use of org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.
the class CampaignParameterDAO method update.
public Answer update(CampaignParameter object) {
Answer ans = new Answer();
MessageEvent msg = null;
String query = "UPDATE `campaignparameter` SET `value` = ? WHERE `campaign` = ? AND `parameter` = ?";
try (Connection connection = databaseSpring.connect();
PreparedStatement preStat = connection.prepareStatement(query)) {
// Prepare and execute query
preStat.setString(1, object.getValue());
preStat.setString(2, object.getCampaign());
preStat.setString(3, object.getParameter());
// Set the final message
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK).resolveDescription("ITEM", OBJECT_NAME).resolveDescription("OPERATION", "UPDATE");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to create campaign parameter: " + e.getMessage());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED).resolveDescription("DESCRIPTION", e.toString());
} finally {
return ans;
use of org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.
the class CampaignParameterDAO method create.
public Answer create(CampaignParameter object) {
Answer ans = new Answer();
MessageEvent msg = null;
try (Connection connection = databaseSpring.connect();
PreparedStatement preStat = connection.prepareStatement(Query.CREATE)) {
// Prepare and execute query
preStat.setString(1, object.getCampaign());
preStat.setString(2, object.getParameter());
preStat.setString(3, object.getValue());
// Set the final message
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK).resolveDescription("ITEM", OBJECT_NAME).resolveDescription("OPERATION", "CREATE");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to create campaign content: " + e.getMessage());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED).resolveDescription("DESCRIPTION", e.toString());
} finally {
return ans;
use of org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.
the class CampaignParameterDAO method readByCampaignByCriteria.
public AnswerList readByCampaignByCriteria(String campaign, int start, int amount, String column, String dir, String searchTerm, String individualSearch) {
AnswerList response = new AnswerList();
MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", ""));
List<CampaignParameter> campaignParameterList = new ArrayList<CampaignParameter>();
StringBuilder searchSQL = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
// SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS allows to retrieve the total number of columns by disrearding the limit clauses that
// were applied -- used for pagination p
query.append("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM campaignparameter ");
searchSQL.append(" where 1=1 ");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`campaignparameterid` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `campaign` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `parameter` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `value` like ?)");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(individualSearch)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`?`)");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(campaign)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`campaign` = ? )");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(column)) {
query.append(" order by `").append(column).append("` ").append(dir);
if ((amount <= 0) || (amount >= MAX_ROW_SELECTED)) {
query.append(" limit ").append(start).append(" , ").append(MAX_ROW_SELECTED);
} else {
query.append(" limit ").append(start).append(" , ").append(amount);
// Debug message on SQL.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("SQL : " + query.toString());
try (Connection connection = this.databaseSpring.connect();
PreparedStatement preStat = connection.prepareStatement(query.toString());
Statement stm = connection.createStatement()) {
int i = 1;
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) {
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(individualSearch)) {
preStat.setString(i++, individualSearch);
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(campaign)) {
preStat.setString(i++, campaign);
try (ResultSet resultSet = preStat.executeQuery();
ResultSet rowSet = stm.executeQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")) {
// gets the data
while ( {
// get the total number of rows
int nrTotalRows = 0;
if (resultSet != null && {
nrTotalRows = resultSet.getInt(1);
if (campaignParameterList.size() >= MAX_ROW_SELECTED) {
// Result of SQl was limited by MAX_ROW_SELECTED constrain. That means that we may miss some lines in the resultList.
LOG.error("Partial Result in the query.");
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_WARNING_PARTIAL_RESULT);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", "Maximum row reached : " + MAX_ROW_SELECTED));
response = new AnswerList(campaignParameterList, nrTotalRows);
} else if (campaignParameterList.size() <= 0) {
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_NO_DATA_FOUND);
response = new AnswerList(campaignParameterList, nrTotalRows);
} else {
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", OBJECT_NAME).replace("%OPERATION%", "SELECT"));
response = new AnswerList(campaignParameterList, nrTotalRows);
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
return response;
use of org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.
the class CountryEnvDeployTypeDAO method update.
public Answer update(CountryEnvDeployType object) {
// Function is implemented for futur use and in order to keep standard uptodate on that class but today all rows are the key so no updates are possible.
MessageEvent msg = null;
final String query = "UPDATE `countryenvdeploytype` SET 1=1 WHERE `system`=? and `country`=? and `environment`=? and `deploytype`=? and `jenkinsagent`=? ";
// Debug message on SQL.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("SQL : " + query);
Connection connection = this.databaseSpring.connect();
try {
PreparedStatement preStat = connection.prepareStatement(query);
try {
preStat.setString(1, object.getSystem());
preStat.setString(2, object.getCountry());
preStat.setString(3, object.getEnvironment());
preStat.setString(4, object.getDeployType());
preStat.setString(5, object.getJenkinsAgent());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", OBJECT_NAME).replace("%OPERATION%", "UPDATE"));
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
} finally {
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
} finally {
try {
if (connection != null) {
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.warn("Unable to close connection : " + exception.toString());
return new Answer(msg);
use of org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.
the class CountryEnvDeployTypeDAO method readByVariousByCriteria.
public AnswerList readByVariousByCriteria(String system, String country, String environment, String deployType, int start, int amount, String column, String dir, String searchTerm, String individualSearch) {
AnswerList response = new AnswerList();
MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", ""));
List<CountryEnvDeployType> objectList = new ArrayList<CountryEnvDeployType>();
StringBuilder searchSQL = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
// SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS allows to retrieve the total number of columns by disrearding the limit clauses that
// were applied -- used for pagination p
query.append("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM countryenvdeploytype ");
searchSQL.append(" where 1=1 ");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`system` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `Country` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `Environment` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `deploytype` like ?");
searchSQL.append(" or `jenkinsAgent` like ?)");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(individualSearch)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`?`)");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(system)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`System` = ? )");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(country)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`Country` = ? )");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(environment)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`Environment` = ? )");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(deployType)) {
searchSQL.append(" and (`deploytype` = ? )");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(column)) {
query.append(" order by `").append(column).append("` ").append(dir);
if ((amount <= 0) || (amount >= MAX_ROW_SELECTED)) {
query.append(" limit ").append(start).append(" , ").append(MAX_ROW_SELECTED);
} else {
query.append(" limit ").append(start).append(" , ").append(amount);
// Debug message on SQL.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("SQL : " + query.toString());
Connection connection = this.databaseSpring.connect();
try {
PreparedStatement preStat = connection.prepareStatement(query.toString());
try {
int i = 1;
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) {
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
preStat.setString(i++, "%" + searchTerm + "%");
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(individualSearch)) {
preStat.setString(i++, individualSearch);
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(system)) {
preStat.setString(i++, system);
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(country)) {
preStat.setString(i++, country);
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(environment)) {
preStat.setString(i++, environment);
if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(deployType)) {
preStat.setString(i++, deployType);
ResultSet resultSet = preStat.executeQuery();
try {
// gets the data
while ( {
// get the total number of rows
resultSet = preStat.executeQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
int nrTotalRows = 0;
if (resultSet != null && {
nrTotalRows = resultSet.getInt(1);
if (objectList.size() >= MAX_ROW_SELECTED) {
// Result of SQl was limited by MAX_ROW_SELECTED constrain. That means that we may miss some lines in the resultList.
LOG.error("Partial Result in the query.");
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_WARNING_PARTIAL_RESULT);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", "Maximum row reached : " + MAX_ROW_SELECTED));
response = new AnswerList(objectList, nrTotalRows);
} else if (objectList.size() <= 0) {
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_NO_DATA_FOUND);
response = new AnswerList(objectList, nrTotalRows);
} else {
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", OBJECT_NAME).replace("%OPERATION%", "SELECT"));
response = new AnswerList(objectList, nrTotalRows);
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
} finally {
if (resultSet != null) {
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
} finally {
if (preStat != null) {
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", exception.toString()));
} finally {
try {
if (!this.databaseSpring.isOnTransaction()) {
if (connection != null) {
} catch (SQLException exception) {
LOG.warn("Unable to close connection : " + exception.toString());
return response;