use of org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackingKey in project indy by Commonjava.
the class FoloMavenContentAccessResource method doCreate.
@ApiOperation("Store and track file/artifact content under the given artifact store (type/name) and path.")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "Content was stored successfully"), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "No appropriate storage location was found in the specified store (this store, or a member if a group is specified).") })
@Path("/{path: (.*)}")
public Response doCreate(@ApiParam("User-assigned tracking session key") @PathParam("id") final String id, @ApiParam(allowableValues = "hosted,group,remote", required = true) @PathParam("type") final String type, @PathParam("name") final String name, @PathParam("path") final String path, @Context final HttpServletRequest request, @Context final UriInfo uriInfo) {
final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id);
EventMetadata metadata = new EventMetadata().set(TRACKING_KEY, tk).set(ACCESS_CHANNEL, AccessChannel.NATIVE).set(STORE_HTTP_HEADERS, RequestUtils.extractRequestHeadersToMap(request));
Class cls = FoloMavenContentAccessResource.class;
return handler.doCreate(PKG_TYPE_MAVEN, type, name, path, request, metadata, () -> uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder().path(cls).path(path).build(id, PKG_TYPE_MAVEN, type, name));
use of org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackingKey in project indy by Commonjava.
the class FoloNPMContentAccessResource method doCreate.
@ApiOperation("Store NPM artifact content under the given artifact store (type/name), packageName and versionTarball (/version or /-/tarball).")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "Content was stored successfully"), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "No appropriate storage location was found in the specified store (this store, or a member if a group is specified).") })
@Path("/{packageName}/{versionTarball: (.*)}")
public Response doCreate(@ApiParam("User-assigned tracking session key") @PathParam("id") final String id, @ApiParam(allowableValues = "hosted,group,remote", required = true) @PathParam("type") final String type, @ApiParam(required = true) @PathParam("name") final String name, @PathParam("packageName") final String packageName, @PathParam("versionTarball") final String versionTarball, @Context final UriInfo uriInfo, @Context final HttpServletRequest request) {
final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id);
EventMetadata metadata = new EventMetadata().set(TRACKING_KEY, tk).set(ACCESS_CHANNEL, AccessChannel.NATIVE);
final String path = Paths.get(packageName, versionTarball).toString();
Class cls = FoloNPMContentAccessResource.class;
return handler.doCreate(NPM_PKG_KEY, type, name, path, request, metadata, () -> uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder().path(cls).path(path).build(NPM_PKG_KEY, type, name));
use of org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackingKey in project indy by Commonjava.
the class FoloTrackingListener method onFileAccess.
public void onFileAccess(@Observes final FileAccessEvent event) {
logger.trace("FILE ACCESS: {}", event);
EventMetadata metadata = event.getEventMetadata();
final TrackingKey trackingKey = (TrackingKey) metadata.get(FoloConstants.TRACKING_KEY);
if (trackingKey == null) {
logger.trace("No tracking key for access to: {}", event.getTransfer());
final AccessChannel accessChannel = (AccessChannel) metadata.get(FoloConstants.ACCESS_CHANNEL);
final Transfer transfer = event.getTransfer();
if (transfer == null) {
logger.trace("No transfer: {}", event);
final Location location = transfer.getLocation();
if (!(location instanceof KeyedLocation)) {
logger.trace("Not in a keyed location: {}", event.getTransfer());
try {
final KeyedLocation keyedLocation = (KeyedLocation) location;
if (!foloConfig.isGroupContentTracked() && keyedLocation.getKey().getType() == group) {
logger.trace("NOT tracking content stored directly in group: {}. This content is generally aggregated metadata, and can be recalculated. Groups may not be stable in some build environments", keyedLocation.getKey());
logger.trace("Tracking report: {} += {} in {} (DOWNLOAD)", trackingKey, transfer.getPath(), keyedLocation.getKey());
// Here we need to think about npm metadata retrieving case. As almost all npm metadata retrieving is through
// /$pkg from remote, but we use STORAGE_PATH in EventMetadata with /$pkg/package.json to store this metadata,
// so the real path for this transfer should be /$pkg but its current path is /$pkg/package.json. We need to
// think about if need to do the replacement here, especially for the originalUrl.
recordManager.recordArtifact(createEntry(trackingKey, keyedLocation.getKey(), accessChannel, transfer.getPath(), StoreEffect.DOWNLOAD, event.getEventMetadata()));
} catch (final FoloContentException | IndyWorkflowException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failed to record download: %s. Reason: %s", transfer, e.getMessage()), e);
use of org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackingKey in project indy by Commonjava.
the class FoloTrackingListener method onFileUpload.
public void onFileUpload(@Observes final FileStorageEvent event) {
logger.trace("FILE STORAGE: {}", event);
if (TransferOperation.UPLOAD != event.getType()) {
logger.trace("Not a file upload from client; skipping tracking of storage");
EventMetadata metadata = event.getEventMetadata();
logger.warn(">>> Metadata: " + metadata);
final TrackingKey trackingKey = (TrackingKey) metadata.get(FoloConstants.TRACKING_KEY);
if (trackingKey == null) {
logger.trace("No tracking key. Not recording.");
final AccessChannel accessChannel = (AccessChannel) metadata.get(FoloConstants.ACCESS_CHANNEL);
final Transfer transfer = event.getTransfer();
if (transfer == null) {
logger.trace("No transfer. Not recording.");
final Location location = transfer.getLocation();
if (!(location instanceof KeyedLocation)) {
logger.trace("Invalid transfer source location: {}. Not recording.", location);
} else if (!foloConfig.isGroupContentTracked() && ((KeyedLocation) location).getKey().getType() == group) {
logger.trace("NOT tracking content stored directly in group: {}. This content is generally aggregated metadata, and can be recalculated. Groups may not be stable in some build environments", ((KeyedLocation) location).getKey());
final TransferOperation op = event.getType();
StoreEffect effect = null;
switch(op) {
effect = StoreEffect.DOWNLOAD;
case UPLOAD:
effect = StoreEffect.UPLOAD;
logger.trace("Ignoring transfer operation: {} for: {}", op, transfer);
try {
final KeyedLocation keyedLocation = (KeyedLocation) location;
logger.trace("Tracking report: {} += {} in {} ({})", trackingKey, transfer.getPath(), keyedLocation.getKey(), effect);
recordManager.recordArtifact(createEntry(trackingKey, keyedLocation.getKey(), accessChannel, transfer.getPath(), effect, event.getEventMetadata()));
} catch (final FoloContentException | IndyWorkflowException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failed to record download: %s. Reason: %s", transfer, e.getMessage()), e);
use of org.commonjava.indy.folo.model.TrackingKey in project indy by Commonjava.
the class FoloAdminController method clearRecord.
public void clearRecord(final String id) throws FoloContentException {
final TrackingKey tk = new TrackingKey(id);