use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer in project indy by Commonjava.
the class ArtifactStoreSubStore method getStoredObject.
public StoredObject getStoredObject(final ITransaction transaction, final String uri) throws WebdavException {
final StoredObject so = new StoredObject();
final StoreURIMatcher matcher = new StoreURIMatcher(uri);
if (matcher.hasStorePath()) {
final Transfer item = getTransfer(matcher);
if (item == null) {
return null;
so.setCreationDate(new Date(item.lastModified()));
so.setLastModified(new Date(item.lastModified()));
} else {
final Date d = new Date();
return so;
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer in project galley by Commonjava.
the class AbstractHttpJob method executeHttp.
protected boolean executeHttp() throws TransferException {
try {
client = http.createClient(location);
response = client.execute(request, http.createContext(location));
final StatusLine line = response.getStatusLine();
final int sc = line.getStatusCode();
logger.debug("{} {} : {}", request.getMethod(), line, url);
if (!successStatuses.contains(sc)) {
logger.debug("Detected failure response: " + sc);
success = TransferResponseUtils.handleUnsuccessfulResponse(request, response, location, url);
logger.debug("Returning non-error failure response for code: " + sc);
return false;
} catch (final NoHttpResponseException e) {
throw new TransferTimeoutException(location, url, "Repository remote request failed for: {}. Reason: {}", e, url, e.getMessage());
} catch (final ConnectTimeoutException e) {
throw new TransferTimeoutException(location, url, "Repository remote request failed for: {}. Reason: {}", e, url, e.getMessage());
} catch (final SocketTimeoutException e) {
throw new TransferTimeoutException(location, url, "Repository remote request failed for: {}. Reason: {}", e, url, e.getMessage());
} catch (final ClientProtocolException e) {
throw new TransferLocationException(location, "Repository remote request failed for: {}. Reason: {}", e, url, e.getMessage());
} catch (BadGatewayException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final GalleyException e) {
throw new TransferException("Repository remote request failed for: {}. Reason: {}", e, url, e.getMessage());
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new TransferLocationException(location, "Repository remote request failed for: {}. Reason: {}", e, url, e.getMessage());
} finally {
* we need to integrate the writeMetadata() method into the executeHttp() call in a finally block,
* and with a condition that it only runs on HEAD or GET. This would allow us to capture metadata on failed requests too,
* which is critical for responding consistently to the user after a failed request is cached in the NFC.
String method = request.getMethod();
if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method) || "HEAD".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
Transfer target = getTransfer();
ObjectMapper mapper = getMetadataObjectMapper();
if (target != null && mapper != null) {
writeMetadata(target, mapper);
return true;
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer in project indy by Commonjava.
the class ArtifactStoreSubStore method setResourceContent.
public long setResourceContent(final ITransaction transaction, final String resourceUri, final InputStream content, final String contentType, final String characterEncoding) throws WebdavException {
final StoreURIMatcher matcher = new StoreURIMatcher(resourceUri);
if (!matcher.hasStorePath()) {
throw new WebdavException("No store-level path specified: '" + resourceUri + "'. This URI references either a list of stores, a root store directory, or something else equally read-only.");
final StorageAdvice advice = getStorageAdviceFor(matcher);
final String path = matcher.getStorePath();
final Transfer item = fileManager.getStorageReference(advice.getHostedStore(), path);
Writer writer = null;
try {
if (characterEncoding != null) {
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(item.openOutputStream(TransferOperation.UPLOAD), characterEncoding);
} else {
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(item.openOutputStream(TransferOperation.UPLOAD));
copy(content, writer);
return item.length();
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to write file: {} in store: {}. Reason: {}", e, path, advice.getStore().getKey(), e.getMessage());
throw new WebdavException("Failed to write file: " + resourceUri);
} finally {
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer in project indy by Commonjava.
the class ArtifactStoreSubStore method removeObject.
public void removeObject(final ITransaction transaction, final String uri) throws WebdavException {
final StoreURIMatcher matcher = new StoreURIMatcher(uri);
if (!matcher.hasStorePath()) {
throw new WebdavException("No store-level path specified: '" + uri + "'. This URI references either a list of stores, a root store directory, or something else equally read-only.");
final StorageAdvice advice = getStorageAdviceFor(matcher);
final String path = matcher.getStorePath();
final Transfer item = fileManager.getStorageReference(advice.getHostedStore(), path);
try {
if (item.exists()) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to delete file: {} in store: {}. Reason: {}", e, path, advice.getStore().getKey(), e.getMessage());
throw new WebdavException("Failed to delete file: " + uri);
use of org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer in project galley by Commonjava.
the class ArtifactManagerImplTest method resolveSnapshot_FirstMatch_SingletonLocationList_TwoSnapshotList_LatestVersionStrategy.
public void resolveSnapshot_FirstMatch_SingletonLocationList_TwoSnapshotList_LatestVersionStrategy() throws Exception {
final String base = "2-snapshots-1-location/";
final String testResource = base + "two-snapshots.xml";
final String testPomResource = base + "two-snapshots-pom.xml";
final ProjectVersionRef ref = new SimpleProjectVersionRef("org.group2", "artifact", "1.0-SNAPSHOT");
final ConcreteResource metadataResource = new ConcreteResource(LOCATION, fixture.snapshotMetadataPath(ref));
final ConcreteResource pomResource = new ConcreteResource(LOCATION, fixture.pomPath(ref.selectVersion("1.0-20140604.102909-1").asPomArtifact()));
fixture.getTransport().registerDownload(metadataResource, new TestDownload(ROOT + testResource));
fixture.getTransport().registerDownload(pomResource, new TestDownload(ROOT + testPomResource));
final Transfer retrieved = fixture.getArtifactManager().retrieve(LOCATION, ref.asPomArtifact(), new EventMetadata());
final Document document = fixture.getXml().parse(retrieved, new EventMetadata());
final ProjectVersionRef result = fixture.getXml().getProjectVersionRef(document);
assertThat(result, notNullValue());
assertThat(result.getVersionString(), equalTo("1.0-20140604.102909-1"));