use of org.asqatasun.webapp.exception.ForbiddenPageException in project Asqatasun by Asqatasun.
the class AccountSettingsController method submitChangeTestWeight.
* @param refCode
* @param changeTestWeightCommand
* @param result
* @param model
* @param request
* @return
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = TgolKeyStore.TEST_WEIGHT_URL, method = RequestMethod.POST)
@Secured({ TgolKeyStore.ROLE_USER_KEY, TgolKeyStore.ROLE_ADMIN_KEY })
public String submitChangeTestWeight(@RequestParam(TgolKeyStore.REFERENTIAL_CD_KEY) String refCode, @ModelAttribute(TgolKeyStore.CHANGE_TEST_WEIGHT_COMMAND_KEY) ChangeTestWeightCommand changeTestWeightCommand, BindingResult result, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
Reference referential = refMap.get(refCode);
if (referential == null || !secondaryLevelMenuDisplayer.isRequestedReferentialModifiable(refCode)) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException();
// We check whether the form is valid
changeTestWeightFormValidator.validate(changeTestWeightCommand, result);
// If the form has some errors, we display it again with errors' details
addTestListAndModifiableRefToModel(referential, model);
model.addAttribute(TgolKeyStore.CHANGE_TEST_WEIGHT_COMMAND_KEY, changeTestWeightCommand);
if (!result.hasErrors()) {
ChangeTestWeightCommandFactory.getInstance().updateUserTestWeight(getCurrentUser(), changeTestWeightCommand);
model.addAttribute(TgolKeyStore.TEST_WEIGHT_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED_KEY, true);
return TgolKeyStore.TEST_WEIGHT_VIEW_NAME;
use of org.asqatasun.webapp.exception.ForbiddenPageException in project Asqatasun by Asqatasun.
the class AccountSettingsController method submitAccountSettingForm.
* This methods controls the validity of the edit user form.
* If the user tries to modidy its email, or try to desactivate its account
* or try to set him as admin where he's not admin, return attack message.
* @param createUserCommand
* @param result
* @param model
* @return
* @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = TgolKeyStore.ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_URL, method = RequestMethod.POST)
@Secured({ TgolKeyStore.ROLE_USER_KEY, TgolKeyStore.ROLE_ADMIN_KEY })
protected String submitAccountSettingForm(@ModelAttribute(TgolKeyStore.CREATE_USER_COMMAND_KEY) CreateUserCommand createUserCommand, BindingResult result, Model model) throws Exception {
User user = getCurrentUser();
if (this.forbiddenUserList.contains(user.getEmail1())) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException();
if (!createUserCommand.getEmail().equals(user.getEmail1()) || (createUserCommand.getAdmin() && !isUserAdmin(user))) {
model.addAttribute(TgolKeyStore.CREATE_USER_ATTACK_COMMAND_KEY, true);
return prepateDataAndReturnCreateUserView(model, user, TgolKeyStore.ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_VIEW_NAME);
secondaryLevelMenuDisplayer.setModifiableReferentialsForUserToModel(user, model);
return submitUpdateUserForm(createUserCommand, result, null, model, user, TgolKeyStore.ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_VIEW_NAME, TgolKeyStore.ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_VIEW_NAME, false, false, TgolKeyStore.UPDATED_USER_NAME_KEY);
use of org.asqatasun.webapp.exception.ForbiddenPageException in project Asqatasun by Asqatasun.
the class AbstractAuditSetUpController method isUserAllowedToDisplaySetUpPage.
* This methods checks whether the current user is allowed to display the
* audit set-up for a given contract. To do so, we verify that the contract
* belongs to the current user. We also check that the current contract handles
* the functionality associated with the set-up page.
* @param contract
* @param viewName
* @return
* true if the user is allowed to display the result, false otherwise.
protected boolean isUserAllowedToDisplaySetUpPage(Contract contract, String viewName) {
if (contract == null) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException(getCurrentUser());
User user = getCurrentUser();
if (!contract.getUser().getId().equals(user.getId())) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException(user);
Collection<String> functionalitySet = getAuthorisedFunctionalityCodeFromContract(contract);
if (!functionalitySet.contains(viewFunctionalityBindingMap.get(viewName))) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException(user);
return true;
use of org.asqatasun.webapp.exception.ForbiddenPageException in project Asqatasun by Asqatasun.
the class AbstractAuditDataHandlerController method isUserAllowedToDisplayResult.
* This methods checks whether the current user is allowed to display the
* audit result of a given audit. To do so, we verify that the act
* associated with the audit belongs to the current user and
* that the current contract is not expired
* @param audit
* @return
* true if the user is allowed to display the result, false otherwise.
protected boolean isUserAllowedToDisplayResult(Audit audit) {
if (audit == null) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException();
User user = getCurrentUser();
Contract contract = getActDataService().getActFromAudit(audit).getContract();
if (isAdminUser() || (!isContractExpired(contract) && user.getId().compareTo(contract.getUser().getId()) == 0)) {
return true;
throw new ForbiddenUserException();
use of org.asqatasun.webapp.exception.ForbiddenPageException in project Asqatasun by Asqatasun.
the class AuditExportResultController method exportAuditResultFromContract.
* The export view is only available for page result
* @param webresourceId
* @param format
* @param request
* @param response
* @param model
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = TgolKeyStore.EXPORT_AUDIT_RESULT_CONTRACT_URL, method = RequestMethod.GET)
@Secured({ TgolKeyStore.ROLE_USER_KEY, TgolKeyStore.ROLE_ADMIN_KEY })
public String exportAuditResultFromContract(@RequestParam(value = TgolKeyStore.WEBRESOURCE_ID_KEY, required = false) String webresourceId, @RequestParam(value = TgolKeyStore.EXPORT_FORMAT_KEY, required = false) String format, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) {
if (format == null || webresourceId == null) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException();
//We first check that the current user is allowed to display the result
//of this audit
Long webResourceIdValue;
try {
webResourceIdValue = Long.valueOf(webresourceId);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new ForbiddenPageException();
WebResource webResource = getWebResourceDataService().ligthRead(webResourceIdValue);
// if the id of the webresource corresponds to a Site webResource
if (isUserAllowedToDisplayResult(getAuditFromWebResource(webResource))) {
// data are retrieved to be prepared and displayed
try {
prepareSuccessfullAuditDataToExport(webResource, model, getLocaleResolver().resolveLocale(request), format, request, response);
return null;
} catch (NotSupportedExportFormatException exc) {
model.addAttribute(TgolKeyStore.WEBRESOURCE_ID_KEY, webresourceId);
model.addAttribute(TgolKeyStore.EXPORT_FORMAT_KEY, format);