use of in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class TaskResourceImpl method submit.
public void submit(CompleteTaskDto dto) {
FormService formService = engine.getFormService();
try {
VariableMap variables = VariableValueDto.toMap(dto.getVariables(), engine, objectMapper);
formService.submitTaskForm(taskId, variables);
} catch (RestException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot submit task form %s: %s", taskId, e.getMessage());
throw new InvalidRequestException(e.getStatus(), e, errorMessage);
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ProcessEngineException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot submit task form %s: %s", taskId, e.getMessage());
throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, errorMessage);
use of in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class MessageEventSubscriptionResource method triggerEvent.
public void triggerEvent(ExecutionTriggerDto triggerDto) {
RuntimeService runtimeService = engine.getRuntimeService();
try {
VariableMap variables = VariableValueDto.toMap(triggerDto.getVariables(), engine, objectMapper);
runtimeService.messageEventReceived(messageName, executionId, variables);
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ProcessEngineException e) {
throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, String.format("Cannot trigger message %s for execution %s: %s", messageName, executionId, e.getMessage()));
} catch (RestException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot trigger message %s for execution %s: %s", messageName, executionId, e.getMessage());
throw new InvalidRequestException(e.getStatus(), e, errorMessage);
use of in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class DecisionDefinitionResourceImpl method evaluateDecision.
public List<Map<String, VariableValueDto>> evaluateDecision(UriInfo context, EvaluateDecisionDto parameters) {
DecisionService decisionService = engine.getDecisionService();
Map<String, Object> variables = VariableValueDto.toMap(parameters.getVariables(), engine, objectMapper);
try {
DmnDecisionResult decisionResult = decisionService.evaluateDecisionById(decisionDefinitionId).variables(variables).evaluate();
return createDecisionResultDto(decisionResult);
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot evaluate decision %s: %s", decisionDefinitionId, e.getMessage());
throw new InvalidRequestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, e, errorMessage);
} catch (NotValidException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot evaluate decision %s: %s", decisionDefinitionId, e.getMessage());
throw new InvalidRequestException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, e, errorMessage);
} catch (ProcessEngineException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot evaluate decision %s: %s", decisionDefinitionId, e.getMessage());
throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, errorMessage);
} catch (DmnEngineException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot evaluate decision %s: %s", decisionDefinitionId, e.getMessage());
throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, errorMessage);
use of in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class DecisionDefinitionResourceImpl method getDecisionDefinition.
public DecisionDefinitionDto getDecisionDefinition() {
RepositoryService repositoryService = engine.getRepositoryService();
DecisionDefinition definition = null;
try {
definition = repositoryService.getDecisionDefinition(decisionDefinitionId);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, e, e.getMessage());
} catch (NotValidException e) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, e, e.getMessage());
} catch (ProcessEngineException e) {
throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
return DecisionDefinitionDto.fromDecisionDefinition(definition);
use of in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class ExecutionResourceImpl method signalExecution.
public void signalExecution(ExecutionTriggerDto triggerDto) {
RuntimeService runtimeService = engine.getRuntimeService();
try {
VariableMap variables = VariableValueDto.toMap(triggerDto.getVariables(), engine, objectMapper);
runtimeService.signal(executionId, variables);
} catch (RestException e) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot signal execution %s: %s", executionId, e.getMessage());
throw new InvalidRequestException(e.getStatus(), e, errorMessage);
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ProcessEngineException e) {
throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, "Cannot signal execution " + executionId + ": " + e.getMessage());