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Example 96 with Time

use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time in project Etar-Calendar by Etar-Group.

the class EditEventHelper method constructDefaultStartTime.

 * When we aren't given an explicit start time, we default to the next
 * upcoming half hour. So, for example, 5:01 -> 5:30, 5:30 -> 6:00, etc.
 * @return a UTC time in milliseconds representing the next upcoming half
 * hour
protected long constructDefaultStartTime(long now) {
    Time defaultStart = new Time();
    long defaultStartMillis = defaultStart.toMillis();
    if (now < defaultStartMillis) {
        return defaultStartMillis;
    } else {
        return defaultStartMillis + 30 * DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS;
Also used : Time(

Example 97 with Time

use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time in project Etar-Calendar by Etar-Group.

the class EditEventHelper method updateRecurrenceRule.

 * Uses the recurrence selection and the model data to build an rrule and
 * write it to the model.
 * @param selection the type of rrule
 * @param model The event to update
 * @param weekStart the week start day, specified as java.util.Calendar
 * constants
static void updateRecurrenceRule(int selection, CalendarEventModel model, int weekStart) {
    // Make sure we don't have any leftover data from the previous setting
    EventRecurrence eventRecurrence = new EventRecurrence();
    if (selection == DOES_NOT_REPEAT) {
        model.mRrule = null;
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_CUSTOM) {
        // Keep custom recurrence as before.
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_DAILY) {
        eventRecurrence.freq = EventRecurrence.DAILY;
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_EVERY_WEEKDAY) {
        eventRecurrence.freq = EventRecurrence.WEEKLY;
        int dayCount = 5;
        int[] byday = new int[dayCount];
        int[] bydayNum = new int[dayCount];
        byday[0] = EventRecurrence.MO;
        byday[1] = EventRecurrence.TU;
        byday[2] = EventRecurrence.WE;
        byday[3] = EventRecurrence.TH;
        byday[4] = EventRecurrence.FR;
        for (int day = 0; day < dayCount; day++) {
            bydayNum[day] = 0;
        eventRecurrence.byday = byday;
        eventRecurrence.bydayNum = bydayNum;
        eventRecurrence.bydayCount = dayCount;
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_WEEKLY_ON_DAY) {
        eventRecurrence.freq = EventRecurrence.WEEKLY;
        int[] days = new int[1];
        int dayCount = 1;
        int[] dayNum = new int[dayCount];
        Time startTime = new Time(model.mTimezone);
        days[0] = EventRecurrence.timeDay2Day(startTime.getWeekDay());
        // not sure why this needs to be zero, but set it for now.
        dayNum[0] = 0;
        eventRecurrence.byday = days;
        eventRecurrence.bydayNum = dayNum;
        eventRecurrence.bydayCount = dayCount;
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_MONTHLY_ON_DAY) {
        eventRecurrence.freq = EventRecurrence.MONTHLY;
        eventRecurrence.bydayCount = 0;
        eventRecurrence.bymonthdayCount = 1;
        int[] bymonthday = new int[1];
        Time startTime = new Time(model.mTimezone);
        bymonthday[0] = startTime.getDay();
        eventRecurrence.bymonthday = bymonthday;
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_MONTHLY_ON_DAY_COUNT) {
        eventRecurrence.freq = EventRecurrence.MONTHLY;
        eventRecurrence.bydayCount = 1;
        eventRecurrence.bymonthdayCount = 0;
        int[] byday = new int[1];
        int[] bydayNum = new int[1];
        Time startTime = new Time(model.mTimezone);
        // Compute the week number (for example, the "2nd" Monday)
        int dayCount = 1 + ((startTime.getDay() - 1) / 7);
        if (dayCount == 5) {
            dayCount = -1;
        bydayNum[0] = dayCount;
        byday[0] = EventRecurrence.timeDay2Day(startTime.getWeekDay());
        eventRecurrence.byday = byday;
        eventRecurrence.bydayNum = bydayNum;
    } else if (selection == REPEATS_YEARLY) {
        eventRecurrence.freq = EventRecurrence.YEARLY;
    // Set the week start day.
    eventRecurrence.wkst = EventRecurrence.calendarDay2Day(weekStart);
    model.mRrule = eventRecurrence.toString();
Also used : EventRecurrence( Time(

Example 98 with Time

use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time in project Etar-Calendar by Etar-Group.

the class EditEventHelper method getContentValuesFromModel.

 * Goes through an event model and fills in content values for saving. This
 * method will perform the initial collection of values from the model and
 * put them into a set of ContentValues. It performs some basic work such as
 * fixing the time on allDay events and choosing whether to use an rrule or
 * dtend.
 * @param model The complete model of the event you want to save
 * @return values
ContentValues getContentValuesFromModel(CalendarEventModel model) {
    String title = model.mTitle;
    boolean isAllDay = model.mAllDay;
    String rrule = model.mRrule;
    String timezone = model.mTimezone;
    if (timezone == null) {
        timezone = TimeZone.getDefault().getID();
    Time startTime = new Time(timezone);
    Time endTime = new Time(timezone);
    offsetStartTimeIfNecessary(startTime, endTime, rrule, model);
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    long startMillis;
    long endMillis;
    long calendarId = model.mCalendarId;
    if (isAllDay) {
        // Reset start and end time, ensure at least 1 day duration, and set
        // the timezone to UTC, as required for all-day events.
        timezone = Time.TIMEZONE_UTC;
        startMillis = startTime.normalize();
        endMillis = endTime.normalize();
        if (endMillis < startMillis + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS) {
            // EditEventView#fillModelFromUI() should treat this case, but we want to ensure
            // the condition anyway.
            endMillis = startMillis + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS;
    } else {
        startMillis = startTime.toMillis();
        endMillis = endTime.toMillis();
    values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, calendarId);
    values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, timezone);
    values.put(Events.TITLE, title);
    values.put(Events.ALL_DAY, isAllDay ? 1 : 0);
    values.put(Events.DTSTART, startMillis);
    values.put(Events.RRULE, rrule);
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(rrule)) {
        addRecurrenceRule(values, model);
    } else {
        values.put(Events.DURATION, (String) null);
        values.put(Events.DTEND, endMillis);
    if (model.mDescription != null) {
        values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, model.mDescription.trim());
    } else {
        values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, (String) null);
    if (model.mLocation != null) {
        values.put(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, model.mLocation.trim());
    } else {
        values.put(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, (String) null);
    values.put(Events.AVAILABILITY, model.mAvailability);
    values.put(Events.HAS_ATTENDEE_DATA, model.mHasAttendeeData ? 1 : 0);
    int accessLevel = model.mAccessLevel;
    values.put(Events.ACCESS_LEVEL, accessLevel);
    values.put(Events.STATUS, model.mEventStatus);
    if (model.isEventColorInitialized()) {
        if (model.getEventColor() == model.getCalendarColor()) {
            values.put(Events.EVENT_COLOR_KEY, NO_EVENT_COLOR);
        } else {
            values.put(Events.EVENT_COLOR_KEY, model.getEventColorKey());
    return values;
Also used : ContentValues(android.content.ContentValues) Time(

Example 99 with Time

use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time in project Etar-Calendar by Etar-Group.

the class EditEventHelper method updatePastEvents.

 * Prepares an update to the original event so it stops where the new series
 * begins. When we update 'this and all following' events we need to change
 * the original event to end before a new series starts. This creates an
 * update to the old event's rrule to do that.
 * If the event's recurrence rule has a COUNT, we also need to reduce the count in the
 * RRULE for the exception event.
 * @param ops The list of operations to add the update to
 * @param originalModel The original event that we're updating
 * @param endTimeMillis The time before which the event must end (i.e. the start time of the
 *        exception event instance).
 * @return A replacement exception recurrence rule.
public String updatePastEvents(ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops, CalendarEventModel originalModel, long endTimeMillis) {
    boolean origAllDay = originalModel.mAllDay;
    String origRrule = originalModel.mRrule;
    String newRrule = origRrule;
    EventRecurrence origRecurrence = new EventRecurrence();
    // Get the start time of the first instance in the original recurrence.
    long startTimeMillis = originalModel.mStart;
    Time dtstart = new Time();
    ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues();
    if (origRecurrence.count > 0) {
             * Generate the full set of instances for this recurrence, from the first to the
             * one just before endTimeMillis.  The list should never be empty, because this method
             * should not be called for the first instance.  All we're really interested in is
             * the *number* of instances found.
             * TODO: the model assumes RRULE and ignores RDATE, EXRULE, and EXDATE.  For the
             * current environment this is reasonable, but that may not hold in the future.
             * TODO: if COUNT is 1, should we convert the event to non-recurring?  e.g. we
             * do an "edit this and all future events" on the 2nd instances.
        RecurrenceSet recurSet = new RecurrenceSet(originalModel.mRrule, null, null, null);
        RecurrenceProcessor recurProc = new RecurrenceProcessor();
        long[] recurrences;
        try {
            recurrences = recurProc.expand(dtstart, recurSet, startTimeMillis, endTimeMillis);
        } catch (DateException de) {
            throw new RuntimeException(de);
        if (recurrences.length == 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("can't use this method on first instance");
        EventRecurrence excepRecurrence = new EventRecurrence();
        // TODO: add+use a copy constructor instead
        excepRecurrence.count -= recurrences.length;
        newRrule = excepRecurrence.toString();
        origRecurrence.count = recurrences.length;
    } else {
        // The "until" time must be in UTC time in order for Google calendar
        // to display it properly. For all-day events, the "until" time string
        // must include just the date field, and not the time field. The
        // repeating events repeat up to and including the "until" time.
        Time untilTime = new Time();
        // Subtract one second from the old begin time to get the new
        // "until" time.
        // subtract one second (1000 millis)
        untilTime.set(endTimeMillis - 1000);
        if (origAllDay) {
            // This should no longer be necessary -- DTSTART should already be in the correct
            // format for an all-day event.
        origRecurrence.until = untilTime.format2445();
    updateValues.put(Events.RRULE, origRecurrence.toString());
    updateValues.put(Events.DTSTART, dtstart.normalize());
    ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(Uri.parse(originalModel.mUri)).withValues(updateValues);
    return newRrule;
Also used : ContentValues(android.content.ContentValues) ContentProviderOperation(android.content.ContentProviderOperation) Time( RecurrenceSet( EventRecurrence( DateException( RecurrenceProcessor(

Example 100 with Time

use of org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time in project Etar-Calendar by Etar-Group.

the class EditEventHelper method checkTimeDependentFields.

// TODO think about how useful this is. Probably check if our event has
// changed early on and either update all or nothing. Should still do the if
// MODIFY_ALL bit.
void checkTimeDependentFields(CalendarEventModel originalModel, CalendarEventModel model, ContentValues values, int modifyWhich) {
    long oldBegin = model.mOriginalStart;
    long oldEnd = model.mOriginalEnd;
    boolean oldAllDay = originalModel.mAllDay;
    String oldRrule = originalModel.mRrule;
    String oldTimezone = originalModel.mTimezone;
    long newBegin = model.mStart;
    long newEnd = model.mEnd;
    boolean newAllDay = model.mAllDay;
    String newRrule = model.mRrule;
    String newTimezone = model.mTimezone;
    // If none of the time-dependent fields changed, then remove them.
    if (oldBegin == newBegin && oldEnd == newEnd && oldAllDay == newAllDay && TextUtils.equals(oldRrule, newRrule) && TextUtils.equals(oldTimezone, newTimezone)) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(oldRrule) || TextUtils.isEmpty(newRrule)) {
    // then we leave the DTSTART field alone.
    if (modifyWhich == MODIFY_ALL) {
        long oldStartMillis = originalModel.mStart;
        if (oldBegin != newBegin) {
            // The user changed the start time of this event
            long offset = newBegin - oldBegin;
            oldStartMillis += offset;
        if (newAllDay) {
            Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
            oldStartMillis = time.toMillis();
        values.put(Events.DTSTART, oldStartMillis);
Also used : Time(


Time ( IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)43 X509Certificate ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)32 ASN1ObjectIdentifier (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier)32 ASN1OctetString (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString)32 X500Name (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name)28 DEROctetString (org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString)27 X509CertificateHolder (org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder)26 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 Paint ( DERSequence (org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence)17 ASN1Integer (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer)16 ByteArrayInputStream ( CertificateException ( ASN1EncodableVector (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector)15 Time (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Time)15 NoSuchAlgorithmException ( SecureRandom (