use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class BaseX509Certprofile method createPostalAddressRdn.
private static RDN createPostalAddressRdn(ASN1ObjectIdentifier type, ASN1Encodable rdnValue, RdnControl control, int index) throws BadCertTemplateException {
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("type", type);
if (!(rdnValue instanceof ASN1Sequence)) {
throw new BadCertTemplateException("rdnValue of RDN postalAddress has incorrect syntax");
ASN1Sequence seq = (ASN1Sequence) rdnValue;
final int size = seq.size();
if (size < 1 || size > 6) {
throw new BadCertTemplateException("Sequence size of RDN postalAddress is not within [1, 6]: " + size);
ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ASN1Encodable line = seq.getObjectAt(i);
String text;
if (line instanceof ASN1String && !(line instanceof DERUniversalString)) {
text = ((ASN1String) line).getString();
} else {
throw new BadCertTemplateException(String.format("postalAddress[%d] has incorrect syntax", i));
ASN1Encodable asn1Line = createRdnValue(text, type, control, index);
return new RDN(type, new DERSequence(vec));
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class X509Util method createGeneralName.
* Creates {@link GeneralName} from the tagged value.
* @param taggedValue [tag]value, and the value for tags otherName and ediPartyName is
* type=value.
* @return the created {@link GeneralName}
* @throws BadInputException
* if the {@code taggedValue} is invalid.
public static GeneralName createGeneralName(String taggedValue) throws BadInputException {
ParamUtil.requireNonBlank("taggedValue", taggedValue);
int tag = -1;
String value = null;
if (taggedValue.charAt(0) == '[') {
int idx = taggedValue.indexOf(']', 1);
if (idx > 1 && idx < taggedValue.length() - 1) {
String tagS = taggedValue.substring(1, idx);
try {
tag = Integer.parseInt(tagS);
value = taggedValue.substring(idx + 1);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new BadInputException("invalid tag '" + tagS + "'");
if (tag == -1) {
throw new BadInputException("invalid taggedValue " + taggedValue);
switch(tag) {
case GeneralName.otherName:
if (value == null) {
throw new BadInputException("invalid otherName: no value specified");
int idxSep = value.indexOf("=");
if (idxSep == -1 || idxSep == 0 || idxSep == value.length() - 1) {
throw new BadInputException("invalid otherName " + value);
String otherTypeOid = value.substring(0, idxSep);
ASN1ObjectIdentifier type = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(otherTypeOid);
String otherValue = value.substring(idxSep + 1);
ASN1EncodableVector vector = new ASN1EncodableVector();
vector.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 0, new DERUTF8String(otherValue)));
DERSequence seq = new DERSequence(vector);
return new GeneralName(GeneralName.otherName, seq);
case GeneralName.rfc822Name:
return new GeneralName(tag, value);
case GeneralName.dNSName:
return new GeneralName(tag, value);
case GeneralName.directoryName:
X500Name x500Name = reverse(new X500Name(value));
return new GeneralName(GeneralName.directoryName, x500Name);
case GeneralName.ediPartyName:
if (value == null) {
throw new BadInputException("invalid ediPartyName: no value specified");
idxSep = value.indexOf("=");
if (idxSep == -1 || idxSep == value.length() - 1) {
throw new BadInputException("invalid ediPartyName " + value);
String nameAssigner = (idxSep == 0) ? null : value.substring(0, idxSep);
String partyName = value.substring(idxSep + 1);
vector = new ASN1EncodableVector();
if (nameAssigner != null) {
vector.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, new DirectoryString(nameAssigner)));
vector.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 1, new DirectoryString(partyName)));
seq = new DERSequence(vector);
return new GeneralName(GeneralName.ediPartyName, seq);
case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier:
return new GeneralName(tag, value);
case GeneralName.iPAddress:
return new GeneralName(tag, value);
case GeneralName.registeredID:
return new GeneralName(tag, value);
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported tag " + tag);
// end switch (tag)
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class SignerUtil method dsaSigPlainToX962.
public static byte[] dsaSigPlainToX962(byte[] signature) throws XiSecurityException {
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("signature", signature);
if (signature.length % 2 != 0) {
throw new XiSecurityException("signature.lenth must be even, but is odd");
byte[] ba = new byte[signature.length / 2];
ASN1EncodableVector sigder = new ASN1EncodableVector();
System.arraycopy(signature, 0, ba, 0, ba.length);
sigder.add(new ASN1Integer(new BigInteger(1, ba)));
System.arraycopy(signature, ba.length, ba, 0, ba.length);
sigder.add(new ASN1Integer(new BigInteger(1, ba)));
DERSequence seq = new DERSequence(sigder);
try {
return seq.getEncoded();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new XiSecurityException("IOException, message: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class OcspBenchRequestor method init.
public void init(OcspBenchmark responseHandler, String responderUrl, Certificate issuerCert, RequestOptions requestOptions, int queueSize) throws Exception {
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("issuerCert", issuerCert);
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("responseHandler", responseHandler);
this.requestOptions = ParamUtil.requireNonNull("requestOptions", requestOptions);
HashAlgo hashAlgo = HashAlgo.getInstance(requestOptions.getHashAlgorithmId());
if (hashAlgo == null) {
throw new OcspRequestorException("unknown HashAlgo " + requestOptions.getHashAlgorithmId().getId());
this.issuerhashAlg = hashAlgo.getAlgorithmIdentifier();
this.issuerNameHash = new DEROctetString(hashAlgo.hash(issuerCert.getSubject().getEncoded()));
this.issuerKeyHash = new DEROctetString(hashAlgo.hash(issuerCert.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo().getPublicKeyData().getOctets()));
List<AlgorithmIdentifier> prefSigAlgs = requestOptions.getPreferredSignatureAlgorithms();
if (prefSigAlgs == null || prefSigAlgs.size() == 0) {
this.extensions = null;
} else {
ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
for (AlgorithmIdentifier algId : prefSigAlgs) {
ASN1Sequence prefSigAlgObj = new DERSequence(algId);
ASN1Sequence extnValue = new DERSequence(vec);
Extension extn;
try {
extn = new Extension(ObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_prefSigAlgs, false, new DEROctetString(extnValue));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new OcspRequestorException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
this.extensions = new Extension[] { extn };
URI uri = new URI(responderUrl);
this.responderRawPathPost = uri.getRawPath();
if (this.responderRawPathPost.endsWith("/")) {
this.responderRawPathGet = this.responderRawPathPost;
} else {
this.responderRawPathGet = this.responderRawPathPost + "/";
this.httpClient = new HttpClient(responderUrl, responseHandler, queueSize);
use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence in project xipki by xipki.
the class Asn1NewKeyControl method toASN1Primitive.
public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() {
ASN1EncodableVector vector = new ASN1EncodableVector();
vector.add(new DERTaggedObject(0, ASN1Boolean.getInstance(control.isExtractable())));
return new DERSequence(vector);