use of org.commonjava.maven.ext.common.model.Project in project pom-manipulation-ext by release-engineering.
the class PomIO method readModelsForManipulation.
* Read {@link Model} instances by parsing the POM directly. This is useful to escape some post-processing that happens when the
* {@link MavenProject#getOriginalModel()} instance is set.
* @param executionRoot the top level pom file.
* @param peeked a collection of poms resolved from the top level file.
* @return a collection of Projects
* @throws ManipulationException if an error occurs.
private List<Project> readModelsForManipulation(File executionRoot, final List<PomPeek> peeked) throws ManipulationException {
final List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<>();
final HashMap<Project, ProjectVersionRef> projectToParent = new HashMap<>();
for (final PomPeek peek : peeked) {
final File pom = peek.getPom();
// Sucks, but we have to brute-force reading in the raw model.
// The effective-model building, below, has a tantalizing getRawModel()
// method on the result, BUT this seems to return models that have
// the plugin versions set inside they're not entirely
// raw.
Model raw = null;
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new FileInputStream(pom);
raw = new MavenXpp3Reader().read(in);
} catch (final IOException | XmlPullParserException e) {
throw new ManipulationException("Failed to build model for POM: %s.\n--> %s", e, pom, e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (raw == null) {
final Project project = new Project(pom, raw);
projectToParent.put(project, peek.getParentKey());
if (executionRoot.equals(pom)) {
logger.debug("Setting execution root to {} with file {}" + (project.isInheritanceRoot() ? " and is the inheritance root. " : ""), project, pom);
try {
if (FileUtils.readFileToString(pom).contains(MODIFIED_BY)) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new ManipulationException("Failed to read POM: %s", e, pom);
// Fill out inheritance info for every project we have created.
for (Project p : projects) {
ProjectVersionRef pvr = projectToParent.get(p);
p.setProjectParent(getParent(projects, pvr));
return projects;
use of org.commonjava.maven.ext.common.model.Project in project pom-manipulation-ext by release-engineering.
the class PomIO method rewritePOMs.
* For any project listed as changed (tracked by GA in the session), write the modified model out to disk.
* Uses JDOM {@link ModelWriter} and {@link MavenJDOMWriter} to preserve as much formatting as possible.
* @param changed the modified Projects to write out.
* @return gav execution root GAV
* @throws ManipulationException if an error occurs.
public GAV rewritePOMs(final Set<Project> changed) throws ManipulationException {
GAV result = null;
for (final Project project : changed) {
if (project.isExecutionRoot()) {
result = new GAV(Project.modelKey(project.getModel()));
logger.debug(String.format("%s modified! Rewriting.", project));
File pom = project.getPom();
final Model model = project.getModel();
logger.trace("Rewriting: " + model.toString() + " in place of: " + project.getId() + "\n to POM: " + pom);
write(project, pom, model);
// This is a total hack, but the alternative seems to be adding complexity through a custom model processor.
if (pom.getName().equals("interpolated-pom.xml")) {
final File dir = pom.getParentFile();
pom = dir == null ? new File("pom.xml") : new File(dir, "pom.xml");
write(project, pom, model);
return result;
use of org.commonjava.maven.ext.common.model.Project in project pom-manipulation-ext by release-engineering.
the class DependencyManipulator method removeReactorGAs.
* Remove version overrides which refer to projects in the current reactor.
* Projects in the reactor include things like inter-module dependencies
* which should never be overridden.
* @param versionOverrides current set of ArtifactRef:newVersion overrides.
* @return A new Map with the reactor GAs removed.
private Map<ArtifactRef, String> removeReactorGAs(final Map<ArtifactRef, String> versionOverrides) throws ManipulationException {
final Map<ArtifactRef, String> reducedVersionOverrides = new LinkedHashMap<>(versionOverrides);
for (final Project project : session.getProjects()) {
final String reactorGA = gav(project.getModel());
return reducedVersionOverrides;
use of org.commonjava.maven.ext.common.model.Project in project pom-manipulation-ext by release-engineering.
the class RESTCollector method collect.
* Prescans the Project to build up a list of Project GAs and also the various Dependencies.
private void collect(final List<Project> projects) throws ManipulationException {
final RESTState state = session.getState(RESTState.class);
final VersioningState vs = session.getState(VersioningState.class);
final DependencyState ds = session.getState(DependencyState.class);
final PluginState ps = session.getState(PluginState.class);
if (!session.isEnabled() || !state.isEnabled()) {
logger.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Nothing to do!");
final ArrayList<ProjectVersionRef> restParam = new ArrayList<>();
final ArrayList<ProjectVersionRef> newProjectKeys = new ArrayList<>();
final String override = vs.getOverride();
for (final Project project : projects) {
if (isEmpty(override)) {
// TODO: Check this : For the rest API I think we need to check every project GA not just inheritance root.
// Strip SNAPSHOT from the version for matching. DA will handle OSGi conversion.
ProjectVersionRef newKey = new SimpleProjectVersionRef(project.getKey());
if (project.getKey().getVersionString().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) {
if (!vs.preserveSnapshot()) {
newKey = new SimpleProjectVersionRef(project.getKey().asProjectRef(), project.getKey().getVersionString().substring(0, project.getKey().getVersionString().indexOf("-SNAPSHOT")));
} else {
logger.warn("SNAPSHOT detected for REST call but preserve-snapshots is enabled.");
} else if (project.isExecutionRoot()) {
// We want to manually override the version ; therefore ignore what is in the project and calculate potential
// matches for that instead.
Project p = projects.get(0);
newProjectKeys.add(new SimpleProjectVersionRef(p.getGroupId(), p.getArtifactId(), override));
// We only recognise dependencyManagement of the form g:a:version-rebuild not g:a:version-rebuild-<numeric>.
for (ProjectVersionRef bom : (ds.getRemoteBOMDepMgmt() == null ? Collections.<ProjectVersionRef>emptyList() : ds.getRemoteBOMDepMgmt())) {
if (!Version.hasBuildNumber(bom.getVersionString()) && bom.getVersionString().contains(PropertiesUtils.getSuffix(session))) {
// Create the dummy PVR to send to DA (which requires a numeric suffix).
ProjectVersionRef newBom = new SimpleProjectVersionRef(bom.asProjectRef(), bom.getVersionString() + "-0");
logger.debug("Adding dependencyManagement BOM {} into REST call.", newBom);
Set<ArtifactRef> localDeps = establishAllDependencies(session, projects, null);
// Need to send that to the rest interface to get a translation.
for (ArtifactRef p : localDeps) {
// Call the REST to populate the result.
logger.debug("Passing {} GAVs following into the REST client api {} ", restParam.size(), restParam);"Calling REST client...");
long start = System.nanoTime();
Map<ProjectVersionRef, String> restResult = null;
try {
restResult = state.getVersionTranslator().translateVersions(restParam);
} finally {
printFinishTime(start, (restResult != null));
logger.debug("REST Client returned {} ", restResult);
// Process rest result for boms
ListIterator<ProjectVersionRef> iterator = (ds.getRemoteBOMDepMgmt() == null ? Collections.<ProjectVersionRef>emptyList().listIterator() : ds.getRemoteBOMDepMgmt().listIterator());
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ProjectVersionRef pvr =;
// As before, only process the BOMs if they are of the format <rebuild suffix> without a numeric portion.
if (!Version.hasBuildNumber(pvr.getVersionString()) && pvr.getVersionString().contains(PropertiesUtils.getSuffix(session))) {
// Create the dummy PVR to compare with results to...
ProjectVersionRef newBom = new SimpleProjectVersionRef(pvr.asProjectRef(), pvr.getVersionString() + "-0");
if (restResult.keySet().contains(newBom)) {
ProjectVersionRef replacementBOM = new SimpleProjectVersionRef(pvr.asProjectRef(), restResult.get(newBom));
logger.debug("Replacing BOM value of {} with {}.", pvr, replacementBOM);
vs.setRESTMetadata(parseVersions(session, projects, state, newProjectKeys, restResult));
final Map<ArtifactRef, String> overrides = new HashMap<>();
// Convert the loaded remote ProjectVersionRefs to the original ArtifactRefs
for (ArtifactRef a : localDeps) {
if (restResult.containsKey(a.asProjectVersionRef())) {
overrides.put(a, restResult.get(a.asProjectVersionRef()));
logger.debug("Setting REST Overrides {} ", overrides);
// Unfortunately as everything is just GAVs we have to send everything to the PluginManipulator as well.
use of org.commonjava.maven.ext.common.model.Project in project pom-manipulation-ext by release-engineering.
the class JSONManipulatorTest method testNotFound.
@Test(expected = ManipulationException.class)
public void testNotFound() throws Exception {
String modifyPath = "$";
File target = tf.newFile();
FileUtils.copyFile(npmFile, target);
Project project = new Project(null, target, null);
jsonManipulator.internalApplyChanges(project, new JSONState.JSONOperation(target.getName(), modifyPath, null));