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Example 6 with IpAccessListLine

use of org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine in project batfish by batfish.

the class BaseApplication method applyTo.

public void applyTo(IpAccessListLine srcLine, List<IpAccessListLine> lines, Warnings w) {
    Collection<Term> terms;
    if (_terms.isEmpty()) {
        terms = Collections.singletonList(_mainTerm);
    } else {
        terms = _terms.values();
    for (Term term : terms) {
        IpAccessListLine newLine = new IpAccessListLine();
Also used : IpAccessListLine(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine)

Example 7 with IpAccessListLine

use of org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine in project batfish by batfish.

the class JuniperConfiguration method toIpAccessList.

private IpAccessList toIpAccessList(FirewallFilter filter) throws VendorConversionException {
    String name = filter.getName();
    List<IpAccessListLine> lines = new ArrayList<>();
    for (FwTerm term : filter.getTerms().values()) {
        // action
        LineAction action;
        if (term.getThens().contains(FwThenAccept.INSTANCE)) {
            action = LineAction.ACCEPT;
        } else if (term.getThens().contains(FwThenDiscard.INSTANCE)) {
            action = LineAction.REJECT;
        } else if (term.getThens().contains(FwThenNextTerm.INSTANCE)) {
            // TODO: throw error if any transformation is being done
        } else if (term.getThens().contains(FwThenNop.INSTANCE)) {
            // we assume for now that any 'nop' operations imply acceptance
            action = LineAction.ACCEPT;
        } else {
            _w.redFlag("missing action in firewall filter: '" + name + "', term: '" + term.getName() + "'");
            action = LineAction.REJECT;
        IpAccessListLine line = new IpAccessListLine();
        for (FwFrom from : term.getFroms()) {
            from.applyTo(line, this, _w, _c);
        boolean addLine = term.getFromApplications().isEmpty() && term.getFromHostProtocols().isEmpty() && term.getFromHostServices().isEmpty();
        for (FwFromHostProtocol from : term.getFromHostProtocols()) {
            from.applyTo(lines, _w);
        for (FwFromHostService from : term.getFromHostServices()) {
            from.applyTo(lines, _w);
        for (FwFromApplication fromApplication : term.getFromApplications()) {
            fromApplication.applyTo(line, lines, _w);
        if (addLine) {
    IpAccessList list = new IpAccessList(name, lines);
    return list;
Also used : LineAction(org.batfish.datamodel.LineAction) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IpAccessListLine(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine) IpAccessList(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList)

Example 8 with IpAccessListLine

use of org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine in project batfish by batfish.

the class EncoderSlice method computeACL.

   * Convert an Access Control List (ACL) to a symbolic boolean expression.
   * The default action in an ACL is to deny all traffic.
private BoolExpr computeACL(IpAccessList acl) {
    // Check if there is an ACL first
    if (acl == null) {
        return mkTrue();
    BoolExpr acc = mkFalse();
    List<IpAccessListLine> lines = new ArrayList<>(acl.getLines());
    for (IpAccessListLine l : lines) {
        BoolExpr local = null;
        if (l.getDstIps() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeWildcardMatch(l.getDstIps(), _symbolicPacket.getDstIp());
            val = l.getDstIps().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = val;
        if (l.getSrcIps() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeWildcardMatch(l.getSrcIps(), _symbolicPacket.getSrcIp());
            val = l.getDstIps().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getDscps() != null && !l.getDscps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected dscps");
        if (l.getDstPorts() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeValidRange(l.getDstPorts(), _symbolicPacket.getDstPort());
            val = l.getDstPorts().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getSrcPorts() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeValidRange(l.getSrcPorts(), _symbolicPacket.getSrcPort());
            val = l.getSrcPorts().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getEcns() != null && !l.getEcns().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected ecns");
        if (l.getTcpFlags() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeTcpFlags(l.getTcpFlags());
            val = l.getTcpFlags().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getFragmentOffsets() != null && !l.getFragmentOffsets().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected fragment offsets");
        if (l.getIcmpCodes() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeValidRange(l.getIcmpCodes(), _symbolicPacket.getIcmpCode());
            val = l.getIcmpCodes().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getIcmpTypes() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeValidRange(l.getIcmpTypes(), _symbolicPacket.getIcmpType());
            val = l.getIcmpTypes().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getStates() != null && !l.getStates().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected states");
        if (l.getIpProtocols() != null) {
            BoolExpr val = computeIpProtocols(l.getIpProtocols());
            val = l.getIpProtocols().isEmpty() ? mkTrue() : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : mkAnd(local, val));
        if (l.getNotDscps() != null && !l.getNotDscps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT dscps");
        if (l.getNotDstIps() != null && !l.getNotDstIps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT dst ip");
        if (l.getNotSrcIps() != null && !l.getNotSrcIps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT src ip");
        if (l.getNotDstPorts() != null && !l.getNotDstPorts().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT dst port");
        if (l.getNotSrcPorts() != null && !l.getNotSrcPorts().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT src port");
        if (l.getNotEcns() != null && !l.getNotEcns().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT ecns");
        if (l.getNotIcmpCodes() != null && !l.getNotIcmpCodes().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT icmp codes");
        if (l.getNotIcmpTypes() != null && !l.getNotIcmpTypes().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT icmp types");
        if (l.getNotFragmentOffsets() != null && !l.getNotFragmentOffsets().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT fragment offset");
        if (l.getNotIpProtocols() != null && !l.getNotIpProtocols().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT ip protocols");
        if (local != null) {
            BoolExpr ret;
            if (l.getAction() == LineAction.ACCEPT) {
                ret = mkTrue();
            } else {
                ret = mkFalse();
            if (l.getNegate()) {
                local = mkNot(local);
            acc = mkIf(local, ret, acc);
    return acc;
Also used : BoolExpr( BatfishException(org.batfish.common.BatfishException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IpAccessListLine(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine)

Example 9 with IpAccessListLine

use of org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine in project batfish by batfish.

the class CounterExample method buildFlowTrace.

   * Build flow information for a given hop along a path
Tuple<Flow, FlowTrace> buildFlowTrace(Encoder enc, String router) {
    EncoderSlice slice = enc.getMainSlice();
    SymbolicPacket pkt = slice.getSymbolicPacket();
    SymbolicDecisions decisions = slice.getSymbolicDecisions();
    Flow f = buildFlow(pkt, router);
    SortedSet<String> visited = new TreeSet<>();
    List<FlowTraceHop> hops = new ArrayList<>();
    String current = router;
    while (true) {
        // Get the forwarding variables
        Map<GraphEdge, BoolExpr> dfwd = decisions.getDataForwarding().get(current);
        Map<GraphEdge, BoolExpr> cfwd = decisions.getControlForwarding().get(current);
        Map<GraphEdge, BoolExpr> across = enc.getMainSlice().getForwardsAcross().get(current);
        // Find the route used
        SymbolicRoute r = decisions.getBestNeighbor().get(current);
        Protocol proto = buildProcotol(r, slice, current);
        Prefix pfx = buildPrefix(r, f);
        // pick the next router
        boolean found = false;
        for (Entry<GraphEdge, BoolExpr> entry : dfwd.entrySet()) {
            GraphEdge ge = entry.getKey();
            BoolExpr dexpr = entry.getValue();
            BoolExpr cexpr = cfwd.get(ge);
            BoolExpr aexpr = across.get(ge);
            String route = buildRoute(pfx, proto, ge);
            if (isTrue(dexpr)) {
                hops.add(buildFlowTraceHop(ge, route));
                if (ge.getPeer() != null && visited.contains(ge.getPeer())) {
                    FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.LOOP, hops, "LOOP");
                    return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                if (isFalse(aexpr)) {
                    Interface i = ge.getEnd();
                    IpAccessList acl = i.getIncomingFilter();
                    FilterResult fr = acl.filter(f);
                    String line = "default deny";
                    if (fr.getMatchLine() != null) {
                        line = acl.getLines().get(fr.getMatchLine()).getName();
                    String note = String.format("DENIED_IN{%s}{%s}", acl.getName(), line);
                    FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.DENIED_IN, hops, note);
                    return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                boolean isLoopback = slice.getGraph().isLoopback(ge);
                if (isLoopback) {
                    FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.ACCEPTED, hops, "ACCEPTED");
                    return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                if (ge.getPeer() == null) {
                    boolean isBgpPeering = slice.getGraph().getEbgpNeighbors().get(ge) != null;
                    if (isBgpPeering) {
                        FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.ACCEPTED, hops, "ACCEPTED");
                        return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                    } else {
                        FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.NEIGHBOR_UNREACHABLE_OR_EXITS_NETWORK, hops, "NEIGHBOR_UNREACHABLE_OR_EXITS_NETWORK");
                        return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                if (slice.getGraph().isHost(ge.getPeer())) {
                    FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.ACCEPTED, hops, "ACCEPTED");
                    return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                current = ge.getPeer();
                found = true;
            } else if (isTrue(cexpr)) {
                hops.add(buildFlowTraceHop(ge, route));
                Interface i = ge.getStart();
                IpAccessList acl = i.getOutgoingFilter();
                FilterResult fr = acl.filter(f);
                IpAccessListLine line = acl.getLines().get(fr.getMatchLine());
                String note = String.format("DENIED_OUT{%s}{%s}", acl.getName(), line.getName());
                FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.DENIED_OUT, hops, note);
                return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
        if (!found) {
            BoolExpr permitted = r.getPermitted();
            if (boolVal(permitted)) {
                // Check if there is an accepting interface
                for (GraphEdge ge : slice.getGraph().getEdgeMap().get(current)) {
                    Interface i = ge.getStart();
                    Ip ip = i.getAddress().getIp();
                    if (ip.equals(f.getDstIp())) {
                        FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.ACCEPTED, hops, "ACCEPTED");
                        return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
                FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.NEIGHBOR_UNREACHABLE_OR_EXITS_NETWORK, hops, "NEIGHBOR_UNREACHABLE_OR_EXITS_NETWORK");
                return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
            FlowTrace ft = new FlowTrace(FlowDisposition.NO_ROUTE, hops, "NO_ROUTE");
            return new Tuple<>(f, ft);
Also used : BoolExpr( Ip(org.batfish.datamodel.Ip) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Prefix(org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) IpAccessListLine(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine) IpProtocol(org.batfish.datamodel.IpProtocol) RoutingProtocol(org.batfish.datamodel.RoutingProtocol) Protocol(org.batfish.symbolic.Protocol) Flow(org.batfish.datamodel.Flow) FlowTraceHop(org.batfish.datamodel.FlowTraceHop) FlowTrace(org.batfish.datamodel.FlowTrace) IpAccessList(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList) FilterResult(org.batfish.datamodel.FilterResult) GraphEdge(org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge) Tuple(org.batfish.symbolic.utils.Tuple) Interface(org.batfish.datamodel.Interface)

Example 10 with IpAccessListLine

use of org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine in project batfish by batfish.

the class BDDAcl method computeACL.

   * Convert an Access Control List (ACL) to a symbolic boolean expression.
   * The default action in an ACL is to deny all traffic.
private void computeACL(@Nullable Set<Prefix> networks) {
    // Check if there is an ACL first
    if (_acl == null) {
        _bdd =;
    _bdd =;
    List<IpAccessListLine> lines = new ArrayList<>(_acl.getLines());
    for (IpAccessListLine l : lines) {
        // System.out.println("ACL Line: " + l.getName() + ", " + l.getAction());
        BDD local = null;
        if (l.getDstIps() != null) {
            BDD val = computeWildcardMatch(l.getDstIps(), _pkt.getDstIp(), networks);
            val = l.getDstIps().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = val;
        if (l.getSrcIps() != null) {
            BDD val = computeWildcardMatch(l.getSrcIps(), _pkt.getSrcIp(), null);
            val = l.getDstIps().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getDscps() != null && !l.getDscps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected dscps");
        if (l.getDstPorts() != null) {
            BDD val = computeValidRange(l.getDstPorts(), _pkt.getDstPort());
            val = l.getDstPorts().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getSrcPorts() != null) {
            BDD val = computeValidRange(l.getSrcPorts(), _pkt.getSrcPort());
            val = l.getSrcPorts().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getEcns() != null && !l.getEcns().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected ecns");
        if (l.getTcpFlags() != null) {
            BDD val = computeTcpFlags(l.getTcpFlags());
            val = l.getTcpFlags().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getFragmentOffsets() != null && !l.getFragmentOffsets().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected fragment offsets");
        if (l.getIcmpCodes() != null) {
            BDD val = computeValidRange(l.getIcmpCodes(), _pkt.getIcmpCode());
            val = l.getIcmpCodes().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getIcmpTypes() != null) {
            BDD val = computeValidRange(l.getIcmpTypes(), _pkt.getIcmpType());
            val = l.getIcmpTypes().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getStates() != null && !l.getStates().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected states");
        if (l.getIpProtocols() != null) {
            BDD val = computeIpProtocols(l.getIpProtocols());
            val = l.getIpProtocols().isEmpty() ? : val;
            local = (local == null ? val : local.and(val));
        if (l.getNotDscps() != null && !l.getNotDscps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT dscps");
        if (l.getNotDstIps() != null && !l.getNotDstIps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT dst ip");
        if (l.getNotSrcIps() != null && !l.getNotSrcIps().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT src ip");
        if (l.getNotDstPorts() != null && !l.getNotDstPorts().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT dst port");
        if (l.getNotSrcPorts() != null && !l.getNotSrcPorts().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT src port");
        if (l.getNotEcns() != null && !l.getNotEcns().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT ecns");
        if (l.getNotIcmpCodes() != null && !l.getNotIcmpCodes().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT icmp codes");
        if (l.getNotIcmpTypes() != null && !l.getNotIcmpTypes().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT icmp types");
        if (l.getNotFragmentOffsets() != null && !l.getNotFragmentOffsets().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT fragment offset");
        if (l.getNotIpProtocols() != null && !l.getNotIpProtocols().isEmpty()) {
            throw new BatfishException("detected NOT ip protocols");
        if (local != null) {
            BDD ret;
            if (l.getAction() == LineAction.ACCEPT) {
                ret =;
            } else {
                ret =;
            if (l.getNegate()) {
                local = local.not();
            _bdd = local.ite(ret, _bdd);
Also used : BatfishException(org.batfish.common.BatfishException) BDD(net.sf.javabdd.BDD) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IpAccessListLine(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine)


IpAccessListLine (org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine)35 IpWildcard (org.batfish.datamodel.IpWildcard)17 Test (org.junit.Test)17 IpAccessList (org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList)15 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)13 SubRange (org.batfish.datamodel.SubRange)12 Configuration (org.batfish.datamodel.Configuration)8 ImmutableList ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 Interface (org.batfish.datamodel.Interface)6 Set (java.util.Set)5 BatfishException (org.batfish.common.BatfishException)5 Ip (org.batfish.datamodel.Ip)5 LineAction (org.batfish.datamodel.LineAction)5 IpProtocol (org.batfish.datamodel.IpProtocol)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 List (java.util.List)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)3 Prefix (org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix)3