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Example 66 with Location

use of org.bukkit.Location in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class SpawnCommand method execute.

public void execute(final ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws CommandExecutionException {
    // Get objects
    List<dEntity> entities = (List<dEntity>) scriptEntry.getObject("entities");
    dLocation location = (dLocation) scriptEntry.getObject("location");
    dEntity target = (dEntity) scriptEntry.getObject("target");
    Element spread = scriptEntry.getElement("spread");
    boolean persistent = scriptEntry.hasObject("persistent");
    // Report to dB, getName(), aH.debugObj("entities", entities.toString()) + location.debug() + (spread != null ? spread.debug() : "") + (target != null ? target.debug() : "") + (persistent ? aH.debugObj("persistent", "true") : ""));
    // Keep a dList of entities that can be called using <entry[name].spawned_entities>
    // later in the script queue
    dList entityList = new dList();
    for (dEntity entity : entities) {
        Location loc = location.clone();
        if (spread != null) {
            loc.add(CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextInt(spread.asInt() * 2) - spread.asInt(), 0, CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextInt(spread.asInt() * 2) - spread.asInt());
        // Only add to entityList after the entities have been
        // spawned, otherwise you'll get something like "e@skeleton"
        // instead of "e@57" on it
        if (persistent && entity.isLivingEntity()) {
        if (target != null && target.isLivingEntity()) {
    // Add entities to context so that the specific entities created/spawned
    // can be fetched.
    scriptEntry.addObject("spawned_entities", entityList);
Also used : net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dEntity(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dEntity) Element(net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.Element) net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.dList(net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.dList) List(java.util.List) net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.dList(net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.dList) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation) Location(org.bukkit.Location) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation)

Example 67 with Location

use of org.bukkit.Location in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class FlyCommand method execute.

public void execute(final ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws CommandExecutionException {
    // Get objects
    dLocation origin = (dLocation) scriptEntry.getObject("origin");
    List<dEntity> entities = (List<dEntity>) scriptEntry.getObject("entities");
    final List<dLocation> destinations = scriptEntry.hasObject("destinations") ? (List<dLocation>) scriptEntry.getObject("destinations") : new ArrayList<dLocation>();
    // Set freeflight to true only if there are no destinations
    final boolean freeflight = destinations.size() < 1;
    dEntity controller = (dEntity) scriptEntry.getObject("controller");
    // If freeflight is on, we need to do some checks
    if (freeflight) {
        // flying entities, so try to find a player in the entity list
        if (controller == null) {
            for (dEntity entity : entities) {
                if (entity.isPlayer()) {
                    // the controller
                    if (entities.get(entities.size() - 1) != entity) {
                        controller = entity;
              , getName(), "Flight control defaulting to " + controller);
            // If the controller is still null, we cannot continue
            if (controller == null) {
      , getName(), "There is no one to control the flight's path!");
        } else // Else, if the controller was set, we need to make sure
        // it is among the flying entities, and add it if it is not
            boolean found = false;
            for (dEntity entity : entities) {
                if (entity.identify().equals(controller.identify())) {
                    found = true;
            // Add the controller to the entity list
            if (!found) {
      , getName(), "Adding controller " + controller + " to flying entities.");
                entities.add(0, controller);
    final double speed = ((Element) scriptEntry.getObject("speed")).asDouble();
    final float rotationThreshold = ((Element) scriptEntry.getObject("rotationThreshold")).asFloat();
    boolean cancel = scriptEntry.hasObject("cancel");
    // Report to dB, getName(), (cancel ? aH.debugObj("cancel", cancel) : "") + aH.debugObj("origin", origin) + aH.debugObj("entities", entities.toString()) + aH.debugObj("speed", speed) + aH.debugObj("rotation threshold degrees", rotationThreshold) + (freeflight ? aH.debugObj("controller", controller) : aH.debugObj("destinations", destinations.toString())));
    // Mount or dismount all of the entities
    if (!cancel) {
        // Go through all the entities, spawning/teleporting them
        for (dEntity entity : entities) {
    } else {
        // Go no further if we are dismounting entities
    // Get the last entity on the list
    final Entity entity = entities.get(entities.size() - 1).getBukkitEntity();
    final LivingEntity finalController = controller != null ? controller.getLivingEntity() : null;
    BukkitRunnable task = new BukkitRunnable() {

        Location location = null;

        Boolean flying = true;

        public void run() {
            if (freeflight) {
                if (!entity.isEmpty() && finalController.isInsideVehicle()) {
                    location = finalController.getEyeLocation().add(finalController.getEyeLocation().getDirection().multiply(30));
                } else {
                    flying = false;
            } else {
                if (destinations.size() > 0) {
                    location = destinations.get(0);
                } else {
                    flying = false;
            if (flying && entity.isValid()) {
                // when it really needs to
                if (!NMSHandler.getInstance().getEntityHelper().isFacingLocation(entity, location, rotationThreshold)) {
                    NMSHandler.getInstance().getEntityHelper().faceLocation(entity, location);
                Vector v1 = entity.getLocation().toVector();
                Vector v2 = location.toVector();
                Vector v3 = v2.clone().subtract(v1).normalize().multiply(speed);
                if (!freeflight) {
                    if (Math.abs(v2.getX() - v1.getX()) < 2 && Math.abs(v2.getY() - v1.getY()) < 2 && Math.abs(v2.getZ() - v1.getZ()) < 2) {
            } else {
                flying = false;
    task.runTaskTimer(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), 0, 3);
Also used : Entity(org.bukkit.entity.Entity) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dEntity(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dEntity) LivingEntity(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity) Element(net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.Element) BukkitRunnable(org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable) LivingEntity(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dEntity(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dEntity) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.dList(net.aufdemrand.denizencore.objects.dList) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation) Vector(org.bukkit.util.Vector) Location(org.bukkit.Location) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation)

Example 68 with Location

use of org.bukkit.Location in project Dragonet-Legacy by DragonetMC.

the class MovePlayerPacketTranslator method handleSpecific.

public Message[] handleSpecific(MovePlayerPacket packet) {
    Location loc = new Location(this.getSession().getPlayer().getWorld(), packet.x, packet.y, packet.z);
    if (!this.getSession().validateMovement(loc)) {
        System.out.println("Reverted movement! ");
        return null;
    //Hack ;P
    ((DragonetPlayer) this.getSession().getPlayer()).setLocation(new Location(((DragonetPlayer) this.getSession().getPlayer()).getWorld(), packet.x, packet.y, packet.z, packet.yaw, packet.pitch));
    return new Message[] { new PlayerPositionLookMessage(false, (double) packet.x, (double) packet.y, (double) packet.z, packet.yaw, packet.pitch) };
Also used : DragonetPlayer(org.dragonet.entity.DragonetPlayer) PlayerPositionLookMessage( Message(com.flowpowered.networking.Message) PlayerPositionLookMessage( Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 69 with Location

use of org.bukkit.Location in project Towny by ElgarL.

the class TownCommand method townSpawn.

	 * Core spawn function to allow admin use.
	 * @param player
	 * @param split
	 * @param town
	 * @param notAffordMSG
	 * @param outpost
public static void townSpawn(Player player, String[] split, Town town, String notAffordMSG, Boolean outpost) {
    try {
        boolean isTownyAdmin = TownyUniverse.getPermissionSource().isTownyAdmin(player);
        Resident resident = TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getResident(player.getName());
        Location spawnLoc;
        TownSpawnLevel townSpawnPermission;
        if (outpost) {
            if (!town.hasOutpostSpawn())
                throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_outpost_spawn"));
            Integer index;
            try {
                index = Integer.parseInt(split[split.length - 1]);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // invalid entry so assume the first outpost
                index = 1;
            } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException i) {
                // Number not present so assume the first outpost.
                index = 1;
            spawnLoc = town.getOutpostSpawn(Math.max(1, index));
        } else
            spawnLoc = town.getSpawn();
        // Determine conditions
        if (isTownyAdmin) {
            townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.ADMIN;
        } else if ((split.length == 0) && (!outpost)) {
            townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.TOWN_RESIDENT;
        } else {
            // split.length > 1
            if (!resident.hasTown()) {
                townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.UNAFFILIATED;
            } else if (resident.getTown() == town) {
                townSpawnPermission = outpost ? TownSpawnLevel.TOWN_RESIDENT_OUTPOST : TownSpawnLevel.TOWN_RESIDENT;
            } else if (resident.hasNation() && town.hasNation()) {
                Nation playerNation = resident.getTown().getNation();
                Nation targetNation = town.getNation();
                if (playerNation == targetNation) {
                    townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.PART_OF_NATION;
                } else if (targetNation.hasEnemy(playerNation)) {
                    // Prevent enemies from using spawn travel.
                    throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_public_spawn_enemy"));
                } else if (targetNation.hasAlly(playerNation)) {
                    townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.NATION_ALLY;
                } else {
                    townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.UNAFFILIATED;
            } else {
                townSpawnPermission = TownSpawnLevel.UNAFFILIATED;
        TownyMessaging.sendDebugMsg(townSpawnPermission.toString() + " " + townSpawnPermission.isAllowed());
        townSpawnPermission.checkIfAllowed(plugin, player);
        // Check the permissions
        if (!(isTownyAdmin || ((townSpawnPermission == TownSpawnLevel.UNAFFILIATED) ? town.isPublic() : townSpawnPermission.hasPermissionNode(plugin, player)))) {
            throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_not_public"));
        if (!isTownyAdmin) {
            // Prevent spawn travel while in disallowed zones (if
            // configured)
            List<String> disallowedZones = TownySettings.getDisallowedTownSpawnZones();
            if (!disallowedZones.isEmpty()) {
                String inTown = null;
                try {
                    Location loc = plugin.getCache(player).getLastLocation();
                    inTown = TownyUniverse.getTownName(loc);
                } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                    inTown = TownyUniverse.getTownName(player.getLocation());
                if (inTown == null && disallowedZones.contains("unclaimed"))
                    throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_town_spawn_disallowed_from"), "the Wilderness"));
                if (inTown != null && resident.hasNation() && TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getTown(inTown).hasNation()) {
                    Nation inNation = TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getTown(inTown).getNation();
                    Nation playerNation = resident.getTown().getNation();
                    if (inNation.hasEnemy(playerNation) && disallowedZones.contains("enemy"))
                        throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_town_spawn_disallowed_from"), "Enemy areas"));
                    if (!inNation.hasAlly(playerNation) && !inNation.hasEnemy(playerNation) && disallowedZones.contains("neutral"))
                        throw new TownyException(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_town_spawn_disallowed_from"), "Neutral towns"));
        double travelCost = townSpawnPermission.getCost();
        // Check if need/can pay
        if (travelCost > 0 && TownySettings.isUsingEconomy() && (resident.getHoldingBalance() < travelCost))
            throw new TownyException(notAffordMSG);
        // Used later to make sure the chunk we teleport to is loaded.
        Chunk chunk = spawnLoc.getChunk();
        // Essentials tests
        boolean UsingESS = plugin.isEssentials();
        if (UsingESS && !isTownyAdmin) {
            try {
                User user = plugin.getEssentials().getUser(player);
                if (!user.isJailed()) {
                    Teleport teleport = user.getTeleport();
                    if (!chunk.isLoaded())
                    // Cause an essentials exception if in cooldown.
                    teleport.teleport(spawnLoc, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(player, "Error: " + e.getMessage());
                // cooldown?
        // travel.
        if (travelCost > 0 && TownySettings.isUsingEconomy() && resident.payTo(travelCost, town, String.format("Town Spawn (%s)", townSpawnPermission))) {
            // +
            TownyMessaging.sendMsg(player, String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_cost_spawn"), TownyEconomyHandler.getFormattedBalance(travelCost)));
        // TownyEconomyObject.getEconomyCurrency()));
        // If an Admin or Essentials teleport isn't being used, use our own.
        if (isTownyAdmin) {
            if (player.getVehicle() != null)
            if (!chunk.isLoaded())
            player.teleport(spawnLoc, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
        if (!UsingESS) {
            if (TownyTimerHandler.isTeleportWarmupRunning()) {
                // Use teleport warmup
                player.sendMessage(String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_town_spawn_warmup"), TownySettings.getTeleportWarmupTime()));
                plugin.getTownyUniverse().requestTeleport(player, spawnLoc, travelCost);
            } else {
                // Don't use teleport warmup
                if (player.getVehicle() != null)
                if (!chunk.isLoaded())
                player.teleport(spawnLoc, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
    } catch (TownyException e) {
        TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(player, e.getMessage());
    } catch (EconomyException e) {
        TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(player, e.getMessage());
Also used : User(com.earth2me.essentials.User) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) Teleport(com.earth2me.essentials.Teleport) InvalidNameException(javax.naming.InvalidNameException) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 70 with Location

use of org.bukkit.Location in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class ProximityTrigger method onEnable.

public void onEnable() {
    Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance());
    final ProximityTrigger trigger = this;
    taskID = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            // Iterate over all of the NPCs
            Iterator<dNPC> it = dNPCRegistry.getSpawnedNPCs().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                dNPC npc =;
                if (npc == null) {
                if (npc.getCitizen() == null) {
                if (!npc.getCitizen().hasTrait(TriggerTrait.class)) {
                if (!npc.getCitizen().getTrait(TriggerTrait.class).isEnabled(name)) {
                if (!npc.isSpawned()) {
                // Loop through all players
                for (Player BukkitPlayer : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
                    if (!npc.getWorld().equals(BukkitPlayer.getWorld()) && hasExitedProximityOf(BukkitPlayer, npc)) {
                    if (!isCloseEnough(BukkitPlayer, npc) && hasExitedProximityOf(BukkitPlayer, npc)) {
                    // Get the player
                    dPlayer player = dPlayer.mirrorBukkitPlayer(BukkitPlayer);
                    // Check to make sure the NPC has an assignment. If no assignment, a script doesn't need to be parsed,
                    // but it does still need to trigger for cooldown and action purposes.
                    InteractScriptContainer script = npc.getInteractScriptQuietly(player, ProximityTrigger.class);
                    // Set default ranges with information from the TriggerTrait. This allows per-npc overrides and will
                    // automatically check the config for defaults.
                    double entryRadius = npc.getTriggerTrait().getRadius(name);
                    double exitRadius = npc.getTriggerTrait().getRadius(name);
                    double moveRadius = npc.getTriggerTrait().getRadius(name);
                    if (script != null) {
                        try {
                            if (script.hasTriggerOptionFor(ProximityTrigger.class, player, null, "ENTRY RADIUS")) {
                                entryRadius = Integer.valueOf(script.getTriggerOptionFor(ProximityTrigger.class, player, null, "ENTRY RADIUS"));
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                            dB.echoDebug(script, "Entry Radius was not an integer.  Assuming " + entryRadius + " as the radius.");
                        try {
                            if (script.hasTriggerOptionFor(ProximityTrigger.class, player, null, "EXIT RADIUS")) {
                                exitRadius = Integer.valueOf(script.getTriggerOptionFor(ProximityTrigger.class, player, null, "EXIT RADIUS"));
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                            dB.echoDebug(script, "Exit Radius was not an integer.  Assuming " + exitRadius + " as the radius.");
                        try {
                            if (script.hasTriggerOptionFor(ProximityTrigger.class, player, null, "MOVE RADIUS")) {
                                moveRadius = Integer.valueOf(script.getTriggerOptionFor(ProximityTrigger.class, player, null, "MOVE RADIUS"));
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                            dB.echoDebug(script, "Move Radius was not an integer.  Assuming " + moveRadius + " as the radius.");
                    Location npcLocation = npc.getLocation();
                    // If the Player switches worlds while in range of an NPC, trigger still needs to
                    // fire since technically they have exited proximity. Let's check that before
                    // trying to calculate a distance between the Player and NPC, which will throw
                    // an exception if worlds do not match.
                    boolean playerChangedWorlds = false;
                    if (npcLocation.getWorld() != player.getWorld()) {
                        playerChangedWorlds = true;
                    // If the user is outside the range, and was previously within the
                    // range, then execute the "Exit" script.
                    // If the user entered the range and were not previously within the
                    // range, then execute the "Entry" script.
                    // If the user was previously within the range and moved, then execute
                    // the "Move" script.
                    boolean exitedProximity = hasExitedProximityOf(BukkitPlayer, npc);
                    double distance = 0;
                    if (!playerChangedWorlds) {
                        distance = npcLocation.distance(player.getLocation());
                    if (!exitedProximity && (playerChangedWorlds || distance >= exitRadius)) {
                        if (!npc.getTriggerTrait().triggerCooldownOnly(trigger, player)) {
                        // Remember that NPC has exited proximity.
                        exitProximityOf(BukkitPlayer, npc);
                        // Exit Proximity Action
                        npc.action("exit proximity", player);
                        // Parse Interact Script
                        parse(npc, player, script, "EXIT");
                    } else if (exitedProximity && distance <= entryRadius) {
                        // Cooldown
                        if (!npc.getTriggerTrait().triggerCooldownOnly(trigger, player)) {
                        // Remember that Player has entered proximity of the NPC
                        enterProximityOf(BukkitPlayer, npc);
                        // Enter Proximity Action
                        npc.action("enter proximity", player);
                        // Parse Interact Script
                        parse(npc, player, script, "ENTRY");
                    } else if (!exitedProximity && distance <= moveRadius) {
                        // TODO: Remove this? Constantly cooling down on move may make
                        // future entry/exit proximities 'lag' behind.  Temporarily removing
                        // cooldown on 'move proximity'.
                        // if (!npc.getTriggerTrait().triggerCooldownOnly(this, event.getPlayer()))
                        //     continue;
                        // Move Proximity Action
                        npc.action("move proximity", player);
                        // Parse Interact Script
                        parse(npc, player, script, "MOVE");
    }, 5, 5);
Also used : net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dPlayer(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dPlayer) Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC) TriggerTrait(net.aufdemrand.denizen.npc.traits.TriggerTrait) net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dPlayer(net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dPlayer) InteractScriptContainer(net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.containers.core.InteractScriptContainer) Location(org.bukkit.Location)


Location (org.bukkit.Location)470 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)120 World (org.bukkit.World)63 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)54 Vector (org.bukkit.util.Vector)45 Test (org.junit.Test)43 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)36 Block (org.bukkit.block.Block)31 Entity (org.bukkit.entity.Entity)28 UUID (java.util.UUID)27 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)22 LivingEntity (org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)20 PotionEffect (org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect)17 User (com.earth2me.essentials.User)16 List (java.util.List)16 IOException ( PlayerAuth ( LimboPlayer ( net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation (net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation)14 Island (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.Island)12