use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnderlyingStorageException in project application by collectionspace.
the class AuthorizationStorage method getPaths.
* Returns a list of csid's from a certain type of record
public String[] getPaths(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String rootPath, JSONObject restrictions) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
try {
Document list = null;
List<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
String path = getRestrictedPath(r.getServicesURL(), restrictions, "res", "", false, "");
ReturnedDocument all = conn.getXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, path, null, creds, cache);
if (all.getStatus() != 200) {
throw new ConnectionException("Bad request in Authorization Storage: status not 200", all.getStatus(), path);
list = all.getDocument();
List<Node> objects = list.selectNodes(r.getServicesListPath());
for (Node object : objects) {
String csid = object.valueOf("@csid");
setGleanedValue(cache, r.getServicesURL() + "/" + csid, view_map.get(object.getName()), object.getText());
return out.toArray(new String[0]);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnderlyingStorageException in project application by collectionspace.
the class AuthorizationStorage method retrieveJSON.
public JSONObject retrieveJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, JSONObject restrictions) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
try {
String[] parts = filePath.split("/");
if (parts.length > 2) {
Spec s = r.getSpec();
// {csid}/userrole/{csid}
if (s.hasRecordByWebUrl(parts[1])) {
String path = s.getRecordByWebUrl(parts[1]).getServicesURL();
int len = parts.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
path = path.replace("*", parts[i]);
filePath = path + "/" + parts[len];
return simpleRetrieveJSONFullPath(creds, cache, filePath, s.getRecordByWebUrl(parts[1]).getRecord());
} else {
// {csid}/refobj/bob
String extra = "";
if (parts.length == 3) {
extra = parts[2];
return viewRetrieveJSON(root, creds, cache, parts[0], parts[1], extra, restrictions);
} else {
return simpleRetrieveJSON(creds, cache, filePath);
} catch (JSONException x) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Error building JSON", x);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnderlyingStorageException in project application by collectionspace.
the class AuthorizationStorage method simpleRetrieveJSONFullPath.
public JSONObject simpleRetrieveJSONFullPath(CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, Record thisr) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
try {
JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
if (thisr.isMultipart()) {
ReturnedMultipartDocument doc = conn.getMultipartXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, filePath, null, creds, cache);
if ((doc.getStatus() < 200 || doc.getStatus() >= 300))
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Does not exist ", doc.getStatus(), filePath);
for (String section : thisr.getServicesRecordPathKeys()) {
String path = thisr.getServicesRecordPath(section);
String[] parts = path.split(":", 2);
convertToJson(out, doc.getDocument(parts[0]), thisr, "GET", section, "", "");
} else {
ReturnedDocument doc = conn.getXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, filePath, null, creds, cache);
if ((doc.getStatus() < 200 || doc.getStatus() >= 300)) {
if (doc.getStatus() == 401) {
throw new UnauthorizedException("Username and/or password are invalid.", doc.getStatus(), filePath);
} else if (doc.getStatus() == 409) {
throw new ConflictException("Conflict with request. The user's tenant may be disabled. Contact your CollectionSpace administrator.", doc.getStatus(), filePath);
} else {
String status = Integer.toString(doc.getStatus());
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Does not exist ", doc.getStatus(), filePath);
convertToJson(out, doc.getDocument(), thisr, "GET", "common", "");
return out;
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnderlyingStorageException in project application by collectionspace.
the class AuthorizationStorage method getPathsJSON.
* Gets a list of csids of a certain type of record together with the pagination info
* permissions might need to break the mold tho.
public JSONObject getPathsJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String rootPath, JSONObject restrictions) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
try {
JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
// PLS: why on earth would reports be routed through AuthStorage?!?!
if (r.getID().equals("reports") || r.getID().equals("batch")) {
String path = getRestrictedPath(r.getServicesURL(), restrictions, r.getServicesSearchKeyword(), "", false, "");
JSONObject data = getListView(creds, cache, path, r.getServicesListPath(), "csid", false, r);
return data;
Document list = null;
String prefix = null;
Boolean queryadded = false;
JSONObject pagination = new JSONObject();
List<String> listitems = new ArrayList<String>();
String serviceurl = getRestrictedPath(r.getServicesURL(), restrictions, r.getServicesSearchKeyword(), "", false, "");
ReturnedDocument all = conn.getXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, serviceurl, null, creds, cache);
if (all.getStatus() != 200) {
throw new ConnectionException("Bad request in Authorization Storage getPathsJSON: status not 200", all.getStatus(), serviceurl);
list = all.getDocument();
String listItemPath = r.getServicesListPath();
String[] listItemPathElements = listItemPath.split("/");
if (listItemPathElements.length != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Illegal list item path " + listItemPath);
String listNodeName = listItemPathElements[0];
String listItemNodeName = listItemPathElements[1];
String listNodeChildrenSelector = "/" + listNodeName + "/*";
List<Node> nodes = list.selectNodes(listNodeChildrenSelector);
for (Node node : nodes) {
if (listItemNodeName.equals(node.getName())) {
String csid = node.valueOf("@csid");
String fullPath = r.getServicesURL() + "/" + csid;
if (view_map.get(node.getName()) != null) {
setGleanedValue(cache, fullPath, view_map.get(node.getName()), node.getText());
// Now glean the values we need from the child nodes
List<Node> fields = node.selectNodes("*");
for (Node field : fields) {
// Is this a field we want?
String json_name = view_map.get(field.getName());
if (json_name != null) {
String value = field.getText();
setGleanedValue(cache, r.getServicesURL() + "/" + csid, json_name, value);
} else {
pagination.put(node.getName(), node.getText());
out.put("pagination", pagination);
out.put("listItems", listitems.toArray(new String[0]));
return out;
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnderlyingStorageException in project application by collectionspace.
the class AuthorizationStorage method deleteJSON.
* Remove an object in the Service Layer.
public void deleteJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException {
try {
int status = 0;
if (r.hasDeleteMethod()) {
// get all data to post back
// hopefully the filepath we have is the filepath to get the data from
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = simpleRetrieveXML(creds, cache, filePath + "/");
String nodepath = "/" + r.getServicesListPath() + "/*";
List<Node> nodes = doc.selectNodes(nodepath);
if (nodes.size() > 0) {
status = 201;
status = conn.getNone(RequestMethod.DELETE, filePath, null, creds, cache);
// post it back to delete it
/*"TRYING TO DELETE ACCOUNTROLE");;"?_method=delete");
ReturnedURL url = null;
url = conn.getURL(RequestMethod.POST, filePath+"?_method=delete", doc, creds, cache);
status = url.getStatus();
} else {
// if we didn't need to delete it because there was nothing there then everything was good
status = 201;
} catch (ExistException ex) {
// ignore as nothign to delete if nothing exists
status = 201;
} else {
status = conn.getNone(RequestMethod.DELETE, r.getServicesURL() + "/" + filePath, null, creds, cache);
if (// XXX CSPACE-73, should be 404
status > 299 || status < 200)
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception status=" + status, status, r.getServicesURL() + "/" + filePath);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception", e);