use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PermissionsRESTController method getAssignmentsOnTarget.
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission('ALL', 'java.lang.String', new'UP_PERMISSIONS', 'VIEW_PERMISSIONS'))")
public ModelAndView getAssignmentsOnTarget(@PathVariable("target") String target, @RequestParam(value = "includeInherited", required = false) boolean includeInherited) {
Set<UniquePermission> directAssignments = new HashSet<>();
// first get the permissions explicitly set for this principal
IPermission[] directPermissions =, null, null, target, null);
for (IPermission permission : directPermissions) {
directAssignments.add(new UniquePermission(permission.getOwner(), permission.getActivity(), permission.getPrincipal(), false));
JsonEntityBean entity = groupListHelper.getEntityForPrincipal(target);
Set<UniquePermission> inheritedAssignments = new HashSet<>();
List<JsonPermission> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
if (entity != null) {
IAuthorizationPrincipal p = this.authorizationService.newPrincipal(entity.getId(), entity.getEntityType().getClazz());
if (includeInherited) {
IGroupMember member = GroupService.getGroupMember(p.getKey(), p.getType());
for (IEntityGroup parent : member.getAncestorGroups()) {
IAuthorizationPrincipal parentPrincipal = this.authorizationService.newPrincipal(parent);
IPermission[] parentPermissions =, null, null, parentPrincipal.getKey(), null);
for (IPermission permission : parentPermissions) {
inheritedAssignments.add(new UniquePermission(permission.getOwner(), permission.getActivity(), permission.getPrincipal(), true));
for (UniquePermission permission : directAssignments) {
JsonEntityBean e = groupListHelper.getEntityForPrincipal(permission.getIdentifier());
Class<?> clazz;
EntityEnum entityType = EntityEnum.getEntityEnum(e.getEntityTypeAsString());
if (entityType.isGroup()) {
clazz = IEntityGroup.class;
} else {
clazz = entityType.getClazz();
IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = this.authorizationService.newPrincipal(e.getId(), clazz);
if (principal.hasPermission(permission.getOwner(), permission.getActivity(), p.getKey())) {
permissions.add(getPermissionOnTarget(permission, entity));
for (UniquePermission permission : inheritedAssignments) {
JsonEntityBean e = groupListHelper.getEntityForPrincipal(permission.getIdentifier());
Class<?> clazz;
EntityEnum entityType = EntityEnum.getEntityEnum(e.getEntityTypeAsString());
if (entityType.isGroup()) {
clazz = IEntityGroup.class;
} else {
clazz = entityType.getClazz();
IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = this.authorizationService.newPrincipal(e.getId(), clazz);
if (principal.hasPermission(permission.getOwner(), permission.getActivity(), p.getKey())) {
permissions.add(getPermissionOnTarget(permission, entity));
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
mv.addObject("assignments", permissions);
return mv;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PermissionsListController method marshall.
* Private Stuff.
private List<Map<String, String>> marshall(IPermission[] data) {
// Assertions.
if (data == null) {
String msg = "Argument 'data' cannot be null";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
List<Map<String, String>> rslt = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(data.length);
for (IPermission p : data) {
JsonEntityBean bean = getEntityBean(p.getPrincipal());
Map<String, String> entry = new HashMap<String, String>();
entry.put("owner", p.getOwner());
entry.put("principalType", bean.getEntityTypeAsString());
entry.put("principalName", bean.getName());
entry.put("principalKey", p.getPrincipal());
entry.put("activity", p.getActivity());
entry.put("target", p.getTarget());
entry.put("permissionType", p.getType());
* Attempt to find a name for this target through the permission
* target provider registry. If none can be found, just use
* the target key.
String targetName = null;
try {
// attempt to get the target provider for this activity
IPermissionActivity activity = permissionOwnerDao.getPermissionActivity(p.getOwner(), p.getActivity());
entry.put("activityName", activity.getName());
IPermissionOwner owner = permissionOwnerDao.getPermissionOwner(p.getOwner());
entry.put("ownerName", owner.getName());
String providerKey = activity.getTargetProviderKey();
IPermissionTargetProvider provider = targetProviderRegistry.getTargetProvider(providerKey);
// get the target from the provider
IPermissionTarget target = provider.getTarget(p.getTarget());
targetName = target.getName();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// likely a result of a null activity or provider
log.trace("Failed to resolve target name", e);
if (targetName == null) {
targetName = p.getTarget();
entry.put("targetName", targetName);
return rslt;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletAdministrationHelper method updatePermissions.
* Update permissions for a given owner, activity, and portlet definition combination. Adds new principals' permissions passed in and removes
* principals' permissions if not in the list for the given activity.
private void updatePermissions(IPortletDefinition def, Set<IGroupMember> newPrincipals, String owner, String activity) {
final String portletTargetId = PermissionHelper.permissionTargetIdForPortletDefinition(def);
final IUpdatingPermissionManager pm = authorizationService.newUpdatingPermissionManager(owner);
/* Create the new permissions array */
final List<IPermission> newPermissions = new ArrayList<>();
for (final IGroupMember newPrincipal : newPrincipals) {
final IAuthorizationPrincipal authorizationPrincipal = authorizationService.newPrincipal(newPrincipal);
final IPermission permission = pm.newPermission(authorizationPrincipal);
logger.trace("In updatePermissions() - adding a new permission of: {}", permission);
/* Remove former permissions for this portlet / activity */
final IPermission[] oldPermissions = pm.getPermissions(activity, portletTargetId);
/* Add the new permissions */
pm.addPermissions(newPermissions.toArray(new IPermission[newPermissions.size()]));
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletDefinitionImporterExporter method savePortletDefinition.
* Save a portlet definition.
* @param definition the portlet definition
* @param categories the list of categories for the portlet
* @param permissionMap a map of permission name -> list of groups who are granted that
* permission (Note: for now, only grant is supported and only for the FRAMEWORK_OWNER perm
* manager)
private IPortletDefinition savePortletDefinition(IPortletDefinition definition, List<PortletCategory> categories, Map<ExternalPermissionDefinition, Set<IGroupMember>> permissionMap) {
boolean newChannel = (definition.getPortletDefinitionId() == null);
// save the channel
definition = portletDefinitionDao.savePortletDefinition(definition);
definition = portletDefinitionDao.getPortletDefinitionByFname(definition.getFName());
final String defId = definition.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId();
final IEntity portletDefEntity = GroupService.getEntity(defId, IPortletDefinition.class);
// The groups service needs to deal with concurrent modification better.
synchronized (this.groupUpdateLock) {
// Delete existing category memberships for this channel
if (!newChannel) {
for (IEntityGroup group : portletDefEntity.getAncestorGroups()) {
// For each category ID, add channel to category
for (PortletCategory category : categories) {
final IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findGroup(category.getId());
// Set groups
final AuthorizationServiceFacade authService = AuthorizationServiceFacade.instance();
final String target = PermissionHelper.permissionTargetIdForPortletDefinition(definition);
// Loop over the affected permission managers...
Map<String, Collection<ExternalPermissionDefinition>> permissionsBySystem = getPermissionsBySystem(permissionMap.keySet());
for (String system : permissionsBySystem.keySet()) {
Collection<ExternalPermissionDefinition> systemPerms = permissionsBySystem.get(system);
// get the permission manager for this system...
final IUpdatingPermissionManager upm = authService.newUpdatingPermissionManager(system);
final List<IPermission> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
// add activity grants for each permission..
for (ExternalPermissionDefinition permissionDef : systemPerms) {
Set<IGroupMember> members = permissionMap.get(permissionDef);
for (final IGroupMember member : members) {
final IAuthorizationPrincipal authPrincipal = authService.newPrincipal(member);
final IPermission permEntity = upm.newPermission(authPrincipal);
// ones
if (!newChannel) {
for (ExternalPermissionDefinition permissionName : permissionMap.keySet()) {
IPermission[] oldPermissions = upm.getPermissions(permissionName.getActivity(), target);
upm.addPermissions(permissions.toArray(new IPermission[permissions.size()]));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Portlet " + defId + " has been " + (newChannel ? "published" : "modified") + ".");
return definition;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class ClassicMaxInactiveStrategy method calcMaxInactive.
public Integer calcMaxInactive(IPerson person) {
assert person != null;
IAuthorizationPrincipal principal = authorizationService.newPrincipal((String) person.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME), IPerson.class);
IPermission[] permissions = authorizationService.getAllPermissionsForPrincipal(principal, IPermission.PORTAL_SYSTEM, MAX_INACTIVE_ATTR, null);
assert permissions != null;
if (permissions.length == 0) {
// No max inactive permission set for this user"No {} permissions apply to user '{}'", MAX_INACTIVE_ATTR, person.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME));
return null;
Integer rulingGrant = null;
Integer rulingDeny = null;
for (IPermission p : permissions) {
// First be sure the record applies currently...
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (p.getEffective() != null && p.getEffective().getTime() > now) {
// It's *TOO EARLY* for this record... move on.
if (p.getExpires() != null && p.getExpires().getTime() < now) {
// It's *TOO LATE* for this record... move on.
if (p.getType().equals(IPermission.PERMISSION_TYPE_GRANT)) {
try {
Integer grantEntry = Integer.valueOf(p.getTarget());
if (rulingGrant == null || grantEntry < 0 || /* Any negative number trumps all */
rulingGrant < grantEntry) {
rulingGrant = grantEntry;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
log.warn("Invalid MAX_INACTIVE permission grant '" + p.getTarget() + "'; target must be an integer value.");
} else if (p.getType().equals(IPermission.PERMISSION_TYPE_DENY)) {
try {
Integer denyEntry = Integer.valueOf(p.getTarget());
if (rulingDeny == null || rulingDeny > denyEntry) {
rulingDeny = denyEntry;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
log.warn("Invalid MAX_INACTIVE permission deny '" + p.getTarget() + "'; target must be an integer value.");
} else {
log.warn("Unknown permission type: " + p.getType());
if (rulingDeny != null && rulingDeny < 0) {
// Negative MaxInactiveInterval values mean the session never
// times out, so a negative DENY is somewhat nonsensical... just
// clear it.
log.warn("A MAX_INACTIVE DENY entry improperly specified a negative target: " + rulingDeny);
rulingDeny = null;
if (rulingGrant != null || rulingDeny != null) {
// We only want to intervene if there's some actual value
// specified... otherwise we'll just let the container settings
// govern.
int maxInactive = rulingGrant != null ? rulingGrant : // If rulingGrant is null, rulingDeny won't be...
if (rulingDeny != null) {
// Applying DENY entries is tricky b/c GRANT entries may be negative...
int limit = rulingDeny;
if (maxInactive >= 0) {
maxInactive = limit < maxInactive ? limit : maxInactive;
} else {
// The best grant was negative (unlimited), so go with limit...
maxInactive = limit;
return maxInactive;
return null;