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Example 41 with GraphEdge

use of org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge in project batfish by batfish.

the class AbstractionBuilder method specialize.

   * Specialize the collection of BDDs representing ACL and route map policies on
   * each edge. Must be synchronized since BDDs are not thread-safe.
private synchronized void specialize(boolean specializeBdds) {
    for (Entry<GraphEdge, InterfacePolicy> entry : _network.getExportPolicyMap().entrySet()) {
        GraphEdge ge = entry.getKey();
        InterfacePolicy pol = entry.getValue();
        InterfacePolicy newPol = pol.restrictStatic(_prefixes);
        newPol = (specializeBdds ? newPol.restrict(_prefixes) : newPol);
        _exportPol.put(ge, newPol);
    for (Entry<GraphEdge, InterfacePolicy> entry : _network.getImportPolicyMap().entrySet()) {
        GraphEdge ge = entry.getKey();
        InterfacePolicy pol = entry.getValue();
        InterfacePolicy newPol = pol.restrictStatic(_prefixes);
        newPol = (specializeBdds ? newPol.restrict(_prefixes) : newPol);
        _importPol.put(ge, newPol);
Also used : GraphEdge(org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge)

Example 42 with GraphEdge

use of org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge in project batfish by batfish.

the class BatfishCompressor method processSlice.

 * A slice is an abstracted network for a single destination EC. Given one destination EC, return
 * a mapping from each edge to a filter that will restrict traffic to that EC. We need separate
 * one for each one because they get mutated when we install the filters in the network.
private Map<GraphEdge, EquivalenceClassFilter> processSlice(NetworkSlice slice) {
    Map<GraphEdge, EquivalenceClassFilter> filters = new HashMap<>();
    // get the set of prefixes for this equivalence class.
    TreeSet<Prefix> prefixSet = slice.getHeaderSpace().getDstIps().stream().map(IpWildcard::toPrefix).collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new));
    for (GraphEdge edge : slice.getGraph().getAllEdges()) {
        if (!edge.isAbstract() && !_graph.isLoopback(edge)) {
            // add a filter to restrict traffic to this equivalence class.
            filters.put(edge, new EquivalenceClassFilter(new PrefixTrie(prefixSet), slice.getIsDefaultCase()));
    return filters;
Also used : PrefixTrie(org.batfish.datamodel.PrefixTrie) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Prefix(org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix) GraphEdge(org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge)

Example 43 with GraphEdge

use of org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge in project batfish by batfish.

the class BatfishCompressor method addAll.

 * Merge two maps of filters. When there's collision take the union (to allow traffic matching
 * either filter).
private void addAll(Map<GraphEdge, EquivalenceClassFilter> to, Map<GraphEdge, EquivalenceClassFilter> from) {
    for (Entry<GraphEdge, EquivalenceClassFilter> entry : from.entrySet()) {
        GraphEdge graphEdge = entry.getKey();
        EquivalenceClassFilter filter = entry.getValue();
        if (!to.containsKey(graphEdge)) {
            to.put(graphEdge, filter);
        } else {
            // both maps have filters for this edge -- merge them together.
            TreeSet<Prefix> mergedPrefixes = new TreeSet<>(Sets.union(to.get(graphEdge)._prefixTrie.getPrefixes(), filter._prefixTrie.getPrefixes()));
            EquivalenceClassFilter mergedFilter = new EquivalenceClassFilter(new PrefixTrie(mergedPrefixes), to.get(graphEdge)._isForDefaultSlice || filter._isForDefaultSlice);
            to.put(graphEdge, mergedFilter);
Also used : PrefixTrie(org.batfish.datamodel.PrefixTrie) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Prefix(org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix) GraphEdge(org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge)

Example 44 with GraphEdge

use of org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge in project batfish by batfish.

the class BDDNetwork method computeInterfacePolicies.

   * For each interface in the network, creates a canonical
   * representation of the import and export policies on this interface.
private void computeInterfacePolicies() {
    for (Entry<String, Configuration> entry : _graph.getConfigurations().entrySet()) {
        String router = entry.getKey();
        // Skip if doesn't match the node regex
        Matcher m = _nodeSpecifier.getRegex().matcher(router);
        if (!m.matches()) {
        Configuration conf = entry.getValue();
        List<GraphEdge> edges = _graph.getEdgeMap().get(router);
        for (GraphEdge ge : edges) {
            // Import BGP policy
            RoutingPolicy importBgp = _graph.findImportRoutingPolicy(router, Protocol.BGP, ge);
            if (importBgp != null) {
                BDDRoute rec = computeBDD(_graph, conf, importBgp, true);
                _importBgpPolicies.put(ge, rec);
            // Export BGP policy
            RoutingPolicy exportBgp = _graph.findExportRoutingPolicy(router, Protocol.BGP, ge);
            if (exportBgp != null) {
                BDDRoute rec = computeBDD(_graph, conf, exportBgp, true);
                _exportBgpPolicies.put(ge, rec);
            IpAccessList in = ge.getStart().getIncomingFilter();
            IpAccessList out = ge.getStart().getOutgoingFilter();
            // Incoming ACL
            if (in != null) {
                BDDAcl x = BDDAcl.create(conf, in, true);
                _inAcls.put(ge, x);
            // Outgoing ACL
            if (out != null) {
                BDDAcl x = BDDAcl.create(conf, out, true);
                _outAcls.put(ge, x);
    for (Entry<String, List<GraphEdge>> entry : _graph.getEdgeMap().entrySet()) {
        String router = entry.getKey();
        // Skip if doesn't match the node regex
        Matcher m = _nodeSpecifier.getRegex().matcher(router);
        if (!m.matches()) {
        List<GraphEdge> edges = entry.getValue();
        Configuration conf = _graph.getConfigurations().get(router);
        for (GraphEdge ge : edges) {
            BDDRoute bgpIn = _importBgpPolicies.get(ge);
            BDDRoute bgpOut = _exportBgpPolicies.get(ge);
            BDDAcl aclIn = _inAcls.get(ge);
            BDDAcl aclOut = _outAcls.get(ge);
            Integer ospfCost = ge.getStart().getOspfCost();
            SortedSet<Pair<Prefix, Integer>> staticPrefixes = new TreeSet<>();
            SortedSet<StaticRoute> staticRoutes = conf.getDefaultVrf().getStaticRoutes();
            for (StaticRoute sr : staticRoutes) {
                Prefix pfx = sr.getNetwork();
                Integer adminCost = sr.getAdministrativeCost();
                Pair<Prefix, Integer> tup = new Pair<>(pfx, adminCost);
            InterfacePolicy ipol = new InterfacePolicy(aclIn, bgpIn, null, staticPrefixes);
            InterfacePolicy epol = new InterfacePolicy(aclOut, bgpOut, ospfCost, null);
            _importPolicyMap.put(ge, ipol);
            _exportPolicyMap.put(ge, epol);
Also used : StaticRoute(org.batfish.datamodel.StaticRoute) Configuration(org.batfish.datamodel.Configuration) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) RoutingPolicy(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.RoutingPolicy) Prefix(org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix) InterfacePolicy(org.batfish.symbolic.abstraction.InterfacePolicy) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) IpAccessList(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList) List(java.util.List) IpAccessList(org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList) GraphEdge(org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge) Pair(org.batfish.common.Pair)

Example 45 with GraphEdge

use of org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge in project batfish by batfish.

the class CounterExample method buildFlowTraceHop.

   * Build an individual flow hop along a path
private FlowTraceHop buildFlowTraceHop(GraphEdge ge, String route) {
    String node1 = ge.getRouter();
    String int1 = ge.getStart().getName();
    String node2 = ge.getPeer() == null ? "(none)" : ge.getPeer();
    String int2 = ge.getEnd() == null ? "null_interface" : ge.getEnd().getName();
    Edge edge = new Edge(node1, int1, node2, int2);
    SortedSet<String> routes = new TreeSet<>();
    return new FlowTraceHop(edge, routes, null);
Also used : FlowTraceHop(org.batfish.datamodel.FlowTraceHop) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Edge(org.batfish.datamodel.Edge) GraphEdge(org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge)


GraphEdge (org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge)47 BoolExpr ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)19 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 List (java.util.List)16 Graph (org.batfish.symbolic.Graph)14 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)13 Prefix (org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix)12 ArithExpr ( Configuration (org.batfish.datamodel.Configuration)10 Protocol (org.batfish.symbolic.Protocol)10 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)8 Interface (org.batfish.datamodel.Interface)8 Context ( Map (java.util.Map)7 Ip (org.batfish.datamodel.Ip)7 IpAccessList (org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList)7 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)6 IpProtocol (org.batfish.datamodel.IpProtocol)6 BitVecExpr (