use of org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Instance in project application by collectionspace.
the class WebReset method initialiseAll.
* Vocab and Auth initialization is now done when the Services layer starts up -see JIRA issue DRYD-177
private boolean initialiseAll(Storage storage, UIRequest request, String path, boolean modifyResponse) throws UIException {
StringBuffer responseMessage = new StringBuffer();
boolean initializationFailed = false;
boolean initializationUnknown = false;
try {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "Initializing vocab/auth entries...", modifyResponse);
JSONObject myjs = new JSONObject();
myjs.put("pageSize", "10");
myjs.put("pageNum", "0");
JSONObject data = storage.getPathsJSON("/", null);
String[] paths = (String[]) data.get("listItems");
for (String dir : paths) {
try {
if (this.spec.hasRecord(dir)) {
Record record = this.spec.getRecord(dir);
if (record.isType("authority") == true) {
for (Instance instance : record.getAllInstances()) {
if (instance.getCreateUnreferenced() || isInstanceReferenced(instance)) {
avi = new AuthoritiesVocabulariesInitialize(instance, populate, modifyResponse);
Option[] allOpts = instance.getAllOptions();
boolean creatingTerm = false;
try {
if (avi.createIfMissingAuthority(storage, responseMessage, record, instance) == -1) {
log.warn(String.format("The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permission to determine if the '%s' authority/term-list is properly initialized.", instance.getID()));
// since the logged in user doesn't have the correct perms, we can't verify that the authorities and term lists have been properly initialized
initializationUnknown = true;
} else {
// Create the missing items.
creatingTerm = true;
avi.fillVocab(storage, record, instance, responseMessage, allOpts, true);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException e) {
if (e.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT) {
// This means the authority/vocabulary instance already exists in the backend, so move on to the next instance.
log.warn(String.format("A short ID for the authority/vocabulary instance '%s' already exists.", instance.getID()));
// Not a fatal error.
} else {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (avi.success() == false) {
initializationFailed = true;
throw e;
} else {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "Instance " + instance.getID() + " is defined by not referenced.", modifyResponse);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectionException) {
if (initializationFailed == true) {
modifyResponse = true;
if (e.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || e.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "\nSummary:\n\t*** ERROR *** CollectionSpace has not been properly initialized: The CollectionSpace administrator needs to login to the correct tenant and initialize the default term lists and authorities.\n\n", modifyResponse);
} else {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "\nSummary:\n\t*** ERROR *** CollectionSpace has not been properly initialized: Ask the CollectionSpace administrator to login to the correct tenant and initialize the default term lists and authorities.\n\n", modifyResponse);
} else if (initializationUnknown == true) {
log.warn("The currently logged in user does not have the correct permissions to determin whether or not the default authorities and term lists have been properly initialized.");
} else {
// Should never get here unless we've got a bug in our code
throw e;
logException(e, responseMessage, modifyResponse);
// no need to continue if the user hasn't authenticated or has incorrect permissions
} catch (ExistException e) {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "ExistException " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), modifyResponse);
throw new UIException("Existence problem", e);
} catch (UnimplementedException e) {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "UnimplementedException " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), modifyResponse);
throw new UIException("Unimplemented ", e);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException x) {
if (x.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
initializationFailed = true;
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "\n*** ERROR *** You need to be logged in to the correct tenant with the proper credentials before attempting to initialize the default term lists and authorities.\n", modifyResponse);
logException(x, responseMessage, modifyResponse);
} else {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "UnderlyingStorageException " + x.getLocalizedMessage(), modifyResponse);
throw new UIException("Problem storing:" + x.getLocalizedMessage(), x.getStatus(), x.getUrl(), x);
} catch (JSONException e) {
logInitMessage(responseMessage, "JSONException " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), modifyResponse);
throw new UIException("Invalid JSON", e);
if (modifyResponse == true && request != null) {
TTYOutputter tty = request.getTTYOutputter();
// report success if we didn't see a failure
return !initializationFailed;
use of org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Instance in project application by collectionspace.
the class CacheTermList method controlledLists.
public JSONArray controlledLists(Storage storage, String vocabname, Record vr, Integer limit) throws JSONException {
JSONArray displayNames = new JSONArray();
try {
// Get List
int resultsize = 1;
int pagenum = 0;
int pagesize = 200;
if (limit != 0 && limit < pagesize) {
pagesize = limit;
while (resultsize > 0) {
JSONObject restriction = new JSONObject();
restriction.put("pageNum", pagenum);
restriction.put("pageSize", pagesize);
String url = vr.getID() + "/" + vocabname;
JSONObject data = null;
try {
data = storage.getPathsJSON(url, restriction);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException e) {
// need to initialise this vocab
log.error("Could not retreive term list with URL '%s' from Services layer.", url);
// REM 8/28/2015 - This code is broken? See
Instance n = vr.getInstance(vr.getID() + "-" + vocabname);
JSONObject fields = new JSONObject("{'displayName':'" + n.getTitle() + "','shortIdentifier':'" + n.getWebURL() + "'}");
if (vr.getFieldFullList("termStatus") instanceof Field) {
fields.put("termStatus", ((Field) vr.getFieldFullList("termStatus")).getOptionDefault());
storage.autocreateJSON(vr.getID(), fields, restriction);
data = storage.getPathsJSON(url, restriction);
if (data.has("listItems")) {
String[] results = (String[]) data.get("listItems");
/* Get a view of each */
for (String result : results) {
// change csid into displayName
JSONObject namedata = getDisplayNameList(storage, vr.getID(), vocabname, result);
Integer total = data.getJSONObject("pagination").getInt("totalItems");
pagesize = data.getJSONObject("pagination").getInt("pageSize");
// Integer itemsInPage = data.getJSONObject("pagination").getInt("itemsInPage");
pagenum = data.getJSONObject("pagination").getInt("pageNum");
// are there more results
if (total <= (pagesize * (pagenum))) {
// have we got enough results?
if (limit != 0 && limit <= (pagesize * (pagenum))) {
} else {
resultsize = 0;
} catch (ExistException e) {
throw new JSONException("Exist exception");
} catch (UnimplementedException e) {
throw new JSONException("Unimplemented exception");
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException e) {
throw new JSONException("Underlying storage exception" + vocabname + e);
return displayNames;
use of org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Instance in project application by collectionspace.
the class DataGenerator method getAuthdata.
* Return appropriate authority for the field in question
* @param f
* @param context
* @return
* @throws JSONException
private JSONObject getAuthdata(FieldSet fs, UISpecRunContext context) throws JSONException {
JSONObject dataitem = new JSONObject();
JSONObject allnames = new JSONObject();
Integer i = 0;
if (fs instanceof Field) {
for (Instance type : ((Field) fs).getAllAutocompleteInstances()) {
String iid = type.getTitleRef();
Record ir = type.getRecord();
JSONArray thesenames = ctl.get(, iid, ir, authoritylimit);"getting authority: " + type.getID() + ":" + type.getRecord());
try {
tty.line("getting authority: " + type.getID() + ":" + type.getRecord());
} catch (UIException e) {
allnames.put(i.toString(), thesenames);
Random objrandom = new Random();
Integer pickobj = objrandom.nextInt(allnames.length());
JSONArray getallnames = allnames.getJSONArray(pickobj.toString());
// use random number to choose which item to use
Random arrayrandom = new Random();
if (getallnames.length() > 0) {
int pick = arrayrandom.nextInt(getallnames.length());
dataitem = getallnames.getJSONObject(pick);
return dataitem;
use of org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Instance in project application by collectionspace.
the class VocabInstanceCache method getVocabularyId.
String getVocabularyId(CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String id) throws ConnectionException, UnderlyingStorageException, ExistException {
// must allow for the dynamic creation of instances when the system is working
vocabs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
for (Instance n : r.getAllInstances()) {
vocabs.put(n.getTitleRef(), n.getTitle());
if (csids.containsKey(id))
return csids.get(id);
synchronized (getClass()) {
buildVocabularies(creds, cache);
if (csids.containsKey(id))
return csids.get(id);
createVocabulary(creds, cache, id);
if (csids.containsKey(id))
return csids.get(id);
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Bad vocabulary " + id);
use of org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Instance in project application by collectionspace.
the class WebUI method configure_finish.
private void configure_finish(Spec spec) {
final String MEDIA_RECORD_ID = "media";
for (Operation op : Operation.values()) tries.put(op, new Trie());
// Operation.CREATE/UPDATE = method= POST
// Operation.READ = method= GET
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "login" }, 0, new WebLogin(this, spec));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "login" }, 0, new WebLogin(this, spec));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "uploads" }, 0, new BlobCreateUpdate(spec.getRecord("blobs"), true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "uploads" }, 0, new BlobCreateUpdate(spec.getRecord("blobs"), true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "download" }, 1, new BlobRead());
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "logout" }, 0, new WebLogout());
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "loginstatus" }, 0, new WebLoginStatus(spec));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "authorities", "initialise" }, 0, new WebReset(false, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "reset" }, 0, new WebReset(false, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "quick-reset" }, 0, new WebReset(true, true));
// addMethod(Operation.READ,new String[]{find_page,"uispec"},0,new
// FindEditUISpec(spec.getAllRecords()));//removed as I don't think
// anyone uses it
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "passwordreset" }, 0, new UserDetailsReset(false, spec));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "resetpassword" }, 0, new UserDetailsReset(true, spec));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "adjacentRecords" }, 2, new RecordTraverser(spec));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "parseDate" }, 0, new StructuredDateParser());
for (Schemas s : spec.getAllSchemas()) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { s.getWebURL(), "uischema" }, 0, new UISchema(spec, s));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "generator" }, 0, new DataGenerator(spec));
Record mediaR = spec.getRecord(MEDIA_RECORD_ID);
if (mediaR == null) {
log.error("No media record configured!!!");
for (Record r : spec.getAllRecords()) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "generator" }, 0, new DataGenerator(r, "screen"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "serviceschema" }, 0, new ServicesXsd(r, "common"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "uischema" }, 0, new UISchema(r, "screen"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getTabURL(), "uischema" }, 0, new UISchema(r, "tab"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getSearchURL(), "uischema" }, 0, new UISchema(r, "search"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "uispec" }, 0, new UISpec(r, "screen"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getTabURL(), "uispec" }, 0, new UISpec(r, "tab"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getSearchURL(), "uispec" }, 0, new UISpec(r, "search"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "termList" }, 1, new WebTermList(r));
if (r.isType("authority")) {
// urls like record urls to make life easier for the UI
// CSPACE-1139
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(r, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "authorities", r.getWebURL() }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(r, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "authorities", r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "authorities", r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "authorities", r.getWebURL() }, 0, new VocabulariesCreateUpdate(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "authorities", r.getWebURL(), "initialize" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesInitialize(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "authorities", r.getWebURL(), "refresh" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesInitialize(r, false));
// We'll search on media related to the CSID tail.
if (mediaR != null) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), mediaR.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordSearchList(mediaR, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH_RELATED));
for (Instance n : r.getAllInstances()) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL() }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(n, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(n, true));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesSearchList(n, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "initialize" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesInitialize(n, true, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "refresh" }, 0, new AuthoritiesVocabulariesInitialize(n, false, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL() }, 1, new VocabulariesRead(n, VocabulariesRead.GET_FULL_INFO));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", "basic", n.getWebURL() }, 1, new VocabulariesRead(n, VocabulariesRead.GET_BASIC_INFO));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "authorities" }, 1, new VocabulariesRead(n, VocabulariesRead.GET_TERMS_USED_INFO));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "refobjs" }, 1, new VocabulariesRead(n, VocabulariesRead.GET_REF_OBJS_INFO));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "autocomplete" }, 0, new WebAutoComplete(spec.getRecord(r.getID())));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL() }, 0, new VocabulariesCreateUpdate(n, true));
addMethod(Operation.UPDATE, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL() }, 1, new VocabulariesCreateUpdate(n, false));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL() }, 0, new VocabulariesDelete(n));
addMethod(Operation.UPDATE, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "workflow" }, 2, new VocabulariesWorkflowTransition(n));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "vocabularies", n.getWebURL(), "source-vocab" }, 1, new VocabRedirector(r));
} else if (r.isType("record") || r.isType("blob") || r.isType("authorizationdata")) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "__auto" }, 0, new WebAuto());
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "autocomplete" }, 0, new WebAutoComplete(spec.getRecord(r.getID())));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new RecordSearchList(r, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new RecordSearchList(r, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new RecordSearchList(r, RecordSearchList.MODE_LIST));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordRead(r));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "basic", r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordRead(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordDelete(r.getID()));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new RecordCreateUpdate(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.UPDATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordCreateUpdate(r, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "source-vocab" }, 1, new VocabRedirector(r));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "authorities" }, 1, new RecordAuthorities(r));
// relatable records.
if ((r.isType("procedure") && !r.isType("vocabulary")) || "collection-object".equals(r.getID())) {
for (Record r2 : spec.getAllRecords()) {
if ((r2.isType("procedure") && !r2.isType("vocabulary")) || "collection-object".equals(r2.getID())) {
// We do not actually care about the type of r, but
// rather just the CSID tail.
// We'll search on r2's related to the CSID tail.
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), r2.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordSearchList(r2, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH_RELATED));
} else if (r2.isType("searchall")) {
// Allow to ask for all procedures related to this
// record. Use SearchAll with a related search.
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "procedures" }, 1, new RecordSearchList(r2, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH_RELATED, "procedure"));
} else if (r.isType("userdata")) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new UserDetailsSearchList(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new UserDetailsRead(r));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new UserDetailsSearchList(r, false));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new UserDetailsDelete(r.getID()));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new UserDetailsCreateUpdate(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.UPDATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new UserDetailsCreateUpdate(r, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 3, new UserRolesRead(spec.getRecordByWebUrl("userrole")));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 2, new UserRolesCreate(spec.getRecordByWebUrl("userrole")));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 3, new UserRolesDelete(spec.getRecordByWebUrl("userrole").getID()));
} else if (r.isType("id")) {
// XXX this isn't right but it does work. NEEDS to have it's own
// methods rather than piggy backing on RECORD
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "__auto" }, 0, new WebAuto());
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "autocomplete" }, 0, new WebAutoComplete(spec.getRecord(r.getID())));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new RecordSearchList(r, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new RecordSearchList(r, RecordSearchList.MODE_LIST));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordRead(r));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordDelete(r.getID()));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 0, new RecordCreateUpdate(r, true));
addMethod(Operation.UPDATE, new String[] { r.getWebURL() }, 1, new RecordCreateUpdate(r, false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "source-vocab" }, 1, new VocabRedirector(r));
} else if (r.isType("searchall")) {
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { r.getWebURL(), "search" }, 0, new RecordSearchList(r, RecordSearchList.MODE_SEARCH));
addMethod(Operation.CREATE, new String[] { "relationships" }, 0, new RelateCreateUpdate(true));
addMethod(Operation.UPDATE, new String[] { "relationships" }, 1, new RelateCreateUpdate(false));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "relationships" }, 1, new RelateRead());
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "relationships", "hierarchical" }, 1, new RelateRead("hierarchical"));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { "relationships" }, 1, new RelateDelete(false));
addMethod(Operation.DELETE, new String[] { "relationships", "one-way" }, 1, new RelateDelete(true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "relationships", "search" }, 0, new RelateSearchList(true));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "relationships", "hierarchical", "search" }, 0, new RelateSearchList(true, "hierarchical"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "relationships", "hierarchical" }, 0, new RelateSearchList(false, "hierarchical"));
addMethod(Operation.READ, new String[] { "relationships" }, 0, new RelateSearchList(false));