use of org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest in project athenz by yahoo.
the class X509CertRequestTest method testValidatePublicKeysCertCSRFailure.
public void testValidatePublicKeysCertCSRFailure() throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/valid_provider_refresh.csr");
String csr = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path));
X509CertRequest certReq = new X509CertRequest(csr);
PKCS10CertificationRequest req = Mockito.mock(PKCS10CertificationRequest.class);
path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/valid_provider_refresh.pem");
String pem = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path));
X509Certificate cert = Crypto.loadX509Certificate(pem);
use of org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest in project athenz by yahoo.
the class X509CertRequestTest method testValidatePublicKeysFailure.
public void testValidatePublicKeysFailure() throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/athenz.instanceid.csr");
String csr = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path));
X509CertRequest certReq = new X509CertRequest(csr);
PKCS10CertificationRequest req = Mockito.mock(PKCS10CertificationRequest.class);
use of org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest in project athenz by yahoo.
the class ZTSClientMock method postInstanceRegisterInformation.
public InstanceIdentity postInstanceRegisterInformation(InstanceRegisterInformation info, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
if (csrUriVerifyValue != null) {
PKCS10CertificationRequest certReq = Crypto.getPKCS10CertRequest(info.getCsr());
final List<String> values = Crypto.extractX509CSRURIs(certReq);
if (values.size() != 1 || !csrUriVerifyValue.equals(values.get(0))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("csr uri value not verified");
if (csrDnsVerifyValues != null) {
PKCS10CertificationRequest certReq = Crypto.getPKCS10CertRequest(info.getCsr());
final List<String> dnsValues = Crypto.extractX509CSRDnsNames(certReq);
if (!csrDnsVerifyValues.equals(dnsValues)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("csr dns name value not verified");
InstanceIdentity identity = new InstanceIdentity();
Path path = Paths.get("./src/test/resources/test_cert.pem");
try {
identity.setX509Certificate(new String(Files.readAllBytes(path)));
} catch (IOException e) {
return identity;
use of org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest in project athenz by yahoo.
the class ZTSImpl method postInstanceRefreshRequest.
public Identity postInstanceRefreshRequest(ResourceContext ctx, String domain, String service, InstanceRefreshRequest req) {
final String caller = ctx.getApiName();
final String principalDomain = logPrincipalAndGetDomain(ctx);
if (readOnlyMode.get()) {
throw requestError("Server in Maintenance Read-Only mode. Please try your request later", caller, ZTSConsts.ZTS_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN, principalDomain);
validateRequest(ctx.request(), principalDomain, caller);
validate(domain, TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
validate(service, TYPE_SIMPLE_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
validate(req, TYPE_INSTANCE_REFRESH_REQUEST, principalDomain, caller);
// validate principal object to make sure we're not
// processing a role identity and instead we require
// a service identity
final Principal principal = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
validatePrincipalNotRoleIdentity(principal, caller);
// for consistent handling of all requests, we're going to convert
// all incoming object values into lower case (e.g. domain, role,
// policy, service, etc name)
domain = domain.toLowerCase();
setRequestDomain(ctx, domain);
service = service.toLowerCase();
// make sure the credentials match to whatever the request is
String fullServiceName = domain + "." + service;
final String principalName = principal.getFullName();
boolean userRequest = false;
if (!fullServiceName.equals(principalName)) {
try {
userRequest = authorizer.access("update", domain + ":service", principal, null);
} catch (ResourceException ex) {
LOGGER.error("postInstanceRefreshRequest: access check failure for {}: {}", principalName, ex.getMessage());
if (!userRequest) {
throw requestError("Principal mismatch: " + fullServiceName + " vs. " + principalName, caller, domain, principalDomain);
if (userDomain.equalsIgnoreCase(domain)) {
throw requestError("TLS Certificates require ServiceTokens: " + fullServiceName, caller, domain, principalDomain);
// determine if this is a refresh or initial request
final Authority authority = principal.getAuthority();
boolean refreshOperation = (!userRequest && (authority instanceof CertificateAuthority));
// retrieve the public key for the request for verification
final String keyId = userRequest || refreshOperation ? req.getKeyId() : principal.getKeyId();
String publicKey = getPublicKey(domain, service, keyId);
if (publicKey == null) {
throw requestError("Unable to retrieve public key for " + fullServiceName + " with key id: " + keyId, caller, domain, principalDomain);
// validate that the cn and public key match to the provided details
X509CertRequest x509CertReq;
try {
x509CertReq = new X509CertRequest(req.getCsr());
} catch (CryptoException ex) {
throw requestError("Unable to parse PKCS10 certificate request", caller, domain, principalDomain);
final PKCS10CertificationRequest certReq = x509CertReq.getCertReq();
if (!ZTSUtils.verifyCertificateRequest(certReq, domain, service)) {
throw requestError("Invalid CSR - data mismatch", caller, domain, principalDomain);
if (!x509CertReq.validateSubjectOField(validCertSubjectOrgValues)) {
throw requestError("Invalid CSR - invalid Subject O field", caller, domain, principalDomain);
if (verifyCertSubjectOU && !x509CertReq.validateSubjectOUField(null, null, validCertSubjectOrgUnitValues)) {
throw requestError("Invalid CSR - invalid Subject OU field", caller, domain, principalDomain);
if (!x509CertReq.validatePublicKeys(publicKey)) {
throw requestError("Invalid CSR - public key mismatch", caller, domain, principalDomain);
// verify the IP address in the request matches where the connection
// is coming from
final String ipAddress = ServletRequestUtil.getRemoteAddress(ctx.request());
if (verifyCertRequestIP && !x509CertReq.validateIPAddress(ipAddress)) {
throw requestError("Invalid CSR - IP address mismatch", caller, domain, principalDomain);
if (refreshOperation) {
ServiceX509RefreshRequestStatus status = validateServiceX509RefreshRequest(principal, x509CertReq, ipAddress);
if (status == ServiceX509RefreshRequestStatus.IP_NOT_ALLOWED) {
throw forbiddenError("IP not allowed for refresh: " + ipAddress, caller, domain, principalDomain);
if (status != ServiceX509RefreshRequestStatus.SUCCESS) {
throw requestError("Request validation failed: " + status, caller, domain, principalDomain);
// generate identity with the certificate
int expiryTime = req.getExpiryTime() != null ? req.getExpiryTime() : 0;
Identity identity = ZTSUtils.generateIdentity(instanceCertManager, null, null, req.getCsr(), fullServiceName, null, expiryTime);
if (identity == null) {
throw serverError("Unable to generate identity", caller, domain, principalDomain);
// log our certificate
instanceCertManager.logX509Cert(principal, ipAddress, ZTSConsts.ZTS_SERVICE, ZTSUtils.extractCertReqInstanceId(certReq), Crypto.loadX509Certificate(identity.getCertificate()));
return identity;
use of org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest in project athenz by yahoo.
the class ZTSUtilsTest method testValidateCertReqDNSNamesNoDNS.
public void testValidateCertReqDNSNamesNoDNS() throws IOException {
Path path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/valid.csr");
String csr = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path));
// no dns names so all are valid
PKCS10CertificationRequest certReq = Crypto.getPKCS10CertRequest(csr);
boolean result = ZTSUtils.validateCertReqDNSNames(certReq, "athenz", "production");
result = ZTSUtils.validateCertReqDNSNames(certReq, "athenz2", "production");
result = ZTSUtils.validateCertReqDNSNames(certReq, "athenz2", "productio2");