use of org.candlepin.dto.manifest.v1.ContentDTO in project candlepin by candlepin.
the class ProductManager method isChangedBy.
* Determines whether or not this entity would be changed if the given DTO were applied to this
* object.
* @param dto
* The product DTO to check for changes
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if dto is null
* @return
* true if this product would be changed by the given DTO; false otherwise
public static boolean isChangedBy(Product entity, ProductDTO dto) {
// Check simple properties first
if (dto.getId() != null && !dto.getId().equals(entity.getId())) {
return true;
if (dto.getName() != null && !dto.getName().equals(entity.getName())) {
return true;
if (dto.getMultiplier() != null && !dto.getMultiplier().equals(entity.getMultiplier())) {
return true;
if (dto.isLocked() != null && !dto.isLocked().equals(entity.isLocked())) {
return true;
Collection<String> dependentProductIds = dto.getDependentProductIds();
if (dependentProductIds != null && !Util.collectionsAreEqual(entity.getDependentProductIds(), dependentProductIds)) {
return true;
// Impl note:
// Depending on how strict we are regarding case-sensitivity and value-representation,
// this may get us in to trouble. We may need to iterate through the attributes, performing
// case-insensitive key/value comparison and similiarities (i.e. management_enabled: 1 is
// functionally identical to Management_Enabled: true, but it will be detected as a change
// in attributes.
Map<String, String> attributes = dto.getAttributes();
if (attributes != null && !attributes.equals(entity.getAttributes())) {
return true;
Collection<ProductContentDTO> productContent = dto.getProductContent();
if (productContent != null) {
Comparator comparator = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
ProductContent existing = (ProductContent) lhs;
ProductContentDTO update = (ProductContentDTO) rhs;
if (existing != null && update != null) {
Content content = existing.getContent();
ContentDTO cdto = update.getContent();
if (content != null && cdto != null) {
if (cdto.getUuid() != null ? cdto.getUuid().equals(content.getUuid()) : (cdto.getId() != null && cdto.getId().equals(content.getId()))) {
return (update.isEnabled() != null && !update.isEnabled().equals(existing.isEnabled())) || ContentManager.isChangedBy(content, cdto) ? 1 : 0;
return 1;
if (!Util.collectionsAreEqual((Collection) entity.getProductContent(), (Collection) productContent, comparator)) {
return true;
return false;
use of org.candlepin.dto.manifest.v1.ContentDTO in project candlepin by candlepin.
the class OwnerProductResourceTest method testCreateProductWithContent.
public void testCreateProductWithContent() {
Owner owner = this.createOwner("Example-Corporation");
Content content = this.createContent("content-1", "content-1", owner);
ProductDTO pdto = this.buildTestProductDTO();
ContentDTO cdto = this.modelTranslator.translate(content, ContentDTO.class);
pdto.addContent(cdto, true);
assertNull(this.ownerProductCurator.getProductById(owner.getKey(), pdto.getId()));
ProductDTO result = this.ownerProductResource.createProduct(owner.getKey(), pdto);
Product entity = this.ownerProductCurator.getProductById(owner, pdto.getId());
ProductDTO expected = this.modelTranslator.translate(entity, ProductDTO.class);
assertEquals(expected, result);
assertEquals(1, result.getProductContent().size());
assertEquals(cdto, result.getProductContent().iterator().next().getContent());