use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.event.EventMetadata in project indy by Commonjava.
the class DownloadManagerTest method downloadOnePOMFromSingleRepository.
public void downloadOnePOMFromSingleRepository() throws Exception {
final String content = "This is a test";
final String path = "/org/apache/maven/maven-model/3.0.3/maven-model-3.0.3.pom";
final RemoteRepository repo = new RemoteRepository(MAVEN_PKG_KEY, "central", "");
fixture.getTransport().registerDownload(new ConcreteResource(new RepositoryLocation(repo), path), new TestDownload(content.getBytes()));
data.storeArtifactStore(repo, summary, false, true, new EventMetadata());
final Transfer stream = downloader.retrieve(repo, path, new EventMetadata());
final String downloaded = IOUtils.toString(stream.openInputStream());
assertThat(downloaded, equalTo(content));
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.event.EventMetadata in project indy by Commonjava.
the class DownloadManagerTest method downloadOnePOMFromSecondRepositoryAfterDummyRepoFails.
public void downloadOnePOMFromSecondRepositoryAfterDummyRepoFails() throws Exception {
final RemoteRepository repo = new RemoteRepository(MAVEN_PKG_KEY, "dummy", "");
final String content = "This is a test";
final String path = "/org/apache/maven/maven-model/3.0.3/maven-model-3.0.3.pom";
final RemoteRepository repo2 = new RemoteRepository(MAVEN_PKG_KEY, "central", "");
fixture.getTransport().registerDownload(new ConcreteResource(new RepositoryLocation(repo2), path), new TestDownload(content.getBytes()));
data.storeArtifactStore(repo, summary, false, true, new EventMetadata());
data.storeArtifactStore(repo2, summary, false, true, new EventMetadata());
final List<ArtifactStore> repos = new ArrayList<ArtifactStore>();
final Transfer stream = downloader.retrieveFirst(repos, path, new EventMetadata());
final String downloaded = IOUtils.toString(stream.openInputStream());
assertThat(downloaded, equalTo(content));
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.event.EventMetadata in project indy by Commonjava.
the class DataFileStoreDataManager method readDefinitions.
public void readDefinitions() {
final ChangeSummary summary = new ChangeSummary(ChangeSummary.SYSTEM_USER, "Reading definitions from disk, culling invalid definition files.");
try {
DataFile[] packageDirs = manager.getDataFile(INDY_STORE).listFiles((f) -> true);
for (DataFile pkgDir : packageDirs) {
for (StoreType type : StoreType.values()) {
DataFile[] files = pkgDir.getChild(type.singularEndpointName()).listFiles(f -> true);
if (files != null) {
for (final DataFile f : files) {
try {
final String json = f.readString();
final ArtifactStore store = serializer.readValue(json, type.getStoreClass());
if (store == null) {
} else {
storeArtifactStore(store, summary, false, false, new EventMetadata().set(StoreDataManager.EVENT_ORIGIN, LOAD_FROM_DISK));
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failed to load %s store: %s. Reason: %s", type, f, e.getMessage()), e);
started = true;
} catch (final IndyDataException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to start store data manager: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.event.EventMetadata in project indy by Commonjava.
the class ConcurrencyTest method deadlockOnGroupContains.
@BMRules(rules = { @BMRule(name = "init rendezvous", targetClass = "MemoryStoreDataManager", targetMethod = "<init>", targetLocation = "ENTRY", action = "createRendezvous($0, 2, true)"), @BMRule(name = "getGroupsContaining call", targetClass = "MemoryStoreDataManager", targetMethod = "getGroupsContaining", targetLocation = "ENTRY", action = "rendezvous($0); debug(Thread.currentThread().getName() + \": thread proceeding.\")") })
public void deadlockOnGroupContains() throws IndyDataException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
ExecutorCompletionService<String> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(executor);
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
RemoteRepository repo = new RemoteRepository(MAVEN_PKG_KEY, "central", "");
TestUpdatingEventDispatcher dispatcher = new TestUpdatingEventDispatcher(repo, completionService, count);
MemoryStoreDataManager dataManager = new MemoryStoreDataManager(dispatcher, new DefaultIndyConfiguration());
ChangeSummary summary = new ChangeSummary(ChangeSummary.SYSTEM_USER, "Test init");
dataManager.storeArtifactStore(repo, summary, false, false, new EventMetadata());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Group group = new Group(MAVEN_PKG_KEY, "group" + i);
if (i % 2 == 0) {
dataManager.storeArtifactStore(group, summary, false, false, new EventMetadata());
for (int i = 0; i < count.get(); i++) {
Future<String> future = completionService.take();
assertThat(future.get(), nullValue());
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.event.EventMetadata in project indy by Commonjava.
the class StoreEnablementManager method onStoreError.
// public void onStoreUpdate( @Observes ArtifactStorePostUpdateEvent event )
// {
// for ( ArtifactStore store : event )
// {
// if ( store.isDisabled() )
// {
// String toStr = store.getMetadata( DISABLE_TIMEOUT );
// if ( isNotEmpty( toStr ) )
// {
// int timeout = Integer.parseInt( toStr );
// try
// {
// setReEnablementTimeout( store.getKey(), timeout );
// }
// catch ( IndySchedulerException e )
// {
// Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() );
// logger.error( String.format( "Failed to schedule re-enablement of %s.", store.getKey() ), e );
// }
// }
// }
//// else
//// {
//// try
//// {
//// cancelReEnablementTimeout( store.getKey() );
//// }
//// catch ( IndySchedulerException e )
//// {
//// Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() );
//// logger.error( String.format( "Failed to delete re-enablement job for %s.", store.getKey() ), e );
//// }
//// }
// }
// }
public void onStoreError(@Observes IndyStoreErrorEvent evt) {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
StoreKey key = evt.getStoreKey();
Throwable error = evt.getError();
try {
ArtifactStore store = storeDataManager.getArtifactStore(key);
if (store.getDisableTimeout() <= TIMEOUT_NEVER_DISABLE) {
logger.debug("Disable-timeout set to {}, will never disable the repo", store.getDisableTimeout());
} else {
final ChangeSummary changeSummary = new ChangeSummary(ChangeSummary.SYSTEM_USER, String.format("Disabling %s due to error: %s\n\nStack Trace:\n %s", key, error, StringUtils.join(error.getStackTrace(), "\n ")));
storeDataManager.storeArtifactStore(store, changeSummary, false, true, new EventMetadata());
logger.warn("{} has been disabled due to store-level error: {}\n Will re-enable in {} seconds.", key, error, config.getStoreDisableTimeoutSeconds());
// TODO: How is it this doesn't duplicate the event handler method onStoreUpdate()...we're updating the store just above here.
} catch (IndyDataException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failed to disable %s on error: %s", key, error), e);
} catch (IndySchedulerException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failed to schedule re-enablement of %s for retry.", key), e);