (final InvalidTicketException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to create proxy granting ticket due to an invalid ticket for [{}]", serviceCredential, e);
return generateErrorView(e.getCode(), new Object[] { serviceTicketId }, request, service);
} catch (final AbstractTicketException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to create proxy granting ticket for [{}]", serviceCredential, e);
return generateErrorView(e.getCode(), new Object[] { serviceCredential.getId() }, request, service);
final Assertion assertion = this.centralAuthenticationService.validateServiceTicket(serviceTicketId, service);
if (!validateAssertion(request, serviceTicketId, assertion, service)) {
return generateErrorView(CasProtocolConstants.ERROR_CODE_INVALID_TICKET, new Object[] { serviceTicketId }, request, service);
final Pair<Boolean, Optional<MultifactorAuthenticationProvider>> ctxResult = validateAuthenticationContext(assertion, request);
if (!ctxResult.getKey()) {
throw new UnsatisfiedAuthenticationContextTicketValidationException(assertion.getService());
String proxyIou = null;
if (serviceCredential != null && this.proxyHandler != null && this.proxyHandler.canHandle(serviceCredential)) {
proxyIou = handleProxyIouDelivery(serviceCredential, proxyGrantingTicketId);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(proxyIou)) {
return generateErrorView(CasProtocolConstants.ERROR_CODE_INVALID_PROXY_CALLBACK, new Object[] { serviceCredential.getId() }, request, service);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("No service credentials specified, and/or the proxy handler [{}] cannot handle credentials", this.proxyHandler);
onSuccessfulValidation(serviceTicketId, assertion);
LOGGER.debug("Successfully validated service ticket [{}] for service [{}]", serviceTicketId, service.getId());
return generateSuccessView(assertion, proxyIou, service, request, ctxResult.getValue(), proxyGrantingTicketId);
use of org.apereo.cas.ticket.AbstractTicketException in project cas by apereo.
the class AbstractServiceValidateController method handleRequestInternal.
public ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
final WebApplicationService service = this.argumentExtractor.extractService(request);
final String serviceTicketId = service != null ? service.getArtifactId() : null;
if (service == null || !StringUtils.hasText(serviceTicketId)) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not identify service and/or service ticket for service: [{}]", service);
return generateErrorView(CasProtocolConstants.ERROR_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST, null, request, service);
try {
prepareForTicketValidation(request, service, serviceTicketId);
return handleTicketValidation(request, service, serviceTicketId);
} catch (final AbstractTicketValidationException e) {
final String code = e.getCode();
return generateErrorView(code, new Object[] { serviceTicketId, e.getService().getId(), service.getId() }, request, service);
} catch (final AbstractTicketException e) {
return generateErrorView(e.getCode(), new Object[] { serviceTicketId }, request, service);
} catch (final UnauthorizedProxyingException e) {
return generateErrorView(CasProtocolConstants.ERROR_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED_SERVICE_PROXY, new Object[] { service.getId() }, request, service);
} catch (final UnauthorizedServiceException | PrincipalException e) {
return generateErrorView(CasProtocolConstants.ERROR_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED_SERVICE, null, request, service);
use of org.apereo.cas.ticket.AbstractTicketException in project cas by apereo.
the class OpenIdServiceResponseBuilder method build.
* Generates an Openid response.
* If no ticketId is found, response is negative.
* If we have a ticket id, then we check if we have an association.
* If so, we ask OpenId server manager to generate the answer according with the existing association.
* If not, we send back an answer with the ticket id as association handle.
* This will force the consumer to ask a verification, which will validate the service ticket.
* @param ticketId the service ticket to provide to the service.
* @param webApplicationService the service requesting an openid response
* @return the generated authentication answer
public Response build(final WebApplicationService webApplicationService, final String ticketId) {
final OpenIdService service = (OpenIdService) webApplicationService;
final ParameterList parameterList = new ParameterList(WebUtils.getHttpServletRequestFromRequestAttributes().getParameterMap());
final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(ticketId)) {
parameters.put(OpenIdProtocolConstants.OPENID_MODE, OpenIdProtocolConstants.CANCEL);
return buildRedirect(service, parameters);
final Association association = getAssociation(serverManager, parameterList);
final boolean associated = association != null;
final boolean associationValid = isAssociationValid(association);
boolean successFullAuthentication = true;
Assertion assertion = null;
try {
if (associated && associationValid) {
assertion = centralAuthenticationService.validateServiceTicket(ticketId, service);
LOGGER.debug("Validated openid ticket [{}] for [{}]", ticketId, service);
} else if (!associated) {
LOGGER.debug("Responding to non-associated mode. Service ticket [{}] must be validated by the RP", ticketId);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Association does not exist or is not valid");
successFullAuthentication = false;
} catch (final AbstractTicketException e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not validate ticket : [{}]", e.getMessage(), e);
successFullAuthentication = false;
final String id = determineIdentity(service, assertion);
return buildAuthenticationResponse(service, parameters, successFullAuthentication, id, parameterList);
use of org.apereo.cas.ticket.AbstractTicketException in project cas by apereo.
the class WsFederationAction method doExecute.
* Executes the webflow action.
* @param context the context
* @return the event
* @throws Exception all unhandled exceptions
protected Event doExecute(final RequestContext context) throws Exception {
try {
final HttpServletRequest request = WebUtils.getHttpServletRequest(context);
final HttpSession session = request.getSession();
final String wa = request.getParameter(WA);
// it's an authentication
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(wa) && wa.equalsIgnoreCase(WSIGNIN)) {
final String wResult = request.getParameter(WRESULT);
LOGGER.debug("Parameter [{}] received: [{}]", WRESULT, wResult);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(wResult)) {
LOGGER.error("No [{}] parameter is found", WRESULT);
return error();
// create credentials
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to create an assertion from the token parameter");
final Assertion assertion = this.wsFederationHelper.parseTokenFromString(wResult, configuration);
if (assertion == null) {
LOGGER.error("Could not validate assertion via parsing the token from [{}]", WRESULT);
return error();
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to validate the signature on the assertion");
if (!this.wsFederationHelper.validateSignature(assertion, this.configuration)) {
LOGGER.error("WS Requested Security Token is blank or the signature is not valid.");
return error();
try {
final Service service = (Service) session.getAttribute(SERVICE);
LOGGER.debug("Creating credential based on the provided assertion");
final WsFederationCredential credential = this.wsFederationHelper.createCredentialFromToken(assertion);
final String rpId = getRelyingPartyIdentifier(service);
if (credential != null && credential.isValid(rpId, this.configuration.getIdentityProviderIdentifier(), this.configuration.getTolerance())) {
LOGGER.debug("Validated assertion for the created credential successfully");
if (this.configuration.getAttributeMutator() != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Modifying credential attributes based on [{}]", this.configuration.getAttributeMutator().getClass().getSimpleName());
} else {
LOGGER.warn("SAML assertions are blank or no longer valid based on RP identifier [{}] and IdP identifier [{}]", rpId, this.configuration.getIdentityProviderIdentifier());
final String url = authorizationUrl + rpId;
context.getFlowScope().put(PROVIDERURL, url);
LOGGER.warn("Created authentication url [{}] and returning error", url);
return error();
context.getFlowScope().put(SERVICE, service);
restoreRequestAttribute(request, session, THEME);
restoreRequestAttribute(request, session, LOCALE);
restoreRequestAttribute(request, session, METHOD);
LOGGER.debug("Creating final authentication result based on the given credential");
final AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = this.authenticationSystemSupport.handleAndFinalizeSingleAuthenticationTransaction(service, credential);
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to create a ticket-granting ticket for the authentication result");
WebUtils.putTicketGrantingTicketInScopes(context, this.centralAuthenticationService.createTicketGrantingTicket(authenticationResult));"Token validated and new [{}] created: [{}]", credential.getClass().getName(), credential);
return success();
} catch (final AbstractTicketException e) {
LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return error();
} else {
// no authentication : go to login page. save parameters in web session
final Service service = (Service) context.getFlowScope().get(SERVICE);
if (service != null) {
session.setAttribute(SERVICE, service);
saveRequestParameter(request, session, THEME);
saveRequestParameter(request, session, LOCALE);
saveRequestParameter(request, session, METHOD);
final String url = authorizationUrl + getRelyingPartyIdentifier(service);"Preparing to redirect to the IdP [{}]", url);
context.getFlowScope().put(PROVIDERURL, url);
LOGGER.debug("Returning error event");
return error();
} catch (final Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
return error();
use of org.apereo.cas.ticket.AbstractTicketException in project cas by apereo.
the class GenerateServiceTicketAction method doExecute.
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* In the initial primary authentication flow, credentials are cached and available.
* Since they are authenticated as part of submission first, there is no need to doubly
* authenticate and verify credentials.
* <p>
* In subsequent authentication flows where a TGT is available and only an ST needs to be
* created, there are no cached copies of the credential, since we do have a TGT available.
* So we will simply grab the available authentication and produce the final result based on that.
protected Event doExecute(final RequestContext context) {
final Service service = WebUtils.getService(context);
LOGGER.debug("Service asking for service ticket is [{}]", service);
final String ticketGrantingTicket = WebUtils.getTicketGrantingTicketId(context);
LOGGER.debug("Ticket-granting ticket found in the context is [{}]", ticketGrantingTicket);
try {
final Authentication authentication = this.ticketRegistrySupport.getAuthenticationFrom(ticketGrantingTicket);
if (authentication == null) {
throw new InvalidTicketException(new AuthenticationException("No authentication found for ticket " + ticketGrantingTicket), ticketGrantingTicket);
final Service selectedService = authenticationRequestServiceSelectionStrategies.resolveService(service);
final RegisteredService registeredService = servicesManager.findServiceBy(selectedService);
LOGGER.debug("Registered service asking for service ticket is [{}]", registeredService);
WebUtils.putRegisteredService(context, registeredService);
WebUtils.putService(context, service);
if (registeredService != null) {
final URI url = registeredService.getAccessStrategy().getUnauthorizedRedirectUrl();
if (url != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Registered service may redirect to [{}] for unauthorized access requests", url);
WebUtils.putUnauthorizedRedirectUrlIntoFlowScope(context, url);
if (WebUtils.getWarningCookie(context)) {
LOGGER.debug("Warning cookie is present in the request context. Routing result to [{}] state", CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_WARN);
return result(CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_WARN);
final Credential credential = WebUtils.getCredential(context);
final AuthenticationResultBuilder builder = this.authenticationSystemSupport.establishAuthenticationContextFromInitial(authentication, credential);
final AuthenticationResult authenticationResult =;
LOGGER.debug("Built the final authentication result [{}] to grant service ticket to [{}]", authenticationResult, service);
final ServiceTicket serviceTicketId = this.centralAuthenticationService.grantServiceTicket(ticketGrantingTicket, service, authenticationResult);
WebUtils.putServiceTicketInRequestScope(context, serviceTicketId);
LOGGER.debug("Granted service ticket [{}] and added it to the request scope", serviceTicketId);
return success();
} catch (final AbstractTicketException e) {
if (e instanceof InvalidTicketException) {
LOGGER.debug("CAS has determined ticket-granting ticket [{}] is invalid and must be destroyed", ticketGrantingTicket);
if (isGatewayPresent(context)) {
LOGGER.debug("Request indicates that it is gateway. Routing result to [{}] state", CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_GATEWAY);
return result(CasWebflowConstants.STATE_ID_GATEWAY);
LOGGER.warn("Could not grant service ticket [{}]. Routing to [{}]", e.getMessage(), CasWebflowConstants.TRANSITION_ID_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE);
return newEvent(CasWebflowConstants.TRANSITION_ID_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, e);