use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class SubscribedFragmentImporterExporter method getPerson.
private IPerson getPerson(final String username, boolean create) {
final IPerson person = new PersonImpl();
int userId;
try {
userId = this.userIdentityStore.getPortalUID(person);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
if (!create || this.errorOnMissingUser) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized user " + person.getUserName() + "; you must import users before their layouts.", t);
userId = this.userIdentityStore.getPortalUID(person, true);
person.setSecurityContext(new BrokenSecurityContext());
return person;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class ServerNameGuestChainingProfileMapperTest method createPerson.
protected static IPerson createPerson() throws Exception {
IPerson person = new PersonImpl();
person.setAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME, "non_guest");
return person;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class RDBMDistributedLayoutStore method importLayout.
public void importLayout(org.dom4j.Element layout) {
if (layout.getNamespaceForPrefix("dlm") == null) {
layout.add(new Namespace("dlm", Constants.NS_URI));
//Remove comments from the DOM they break import
final List<org.dom4j.Node> comments = layout.selectNodes("//comment()");
for (final org.dom4j.Node comment : comments) {
//Get a ref to the prefs element and then remove it from the layout
final org.dom4j.Node preferencesElement = layout.selectSingleNode("preferences");
if (preferencesElement != null) {
final String ownerUsername = layout.valueOf("@username");
//Get a ref to the profile element and then remove it from the layout
final org.dom4j.Node profileElement = layout.selectSingleNode("profile");
if (profileElement != null) {
final org.dom4j.Document profileDocument = new org.dom4j.DocumentFactory().createDocument();
profileDocument.setRootElement((org.dom4j.Element) profileElement);
profileDocument.setName(ownerUsername + ".profile");
final DocumentSource profileSource = new DocumentSource(profileElement);
final IPerson person = new PersonImpl();
int ownerId;
try {
//Can't just pass true for create here, if the user actually exists the create flag also updates the user data
ownerId = this.userIdentityStore.getPortalUID(person);
} catch (final AuthorizationException t) {
if (this.errorOnMissingUser) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized user " + person.getUserName() + "; you must import users before their layouts or set to false.", t);
//Create the missing user
ownerId = this.userIdentityStore.getPortalUID(person, true);
if (ownerId == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized user " + person.getUserName() + "; you must import users before their layouts or set to false.");
IUserProfile profile = null;
try {
person.setSecurityContext(new BrokenSecurityContext());
profile = this.getUserProfileByFname(person, "default");
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load profile for " + person.getUserName() + "; This user must have a profile for import to continue.", t);
// (6) Add database Ids & (5) Add dlm:plfID ...
int nextId = 1;
for (final Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> it = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element>) layout.selectNodes("folder | dlm:* | channel").iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
nextId = this.addIdAttributesIfNecessary(, nextId);
// Now update UP_USER...
this.jdbcOperations.update("UPDATE up_user SET next_struct_id = ? WHERE user_id = ?", nextId, person.getID());
// (4) Convert external DLM pathrefs to internal form (noderefs)...
for (final Iterator<org.dom4j.Attribute> itr = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Attribute>) layout.selectNodes("//@dlm:origin").iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
final org.dom4j.Attribute a =;
final Noderef dlmNoderef = nodeReferenceFactory.getNoderefFromPathref(ownerUsername, a.getValue(), null, true, layout);
if (dlmNoderef != null) {
// Change the value only if we have a valid pathref...
// For dlm:origin only, also use the noderef as the ID attribute...
a.getParent().addAttribute("ID", dlmNoderef.toString());
} else {
// At least insure the value is between 1 and 35 characters
for (final Iterator<org.dom4j.Attribute> itr = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Attribute>) layout.selectNodes("//@dlm:target").iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
final org.dom4j.Attribute a =;
final Noderef dlmNoderef = nodeReferenceFactory.getNoderefFromPathref(ownerUsername, a.getValue(), null, true, layout);
// Put in the correct value, or at least insure the value is between 1 and 35 characters
a.setValue(dlmNoderef != null ? dlmNoderef.toString() : BAD_PATHREF_MESSAGE);
for (final Iterator<org.dom4j.Attribute> names = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Attribute>) layout.selectNodes("//dlm:*/@name").iterator(); names.hasNext(); ) {
final org.dom4j.Attribute a =;
final String value = a.getValue().trim();
if (!VALID_PATHREF_PATTERN.matcher(value).matches()) {
/* Don't send it to getDlmNoderef if we know in advance it's not
* going to work; saves annoying/misleading log messages and
* possibly some processing. NOTE this is _only_ a problem with
* the name attribute of some dlm:* elements, which seems to go
* unused intentionally in some circumstances
final org.dom4j.Attribute fname = a.getParent().attribute("fname");
Noderef dlmNoderef = null;
if (fname != null) {
dlmNoderef = nodeReferenceFactory.getNoderefFromPathref(ownerUsername, value, fname.getValue(), false, layout);
// Remove the fname attribute now that we're done w/ it...
} else {
dlmNoderef = nodeReferenceFactory.getNoderefFromPathref(ownerUsername, value, null, true, layout);
// Put in the correct value, or at least insure the value is between 1 and 35 characters
a.setValue(dlmNoderef != null ? dlmNoderef.toString() : BAD_PATHREF_MESSAGE);
// (3) Restore chanID attributes on <channel> elements...
for (final Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> it = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element>) layout.selectNodes("//channel").iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final org.dom4j.Element c =;
final String fname = c.valueOf("@fname");
final IPortletDefinition cd = this.portletDefinitionRegistry.getPortletDefinitionByFname(fname);
if (cd == null) {
final String msg = "No portlet with fname=" + fname + " exists referenced by node " + c.valueOf("@ID") + " from layout for " + ownerUsername;
if (errorOnMissingPortlet) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
} else {
//Remove the bad channel node
} else {
c.addAttribute("chanID", String.valueOf(cd.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId()));
// (2) Restore locale info...
// (This step doesn't appear to be needed for imports)
// (1) Process structure & theme attributes...
Document layoutDom = null;
try {
final int structureStylesheetId = profile.getStructureStylesheetId();
this.loadStylesheetUserPreferencesAttributes(person, profile, layout, structureStylesheetId, "structure");
final int themeStylesheetId = profile.getThemeStylesheetId();
this.loadStylesheetUserPreferencesAttributes(person, profile, layout, themeStylesheetId, "theme");
// From this point forward we need the user's PLF set as DLM expects it...
for (final Iterator<org.dom4j.Text> it = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Text>) layout.selectNodes("descendant::text()").iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
// How many years have we used Java & XML, and this still isn't easy?
final org.dom4j.Text txt =;
if (txt.getText().trim().length() == 0) {
final org.dom4j.Element copy = layout.createCopy();
final org.dom4j.Document doc = this.fac.createDocument(copy);
layoutDom = this.writer.get().write(doc);
person.setAttribute(Constants.PLF, layoutDom);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to set UserPreferences for user: " + person.getUserName(), t);
// Finally store the layout...
try {
this.setUserLayout(person, profile, layoutDom, true, true);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
final String msg = "Unable to persist layout for user: " + ownerUsername;
throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);
if (preferencesElement != null) {
final int ownerUserId = this.userIdentityStore.getPortalUserId(ownerUsername);
//TODO this assumes a single layout, when multi-layout support exists portlet entities will need to be re-worked to allow for a layout id to be associated with the entity
//track which entities from the user's pre-existing set are touched (all non-touched entities will be removed)
final Set<IPortletEntity> oldPortletEntities = new LinkedHashSet<IPortletEntity>(this.portletEntityDao.getPortletEntitiesForUser(ownerUserId));
final List<org.dom4j.Element> entries = preferencesElement.selectNodes("entry");
for (final org.dom4j.Element entry : entries) {
final String dlmPathRef = entry.attributeValue("entity");
final String fname = entry.attributeValue("channel");
final String prefName = entry.attributeValue("name");
final Noderef dlmNoderef = nodeReferenceFactory.getNoderefFromPathref(person.getUserName(), dlmPathRef, fname, false, layout);
if (dlmNoderef != null && fname != null) {
final IPortletEntity portletEntity = this.getPortletEntity(fname, dlmNoderef.toString(), ownerUserId);
final List<IPortletPreference> portletPreferences = portletEntity.getPortletPreferences();
final List<org.dom4j.Element> valueElements = entry.selectNodes("value");
final List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(valueElements.size());
for (final org.dom4j.Element valueElement : valueElements) {
portletPreferences.add(new PortletPreferenceImpl(prefName, false, values.toArray(new String[values.size()])));
//Delete all portlet preferences for entities that were not imported
for (final IPortletEntity portletEntity : oldPortletEntities) {
if (portletEntityRegistry.shouldBePersisted(portletEntity)) {
} else {
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class RDBMUserLayoutStore method getUserProfileByFname.
public UserProfile getUserProfileByFname(final IPerson person, final String profileFname) {
Tuple<String, String> key = null;
final Cache<Tuple<String, String>, UserProfile> profileCache = getProfileImportExportCache();
if (profileCache != null) {
key = new Tuple<String, String>(person.getUserName(), profileFname);
final UserProfile profile = profileCache.getIfPresent(key);
if (profile != null) {
return profile;
logger.debug("Getting profile {} for user {}", profileFname, person.getID());
final int userId = person.getID();
final UserProfile userProfile = jdbcOperations.execute(new ConnectionCallback<UserProfile>() {
public UserProfile doInConnection(Connection con) throws SQLException, DataAccessException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
pstmt.setInt(1, userId);
pstmt.setString(2, profileFname);
try {
logger.debug("getUserProfileByFname(): {} userId: {} profileFname: {}", query, userId, profileFname);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
try {
if ( {
int profileId = rs.getInt(2);
String profileName = rs.getString(3);
String profileDesc = rs.getString(4);
int layoutId = rs.getInt(5);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
layoutId = 0;
int structSsId = rs.getInt(6);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
// This is probably a data issue and probably an export operation; defer to the system user...
if (!person.equals(getSystemUser())) {
structSsId = getSystemProfileByFname(profileFname).getStructureStylesheetId();
} else {
String msg = "The system user profile has no structure stylesheet Id.";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
int themeSsId = rs.getInt(7);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
// This is probably a data issue and probably an export operation; defer to the system user...
if (!person.equals(getSystemUser())) {
themeSsId = getSystemProfileByFname(profileFname).getThemeStylesheetId();
} else {
String msg = "The system user profile has no theme stylesheet Id.";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(profileId, profileFname, profileName, profileDesc, layoutId, structSsId, themeSsId);
final Locale[] userLocales = localeStore.getUserLocales(person);
userProfile.setLocaleManager(new LocaleManager(person, userLocales));
return userProfile;
/* Try to copy the template profile. */
logger.debug("Copying template profile {} to user {}", profileFname, person.getID());
pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT USER_DFLT_USR_ID FROM UP_USER WHERE USER_ID=?");
pstmt.setInt(1, person.getID());
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
int defaultProfileUser = rs.getInt(1);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Need to clone the '" + profileFname + "' profile from template user for " + person + " but they have no template user");
IPerson defaultProfilePerson = new PersonImpl();
if (defaultProfilePerson.getID() != person.getID()) {
UserProfile templateProfile = getUserProfileByFname(defaultProfilePerson, profileFname);
if (templateProfile != null) {
UserProfile newUserProfile = new UserProfile(templateProfile);
final Locale[] userLocales = localeStore.getUserLocales(person);
newUserProfile = addUserProfile(person, newUserProfile);
newUserProfile.setLocaleManager(new LocaleManager(person, userLocales));
return newUserProfile;
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find User Profile for userId " + userId + " and profile " + profileFname);
} finally {
} finally {
if (profileCache != null && key != null) {
profileCache.put(key, userProfile);
return userProfile;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class NodeReferenceFactory method getUserLayoutTuple.
* Implementation.
* Provides a {@link Tuple} containing the "fragmentized" version of a DLM fragment
* owner's layout, together with the username. This version of the layout consistent with what
* DLM uses internally for fragments, and is created by FragmentActivator.fragmentizeLayout.
* It's important that the version returned by this method matches what DLM uses internally
* because it will be used to establish relationships between fragment layout nodes and user
* customizations of DLM fragments.
* @param userId
* @return
/* TODO: make private */
Tuple<String, DistributedUserLayout> getUserLayoutTuple(String userName, int userId) {
final PersonImpl person = new PersonImpl();
person.setSecurityContext(new BrokenSecurityContext());
final IUserProfile profile = layoutStore.getUserProfileByFname(person, UserProfile.DEFAULT_PROFILE_FNAME);
final DistributedUserLayout userLayout = layoutStore.getUserLayout(person, (UserProfile) profile);
return new Tuple<String, DistributedUserLayout>(userName, userLayout);