use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.ogc.wfs.catalog.common.WfsException in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsSource method buildFeatureFilters.
private void buildFeatureFilters(List<FeatureTypeType> featureTypes, FilterCapabilities filterCapabilities) throws SecurityServiceException {
Wfs wfs = factory.getClient();
if (filterCapabilities == null) {
// Use local Map for metacardtype registrations and once they are populated with latest
// MetacardTypes, then do actual registration
Map<String, MetacardTypeRegistration> mcTypeRegs = new HashMap<String, MetacardTypeRegistration>();
for (FeatureTypeType featureTypeType : featureTypes) {
String ftSimpleName = featureTypeType.getName().getLocalPart();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(forcedFeatureType) && !StringUtils.equals(forcedFeatureType, ftSimpleName)) {
if (mcTypeRegs.containsKey(ftSimpleName)) {
LOGGER.debug("WfsSource {}: MetacardType {} is already registered - skipping to next metacard type", getId(), ftSimpleName);
LOGGER.debug("ftName: {}", ftSimpleName);
try {
XmlSchema schema = wfs.describeFeatureType(new DescribeFeatureTypeRequest(featureTypeType.getName()));
if (schema == null) {
// Some WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureRequests return inconsistent results when
// the `:` character is encoded in the URL, ie Prefix:SomeFeature is encoded to
// Prefix%3ASomeFeature. To avoid this issue, we will make a call without the prefix
// if the previous call does not work.
schema = wfs.describeFeatureType(new DescribeFeatureTypeRequest(new QName(featureTypeType.getName().getNamespaceURI(), featureTypeType.getName().getLocalPart(), "")));
if (schema != null) {
// Update local map with enough info to create actual MetacardType registrations
// later
MetacardTypeRegistration registration = createFeatureMetacardTypeRegistration(featureTypeType, ftSimpleName, schema);
mcTypeRegs.put(ftSimpleName, registration);
FeatureMetacardType featureMetacardType = registration.getFtMetacard();
lookupFeatureConverter(ftSimpleName, featureMetacardType);
MetacardMapper metacardAttributeToFeaturePropertyMapper = lookupMetacardAttributeToFeaturePropertyMapper(featureMetacardType.getFeatureType());
this.featureTypeFilters.put(featureMetacardType.getFeatureType(), new WfsFilterDelegate(featureMetacardType, filterCapabilities, registration.getSrs(), metacardAttributeToFeaturePropertyMapper, coordinateOrder));
} catch (WfsException | IllegalArgumentException wfse) {
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
LOGGER.debug(handleWebApplicationException(wae), wae);
if (featureTypeFilters.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.debug("Wfs Source {}: No Feature Type schemas validated.", getId());
LOGGER.debug("Wfs Source {}: Number of validated Features = {}", getId(), featureTypeFilters.size());
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.ogc.wfs.catalog.common.WfsException in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsSource method query.
public SourceResponse query(QueryRequest request) throws UnsupportedQueryException {
Wfs wfs = factory.getClient();
Query query = request.getQuery();
if (query == null) {
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Incoming query is null.", getId());
return null;
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Received query: \n{}", getId(), query);
SourceResponseImpl simpleResponse = null;
GetFeatureType getFeature = buildGetFeatureRequest(query);
try {
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Sending query ...", getId());
Wfs20FeatureCollection featureCollection = wfs.getFeature(getFeature);
int numResults = -1;
if (featureCollection == null) {
throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Invalid results returned from server");
numResults = featureCollection.getMembers().size();
if (featureCollection.getNumberReturned() == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Number Returned Attribute was not added to the response");
} else if (!featureCollection.getNumberReturned().equals(BigInteger.valueOf(numResults))) {
LOGGER.debug("Number Returned Attribute ({}) did not match actual number returned ({})", featureCollection.getNumberReturned(), numResults);
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Received featureCollection with {} metacards.", getId(), numResults);
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(numResults);
for (int i = 0; i < numResults; i++) {
Metacard mc = featureCollection.getMembers().get(i);
mc = transform(mc, DEFAULT_WFS_TRANSFORMER_ID);
Result result = new ResultImpl(mc);
//Fetch total results available
long totalResults = 0;
if (featureCollection.getNumberMatched() == null) {
totalResults = Long.valueOf(numResults);
} else if (featureCollection.getNumberMatched().equals(UNKNOWN)) {
totalResults = Long.valueOf(numResults);
} else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(featureCollection.getNumberMatched())) {
totalResults = Long.parseLong(featureCollection.getNumberMatched());
simpleResponse = new SourceResponseImpl(request, results, totalResults);
} catch (WfsException wfse) {
throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Error received from WFS Server", wfse);
} catch (Exception ce) {
String msg = handleClientException(ce);
throw new UnsupportedQueryException(msg, ce);
return simpleResponse;
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.ogc.wfs.catalog.common.WfsException in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsSource method getCapabilities.
private WFSCapabilitiesType getCapabilities() throws SecurityServiceException {
WFSCapabilitiesType capabilities = null;
Wfs wfs = factory.getClient();
try {
capabilities = wfs.getCapabilities(new GetCapabilitiesRequest());
} catch (WfsException wfse) { + " Received HTTP code '{}' from server for source with id='{}'", wfse.getHttpStatus(), getId());
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
LOGGER.debug(handleWebApplicationException(wae), wae);
} catch (Exception e) {
return capabilities;
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.ogc.wfs.catalog.common.WfsException in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsSource method getCapabilities.
private WFSCapabilitiesType getCapabilities() throws SecurityServiceException {
WFSCapabilitiesType capabilities = null;
Wfs wfs = factory.getClient();
try {
capabilities = wfs.getCapabilities(new GetCapabilitiesRequest());
} catch (WfsException wfse) { + " Received HTTP code '{}' from server for source with id='{}'", wfse.getHttpStatus(), getId());
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
LOGGER.debug(handleWebApplicationException(wae), wae);
} catch (Exception e) {
return capabilities;
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.ogc.wfs.catalog.common.WfsException in project ddf by codice.
the class WfsSource method query.
public SourceResponse query(QueryRequest request) throws UnsupportedQueryException {
Wfs wfs = factory.getClient();
Query query = request.getQuery();
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Received query: \n{}", getId(), query);
if (query.getStartIndex() < 1) {
throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Start Index is one-based and must be an integer greater than 0; should not be [" + query.getStartIndex() + "]");
SourceResponseImpl simpleResponse = null;
// WFS v1.0 specification does not support response indicating total
// number
// of features satisfying query constraints.
// Hence, we save off the original
// page size from the query request and create a copy of the query,
// changing
// the page size by a multiplier and the current page number of results
// so that
// more features are returned as the user pages through the results,
// getting
// a better sense of how many total features exist that satisfy the
// query.
int origPageSize = query.getPageSize();
if (origPageSize <= 0 || origPageSize > WFS_MAX_FEATURES_RETURNED) {
QueryImpl modifiedQuery = new QueryImpl(query);
// Determine current page number of results being requested.
// Example: startIndex = 21 and origPageSize=10, then requesting to go
// to page number 3.
// Note: Integer division will truncate remainders so 4 / 2 will return 0 and not .5. Also,
// pages are numbered 1 - N so we add 1 to the result
int pageNumber = query.getStartIndex() / origPageSize + 1;
// Modified page size is based on current page number and a constant
// multiplier,
// but limited to a max value to prevent time consuming queries just to
// get an
// approximation of total number of features.
// So as page number increases the pageSize increases.
// Example:
// pageNumber=2, modifiedPageSize=60
// pageNumber=3, modifiedPageSize=90
int modifiedPageSize = Math.min(pageNumber * origPageSize * WFS_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE_MULTIPLIER, WFS_MAX_FEATURES_RETURNED);
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: modified page size = {}", getId(), modifiedPageSize);
GetFeatureType getFeature = buildGetFeatureRequest(modifiedQuery);
try {
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Sending query ...", getId());
WfsFeatureCollection featureCollection = wfs.getFeature(getFeature);
if (featureCollection == null) {
throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Invalid results returned from server");
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: Received featureCollection with {} metacards.", getId(), featureCollection.getFeatureMembers().size());
// Only return the number of results originally asked for in the
// query, or the entire list of results if it is smaller than the
// original page size.
int numberOfResultsToReturn = Math.min(origPageSize, featureCollection.getFeatureMembers().size());
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(numberOfResultsToReturn);
int stopIndex = Math.min((origPageSize * pageNumber) + query.getStartIndex(), featureCollection.getFeatureMembers().size() + 1);
LOGGER.debug("WFS Source {}: startIndex = {}, stopIndex = {}, origPageSize = {}, pageNumber = {}", getId(), query.getStartIndex(), stopIndex, origPageSize, pageNumber);
for (int i = query.getStartIndex(); i < stopIndex; i++) {
Metacard mc = featureCollection.getFeatureMembers().get(i - 1);
mc = transform(mc, DEFAULT_WFS_TRANSFORMER_ID);
Result result = new ResultImpl(mc);
Long totalHits = (long) featureCollection.getFeatureMembers().size();
simpleResponse = new SourceResponseImpl(request, results, totalHits);
} catch (WfsException wfse) {
throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Error received from WFS Server", wfse);
} catch (Exception ce) {
String msg = handleClientException(ce);
throw new UnsupportedQueryException(msg, ce);
return simpleResponse;