use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.StringToJavaExpression in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class DependentTypesHelper method atTypeDecl.
* Standardizes the Java expressions in annotations to a type declaration.
* @param type the type of the type declaration; is side-effected by this method
* @param typeElt the element of the type declaration
public void atTypeDecl(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeElement typeElt) {
if (!hasDependentType(type)) {
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atTypeDecl(stringExpr, typeElt, factory.getChecker());
if (debugStringToJavaExpression) {
System.out.printf("atTypeDecl(%s, %s) created %s%n", type, typeElt, stringToJavaExpr);
convertAnnotatedTypeMirror(stringToJavaExpr, type);
use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.StringToJavaExpression in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class BaseTypeVisitor method parseAndLocalizeContracts.
* Localizes some contracts -- that is, viewpoint-adapts them to some method body, according to
* the value of {@link #methodTree}.
* <p>The input is a set of {@link Contract}s, each of which contains an expression string and an
* annotation. In a {@link Contract}, Java expressions are exactly as written in source code, not
* standardized or viewpoint-adapted.
* <p>The output is a set of pairs of {@link JavaExpression} (parsed expression string) and
* standardized annotation (with respect to the path of {@link #methodTree}. This method discards
* any contract whose expression cannot be parsed into a JavaExpression.
* @param contractSet a set of contracts
* @param methodType the type of the method that the contracts are for
* @return pairs of (expression, AnnotationMirror), which are localized contracts
private Set<Pair<JavaExpression, AnnotationMirror>> parseAndLocalizeContracts(Set<? extends Contract> contractSet, AnnotatedExecutableType methodType) {
if (contractSet.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
// This is the path to a place where the contract is being used, which might or might not be
// where the contract was defined. For example, methodTree might be an overriding
// definition, and the contract might be for a superclass.
MethodTree methodTree = this.methodTree;
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = expression -> {
JavaExpression javaExpr = StringToJavaExpression.atMethodDecl(expression, methodType.getElement(), checker);
// viewpoint-adapt it to methodTree.
return javaExpr.atMethodBody(methodTree);
Set<Pair<JavaExpression, AnnotationMirror>> result = new HashSet<>(contractSet.size());
for (Contract p : contractSet) {
String expressionString = p.expressionString;
AnnotationMirror annotation = p.viewpointAdaptDependentTypeAnnotation(atypeFactory, stringToJavaExpr, methodTree);
JavaExpression exprJe;
try {
// TODO: currently, these expressions are parsed many times.
// This could be optimized to store the result the first time.
// (same for other annotations)
exprJe = stringToJavaExpr.toJavaExpression(expressionString);
} catch (JavaExpressionParseException e) {
// report errors here, e.getDiagMessage());
result.add(Pair.of(exprJe, annotation));
return result;
use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.StringToJavaExpression in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class CFAbstractTransfer method addInformationFromPreconditions.
* Add the information from all the preconditions of a method to the initial store in the method
* body.
* @param initialStore the initial store for the method body
* @param factory the type factory
* @param methodAst the AST for a method declaration
* @param methodDeclTree the declaration of the method; is a field of {@code methodAst}
* @param methodElement the element for the method
protected void addInformationFromPreconditions(S initialStore, AnnotatedTypeFactory factory, CFGMethod methodAst, MethodTree methodDeclTree, ExecutableElement methodElement) {
ContractsFromMethod contractsUtils = analysis.atypeFactory.getContractsFromMethod();
Set<Precondition> preconditions = contractsUtils.getPreconditions(methodElement);
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atMethodBody(stringExpr, methodDeclTree, analysis.checker);
for (Precondition p : preconditions) {
String stringExpr = p.expressionString;
AnnotationMirror annotation = p.viewpointAdaptDependentTypeAnnotation(analysis.atypeFactory, stringToJavaExpr, /*errorTree=*/
JavaExpression exprJe;
try {
// TODO: currently, these expressions are parsed at the declaration (i.e. here) and for
// every use. this could be optimized to store the result the first time.
// (same for other annotations)
exprJe = StringToJavaExpression.atMethodBody(stringExpr, methodDeclTree, analysis.checker);
} catch (JavaExpressionParseException e) {
// Errors are reported by BaseTypeVisitor.checkContractsAtMethodDeclaration().
initialStore.insertValuePermitNondeterministic(exprJe, annotation);
use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.StringToJavaExpression in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class CFAbstractTransfer method processPostconditionsAndConditionalPostconditions.
* Add information from the postconditions and conditional postconditions of a method to the
* stores after an invocation.
* @param invocationNode a method call
* @param invocationTree the tree for the method call
* @param thenStore the "then" store; is side-effected by this method
* @param elseStore the "else" store; is side-effected by this method
* @param postconditions the postconditions
private void processPostconditionsAndConditionalPostconditions(MethodInvocationNode invocationNode, Tree invocationTree, S thenStore, S elseStore, Set<? extends Contract> postconditions) {
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atMethodInvocation(stringExpr, invocationNode, analysis.checker);
for (Contract p : postconditions) {
// Viewpoint-adapt to the method use (the call site).
AnnotationMirror anno = p.viewpointAdaptDependentTypeAnnotation(analysis.atypeFactory, stringToJavaExpr, /*errorTree=*/
String expressionString = p.expressionString;
try {
JavaExpression je = stringToJavaExpr.toJavaExpression(expressionString);
// are removed from the store before this method is called.
if (p.kind == Contract.Kind.CONDITIONALPOSTCONDITION) {
if (((ConditionalPostcondition) p).resultValue) {
thenStore.insertOrRefinePermitNondeterministic(je, anno);
} else {
elseStore.insertOrRefinePermitNondeterministic(je, anno);
} else {
thenStore.insertOrRefinePermitNondeterministic(je, anno);
} catch (JavaExpressionParseException e) {
// report errors here
if (e.isFlowParseError()) {
Object[] args = new Object[e.args.length + 1];
args[0] = ElementUtils.getSimpleSignature(TreeUtils.elementFromUse(invocationNode.getTree()));
System.arraycopy(e.args, 0, args, 1, e.args.length);
analysis.checker.reportError(invocationTree, "flowexpr.parse.error.postcondition", args);
} else {, e.getDiagMessage());
use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.StringToJavaExpression in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class BaseTypeVisitor method checkPreconditions.
* Checks that all the given {@code preconditions} hold true immediately prior to the method
* invocation or variable access at {@code tree}.
* @param tree the method invocation; immediately prior to it, the preconditions must hold true
* @param preconditions the preconditions to be checked
protected void checkPreconditions(MethodInvocationTree tree, Set<Precondition> preconditions) {
// TODO: Remove this check and investigate the root cause.
if (preconditions.isEmpty()) {
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atMethodInvocation(stringExpr, tree, checker);
for (Contract c : preconditions) {
Precondition p = (Precondition) c;
String expressionString = p.expressionString;
AnnotationMirror anno = c.viewpointAdaptDependentTypeAnnotation(atypeFactory, stringToJavaExpr, tree);
JavaExpression exprJe;
try {
exprJe = StringToJavaExpression.atMethodInvocation(expressionString, tree, checker);
} catch (JavaExpressionParseException e) {
// report errors here, e.getDiagMessage());
CFAbstractStore<?, ?> store = atypeFactory.getStoreBefore(tree);
CFAbstractValue<?> value = null;
if (CFAbstractStore.canInsertJavaExpression(exprJe)) {
value = store.getValue(exprJe);
AnnotationMirror inferredAnno = null;
if (value != null) {
QualifierHierarchy hierarchy = atypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy();
Set<AnnotationMirror> annos = value.getAnnotations();
inferredAnno = hierarchy.findAnnotationInSameHierarchy(annos, anno);
if (!checkContract(exprJe, anno, inferredAnno, store)) {
if (exprJe != null) {
expressionString = exprJe.toString();
checker.reportError(tree, "contracts.precondition", tree.getMethodSelect().toString(), contractExpressionAndType(expressionString, inferredAnno), contractExpressionAndType(expressionString, anno));