use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletDefinitionImporterExporter method savePortletDefinition.
* Save a portlet definition.
* @param definition the portlet definition
* @param categories the list of categories for the portlet
* @param permissionMap a map of permission name -> list of groups who are granted that
* permission (Note: for now, only grant is supported and only for the FRAMEWORK_OWNER perm
* manager)
private IPortletDefinition savePortletDefinition(IPortletDefinition definition, List<PortletCategory> categories, Map<ExternalPermissionDefinition, Set<IGroupMember>> permissionMap) {
boolean newChannel = (definition.getPortletDefinitionId() == null);
// save the channel
definition = portletDefinitionDao.savePortletDefinition(definition);
definition = portletDefinitionDao.getPortletDefinitionByFname(definition.getFName());
final String defId = definition.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId();
final IEntity portletDefEntity = GroupService.getEntity(defId, IPortletDefinition.class);
// The groups service needs to deal with concurrent modification better.
synchronized (this.groupUpdateLock) {
// Delete existing category memberships for this channel
if (!newChannel) {
for (IEntityGroup group : portletDefEntity.getAncestorGroups()) {
// For each category ID, add channel to category
for (PortletCategory category : categories) {
final IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findGroup(category.getId());
// Set groups
final AuthorizationServiceFacade authService = AuthorizationServiceFacade.instance();
final String target = PermissionHelper.permissionTargetIdForPortletDefinition(definition);
// Loop over the affected permission managers...
Map<String, Collection<ExternalPermissionDefinition>> permissionsBySystem = getPermissionsBySystem(permissionMap.keySet());
for (String system : permissionsBySystem.keySet()) {
Collection<ExternalPermissionDefinition> systemPerms = permissionsBySystem.get(system);
// get the permission manager for this system...
final IUpdatingPermissionManager upm = authService.newUpdatingPermissionManager(system);
final List<IPermission> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
// add activity grants for each permission..
for (ExternalPermissionDefinition permissionDef : systemPerms) {
Set<IGroupMember> members = permissionMap.get(permissionDef);
for (final IGroupMember member : members) {
final IAuthorizationPrincipal authPrincipal = authService.newPrincipal(member);
final IPermission permEntity = upm.newPermission(authPrincipal);
// ones
if (!newChannel) {
for (ExternalPermissionDefinition permissionName : permissionMap.keySet()) {
IPermission[] oldPermissions = upm.getPermissions(permissionName.getActivity(), target);
upm.addPermissions(permissions.toArray(new IPermission[permissions.size()]));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Portlet " + defId + " has been " + (newChannel ? "published" : "modified") + ".");
return definition;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class DynamicRespondrSkinViewController method displaySkinCssHeader.
* Display Skin CSS include based on skin's configuration values from portlet preferences.<br>
* dynamic=false: load the pre-built css file from the skins directory and default skin name;
* e.g. RELATIVE_ROOT/{defaultSkin}.css dynamic=true: Process the default skin less file if
* needed at RELATIVE_ROOT/{defaultSkin}.less to create a customized skin css file
* (RELATIVE_ROOT/skin-ID#.css to load.
public ModelAndView displaySkinCssHeader(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, Model model) throws IOException {
if (PortletRequest.RENDER_HEADERS.equals(request.getAttribute(PortletRequest.RENDER_PART))) {
PortletPreferences prefs = request.getPreferences();
Boolean enabled = Boolean.valueOf(prefs.getValue(DynamicRespondrSkinConstants.PREF_DYNAMIC, "false"));
String skinName = prefs.getValue(DynamicRespondrSkinConstants.PREF_SKIN_NAME, DynamicRespondrSkinConstants.DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME);
String cssUrl = enabled ? calculateDynamicSkinUrlPathToUse(request, skinName) : calculateDefaultSkinCssLocationInWebapp(skinName);
model.addAttribute(DynamicRespondrSkinConstants.SKIN_CSS_URL_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, cssUrl);
return new ModelAndView("jsp/DynamicRespondrSkin/skinHeader");
} else {
// We need to know if this user can CONFIG this skin
// Default
boolean canAccessSkinConfig = false;
final HttpServletRequest httpr = portalRequestUtils.getCurrentPortalRequest();
final IPerson user = personManager.getPerson(httpr);
final IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = AuthorizationPrincipalHelper.principalFromUser(user);
final IPortletWindowId portletWindowId = portletWindowRegistry.getPortletWindowId(httpr, request.getWindowID());
final IPortletWindow portletWindow = portletWindowRegistry.getPortletWindow(httpr, portletWindowId);
final IPortletEntity portletEntity = portletWindow.getPortletEntity();
if (principal.canConfigure(portletEntity.getPortletDefinitionId().toString())) {
canAccessSkinConfig = true;
return new ModelAndView("jsp/DynamicRespondrSkin/skinBody", DynamicRespondrSkinConstants.CAN_ACCESS_SKIN_CONFIG_MODEL_NAME, canAccessSkinConfig);
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PopularPortletsController method buildEventCounts.
private List<PortletUsage> buildEventCounts(Integer days, IPerson user, Locale locale) {
final DateTime end = new DateTime();
final DateTime begin = end.minusDays(days);
final IEntityGroup everyone = GroupService.getRootGroup(IPerson.class);
final AggregatedGroupMapping group = aggregatedGroupLookupDao.getGroupMapping(everyone.getKey());
final List<PortletLayoutAggregation> aggregations = portletLayoutDao.getAggregationsForAllPortlets(begin, end, AGGREGATION_INTERVAL, group);
final EntityIdentifier ei = user.getEntityIdentifier();
final AuthorizationServiceFacade authService = AuthorizationServiceFacade.instance();
final IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = authService.newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());
final Map<String, PortletUsage> resultBuilder = new HashMap<String, PortletUsage>();
for (final PortletLayoutAggregation aggregation : aggregations) {
final AggregatedPortletMapping portlet = aggregation.getPortletMapping();
final String fname = portlet.getFname();
PortletUsage portletUsage = resultBuilder.get(fname);
if (portletUsage == null) {
final IPortletDefinition portletDefinition = this.portletDefinitionDao.getPortletDefinitionByFname(fname);
if (portletDefinition == null || !ap.canSubscribe(portletDefinition.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId())) {
// Skip portlets that no longer exist or cannot be subscribed to
portletUsage = new PortletUsage(portletDefinition.getPortletDefinitionId().getLongId(), fname, portletDefinition.getTitle(locale.toString()), portletDefinition.getDescription(locale.toString()));
resultBuilder.put(fname, portletUsage);
final ArrayList<PortletUsage> results = new ArrayList<PortletUsage>(resultBuilder.values());
return results;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletAdministrationHelper method updatePermissions.
* Update permissions for a given owner, activity, and portlet definition combination. Adds new principals' permissions passed in and removes
* principals' permissions if not in the list for the given activity.
private void updatePermissions(IPortletDefinition def, Set<IGroupMember> newPrincipals, String owner, String activity) {
final String portletTargetId = PermissionHelper.permissionTargetIdForPortletDefinition(def);
final IUpdatingPermissionManager pm = authorizationService.newUpdatingPermissionManager(owner);
/* Create the new permissions array */
final List<IPermission> newPermissions = new ArrayList<>();
for (final IGroupMember newPrincipal : newPrincipals) {
final IAuthorizationPrincipal authorizationPrincipal = authorizationService.newPrincipal(newPrincipal);
final IPermission permission = pm.newPermission(authorizationPrincipal);
logger.trace("In updatePermissions() - adding a new permission of: {}", permission);
/* Remove former permissions for this portlet / activity */
final IPermission[] oldPermissions = pm.getPermissions(activity, portletTargetId);
/* Add the new permissions */
pm.addPermissions(newPermissions.toArray(new IPermission[newPermissions.size()]));
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletAdministrationHelper method shouldDisplayLayoutLink.
* Check if the link to the Fragment admin portlet should display in the status message.
* <p>Checks that the portlet is new, that the portlet has been published and that the user has
* necessary permissions to go to the fragment admin page.
* @param person the person publishing/editing the portlet
* @param form the portlet being editted
* @param portletId the id of the saved portlet
* @return true If all three conditions are met
public boolean shouldDisplayLayoutLink(IPerson person, PortletDefinitionForm form, String portletId) {
if (!form.isNew()) {
return false;
// only include the "do layout" link for published portlets.
if (form.getLifecycleState() != PortletLifecycleState.PUBLISHED) {
return false;
// check that the user can edit at least 1 fragment.
Map<String, String> layouts = fragmentAdminHelper.getAuthorizedDlmFragments(person.getUserName());
if (layouts == null || layouts.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// check that the user has subscribe priv.
IAuthorizationPrincipal authPrincipal = authorizationService.newPrincipal(person.getUserName(), EntityEnum.PERSON.getClazz());
return authPrincipal.canSubscribe(portletId);