use of org.batfish.datamodel.RouteFilterList in project batfish by batfish.
the class VyosConfiguration method toRouteFilterList.
private RouteFilterList toRouteFilterList(PrefixList prefixList) {
String name = prefixList.getName();
RouteFilterList newList = new RouteFilterList(name);
List<RouteFilterLine> newLines = prefixList.getRules().values().stream().map(l -> new RouteFilterLine(l.getAction(), l.getPrefix(), l.getLengthRange())).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList());
return newList;
use of org.batfish.datamodel.RouteFilterList in project batfish by batfish.
the class JuniperConfiguration method toAggregateRoute.
private org.batfish.datamodel.GeneratedRoute toAggregateRoute(AggregateRoute route) {
Prefix prefix = route.getPrefix();
int prefixLength = prefix.getPrefixLength();
int administrativeCost = route.getMetric();
String policyNameSuffix = route.getPrefix().toString().replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_');
String policyName = "~AGGREGATE_" + policyNameSuffix + "~";
RoutingPolicy routingPolicy = new RoutingPolicy(policyName, _c);
If routingPolicyConditional = new If();
String rflName = "~AGGREGATE_" + policyNameSuffix + "_RF~";
MatchPrefixSet isContributingRoute = new MatchPrefixSet(new DestinationNetwork(), new NamedPrefixSet(rflName));
RouteFilterList rfList = new RouteFilterList(rflName);
rfList.addLine(new org.batfish.datamodel.RouteFilterLine(LineAction.ACCEPT, prefix, new SubRange(prefixLength + 1, Prefix.MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH)));
org.batfish.datamodel.GeneratedRoute.Builder newRoute = new org.batfish.datamodel.GeneratedRoute.Builder();
_c.getRoutingPolicies().put(policyName, routingPolicy);
_c.getRouteFilterLists().put(rflName, rfList);
use of org.batfish.datamodel.RouteFilterList in project batfish by batfish.
the class PsFromPrefixListFilterLonger method toBooleanExpr.
public BooleanExpr toBooleanExpr(JuniperConfiguration jc, Configuration c, Warnings warnings) {
PrefixList pl = jc.getPrefixLists().get(_prefixList);
if (pl != null) {
pl.getReferers().put(this, "from prefix-list-filter longer");
if (pl.getIpv6()) {
return BooleanExprs.False.toStaticBooleanExpr();
RouteFilterList rf = c.getRouteFilterLists().get(_prefixList);
String longerListName = "~" + _prefixList + "~LONGER~";
RouteFilterList longerList = c.getRouteFilterLists().get(longerListName);
if (longerList == null) {
longerList = new RouteFilterList(longerListName);
for (RouteFilterLine line : rf.getLines()) {
Prefix prefix = line.getPrefix();
LineAction action = line.getAction();
SubRange longerLineRange = new SubRange(line.getLengthRange().getStart() + 1, Prefix.MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH);
if (longerLineRange.getStart() > Prefix.MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH) {
warnings.redFlag("'prefix-list-filter " + _prefixList + " longer' cannot match more specific prefix than " + prefix);
RouteFilterLine orLongerLine = new RouteFilterLine(action, prefix, longerLineRange);
c.getRouteFilterLists().put(longerListName, longerList);
return new MatchPrefixSet(new DestinationNetwork(), new NamedPrefixSet(longerListName));
} else {
warnings.redFlag("Reference to undefined prefix-list: \"" + _prefixList + "\"");
return BooleanExprs.False.toStaticBooleanExpr();
use of org.batfish.datamodel.RouteFilterList in project batfish by batfish.
the class PsFromPrefixListFilterOrLonger method toBooleanExpr.
public BooleanExpr toBooleanExpr(JuniperConfiguration jc, Configuration c, Warnings warnings) {
PrefixList pl = jc.getPrefixLists().get(_prefixList);
if (pl != null) {
pl.getReferers().put(this, "from prefix-list-filter or-longer");
if (pl.getIpv6()) {
return BooleanExprs.False.toStaticBooleanExpr();
RouteFilterList rf = c.getRouteFilterLists().get(_prefixList);
String orLongerListName = "~" + _prefixList + "~ORLONGER~";
RouteFilterList orLongerList = c.getRouteFilterLists().get(orLongerListName);
if (orLongerList == null) {
orLongerList = new RouteFilterList(orLongerListName);
for (RouteFilterLine line : rf.getLines()) {
Prefix prefix = line.getPrefix();
LineAction action = line.getAction();
SubRange orLongerLineRange = new SubRange(line.getLengthRange().getStart(), Prefix.MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH);
RouteFilterLine orLongerLine = new RouteFilterLine(action, prefix, orLongerLineRange);
c.getRouteFilterLists().put(orLongerListName, orLongerList);
return new MatchPrefixSet(new DestinationNetwork(), new NamedPrefixSet(orLongerListName));
} else {
warnings.redFlag("Reference to undefined prefix-list: \"" + _prefixList + "\"");
return BooleanExprs.False.toStaticBooleanExpr();
use of org.batfish.datamodel.RouteFilterList in project batfish by batfish.
the class PsFromRouteFilter method toBooleanExpr.
public BooleanExpr toBooleanExpr(JuniperConfiguration jc, Configuration c, Warnings warnings) {
RouteFilterList rfl = c.getRouteFilterLists().get(_routeFilterName);
Route6FilterList rfl6 = c.getRoute6FilterLists().get(_routeFilterName);
BooleanExpr match4 = null;
BooleanExpr match6 = null;
if (rfl != null) {
match4 = new MatchPrefixSet(new DestinationNetwork(), new NamedPrefixSet(_routeFilterName));
if (rfl6 != null) {
match6 = new MatchPrefix6Set(new DestinationNetwork6(), new NamedPrefix6Set(_routeFilterName));
if (match4 != null && match6 == null) {
return match4;
} else if (rfl == null && rfl6 != null) {
return match6;
} else if (rfl != null && rfl6 != null) {
Disjunction d = new Disjunction();
return d;
} else {
throw new VendorConversionException("missing route filter list: \"" + _routeFilterName + "\"");