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Example 11 with JsonNode

use of org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.

the class BJSON method clone.

public BallerinaMessageDataSource clone() {
    BJSON clonedMessage = new BJSON("{}");
    try {
        String elementString = this.getMessageAsString();
        JsonNode clonedContent = JsonParser.parse(elementString);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        handleJsonException("failed to clone the json message: ", t);
    return clonedMessage;
Also used : JsonNode(org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode)

Example 12 with JsonNode

use of org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.

the class JSONLibraryTest method testJsonUnicodeChars.

public void testJsonUnicodeChars() throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"firstName\":\"Will\",\"lastName\":\"Smith\",\"info\":\"\\u2600\"," + "\"info2\":\"A\\u2655\\u2665\\u266A\\u266aB\"}";
    String json2 = "{\"firstName\":\"Will\",\"lastName\":\"Smith\",\"info\":\"\u2600\"," + "\"info2\":\"A\u2655\u2665\u266A\u266aB\"}";
    JsonNode node = JsonParser.parse(json);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("info").stringValue(), "☀");
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("info2").stringValue(), "A♕♥♪♪B");
    Assert.assertEquals(node.toString(), json2);
Also used : JsonNode(org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 13 with JsonNode

use of org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.

the class JSONLibraryTest method testJsonDeepLevels.

public void testJsonDeepLevels() throws IOException {
    String json = "{\"A\":{\"B\":{\"C\":{\"D\":{\"E\":{\"F\":{\"G\":{\"H\":{\"I\":{\"J\":" + "{\"K\":{\"L\":{\"M\":{\"N\":5}}}}}}}}}}}}}}";
    JsonNode node = JsonParser.parse(json);
    String result = node.toString();
    Assert.assertEquals(result, json);
Also used : JsonNode(org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 14 with JsonNode

use of org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.

the class JSONLibraryTest method testBasicJsonObjectParseCheckTypes.

public void testBasicJsonObjectParseCheckTypes() {
    String json = "{\"a\":\"abc\",\"b\":1,\"c\":3.14,\"d\":true,\"e\":false,\"f\":null,\"g\":" + "{\"1\":\"a\",\"2\":\"b\"},\"h\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"C\",\"D\"]}";
    JsonNode node = JsonParser.parse(json);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isArray(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isObject(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isBoolean(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isDouble(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isLong(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isString(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isNull(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.isValueNode(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("a").isString(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("b").isLong(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("c").isDouble(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("c").isLong(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("d").isBoolean(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("e").isBoolean(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("f").isNull(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("g").isObject(), true);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("h").isObject(), false);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.get("h").isArray(), true);
Also used : JsonNode(org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 15 with JsonNode

use of org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.

the class JSONLibraryTest method testComplexJSONParseGen.

public void testComplexJSONParseGen() throws IOException {
    String json = "[\n" + "  {\n \"_id\": \"5a2e62bcc952044058853b92\",\n \"index\": 0,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"a8d6d338-5fb4-4775-a14f-30aa631c539f\",\n    \"isActive\": false,\n" + "    \"balance\": \"$3,656.67\",\n \"picture\": \"\",\n" + "    \"age\": 32,\n \"eyeColor\": \"green\",\n \"name\": \"Knapp Price\",\n" + "    \"gender\": \"male\",\n \"company\": \"BALOOBA\",\n" + "    \"email\": \"\",\n \"phone\": \"+1 (994) 584-2832\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"806 Grand Street, Bedias, Virgin Islands, 274\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Consequat ex veniam voluptate eu commodo minim nulla aliqua" + " enim magna dolore cillum velit. Voluptate eiusmod proident cillum qui enim" + " velit fugiat aliqua sunt nulla duis pariatur. Tempor minim magna consequat" + " cillum id sunt pariatur duis aliquip consequat. Exercitation id eiusmod occaecat" + " qui commodo ex excepteur aliquip nostrud consectetur ullamco magna sunt mollit." + " Excepteur sint esse aliquip ea adipisicing nostrud sunt reprehenderit nulla dolore" + " officia reprehenderit.\\r\\n\",\n \"registered\": \"2015-09-03T11:14:04 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": -42.496948,\n \"longitude\": 21.642371,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"fugiat\",\n \"fugiat\",\n \"labore\",\n \"consequat\",\n\"adipisicing\",\n" + "      \"esse\",\n \"enim\"\n ],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Matilda Hutchinson\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Christensen Chase\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Adrian Castillo\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Knapp Price! You have 2 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"banana\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "    \"_id\": \"5a2e62bcb795ed1030bf2729\",\n \"index\": 1,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"9593b0fd-b7a6-4269-8598-791c1d446072\",\n \"isActive\": true,\n" + "    \"balance\": \"$3,876.09\",\n \"picture\": \"\",\n" + "    \"age\": 23,\n \"eyeColor\": \"blue\",\n \"name\": \"Carmela Taylor\",\n" + "    \"gender\": \"female\",\n \"company\": \"SPLINX\",\n" + "    \"email\": \"\",\n \"phone\": \"+1 (946) 580-3736\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"984 Legion Street, Neahkahnie, Louisiana, 3996\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Amet incididunt reprehenderit id deserunt aute exercitation" + " deserunt consequat irure veniam deserunt. Proident labore nostrud nulla" + " irure nulla elit aliquip. Anim officia laboris magna velit fugiat pariatur" + " culpa tempor enim consequat aute nulla mollit consequat. Minim pariatur ex" + " ut ut labore nisi. Do excepteur in consequat exercitation ipsum incididunt." + " Culpa deserunt sit magna sit adipisicing id.\\r\\n\",\n" + "    \"registered\": \"2017-10-02T10:56:41 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": -58.108242,\n" + "    \"longitude\": 13.373699,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"eiusmod\",\n \"minim\",\n \"veniam\",\n \"laboris\",\n \"in\",\n" + "      \"id\",\n \"incididunt\"\n ],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Flores Pacheco\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Duran Melton\"\n },\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Tammie Mcgowan\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Carmela Taylor! You have 3 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"apple\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n \"_id\": \"5a2e62bc61cf3baedbf94387\",\n \"index\": 2,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"8ef39ecc-dc8e-4ffd-b495-d62850e97887\",\n \"isActive\": true,\n" + "    \"balance\": \"$3,337.73\",\n \"picture\": \"\",\n" + "    \"age\": 29,\n \"eyeColor\": \"green\",\n \"name\": \"Laverne Soto\",\n" + "    \"gender\": \"female\",\n \"company\": \"TRASOLA\",\n \"email\": \"\",\n" + "    \"phone\": \"+1 (973) 431-3053\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"973 Minna Street, Fairacres, California, 1962\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Cupidatat et sunt sunt in anim et ad proident anim ex qui." + " Amet commodo ullamco ea tempor non tempor sint fugiat commodo eiusmod" + " officia. Nostrud et officia esse duis commodo non do excepteur sunt" + " voluptate et. Cillum ex aliquip laboris fugiat laborum elit veniam cupidatat" + " cillum commodo nulla ut ut.\\r\\n\",\n" + "    \"registered\": \"2016-06-09T10:19:50 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": 74.986738,\n" + "    \"longitude\": 16.096849,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"deserunt\",\n \"reprehenderit\",\n \"ex\",\n \"cillum\",\n \"in\",\n" + "      \"aute\",\n \"elit\"\n ],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Vicki Le\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Elvia Hull\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Sophie Blankenship\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Laverne Soto! You have 1 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"strawberry\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "    \"_id\": \"5a2e62bc638ea321dad78f67\",\n \"index\": 3,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"00dd92e2-c71d-44f7-b5dc-42e9fd4e7f37\",\n" + "    \"isActive\": false,\n \"balance\": \"$1,939.48\",\n" + "    \"picture\": \"\",\n \"age\": 26,\n" + "    \"eyeColor\": \"blue\",\n \"name\": \"Rosalyn Walker\",\n \"gender\": \"female\",\n" + "    \"company\": \"ELPRO\",\n \"email\": \"\",\n" + "    \"phone\": \"+1 (805) 405-3108\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"504 Highland Avenue, Faxon, Indiana, 2611\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Magna enim aute esse pariatur non dolore est nulla dolore cupidatat." + " Aliquip qui aliquip nisi ut do fugiat esse occaecat quis veniam. Pariatur anim " + "minim commodo dolore. Irure excepteur elit officia irure veniam deserunt excepteur" + " mollit. Incididunt non eiusmod nulla tempor dolore duis duis et elit deserunt ad" + " sunt adipisicing veniam.\\r\\n\",\n" + "    \"registered\": \"2014-11-26T09:31:46 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": -76.595194,\n" + "    \"longitude\": 82.539045,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"adipisicing\",\n \"voluptate\",\n \"ex\",\n \"nisi\",\n \"enim\",\n" + "      \"laboris\",\n \"pariatur\"\n],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Deleon Calhoun\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Delia Porter\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Toni Mercer\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Rosalyn Walker! You have 7 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"strawberry\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "    \"_id\": \"5a2e62bc0ee2fa109d65e5f8\",\n \"index\": 4,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"21fba439-7ccd-4552-b047-29de1770ffdd\",\n \"isActive\": true,\n" + "    \"balance\": \"$3,032.06\",\n \"picture\": \"\",\n" + "    \"age\": 23,\n \"eyeColor\": \"blue\",\n" + "    \"name\": \"Earline Cortez\",\n \"gender\": \"female\",\n \"company\": \"VENOFLEX\",\n" + "    \"email\": \"\",\n \"phone\": \"+1 (936) 582-2977\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"919 Fairview Place, Manitou, Alabama, 6067\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Ad ad anim sint esse consequat eu id. In aute Lorem ipsum " + "labore do laboris aute et culpa. Ex consectetur exercitation occaecat non " + "consequat anim nulla dolore nulla excepteur ut amet labore. Elit irure proident" + " ipsum consectetur. Eiusmod proident magna qui aliquip non.\\r\\n\",\n" + "    \"registered\": \"2016-11-03T10:46:27 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": -51.928376,\n" + "    \"longitude\": 99.427013,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"exercitation\",\n \"sunt\",\n \"non\",\n \"nisi\",\n \"est\",\n \"Lorem\",\n" + "      \"nostrud\"\n ],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Jeri Noel\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Webster Kirby\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Beatriz Flores\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Earline Cortez! You have 5 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"apple\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "    \"_id\": \"5a2e62bc8a1e885b9edad867\",\n \"index\": 5,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"ecf7f3ef-17e5-45b2-9d13-9a487dd4221d\",\n \"isActive\": true,\n" + "    \"balance\": \"$1,374.20\",\n \"picture\": \"\",\n" + "    \"age\": 33,\n \"eyeColor\": \"blue\",\n \"name\": \"Virginia Jackson\",\n" + "    \"gender\": \"female\",\n \"company\": \"GREEKER\",\n" + "    \"email\": \"\",\n \"phone\": \"+1 (810) 461-2989\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"249 Ivan Court, Tecolotito, Maryland, 3734\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Labore incididunt nisi id est elit laborum officia amet ex " + "enim eiusmod. Ea nostrud occaecat qui deserunt velit sit Lorem aliqua ea magna. " + "Aliquip irure ex fugiat ex irure ex excepteur. Laborum duis nisi est nulla " + "incididunt velit elit culpa mollit mollit reprehenderit velit. Mollit id occaecat" + " eu proident sit sit est consequat nostrud aliquip id.\\r\\n\",\n" + "    \"registered\": \"2014-08-06T02:13:23 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": 6.170452,\n" + "    \"longitude\": 67.163572,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"non\",\n \"minim\",\n \"ipsum\",\n \"duis\",\n \"velit\",\n" + "      \"fugiat\",\n \"anim\"\n ],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Melton Walton\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Ellison Marks\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Aurelia Wong\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Virginia Jackson! You have 2 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"strawberry\"\n" + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "    \"_id\": \"5a2e62bced0680efe15377df\",\n \"index\": 6,\n" + "    \"guid\": \"1d620f55-7627-4c6f-ba44-83e0e80cad86\",\n \"isActive\": true,\n" + "    \"balance\": \"$1,228.11\",\n \"picture\": \"\",\n" + "    \"age\": 32,\n \"eyeColor\": \"green\",\n \"name\": \"Valencia Bishop\",\n" + "    \"gender\": \"male\",\n \"company\": \"GOLOGY\",\n" + "    \"email\": \"\",\n \"phone\": \"+1 (877) 449-3372\",\n" + "    \"address\": \"382 Grant Avenue, Dundee, New Mexico, 1007\",\n" + "    \"about\": \"Consectetur sint ex veniam velit. Et excepteur adipisicing " + "pariatur sit ex. In adipisicing occaecat qui est est magna. Excepteur " + "aliqua mollit pariatur in. Anim voluptate deserunt proident excepteur " + "deserunt duis nisi ipsum culpa aliquip est.\\r\\n\",\n" + "    \"registered\": \"2016-08-10T08:37:17 -06:-30\",\n" + "    \"latitude\": 49.170631,\n" + "    \"longitude\": 129.413828,\n" + "    \"tags\": [\n \"incididunt\",\n \"adipisicing\",\n \"sit\",\n \"nisi\",\n \"mollit\",\n" + "      \"eu\",\n \"tempor\"\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"friends\": [\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 0,\n \"name\": \"Imelda Obrien\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"name\": \"Jefferson Webster\"\n},\n" + "      {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"name\": \"Bonnie Vincent\"\n}\n" + "    ],\n" + "    \"greeting\": \"Hello, Valencia Bishop! You have 4 unread messages.\",\n" + "    \"favoriteFruit\": \"banana\"\n" + "  }\n" + "]";
    JsonNode node = JsonParser.parse(json);
    Assert.assertEquals(node.toString().length(), 7599);
Also used : JsonNode(org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


JsonNode (org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonNode)25 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)13 BJSON (org.ballerinalang.model.values.BJSON)10 BallerinaException (org.ballerinalang.util.exceptions.BallerinaException)5 BString (org.ballerinalang.model.values.BString)4 BValue (org.ballerinalang.model.values.BValue)4 BStructType (org.ballerinalang.model.types.BStructType)3 ByteArrayOutputStream ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 Struct (java.sql.Struct)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 StringJoiner (java.util.StringJoiner)1 StructField (org.ballerinalang.model.types.BStructType.StructField)1 BType (org.ballerinalang.model.types.BType)1 JsonGenerator (org.ballerinalang.model.util.JsonGenerator)1 BNewArray (org.ballerinalang.model.values.BNewArray)1 BRefType (org.ballerinalang.model.values.BRefType)1 BStruct (org.ballerinalang.model.values.BStruct)1 BreakPointDTO (org.ballerinalang.util.debugger.dto.BreakPointDTO)1