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Example 76 with BasicBSONObject

use of org.bson.BasicBSONObject in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class JSONPigReplace method fillReplacementMap.

     * Fills map of replacement strings (reps) with entries that 
     * map replacement strings to corresponding objects to replace these strings with
     * @param Object pObj : Object representing pig tuple
private void fillReplacementMap(final Object pObj) throws IOException {
    if (pObj instanceof BasicBSONObject || pObj instanceof Map) {
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> p = (Map<String, Object>) pObj;
        Object val;
        for (String k : p.keySet()) {
            val = p.get(k);
            if (reps.containsKey(k)) {
                reps.put(k, val);
            } else // check if 'val' is an array or an embedded BSON document
            if (val instanceof BasicBSONObject || val instanceof ArrayList) {
    } else if (pObj instanceof ArrayList) {
        for (Object o : (ArrayList) pObj) {
Also used : BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 77 with BasicBSONObject

use of org.bson.BasicBSONObject in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class JSONPigReplace method replaceAll.

     * static method to
     * use reps (map of strings to replace to object  -> corresponding replacements)
     * to make replacements in the BSONObject to act on
     * @param BasicBSONObject in : BSONObject to make replacements in
     * @param HashMap<String, Object> reps : replacement map  
     * @return BasicBSONObject : result of replacing "marked" strings specified in reps
public static BasicBSONObject replaceAll(final BasicBSONObject in, final Map<String, Object> reps) {
    if (in == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON/BasicBSONObject to make substitutions in cannot be null!");
    BasicBSONObject res = new BasicBSONObject();
    String k;
    Object v;
    for (Entry<String, Object> e : in.entrySet()) {
        k = e.getKey();
        v = e.getValue();
        // v is a nested BasicBSONObject or an array
        if (v instanceof BasicBSONObject) {
            res.put(k, replaceAll((BasicBSONObject) v, reps));
        } else {
            if (v instanceof String && ((String) v).startsWith("$")) {
                res.put(k, reps.get(((String) v).substring(1)));
            } else {
                res.put(k, v);
    return res;
Also used : BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject)

Example 78 with BasicBSONObject

use of org.bson.BasicBSONObject in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class JSONPigReplace method substitute.

     * Returns result of substituting pig objects in Tuple t into
     * initStr
     * @param Tuple t : Pig tuple containing pig objects
     * @param Object s : Schema representing Tuple t
     * @param String un : String to represent un-named Schema Fields 
     * @return Array of BasicBSONObjects that contain all replacements for "marked" strings
public BasicBSONObject[] substitute(final Tuple t, final Object s, final String un) throws Exception {
    unnamedStr = un;
    final ResourceFieldSchema[] fields;
    try {
        final ResourceSchema schema;
        if (s instanceof String) {
            schema = new ResourceSchema(Utils.getSchemaFromString((String) s));
        } else if (s instanceof Schema) {
            schema = new ResourceSchema((Schema) s);
        } else if (s instanceof ResourceSchema) {
            schema = (ResourceSchema) s;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Schema must be represented either by a string or a Schema " + "object, not " + s);
        fields = schema.getFields();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Schema Format", e);
    // Make Tuple t into BSONObject using schema provided and store result in pObj
    final BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start();
    for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
        writeField(builder, fields[i], t.get(i));
    // BSONObject that represents Pig Tuple input using Pig Schema
    BasicBSONObject pObj = (BasicBSONObject) builder.get();
    // fill map of replacement strings to corresponding objects to replace these strings with
    // Now, replace replacement strings (of form $elem) with corresponding objects in pObj
    return replaceAll(initBSONs, reps);
Also used : BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) ResourceSchema(org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema) BasicDBObjectBuilder(com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder) ResourceFieldSchema(org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema) ResourceSchema(org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema) ResourceFieldSchema(org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema) Schema(org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema) IOException(

Example 79 with BasicBSONObject

use of org.bson.BasicBSONObject in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class MongoLoader method pushProjection.

public RequiredFieldResponse pushProjection(final RequiredFieldList requiredFieldList) throws FrontendException {
    // this.
    if (null == schema) {
        return new RequiredFieldResponse(false);
    BSONObject projection = new BasicBSONObject();
    boolean needId = false;
    for (RequiredField field : requiredFieldList.getFields()) {
        String fieldName = field.getAlias();
        if (idAlias != null && idAlias.equals(fieldName)) {
            fieldName = "_id";
            needId = true;
        List<RequiredField> subFields = field.getSubFields();
        if (subFields != null && !subFields.isEmpty()) {
            // Pig is limited to populating at most one subfield level deep.
            for (RequiredField subField : subFields) {
                projection.put(fieldName + "." + subField.getAlias(), true);
        } else {
            projection.put(fieldName, true);
    // Turn off _id unless asked for.
    if (!needId) {
        projection.put("_id", false);
    LOG.debug("projection: " + projection);
    // Store projection to be retrieved later and stored into the job
    // configuration.
    getUDFProperties().setProperty(MongoConfigUtil.INPUT_FIELDS, JSON.serialize(projection));
    // Return a response indicating that we can honor the projection.
    return new RequiredFieldResponse(true);
Also used : BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) BSONObject(org.bson.BSONObject)

Example 80 with BasicBSONObject

use of org.bson.BasicBSONObject in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class BSONWritableTest method testToBSON.

public void testToBSON() {
    assertEquals(null, toBSON(null));
    assertEquals(null, toBSON(NullWritable.get()));
    assertEquals("hello", toBSON(new Text("hello")));
    DBObject obj = new BasicDBObject("hello", "world");
    assertEquals(obj, toBSON(new BSONWritable(obj)));
    final BasicBSONObject bsonResult = new BasicBSONObject("one", 1);
    SortedMapWritable smw = new SortedMapWritable();
    smw.put(new Text("one"), new IntWritable(1));
    assertEquals(bsonResult, toBSON(smw));
    MapWritable mw = new MapWritable();
    mw.put(new Text("one"), new IntWritable(1));
    assertEquals(bsonResult, toBSON(mw));
    String[] expectedObjects = new String[] { "one", "two" };
    Writable[] writableObjects = new Writable[] { new Text("one"), new Text("two") };
    ArrayWritable aw = new ArrayWritable(Text.class, writableObjects);
    Object[] actual = (Object[]) toBSON(aw);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(expectedObjects, actual));
    assertEquals(false, toBSON(new BooleanWritable(false)));
    byte[] bytes = new byte[] { '0', '1', '2' };
    assertEquals(bytes, toBSON(new BytesWritable(bytes)));
    byte b = (byte) 'c';
    assertEquals(b, toBSON(new ByteWritable(b)));
    assertEquals(3.14159, toBSON(new DoubleWritable(3.14159)));
    assertEquals(3.14159f, toBSON(new FloatWritable(3.14159f)));
    assertEquals(42L, toBSON(new LongWritable(42L)));
    assertEquals(42, toBSON(new IntWritable(42)));
    // Catchall
    assertEquals("hi", toBSON("hi"));
Also used : NullWritable( SortedMapWritable( Writable( MapWritable( DoubleWritable( LongWritable( BooleanWritable( ByteWritable( BytesWritable( ArrayWritable( FloatWritable( IntWritable( Text( BytesWritable( DoubleWritable( SortedMapWritable( SortedMapWritable( MapWritable( BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) FloatWritable( ArrayWritable( BooleanWritable( BasicBSONObject(org.bson.BasicBSONObject) BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) LongWritable( ByteWritable( IntWritable( Test(org.junit.Test)


BasicBSONObject (org.bson.BasicBSONObject)88 Test (org.junit.Test)39 BSONObject (org.bson.BSONObject)37 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 StructObjectInspector (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StructObjectInspector)14 BSONWritable ( ListObjectInspector (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ListObjectInspector)13 MapObjectInspector (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.MapObjectInspector)13 ObjectInspector (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector)13 BasicDBObject (com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)11 ObjectId (org.bson.types.ObjectId)11 IOException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( DataBag ( Map (java.util.Map)5 Tuple ( ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)4 Mongo (com.mongodb.Mongo)4 Date (java.util.Date)4 DoubleWritable (