use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Location in project indy by Commonjava.
the class IndyLocationExpander method expand.
/** Using the same basic logic as {@link IndyLocationExpander#expand(Collection)}, convert the specified {@link Resource} into a
* {@link VirtualResource} that contains references to the expanded {@link Location} list.
* @see IndyLocationExpander#expand(Collection)
public VirtualResource expand(final Resource resource) throws TransferException {
List<Location> locations;
if (resource instanceof VirtualResource) {
final List<ConcreteResource> concrete = ((VirtualResource) resource).toConcreteResources();
final List<ConcreteResource> result = new ArrayList<ConcreteResource>();
for (final ConcreteResource cr : concrete) {
final List<Location> expanded = expand(cr.getLocation());
for (final Location location : expanded) {
result.add(new ConcreteResource(location, cr.getPath()));
return new VirtualResource(result);
} else {
final ConcreteResource cr = (ConcreteResource) resource;
locations = expand(cr.getLocation());
return new VirtualResource(locations, cr.getPath());
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Location in project galley by Commonjava.
the class MavenModelProcessorTest method resolvePluginDependencyFromManagedInfo.
public void resolvePluginDependencyFromManagedInfo() throws Exception {
final URI src = new URI("");
final ProjectVersionRef childRef = new SimpleProjectVersionRef("org.test", "test-child", "1.0");
final LinkedHashMap<ProjectVersionRef, String> lineage = new LinkedHashMap<ProjectVersionRef, String>();
lineage.put(childRef, "child.pom.xml");
lineage.put(new SimpleProjectVersionRef("org.test", "test-parent", "1.0"), "parent.pom.xml");
final Location location = new SimpleLocation("test", src.toString(), false, true, true, false, true);
final String base = PROJ_BASE + "dependency-in-managed-parent-plugin/";
for (final Entry<ProjectVersionRef, String> entry : lineage.entrySet()) {
final ProjectVersionRef ref = entry.getKey();
final String filename = entry.getValue();
final String path = ArtifactPathUtils.formatArtifactPath(ref.asPomArtifact(), fixture.getTypeMapper());
fixture.getTransport().registerDownload(new ConcreteResource(location, path), new TestDownload(base + filename));
final Transfer transfer = fixture.getArtifactManager().retrieve(location, childRef.asPomArtifact());
final MavenPomView pomView = fixture.getPomReader().read(childRef, transfer, Collections.singletonList(location));
final List<PluginView> buildPlugins = pomView.getAllBuildPlugins();
assertThat(buildPlugins, notNullValue());
assertThat(buildPlugins.size(), equalTo(1));
final PluginView pv = buildPlugins.get(0);
assertThat(pv, notNullValue());
final List<PluginDependencyView> deps = pv.getLocalPluginDependencies();
assertThat(deps, notNullValue());
assertThat(deps.size(), equalTo(1));
final PluginDependencyView pdv = deps.get(0);
assertThat(pdv, notNullValue());
assertThat(pdv.asArtifactRef().getVersionString(), equalTo("1.0"));
final ModelProcessorConfig discoveryConfig = new ModelProcessorConfig();
EProjectDirectRelationships result = fixture.getModelProcessor().readRelationships(pomView, src, discoveryConfig);
final Set<ProjectRelationship<?, ?>> rels = result.getExactAllRelationships();"Found {} relationships:\n\n {}", rels.size(), new JoinString("\n ", rels));
boolean seen = false;
for (final ProjectRelationship<?, ?> rel : rels) {
if (rel.getType() == RelationshipType.PLUGIN_DEP && !rel.isManaged()) {
if (seen) {
fail("Multiple plugin dependencies found!");
seen = true;
assertThat(rel.getTarget().getVersionString(), equalTo("1.0"));
if (!seen) {
fail("Plugin-dependency relationship not found!");
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Location in project galley by Commonjava.
the class MavenMetadataReader method getMetadata.
public MavenMetadataView getMetadata(final ProjectRef ref, final List<? extends Location> locations, final EventMetadata eventMetadata) throws GalleyMavenException {
final List<DocRef<ProjectRef>> docs = new ArrayList<DocRef<ProjectRef>>(locations.size());
final Map<Location, DocRef<ProjectRef>> cached = getAllCached(ref, locations);
final List<? extends Location> toRetrieve = new ArrayList<Location>(locations);
for (final Location loc : locations) {
final DocRef<ProjectRef> dr = cached.get(loc);
if (dr != null) {
} else {
List<Transfer> transfers;
try {
transfers = metadataManager.retrieveAll(toRetrieve, ref, eventMetadata);
} catch (final TransferException e) {
throw new GalleyMavenException("Failed to resolve metadata for: {} from: {}. Reason: {}", e, ref, locations, e.getMessage());
logger.debug("Resolved {} transfers:\n {}", transfers.size(), new JoinString("\n ", transfers));
if (transfers != null && !transfers.isEmpty()) {
for (final Transfer transfer : transfers) {
final DocRef<ProjectRef> dr = new DocRef<ProjectRef>(ref, transfer.getLocation(), xml.parse(transfer, eventMetadata));
final int idx = locations.indexOf(transfer.getLocation());
if (idx > -1) {
docs.set(idx, dr);
} else {
for (final Iterator<DocRef<ProjectRef>> iterator = docs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
final DocRef<ProjectRef> docRef =;
if (docRef == null) {
logger.debug("Got {} metadata documents for: {}", docs.size(), ref);
return new MavenMetadataView(docs, xpath, xml);
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Location in project galley by Commonjava.
the class VersionResolverImpl method resolveAllMultiRefsWithLocations.
private List<ProjectVersionRefLocation> resolveAllMultiRefsWithLocations(final List<? extends Location> locations, final ProjectVersionRef ref, final VersionSelectionStrategy selectionStrategy, final EventMetadata eventMetadata) throws TransferException {
final Map<SingleVersion, Location> available = new TreeMap<SingleVersion, Location>();
for (final Location location : locations) {
try {
final MavenMetadataView metadata = metadataReader.getMetadata(ref.asProjectRef(), Collections.singletonList(location), eventMetadata);
if (metadata != null) {
final List<String> versions = metadata.resolveValues("/metadata/versioning/versions/version");
if (versions != null) {
for (final String version : versions) {
try {
final SingleVersion spec = VersionUtils.createSingleVersion(version);
if (!available.containsKey(spec)) {
available.put(spec, location);
} catch (final InvalidVersionSpecificationException e) {
debug("Unparsable version spec found in metadata: '%s' for: %s from: %s.", e, version, ref, location);
} catch (final GalleyMavenException e) {
debug("Failed to resolve/parse metadata for variable version of: '%s' from: %s.", e, ref, location);
if (!available.isEmpty()) {
final List<ProjectVersionRefLocation> result = new ArrayList<ProjectVersionRefLocation>();
final VersionSpec spec = ref.getVersionSpec();
final List<SingleVersion> versions = new ArrayList<SingleVersion>(available.keySet());
while (!versions.isEmpty()) {
final SingleVersion selected =;
if (selected != null) {
if (selected.isConcrete() && spec.contains(selected)) {
result.add(new ProjectVersionRefLocation(ref.selectVersion(selected), available.get(selected)));
return result;
return Collections.<ProjectVersionRefLocation>emptyList();
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Location in project galley by Commonjava.
the class VersionResolverImpl method resolveLatestSnapshotRefWithLocation.
private ProjectVersionRefLocation resolveLatestSnapshotRefWithLocation(final List<? extends Location> locations, final ProjectVersionRef ref, final VersionSelectionStrategy selectionStrategy, final EventMetadata eventMetadata) throws TransferException {
final Map<SingleVersion, Location> available = new TreeMap<SingleVersion, Location>();
for (final Location location : locations) {
try {
final MavenMetadataView metadata = metadataReader.getMetadata(ref, Collections.singletonList(location), eventMetadata);
if (metadata != null) {
addSnapshotFrom(metadata, location, ref, available);
} catch (final GalleyMavenException e) {
debug("Failed to resolve/parse metadata for snapshot version of: %s from: %s.", e, ref, location);
if (available.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final List<SingleVersion> versions = new ArrayList<SingleVersion>(available.keySet());
final SingleVersion selected =;
if (selected == null) {
return null;
return new ProjectVersionRefLocation(ref.selectVersion(selected), available.get(selected));