use of org.bedework.calcorei.HibSession in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CoreEventPropertiesDAO method delete.
public void delete(final BwEventProperty val) throws CalFacadeException {
final HibSession sess = getSess();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final BwEventProperty v = (BwEventProperty) sess.merge(val);
sess.setInt("id", v.getId());
use of org.bedework.calcorei.HibSession in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CoreEventPropertiesDAO method doFind.
/* ====================================================================
* Private methods
* ==================================================================== */
private void doFind(final String qpfx, final BwString val, final String ownerHref) throws CalFacadeException {
if (val == null) {
throw new CalFacadeException("Missing key value");
if (ownerHref == null) {
throw new CalFacadeException("Missing owner value");
final HibSession sess = getSess();
final StringBuilder qstr = new StringBuilder(qpfx);
addBwStringKeyTerms(val, finderFieldName, qstr);
qstr.append("and ent.ownerHref=:ownerHref");
sess.setString("ownerHref", ownerHref);
use of org.bedework.calcorei.HibSession in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CoreEventPropertiesDAO method get.
public BwEventProperty get(final String uid) throws CalFacadeException {
if (getQuery == null) {
getQuery = "from " + className + " ent where uid=:uid";
final HibSession sess = getSess();
sess.setString("uid", uid);
return (BwEventProperty) sess.getUnique();
use of org.bedework.calcorei.HibSession in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CoreEventsDAO method getAnnotations.
protected Collection<BwEventAnnotation> getAnnotations(final BwEvent val, final boolean overrides) throws CalFacadeException {
final HibSession sess = getSess();
sess.setEntity("target", val);
// sess.setBool("override", overrides);
final Collection anns = sess.getList();
if (debug) {
debug("getAnnotations for event " + val.getId() + " overrides=" + overrides + " returns " + anns.size());
return anns;
use of org.bedework.calcorei.HibSession in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.
the class CoreEventsDAO method eventQuery.
protected List eventQuery(final Class cl, final String colPath, final String guid, final String rid, final BwEvent master, final Boolean overrides, final RecurringRetrievalMode recurRetrieval) throws CalFacadeException {
final HibSession sess = getSess();
final EventQueryBuilder qb = new EventQueryBuilder();
final String qevName = "ev";
BwDateTime startDate = null;
BwDateTime endDate = null;
/* SEG: from Events ev where */
qb.addClass(cl, qevName);
if (recurRetrieval != null) {
startDate = recurRetrieval.start;
endDate = recurRetrieval.end;
/* SEG: (<date-ranges>) and */
if (qb.appendDateTerms(qevName, startDate, endDate, false, false)) {
if (master != null) {
qb.append(" ev.master=:master ");
} else {
if (colPath != null) {
qb.append(" ev.colPath=:colPath and");
qb.append(" ev.uid=:uid ");
qb.append(" and ev.tombstoned=false ");
if (overrides != null) {
qb.append(" and ev.override=:override ");
if (masterOnly) {
sb.append(" and ev.recurrenceId is null ");
} else */
if (rid != null) {
qb.append(" and ev.recurrenceId=:rid ");
qb.setDateTermValues(startDate, endDate);
if (master != null) {
sess.setEntity("master", master);
} else {
if (colPath != null) {
sess.setString("colPath", colPath);
sess.setString("uid", guid);
if (overrides != null) {
sess.setBool("override", overrides);
// if (!masterOnly && (rid != null)) {
if (rid != null) {
sess.setString("rid", rid);
// debugMsg("Try query " + sb.toString());
return sess.getList();