use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnimplementedException in project application by collectionspace.
the class RelateSearchList method search_or_list.
private void search_or_list(Storage storage, UIRequest request, String source, String target, String type) throws UIException {
try {
JSONObject restrictions = new JSONObject();
addRestriction(restrictions, "src", source, true);
addRestriction(restrictions, "dst", target, true);
addRestriction(restrictions, "type", type, false);
// XXX CSPACE-1834 need to support pagination
JSONObject results = storage.getPathsJSON("relations/" + searchPath, restrictions);
String[] relations = (String[]) results.get("listItems");
JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
if (searchPath.equals("main")) {
for (String r : relations) data.put(r);
out.put("items", data);
} else {
if (results.has("listItems")) {
if (results.getJSONObject("moredata").length() > 0) {
// there is a relationship
String[] reld = (String[]) results.get("listItems");
String hcsid = reld[0];
JSONObject mored = results.getJSONObject("moredata").getJSONObject(hcsid);
// it's name is
JSONObject broaderthan = new JSONObject();
broaderthan.put("label", mored.getString("objectname"));
out.put("broader", broaderthan);
} catch (JSONException x) {
throw new UIException("Failed to parse json: ", x);
} catch (ExistException x) {
throw new UIException("Existence exception: ", x);
} catch (UnimplementedException x) {
throw new UIException("Unimplemented exception: ", x);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException x) {
UIException uiexception = new UIException(x.getMessage(), x.getStatus(), x.getUrl(), x);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnimplementedException in project application by collectionspace.
the class BlobRead method get_blob.
private void get_blob(Storage s, UIRequest q, String csid, String derivative) throws UIException {
try {
JSONObject out = s.retrieveJSON("/blobs/" + csid + "/" + derivative, null);
byte[] data_array = (byte[]) out.get("getByteBody");
String contentDisp = out.has("contentdisposition") ? out.getString("contentdisposition") : null;
q.sendUnknown(data_array, out.getString("contenttype"), contentDisp);
int cacheMaxAgeSeconds = adminData.getUploadedMediaCacheAge();
if (cacheMaxAgeSeconds > 0) {
} catch (ExistException e) {
throw new UIException("Existence exception", e);
} catch (UnimplementedException e) {
throw new UIException("Unimplemented", e);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException e) {
throw new UIException("Underlying storage problem", e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new UIException("JSON exception", e);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnimplementedException in project application by collectionspace.
the class RecordTraverser method store_get.
private void store_get(Storage storage, UIRequest request, String path) throws UIException {
JSONObject outputJSON = new JSONObject();
try {
String[] bits = path.split("/");
String token = bits[0];
Integer indexvalue = Integer.valueOf(bits[1]);
String key = UISession.SEARCHTRAVERSER + "" + token;
if (request.getSession().getValue(key) instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONObject alldata = (JSONObject) request.getSession().getValue(key);
JSONObject pagination = new JSONObject();
if (alldata.has("pagination")) {
pagination = alldata.getJSONObject("pagination");
JSONArray data = alldata.getJSONArray("results");
Integer pgSz = alldata.getInt("pageSize");
Integer pageNm = alldata.getInt("pageNum");
Integer total = alldata.getInt("total");
Integer offset = pgSz * pageNm;
Integer numInstances = alldata.getInt("numInstances");
String base = alldata.getString("record");
String instance = alldata.getString("instance");
JSONObject restriction = alldata.getJSONObject("restriction");
// only works 100% for records - auths is a problem...
// multiplying by numInstance isn't quite enough...
// Integer relativeindexvalue = indexvalue - offset ;
Integer prevpageNm = 0;
Integer prevval = indexvalue - 1;
if (prevval >= 0 && prevval <= total) {
JSONObject item = checkTraverserPageNum(storage, request, outputJSON, token, key, alldata, pagination, data, pgSz, pageNm, numInstances, base, instance, restriction, prevpageNm, prevval);
outputJSON.put("previous", item);
Integer postpageNm = 0;
Integer postval = indexvalue + 1;
if (postval < total && postval >= 0) {
JSONObject item = checkTraverserPageNum(storage, request, outputJSON, token, key, alldata, pagination, data, pgSz, pageNm, numInstances, base, instance, restriction, postpageNm, postval);
outputJSON.put("next", item);
Integer currpageNm = 0;
if (indexvalue < total && indexvalue >= 0) {
JSONObject item = checkTraverserPageNum(storage, request, outputJSON, token, key, alldata, pagination, data, pgSz, pageNm, currpageNm, base, instance, restriction, prevpageNm, indexvalue);
outputJSON.put("current", item);
outputJSON.put("index", indexvalue);
outputJSON.put("token", token);
outputJSON.put("total", total);
} else {
outputJSON.put("error", "Cannot find the traverser token");
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new UIException("Error with the traverser data", e);
} catch (ExistException e) {
throw new UIException("Error with the traverser data", e);
} catch (UnimplementedException e) {
throw new UIException("Error with the traverser data", e);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException x) {
UIException uiexception = new UIException(x.getMessage(), x.getStatus(), x.getUrl(), x);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnimplementedException in project application by collectionspace.
the class WebAutoComplete method autocomplete.
private void autocomplete(CSPRequestCache cache, Storage storage, UIRequest request) throws UIException {
try {
String[] path = request.getPrincipalPath();
// Last path element is the field on which user is querying.
String fieldName = path[path.length - 1];
JSONArray out = new JSONArray();
boolean hasHierarchy = r.hasHierarchyUsed("screen");
boolean isHierarchyAutoComplete = false;
if (hasHierarchy) {
// Configures the hierarchy section.
Structure s = r.getStructure("screen");
if (s.hasOption(fieldName)) {
// This is one of the hierarchy fields
isHierarchyAutoComplete = true;
if (r.isType("authority") || !isHierarchyAutoComplete) {
out = doAuthorityAutocomplete(cache, storage, fieldName, request.getRequestArgument(AUTO_COMPLETE_QUERY_PARAM), request.getRequestArgument(CONSTRAIN_VOCAB_PARAM), request.getRequestArgument(PAGE_SIZE_PARAM), request.getRequestArgument(PAGE_NUM_PARAM));
} else if (isHierarchyAutoComplete) {
out = doRecordAutocomplete(cache, storage, fieldName, request.getRequestArgument(AUTO_COMPLETE_QUERY_PARAM), request.getRequestArgument(PAGE_SIZE_PARAM), request.getRequestArgument(PAGE_NUM_PARAM));
} else {
throw new ConfigException("WebAutoComplete called for record that does not support autocomplete!: " + r.getID());
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new UIException("JSONException during autocompletion", e);
} catch (ExistException e) {
throw new UIException("ExistException during autocompletion", e);
} catch (UnimplementedException e) {
throw new UIException("UnimplementedException during autocompletion", e);
} catch (ConfigException e) {
throw new UIException("ConfigException during autocompletion", e);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException x) {
throw new UIException("UnderlyingStorageException during autocompletion" + x.getLocalizedMessage(), x.getStatus(), x.getUrl(), x);
use of org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnimplementedException in project application by collectionspace.
the class WebLoginStatus method testlogin.
public void testlogin(Request in) throws UIException {
UIRequest request = in.getUIRequest();
try {
Storage storage = in.getStorage();
JSONObject output = new JSONObject();
UISession uiSession = request.getSession();
if (uiSession != null && uiSession.getValue(UISession.USERID) != null) {
if (uiSession.getValue(UISession.USERID).equals("")) {
output.put("login", false);
} else {
JSONObject perms = null;
// See if there is a cache of the permissions for this user and tenant.
String userId = (String) uiSession.getValue(UISession.USERID);
String tenantId = (String) uiSession.getValue(UISession.TENANT);
perms = findPermsInCache(userId, tenantId);
boolean fFoundInCache;
if (perms != null) {
fFoundInCache = true;
} else {
fFoundInCache = false;
perms = getPermissions(storage);
if (perms.has("permissions")) {
// Will only slow down edge case of user with no roles.
if (!fFoundInCache) {
addPermsToCache(userId, tenantId, perms);
output.put("permissions", perms.getJSONObject("permissions"));
output.put("csid", perms.getString("csid"));
output.put("screenName", perms.getString("screenName"));
output.put("userId", perms.getString("userId"));
output.put("login", true);
int maxInterval = 0;
UIRequest uir = in.getUIRequest();
if (uir != null) {
HttpSession httpSession = request.getHttpSession();
if (httpSession != null) {
maxInterval = httpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval();
// Need to consider the shorter of session timeout and cookie expiry.
// cookie life is in minutes, so convert to seconds.
int cookieLife = 60 * spec.getAdminData().getCookieLife();
if (maxInterval == 0 || maxInterval >= cookieLife) {
maxInterval = cookieLife;
output.put("maxInactive", maxInterval);
} else {
output.put("login", false);
output.put("message", "no roles associated with this user");
} else {
output.put("login", false);
} catch (JSONException x) {
throw new UIException("Failed to parse json: " + x.getMessage(), x);
} catch (ExistException x) {
// failed login test
throw new UIException("Existence exception: ", x);
} catch (UnimplementedException x) {
throw new UIException("Unimplemented exception: ", x);
} catch (UnderlyingStorageException x) {
UIException uiexception = new UIException(x.getMessage(), x.getStatus(), x.getUrl(), x);