use of org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.StatusCodes in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class ThemeResource method setTheme.
* Set the current theme to the one provided in this request
* @param theme (theme to be changed to)
* @return
@Consumes({ WILDCARD })
@StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 200, condition = "Successfully set theme."), @ResponseCode(code = 403, condition = "Illegal set operation.") })
@Facet(name = "Unsupported")
public Response setTheme(String theme) {
IThemeManager themeManager = PentahoSystem.get(IThemeManager.class);
List<String> ids = themeManager.getSystemThemeIds();
if ((ids != null) && (ids.indexOf(theme) >= 0)) {
getPentahoSession().setAttribute("pentaho-user-theme", theme);
IUserSettingService settingsService = PentahoSystem.get(IUserSettingService.class, getPentahoSession());
settingsService.setUserSetting("pentaho-user-theme", theme);
return getActiveTheme();
} else {
// Prevent log forging/injection
String cleanTheme = theme.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ');
// We do not want to NLS-ize this message
logger.error("Attempt to set invalid theme: " + cleanTheme);
return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).entity("").build();
use of org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.StatusCodes in project data-access by pentaho.
the class JDBCDatasourceResource method addOrUpdate.
* Add or update a JDBC datasource connection
* <p><b>Example Request:</b><br />
* PUT pentaho/plugin/data-access/api/datasource/jdbc/connection/TestDatasource
* </p>
* <br /><b>POST data:</b>
* <pre function="syntax.xml">
* {
* "changed": true,
* "usingConnectionPool": true,
* "connectSql": "",
* "databaseName": "SampleData",
* "databasePort": "9001",
* "hostname": "localhost",
* "name": "TestDataSourceResource",
* "password": "password",
* "username": "pentaho_user",
* "attributes": {},
* "connectionPoolingProperties": {},
* "extraOptions": {},
* "accessType": "NATIVE",
* "databaseType": {
* "defaultDatabasePort": 9001,
* "extraOptionsHelpUrl": "",
* "name": "Hypersonic",
* "shortName": "HYPERSONIC",
* "supportedAccessTypes": [
* "ODBC",
* "JNDI"
* ]
* }
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param connection A DatabaseConnection in JSON representation
* @return A jax-rs Response object with the appropriate status code, header, and body.
* <p><b>Example Response:</b></p>
* <pre function="syntax.xml">
* This response does not contain data.
* </pre>
@Path("/{connectionId : .+}")
@StatusCodes({ @ResponseCode(code = 200, condition = "JDBC datasource added successfully."), @ResponseCode(code = 403, condition = "User is not authorized to add JDBC datasources."), @ResponseCode(code = 304, condition = "Datasource was not modified"), @ResponseCode(code = 500, condition = "An unexected error occurred while adding the JDBC datasource.") })
public Response addOrUpdate(@PathParam("connectionId") String connectionName, DatabaseConnection connection) {
try {
// Prefer the path name over the one in the DTO object
IDatabaseConnection savedConn = null;
try {
savedConn = service.getConnectionByName(connectionName);
} catch (ConnectionServiceException e) {
// unfortunatley getConnectionById throws an exception not returning null when the conneciton is not present.
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// unfortunatley getConnectionById throws an exception not returning null when the conneciton is not present.
boolean success = false;
if (savedConn != null) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(connection.getPassword())) {
success = service.updateConnection(connection);
} else {
success = service.addConnection(connection);
if (success) {
return buildOkResponse();
} else {
return buildNotModifiedResponse();
} catch (PentahoAccessControlException t) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Error " + t.getMessage());
return buildServerErrorResponse();