use of org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.ResourcesApi in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method removeWorkspaceRole.
* Wrapper around Sam client to remove a role from the provided user.
* <p>This operation is only available to MC_WORKSPACE stage workspaces, as Rawls manages
* permissions directly on other workspaces. Trying to remove a role that a user does not have
* will succeed, though Sam will error if the email is not a registered user.
public void removeWorkspaceRole(UUID workspaceId, AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest, WsmIamRole role, String email) throws InterruptedException {
stageService.assertMcWorkspace(workspaceId, "removeWorkspaceRole");
checkAuthz(userRequest, SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString(), samActionToModifyRole(role));
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(userRequest.getRequiredToken());
try {
SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.removeUserFromPolicy(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString(), role.toSamRole(), email.toLowerCase()));"Removed role {} from user {} in workspace {}", role.toSamRole(), email, workspaceId);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error removing workspace role in Sam", apiException);
use of org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.ResourcesApi in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method listWorkspaceIds.
* List all workspace IDs in Sam this user has access to. Note that in environments shared with
* Rawls, some of these workspaces will be Rawls managed and WSM will not know about them.
public List<UUID> listWorkspaceIds(AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest) throws InterruptedException {
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(userRequest.getRequiredToken());
List<UUID> workspaceIds = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<ResourceAndAccessPolicy> resourceAndPolicies = SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.listResourcesAndPolicies(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE));
for (var resourceAndPolicy : resourceAndPolicies) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ignored here.
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error listing Workspace Ids in Sam", apiException);
return workspaceIds;
use of org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.ResourcesApi in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method createControlledResource.
* Create a controlled resource in Sam.
* @param resource The WSM representation of the resource to create.
* @param privateIamRole The IAM role to grant on a private resource. It is required for
* user-private resources and optional for application-private resources.
* @param assignedUserEmail Email identifier of the assigned user of this resource. Same
* constraints as privateIamRoles.
* @param userRequest Credentials to use for talking to Sam.
public void createControlledResource(ControlledResource resource, @Nullable ControlledResourceIamRole privateIamRole, @Nullable String assignedUserEmail, AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest) throws InterruptedException {
// We need the WSM SA for setting controlled resource policies
FullyQualifiedResourceId workspaceParentFqId = new FullyQualifiedResourceId().resourceId(resource.getWorkspaceId().toString()).resourceTypeName(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE);
CreateResourceRequestV2 resourceRequest = new CreateResourceRequestV2().resourceId(resource.getResourceId().toString()).parent(workspaceParentFqId);
var builder = new ControlledResourceSamPolicyBuilder(this, privateIamRole, assignedUserEmail, userRequest, ControlledResourceCategory.get(resource.getAccessScope(), resource.getManagedBy()));
try {
// We use the user request for the create, but could equally well use the WSM SA.
// The creating token has no effect on the resource policies.
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(userRequest.getRequiredToken());
SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.createResourceV2(resource.getCategory().getSamResourceName(), resourceRequest));"Created Sam controlled resource {}", resource.getResourceId());
dumpRoleBindings(resource.getCategory().getSamResourceName(), resource.getResourceId().toString(), getWsmServiceAccountToken());
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
// Do nothing if the resource to create already exists, this may not be the first time do is
// called. Other exceptions still need to be surfaced.
// Resource IDs are randomly generated, so we trust that the caller must have created
// an existing Sam resource."Sam API error while creating a controlled resource, code is " + apiException.getCode());
if (apiException.getCode() == HttpStatus.CONFLICT.value()) {"Sam error was CONFLICT on creation request. This means the resource already " + "exists but is not an error so no exception thrown.");
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error creating controlled resource in Sam", apiException);
use of org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.ResourcesApi in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method dumpRoleBindings.
// Add code to retrieve and dump the role assignments for WSM controlled resources
// for debugging. No permission check outside of Sam.
public void dumpRoleBindings(String samResourceType, String resourceId, String token) {
logger.debug("DUMP ROLE BINDING - resourceType {} resourceId {}", samResourceType, resourceId);
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(token);
try {
List<AccessPolicyResponseEntryV2> samResult = SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.listResourcePoliciesV2(samResourceType, resourceId));
for (AccessPolicyResponseEntryV2 entry : samResult) {
logger.debug(" samPolicy: {}", entry);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error listing role bindings in Sam", apiException);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.warn("dump role binding was interrupted");
use of org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.ResourcesApi in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method deleteWorkspace.
public void deleteWorkspace(AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest, UUID id) throws InterruptedException {
String authToken = userRequest.getRequiredToken();
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(authToken);
try {
SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.deleteResource(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, id.toString()));"Deleted Sam resource for workspace {}", id);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {"Sam API error while deleting workspace, code is " + apiException.getCode());
// called. Other exceptions still need to be surfaced.
if (apiException.getCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value()) {"Sam error was NOT_FOUND on a deletion call. " + "This just means the deletion was tried twice so no error thrown.");
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error deleting a workspace in Sam", apiException);