use of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression in project groovy by apache.
the class BinaryExpressionMultiTypeDispatcher method doAssignmentToArray.
private boolean doAssignmentToArray(BinaryExpression binExp) {
if (!isAssignmentToArray(binExp))
return false;
// we need to handle only assignment to arrays combined with an operation
// special here. e.g x[a] += b
int operation = removeAssignment(binExp.getOperation().getType());
ClassNode current = getController().getClassNode();
Expression leftExp = binExp.getLeftExpression();
ClassNode leftType = getController().getTypeChooser().resolveType(leftExp, current);
Expression rightExp = binExp.getRightExpression();
ClassNode rightType = getController().getTypeChooser().resolveType(rightExp, current);
int operationType = getOperandType(leftType);
BinaryExpressionWriter bew = binExpWriter[operationType];
boolean simulationSuccess = bew.arrayGet(LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET, true);
simulationSuccess = simulationSuccess && bew.write(operation, true);
simulationSuccess = simulationSuccess && bew.arraySet(true);
if (!simulationSuccess)
return false;
AsmClassGenerator acg = getController().getAcg();
OperandStack operandStack = getController().getOperandStack();
CompileStack compileStack = getController().getCompileStack();
// for x[a] += b we have the structure:
// x = left(left(binExp))), b = right(binExp), a = right(left(binExp)))
// for array set we need these values on stack: array, index, right
// for array get we need these values on stack: array, index
// to eval the expression we need x[a] = x[a]+b
// -> arraySet(x,a, x[a]+b)
// -> arraySet(x,a, arrayGet(x,a,b))
// --> x,a, x,a, b as operands
// --> load x, load a, DUP2, call arrayGet, load b, call operation,call arraySet
// since we cannot DUP2 here easily we will save the subscript and DUP x
// --> sub=a, load x, DUP, load sub, call arrayGet, load b, call operation, load sub, call arraySet
BinaryExpression arrayWithSubscript = (BinaryExpression) leftExp;
Expression subscript = arrayWithSubscript.getRightExpression();
// load array index: sub=a [load x, DUP, load sub, call arrayGet, load b, call operation, load sub, call arraySet]
int subscriptValueId = compileStack.defineTemporaryVariable("$sub", ClassHelper.int_TYPE, true);
// load array: load x and DUP [load sub, call arrayGet, load b, call operation, load sub, call arraySet]
// array get: load sub, call arrayGet [load b, call operation, load sub, call arraySet]
operandStack.load(ClassHelper.int_TYPE, subscriptValueId);
bew.arrayGet(LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET, false);
operandStack.replace(leftType, 2);
// complete rhs: load b, call operation [load sub, call arraySet]
if (!(bew instanceof BinaryObjectExpressionHelper)) {
// in primopts we convert to the left type for supported binary operations
bew.write(operation, false);
// let us save that value for the return
int resultValueId = compileStack.defineTemporaryVariable("$result", rightType, true);
// array set: load sub, call arraySet []
operandStack.load(ClassHelper.int_TYPE, subscriptValueId);
// 3 operands, the array, the index and the value!
// load return value
operandStack.load(rightType, resultValueId);
// cleanup
return true;
use of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression in project groovy by apache.
the class FinalVariableAnalyzer method visitBinaryExpression.
public void visitBinaryExpression(final BinaryExpression expression) {
boolean assignment = StaticTypeCheckingSupport.isAssignment(expression.getOperation().getType());
boolean isDeclaration = expression instanceof DeclarationExpression;
Expression leftExpression = expression.getLeftExpression();
Expression rightExpression = expression.getRightExpression();
if (isDeclaration && leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression) {
VariableExpression var = (VariableExpression) leftExpression;
if (Modifier.isFinal(var.getModifiers())) {
inAssignment = assignment;
inAssignment = false;
if (assignment) {
if (leftExpression instanceof Variable) {
boolean uninitialized = isDeclaration && rightExpression == EmptyExpression.INSTANCE;
recordAssignment((Variable) leftExpression, isDeclaration, uninitialized, false, expression);
} else if (leftExpression instanceof TupleExpression) {
TupleExpression te = (TupleExpression) leftExpression;
for (Expression next : te.getExpressions()) {
if (next instanceof Variable) {
recordAssignment((Variable) next, isDeclaration, false, false, next);
use of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression in project groovy by apache.
the class IfElseTest method testLoop.
public void testLoop() throws Exception {
ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode("Foo", ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE);
classNode.addConstructor(new ConstructorNode(ACC_PUBLIC, null));
classNode.addProperty(new PropertyNode("bar", ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE, classNode, null, null, null));
classNode.addProperty(new PropertyNode("result", ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE, classNode, null, null, null));
BooleanExpression expression = new BooleanExpression(new BinaryExpression(new FieldExpression(new FieldNode("bar", ACC_PRIVATE, ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE, classNode, ConstantExpression.NULL)), Token.newSymbol("==", 0, 0), new ConstantExpression("abc")));
Statement trueStatement = new ExpressionStatement(new BinaryExpression(new FieldExpression(new FieldNode("result", ACC_PRIVATE, ClassHelper.STRING_TYPE, classNode, ConstantExpression.NULL)), Token.newSymbol("=", 0, 0), new ConstantExpression("worked")));
Statement falseStatement = createPrintlnStatement(new ConstantExpression("false"));
IfStatement statement = new IfStatement(expression, trueStatement, falseStatement);
classNode.addMethod(new MethodNode("ifDemo", ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.VOID_TYPE, Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, statement));
Class fooClass = loadClass(classNode);
assertTrue("Loaded a new class", fooClass != null);
Object bean = fooClass.newInstance();
assertTrue("Managed to create bean", bean != null);
assertSetProperty(bean, "bar", "abc");
System.out.println("################ Now about to invoke method");
Object[] array = {};
InvokerHelper.invokeMethod(bean, "ifDemo", array);
System.out.println("################ Done");
assertGetProperty(bean, "result", "worked");
use of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression in project groovy by apache.
the class StaticImportVisitor method transformBinaryExpression.
protected Expression transformBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression be) {
int type = be.getOperation().getType();
boolean oldInLeftExpression;
Expression right = transform(be.getRightExpression());
Expression left;
if (type == Types.EQUAL && be.getLeftExpression() instanceof VariableExpression) {
oldInLeftExpression = inLeftExpression;
inLeftExpression = true;
left = transform(be.getLeftExpression());
inLeftExpression = oldInLeftExpression;
if (left instanceof StaticMethodCallExpression) {
StaticMethodCallExpression smce = (StaticMethodCallExpression) left;
StaticMethodCallExpression result = new StaticMethodCallExpression(smce.getOwnerType(), smce.getMethod(), right);
setSourcePosition(result, be);
return result;
} else {
left = transform(be.getLeftExpression());
return be;
use of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression in project groovy by apache.
the class TraitReceiverTransformer method transformBinaryExpression.
private Expression transformBinaryExpression(final BinaryExpression exp, final ClassNode weavedType) {
Expression leftExpression = exp.getLeftExpression();
Expression rightExpression = exp.getRightExpression();
Token operation = exp.getOperation();
if (operation.getText().equals("=")) {
String leftFieldName = null;
// it's an assignment
if (leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression) leftExpression).getAccessedVariable() instanceof FieldNode) {
leftFieldName = ((VariableExpression) leftExpression).getAccessedVariable().getName();
} else if (leftExpression instanceof FieldExpression) {
leftFieldName = ((FieldExpression) leftExpression).getFieldName();
} else if (leftExpression instanceof PropertyExpression && (((PropertyExpression) leftExpression).isImplicitThis() || "this".equals(((PropertyExpression) leftExpression).getObjectExpression().getText()))) {
leftFieldName = ((PropertyExpression) leftExpression).getPropertyAsString();
FieldNode fn = tryGetFieldNode(weavedType, leftFieldName);
if (fieldHelper == null || fn == null && !fieldHelper.hasPossibleMethod(Traits.helperSetterName(new FieldNode(leftFieldName, 0, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, weavedType, null)), rightExpression)) {
return createAssignmentToField(rightExpression, operation, leftFieldName);
if (leftFieldName != null) {
FieldNode fn = weavedType.getDeclaredField(leftFieldName);
FieldNode staticField = tryGetFieldNode(weavedType, leftFieldName);
if (fn == null) {
fn = new FieldNode(leftFieldName, 0, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, weavedType, null);
Expression receiver = createFieldHelperReceiver();
boolean isStatic = staticField != null && staticField.isStatic();
if (fn.isStatic()) {
// DO NOT USE isStatic variable here!
receiver = new PropertyExpression(receiver, "class");
String method = Traits.helperSetterName(fn);
MethodCallExpression mce = new MethodCallExpression(receiver, method, new ArgumentListExpression(super.transform(rightExpression)));
markDynamicCall(mce, staticField, isStatic);
return mce;
Expression leftTransform = transform(leftExpression);
Expression rightTransform = transform(rightExpression);
Expression ret = exp instanceof DeclarationExpression ? new DeclarationExpression(leftTransform, operation, rightTransform) : new BinaryExpression(leftTransform, operation, rightTransform);
return ret;