use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.GenomeLoc in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class ReferenceConfidenceModelUnitTest method checkOverlapping.
private void checkOverlapping(final int pos, Collection<VariantContext> calls, final VariantContext expected) {
final GenomeLoc loc = parser.createGenomeLoc(parser.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences().get(0).getSequenceName(), pos, pos);
final VariantContext actual = model.getOverlappingVariantContext(loc, calls);
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.GenomeLoc in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ReferenceConfidenceModelUnitTest method checkOverlapping.
private void checkOverlapping(final int pos, Collection<VariantContext> calls, final VariantContext expected) {
final GenomeLoc loc = parser.createGenomeLoc(parser.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences().get(0).getSequenceName(), pos, pos);
final VariantContext actual = model.getOverlappingVariantContext(loc, calls);
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.GenomeLoc in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ReferenceConfidenceModelUnitTest method checkReferenceModelResult.
private void checkReferenceModelResult(final RefConfData data, final List<VariantContext> contexts, final List<Integer> expectedDPs, final List<VariantContext> calls) {
final SimpleInterval loc = data.getActiveRegion().getExtendedSpan();
final List<Boolean> seenBP = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(data.getActiveRegion().getSpan().size(), false));
for (int i = 0; i < loc.size(); i++) {
final GenomeLoc curPos = parser.createGenomeLoc(loc.getContig(), loc.getStart() + i);
final VariantContext call = model.getOverlappingVariantContext(curPos, calls);
final VariantContext refModel = model.getOverlappingVariantContext(curPos, contexts);
if (!data.getActiveRegion().getSpan().contains(curPos)) {
// part of the extended interval, but not the full interval
if (call != null) {
if (call.isVariant() && refModel.getType() == VariantContext.Type.SYMBOLIC) {
//Assert.assertEquals(refModel, call, "Should have found call " + call + " but found " + refModel + " instead");
// must be a deletion.
Assert.assertTrue(call.getReference().length() > 1);
// the deletion must not start at the same position
Assert.assertTrue(call.getStart() < refModel.getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(call.getReference().getBaseString().substring(refModel.getStart() - call.getStart(), refModel.getStart() - call.getStart() + 1), refModel.getReference().getBaseString(), // the reference must be the same.
"" + data.getRefHap());
// No confidence in the reference hom-ref call across the deletion
Assert.assertTrue(refModel.getGenotype(0).getGQ() <= 0);
// the reference and the lonelly <NON_REF>
Assert.assertEquals(refModel.getAlleles().size(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(refModel.getAlleles().get(1), GATKVCFConstants.NON_REF_SYMBOLIC_ALLELE);
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(refModel, call, "Should have found call " + call + " but found " + refModel + " instead");
} else {
final int expectedDP = expectedDPs.get(curPos.getStart() - data.getActiveRegion().getSpan().getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(refModel.getStart(), loc.getStart() + i);
Assert.assertEquals(refModel.getEnd(), loc.getStart() + i);
Assert.assertEquals(refModel.getAlternateAlleles().size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(refModel.getAlternateAllele(0), GATKVCFConstants.NON_REF_SYMBOLIC_ALLELE);
final Genotype g = refModel.getGenotype(sample);
Assert.assertEquals(g.getDP(), expectedDP);
final VariantContext vc = call == null ? refModel : call;
if (curPos.getStart() == vc.getStart()) {
for (int pos = vc.getStart(); pos <= vc.getEnd(); pos++) {
final int j = pos - data.getActiveRegion().getSpan().getStart();
seenBP.set(j, true);
for (int i = 0; i < seenBP.size(); i++) {
Assert.assertEquals((boolean) seenBP.get(i), true);
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.GenomeLoc in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class BandPassActivityProfileUnitTest method testBandPass.
@Test(dataProvider = "BandPassBasicTest")
public void testBandPass(final int start, final boolean precedingIsActive, final int nPrecedingSites, final int bandPassSize, final double sigma) {
final BandPassActivityProfile profile = new BandPassActivityProfile(null, MAX_PROB_PROPAGATION_DISTANCE, ACTIVE_PROB_THRESHOLD, bandPassSize, sigma, false, header);
final int expectedBandSize = bandPassSize * 2 + 1;
Assert.assertEquals(profile.getFilteredSize(), bandPassSize, "Wrong filter size");
Assert.assertEquals(profile.getSigma(), sigma, "Wrong sigma");
Assert.assertEquals(profile.getBandSize(), expectedBandSize, "Wrong expected band size");
final String contig = genomeLocParser.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences().get(0).getSequenceName();
final double precedingProb = precedingIsActive ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < nPrecedingSites; i++) {
final GenomeLoc loc = genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contig, i + start);
final ActivityProfileState state = new ActivityProfileState(new SimpleInterval(loc), precedingProb);
final GenomeLoc nextLoc = genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contig, nPrecedingSites + start);
profile.add(new ActivityProfileState(new SimpleInterval(nextLoc), 1.0));
if (!precedingIsActive && nPrecedingSites >= bandPassSize && bandPassSize < start) {
// we have enough space that all probs fall on the genome
final double[] probs = profile.getProbabilitiesAsArray();
Assert.assertEquals(MathUtils.sum(probs), 1.0 * (nPrecedingSites * precedingProb + 1), 1e-3, "Activity profile doesn't sum to number of non-zero prob states");
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.GenomeLoc in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class BandPassActivityProfileUnitTest method testBandPassComposition.
@Test(dataProvider = "BandPassComposition")
public void testBandPassComposition(final int bandPassSize, final int integrationLength) {
final int start = 1;
final BandPassActivityProfile profile = new BandPassActivityProfile(null, MAX_PROB_PROPAGATION_DISTANCE, ACTIVE_PROB_THRESHOLD, bandPassSize, BandPassActivityProfile.DEFAULT_SIGMA, header);
final double[] rawActiveProbs = new double[integrationLength + bandPassSize * 2];
// add a buffer so that we can get all of the band pass values
final String contig = genomeLocParser.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences().get(0).getSequenceName();
int pos = start;
int rawProbsOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bandPassSize; i++) {
final GenomeLoc loc = genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contig, pos++);
final ActivityProfileState state = new ActivityProfileState(new SimpleInterval(loc), 0.0);
rawActiveProbs[rawProbsOffset++] = 0.0;
rawActiveProbs[rawActiveProbs.length - rawProbsOffset] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < integrationLength; i++) {
final GenomeLoc nextLoc = genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(contig, pos++);
profile.add(new ActivityProfileState(new SimpleInterval(nextLoc), 1.0));
rawActiveProbs[rawProbsOffset++] = 1.0;
for (int j = 0; j < profile.size(); j++) {
Assert.assertTrue(profile.getStateList().get(j).isActiveProb() >= 0.0, "State probability < 0 at " + j);
Assert.assertTrue(profile.getStateList().get(j).isActiveProb() <= 1.0 + 1e-3, "State probability > 1 at " + j);
final double[] expectedProbs = bandPassInOnePass(profile, rawActiveProbs);
for (int j = 0; j < profile.size(); j++) {
Assert.assertEquals(profile.getStateList().get(j).isActiveProb(), expectedProbs[j], "State probability not expected at " + j);