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Example 31 with GridField

use of org.compiere.model.GridField in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class GridController method dynamicDisplay.

//  propertyChange
	 *  Dynamic Display.
	 *  - Single Row Screen layout and update of dynamic Lookups
	 *  <p>
	 *  Single Row layout:
	 *  the components's name is the ColumnName; if it matches, the
	 *  MField.isDisplayed(true) is used to determine if it is visible
	 *  if the component is a VEditor, setEnabled is set from the MField
	 *  <p>
	 *  Multi Row layout is not changed:
	 *  VCellRenderer calls JTable.isCellEditable -> checks MField.isEditable (Active, isDisplayed)
	 *  VCellEditor.isCellEditable calls MField.isEditable(true) <br>
	 *  If a column is not displayed, the width is set to 0 in dynInit
	 *  <p>
	 *  Dynamic update of data is handeled in VLookup.focusGained/Lost.
	 *  When focus is gained the model is temporarily updated with the
	 *  specific validated data, if lost, it is switched back to the
	 *  unvalidated data (i.e. everything). This allows that the display
	 *  methods have a lookup to display. <br>
	 *  Here: if the changed field has dependents and the dependent
	 *  is a Lookup and this lookup has a dynamic dependence of the changed field,
	 *  the value of that field is set to null (in MTab.processDependencies -
	 *  otherwise it would show an invalid value).
	 *  As Editors listen for value changed of their MField, the display is updated.
	 *  <p>
	 *  Called from GridController.valueChanged/dataStatusChanged, APane;.stateChanged/unlock/cmd_...
	 *  @param col selective column number or 0 if all
public void dynamicDisplay(int col) {
    //	Don't update if multi-row
    if (!isSingleRow() || m_onlyMultiRow)
    if (!m_mTab.isOpen())
    //  Selective
    if (col > 0) {
        GridField changedField = m_mTab.getField(col);
        String columnName = changedField.getColumnName();
        ArrayList<GridField> dependants = m_mTab.getDependantFields(columnName);
        log.config("(" + m_mTab.toString() + ") " + columnName + " - Dependents=" + dependants.size());
        //	No Dependents and no Callout - Set just Background
        if (dependants.size() == 0 && changedField.getCallout().length() == 0) {
            Component[] comp = vPanel.getComponentsRecursive();
            for (int i = 0; i < comp.length; i++) {
                if (columnName.equals(comp[i].getName()) && comp[i] instanceof VEditor) {
                    VEditor ve = (VEditor) comp[i];
                    boolean manMissing = false;
                    boolean noValue = changedField.getValue() == null || changedField.getValue().toString().length() == 0;
                    if (//  check context
                    noValue && changedField.isEditable(true) && changedField.isMandatory(true))
                        manMissing = true;
                    ve.setBackground(manMissing || changedField.isError());
    //  selective
    //  complete single row re-display
    boolean noData = m_mTab.getRowCount() == 0;
    log.config(m_mTab.toString() + " - Rows=" + m_mTab.getRowCount());
    //  All Components in vPanel (Single Row)
    Set<String> hiddens = new HashSet<String>();
    Component[] comps = vPanel.getComponentsRecursive();
    for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
        Component comp = comps[i];
        String columnName = comp.getName();
        if (comp instanceof VChart && isSingleRow()) {
            ((VChart) comp).createChart();
        if (columnName != null && columnName.length() > 0) {
            GridField mField = m_mTab.getField(columnName);
            if (mField != null) {
                if (//  check context
                mField.isDisplayed(true)) {
                    if (!comp.isVisible())
                        //  visibility
						 * Feature Request [1707462]
						 * Enable runtime change of VFormat
						 * @author fer_luck
                    if (comp instanceof VString) {
                        VString vs = (VString) comp;
                        if ((vs.getVFormat() != null && vs.getVFormat().length() > 0 && mField.getVFormat() == null) || (vs.getVFormat() == null && mField.getVFormat() != null && mField.getVFormat().length() > 0) || (vs.getVFormat() != null && mField.getVFormat() != null && !vs.getVFormat().equals(mField.getVFormat()))) {
                    //End Feature Request [1707462]
                    if (comp instanceof VEditor) {
                        VEditor ve = (VEditor) comp;
                        if (noData)
                        else {
                            //  r/w - check Context
                            boolean rw = mField.isEditable(true);
                            //	log.log(Level.FINEST, "RW=" + rw + " " + mField);
                            boolean manMissing = false;
                            //  least expensive operations first        //  missing mandatory
                            if (rw && (mField.getValue() == null || mField.getValue().toString().isEmpty()) && //  check context. Some fields can return "" instead of null
                                manMissing = true;
                            ve.setBackground(manMissing || mField.isError());
                } else {
                    if (comp.isVisible())
    // hide empty field group based on the environment
    for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
        Component comp = comps[i];
        if (comp instanceof CollapsiblePanel) {
            if (comp.getName() == null || comp.getName().startsWith("IncludedTab#"))
            else {
                boolean hasVisible = false;
                Component[] childs = ((CollapsiblePanel) comp).getCollapsiblePane().getContentPane().getComponents();
                for (int j = 0; j < childs.length; j++) {
                    if (childs[j].isVisible()) {
                        String columnName = childs[j].getName();
                        if (columnName != null && columnName.length() > 0) {
                            GridField mField = m_mTab.getField(columnName);
                            if (mField != null) {
                                hasVisible = true;
                if (comp.isVisible() != hasVisible)
    log.config(m_mTab.toString() + " - fini - " + (col <= 0 ? "complete" : "seletive"));
Also used : VChart(org.compiere.grid.ed.VChart) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) VString(org.compiere.grid.ed.VString) VEditor(org.compiere.grid.ed.VEditor) CollapsiblePanel(org.compiere.swing.CollapsiblePanel) VString(org.compiere.grid.ed.VString) Component(java.awt.Component) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 32 with GridField

use of org.compiere.model.GridField in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class GridController method dataStatusChanged.

	 *  Data Status Listener - for MTab events.
	 *  <p>
	 *  Callouts are processed here for GUI changes
	 *  - same as in MTab.setValue for batch changes
	 *  <p>
	 *  calls dynamicDisplay
	 *  @param e event
public void dataStatusChanged(DataStatusEvent e) {
    //	if (e.getChangedColumn() == 0)
    //		return;
    int col = e.getChangedColumn();
    log.config("(" + m_mTab + ") Col=" + col + ": " + e.toString());
    //  Process Callout
    GridField mField = m_mTab.getField(col);
    if (mField != null && (mField.getCallout().length() > 0 || m_mTab.hasDependants(mField.getColumnName()))) {
        //  Dependencies & Callout
        String msg = m_mTab.processFieldChange(mField);
        if (msg.length() > 0)
            ADialog.error(m_WindowNo, this, msg);
    if (mField != null && mField.isLookup()) {
        Lookup lookup = (Lookup) mField.getLookup();
        if (lookup != null && lookup instanceof MLookup) {
            MLookup mlookup = (MLookup) lookup;
            Object value = mField.getValue();
            if (mlookup.isAlert() && value != null && value instanceof Integer) {
                String alert = MMemo.getAlerts(Env.getCtx(), mlookup.getTableName(), (Integer) value);
                if (!Util.isEmpty(alert)) {
                    VAlert memo = new VAlert(Env.getWindow(m_WindowNo));
                    memo = null;
    //if (col >= 0)
Also used : MLookup(org.compiere.model.MLookup) Lookup(org.compiere.model.Lookup) MLookup(org.compiere.model.MLookup) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) VString(org.compiere.grid.ed.VString)

Example 33 with GridField

use of org.compiere.model.GridField in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class APanel method initPanel.

	 *	Dynamic Panel Initialization - either single window or workbench.
	 *  <pre>
	 *  either
	 *  - Workbench tabPanel    (VTabbedPane)
	 *      - Tab               (GridController)
	 *  or
	 *  - Workbench tabPanel    (VTabbedPane)
	 *      - Window            (VTabbedPane)
	 *          - Tab           (GridController)
	 *  </pre>
	 *  tabPanel
	 *  @param AD_Workbench_ID  if > 0 this is a workbench, AD_Window_ID ignored
	 *  @param AD_Window_ID     if not a workbench, Window ID
	 *  @param query			if not a Workbench, Zoom Query - additional SQL where clause
	 *  @return true if Panel is initialized successfully
public boolean initPanel(int AD_Workbench_ID, int AD_Window_ID, MQuery query) {"WB=" + AD_Workbench_ID + ", Win=" + AD_Window_ID + ", Query=" + query);
    this.setName("APanel" + AD_Window_ID);
    //  Single Window
    if (AD_Workbench_ID == 0)
        m_mWorkbench = new GridWorkbench(m_ctx, AD_Window_ID);
    else //  Workbench
        //	m_mWorkbench = new MWorkbench(m_ctx);
        //	if (!m_mWorkbench.initWorkbench (AD_Workbench_ID))
        //	{
        //		log.log(Level.SEVERE, "APanel.initWindow - No Workbench Model");
        //		return false;
        //	}
        //	tabPanel.setWorkbench(true);
        //	tabPanel.addChangeListener(this);
        log.warning("Workbench Not implemented yet [" + this + "]");
        loadError = "Workbench Not implemented yet";
        return false;
    Dimension windowSize = m_mWorkbench.getWindowSize();
    MQuery detailQuery = null;
		 *  WorkBench Loop
    for (int wb = 0; wb < m_mWorkbench.getWindowCount(); wb++) {
        //  Get/set WindowNo
        //  Timing: ca. 1.5 sec
        m_curWindowNo = Env.createWindowNo(this);
        m_mWorkbench.setWindowNo(wb, m_curWindowNo);
        //  Set AutoCommit for this Window
        Env.setAutoCommit(m_ctx, m_curWindowNo, Env.isAutoCommit(m_ctx));
        boolean autoNew = Env.isAutoNew(m_ctx);
        Env.setAutoNew(m_ctx, m_curWindowNo, autoNew);
        //  Workbench Window
        VTabbedPane window = null;
        //  just one window
        if (m_mWorkbench.getWindowCount() == 1) {
            window = tabPanel;
        } else {
            VTabbedPane tp = new VTabbedPane(false);
            window = tp;
        //  Window Init
			 *  Init Model
        int wbType = m_mWorkbench.getWindowType(wb);
			 *  Window
        if (wbType == GridWorkbench.TYPE_WINDOW) {
            includedMap = new HashMap<Integer, GridController>(4);
            GridWindowVO wVO = AEnv.getMWindowVO(m_curWindowNo, m_mWorkbench.getWindowID(wb), 0);
            if (wVO == null) {
                log.warning("AccessTableNoView for [" + this + "]");
                loadError = "AccessTableNoView";
                return false;
            //  Timing: ca. 0.3-1 sec
            GridWindow mWindow = new GridWindow(wVO, true);
            //	Set SO/AutoNew for Window
            Env.setContext(m_ctx, m_curWindowNo, "IsSOTrx", mWindow.isSOTrx());
            if (!autoNew && mWindow.isTransaction())
                Env.setAutoNew(m_ctx, m_curWindowNo, true);
            m_mWorkbench.setMWindow(wb, mWindow);
            if (wb == 0)
                //	default = only current
                m_onlyCurrentRows = mWindow.isTransaction();
            if (windowSize == null)
                windowSize = mWindow.getWindowSize();
				 *  Window Tabs
            int tabSize = mWindow.getTabCount();
            //	Zoom Query
            boolean goSingleRow = query != null;
            for (int tab = 0; tab < tabSize; tab++) {
                boolean included = false;
                //  MTab
                if (tab == 0)
                GridTab gTab = mWindow.getTab(tab);
                Env.setContext(m_ctx, m_curWindowNo, tab, GridTab.CTX_TabLevel, Integer.toString(gTab.getTabLevel()));
                //  Query first tab
                if (tab == 0) {
                    //  initial user query for single workbench tab
                    if (m_mWorkbench.getWindowCount() == 1) {
                        if (query != null && query.getZoomTableName() != null && query.getZoomColumnName() != null && query.getZoomValue() instanceof Integer && (Integer) query.getZoomValue() > 0) {
                            if (!query.getZoomTableName().equalsIgnoreCase(gTab.getTableName())) {
                                detailQuery = query;
                                query = new MQuery();
                        isCancel = false;
                        query = initialQuery(query, gTab);
                        if (isCancel)
                            //Cancel opening window
                            return false;
                        if (query != null && query.getRecordCount() <= 1)
                            goSingleRow = true;
                    } else if (wb != 0) //  workbench dynamic query for dependent windows
                        query = m_mWorkbench.getQuery();
                    //	Set initial Query on first tab
                    if (query != null) {
                        //  Query might involve history
                        m_onlyCurrentRows = false;
                    if (wb == 0)
                        m_curTab = gTab;
                //	query on first tab
                Component tabElement = null;
                //  GridController
                if (gTab.isSortTab()) {
                    VSortTab st = new VSortTab(m_curWindowNo, gTab.getAD_Table_ID(), gTab.getAD_ColumnSortOrder_ID(), gTab.getAD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID());
                    tabElement = st;
                } else //	normal tab
                    //  Timing: ca. .1 sec
                    GridController gc = new GridController();
                    CompiereColor cc = mWindow.getColor();
                    if (cc != null)
                        //  set color on Window level
                    //  will set color on Tab level
                    gc.initGrid(gTab, false, m_curWindowNo, this, mWindow, (tab != 0));
                    //  Timing: ca. 6-7 sec for first .2 for next
                    //  register Escape Key
                    //	Set First Tab
                    if (wb == 0 && tab == 0) {
                        m_curGC = gc;
                        //  Screen Sizing
                        Dimension size = gc.getPreferredSize();
                        size.width += 4;
                        size.height += 4;
                    tabElement = gc;
                    //	If we have a zoom query, switch to single row
                    if (tab == 0 && goSingleRow)
                    // FR [ 1757088 ]
                    GridField[] fields = gc.getMTab().getFields();
                    int m_tab_id = 0;
                    for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
                        m_tab_id = fields[f].getIncluded_Tab_ID();
                        if (m_tab_id != 0) {
                            includedMap.put(m_tab_id, gc);
                    //	Is this tab included?
                    if (includedMap.size() > 0) {
                        GridController parent = (GridController) includedMap.get(new Integer(gTab.getAD_Tab_ID()));
                        if (parent != null) {
                            // FR [ 1757088 ]
                            GridSynchronizer synchronizer = new GridSynchronizer(mWindow, parent, gc);
                            if (parent == m_curGC)
                            included = parent.includeTab(gc, this, synchronizer);
                if (//  Add to TabbedPane
                !included) {
                    StringBuffer tabName = new StringBuffer();
                    if (gTab.isReadOnly())
                    int pos = gTab.getName().indexOf(" ");
                    if (pos == -1)
                    else {
                        tabName.append(gTab.getName().substring(0, pos)).append("<br>").append(gTab.getName().substring(pos + 1));
                    if (gTab.isReadOnly())
                    //	Add Tab - sets ALT-<number> and Shift-ALT-<x>
                    window.addTab(tabName.toString(), gTab, tabElement);
        //  Tab Loop
        //  Tab background
        //	window.setBackgroundColor(new AdempiereColor(Color.magenta,;
        //  Single Workbench Window Tab
        if (m_mWorkbench.getWindowCount() == 1) {
        } else //  Add Workbench Window Tab
            tabPanel.addTab(m_mWorkbench.getName(wb), m_mWorkbench.getIcon(wb), window, m_mWorkbench.getDescription(wb));
        //  Used for Env.getHeader
        Env.setContext(m_ctx, m_curWindowNo, "WindowName", m_mWorkbench.getName(wb));
    //  Workbench Loop
    //  stateChanged (<->) triggered
    //	Set Detail Button
    aDetail.setEnabled(0 != m_curWinTab.getTabCount() - 1);
    //	Enable/Disable Tabs dynamically
    if (m_curWinTab instanceof VTabbedPane)
        ((VTabbedPane) m_curWinTab).evaluate(null);
    //	Size
    if (windowSize != null)
    if (detailQuery != null && zoomToDetailTab(detailQuery)) {
        return true;
    Dimension size = getPreferredSize();"fini - " + size);
    return true;
Also used : GridWindow(org.compiere.model.GridWindow) MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) Point(java.awt.Point) VSortTab(org.compiere.grid.VSortTab) GridTab(org.compiere.model.GridTab) GridSynchronizer(org.compiere.grid.GridSynchronizer) GridWindowVO(org.compiere.model.GridWindowVO) CompiereColor(org.compiere.plaf.CompiereColor) VTabbedPane(org.compiere.grid.VTabbedPane) GridWorkbench(org.compiere.model.GridWorkbench) GridController(org.compiere.grid.GridController) Component(java.awt.Component)

Example 34 with GridField

use of org.compiere.model.GridField in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WLocation method doGet.

	 * Process the HTTP Get request - initial Start
	 * Needs to have parameters FormName and ColumnName
	 * @param request request
	 * @param response response
	 * @throws ServletException
	 * @throws IOException
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
    WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request);
    if (ws == null) {
        WebUtil.createTimeoutPage(request, response, this, null);
    //  Get Mandatory Parameters
    String columnName = WebUtil.getParameter(request, "ColumnName");"ColumnName=" + columnName + " - " + ws.toString());
    GridField mField = ws.curTab.getField(columnName);
    log.config("ColumnName=" + columnName + ", MField=" + mField);
    if (mField == null || columnName == null || columnName.equals("")) {
        WebUtil.createErrorPage(request, response, this, Msg.getMsg(ws.ctx, "ParameterMissing"));
    MLocation location = null;
    Object value = mField.getValue();
    if (value != null && value instanceof Integer)
        location = new MLocation(ws.ctx, ((Integer) value).intValue(), null);
        location = new MLocation(ws.ctx, 0, null);
    //String targetBase = "parent.WWindow." + WWindow.FORM_NAME + "." + columnName;
    String targetBase = "opener.WWindow." + WWindow.FORM_NAME + "." + columnName;
    String action = request.getRequestURI();
    //  Create Document
    WebDoc doc = WebDoc.createPopup(mField.getHeader());
    boolean hasDependents = ws.curTab.hasDependants(columnName);
    boolean hasCallout = mField.getCallout().length() > 0;
    //  Reset
    button reset = new button();
    //  translate
    String script = targetBase + "D.value='';" + targetBase + "F.value='';closePopup();";
    if (hasDependents || hasCallout)
        script += "startUpdate(" + targetBase + "F);";
    doc.getTable().addElement(new tr().addElement(fillForm(ws, action, location, targetBase, hasDependents || hasCallout)).addElement(reset));
    //	log.trace(log.l6_Database, doc.toString());
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, true);
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button) HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) MLocation(org.compiere.model.MLocation)

Example 35 with GridField

use of org.compiere.model.GridField in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WChat method CreateChatPage.

//	createTD
	 * 	Create Left Top aligned TD
	 *	@param element element
	 *	@return td table data
private WebDoc CreateChatPage(WWindowStatus ws, WebSessionCtx wsc, WebDoc doc, int CM_Chat_ID) {
    doc = WebDoc.createPopup("Chat ");
    td center = doc.addWindowCenter(false);
    int record_ID = ws.curTab.getRecord_ID();"Record_ID=" + record_ID);
    if (//	No Key
    record_ID == -1) {"Record does not exist");
        return doc;
    //	Find display
    String infoName = null;
    String infoDisplay = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < ws.curTab.getFieldCount(); i++) {
        GridField field = ws.curTab.getField(i);
        if (field.isKey())
            infoName = field.getHeader();
        if ((field.getColumnName().equals("Name") || field.getColumnName().equals("DocumentNo")) && field.getValue() != null)
            infoDisplay = field.getValue().toString();
        if (infoName != null && infoDisplay != null)
    String description = infoName + ": " + infoDisplay;
    if (ws.curTab.getCM_ChatID() > 0)
        m_chat = new MChat(wsc.ctx, ws.curTab.getCM_ChatID(), null);
    else if (CM_Chat_ID > 0)
        m_chat = new MChat(wsc.ctx, CM_Chat_ID, null);
        m_chat = new MChat(wsc.ctx, ws.curTab.getAD_Table_ID(), record_ID, description, null);
    String text = m_chat.getHistory(MChat.CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal).toString();
    form myForm = new form("WChat").setName("chat");
    myForm.setOnSubmit("this.Submit.disabled=true;return true;");
    if (CM_Chat_ID == 0)
        myForm.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "CM_ChatID", ws.curTab.getCM_ChatID()));
        myForm.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "CM_ChatID", CM_Chat_ID));
    myForm.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "AD_Table_ID", ws.curTab.getAD_Table_ID()));
    myForm.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "record_ID", record_ID));
    myForm.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "description", description));
    table myTable = new table("0", "0", "5", "100%", null);
    m_displayLength = 80;
    //history field
    myTable.addElement(new tr().addElement(new td("History")));
    m_readOnly = true;
    table HistoryTable = new table("1", "0", "5", "100%", null);
    HistoryTable.addElement(new tr().addElement(new td(text).setRowSpan(10).setAlign(AlignType.LEFT).setVAlign(AlignType.TOP).setColSpan(4)));
    //input field
    myTable.addElement(new tr().addElement(new td("Input")));
    m_readOnly = false;
    m_columnName = "chatinput";
    myTable.addElement(new tr().addElement(getTextField("", 10)));
    //	 Reset
    String textbtn = "Reset";
    if (wsc.ctx != null)
        text = Msg.getMsg(wsc.ctx, "Reset");
    input restbtn = new input(input.TYPE_RESET, textbtn, "  " + text);
    //	Submit
    textbtn = "Submit";
    if (wsc.ctx != null)
        text = Msg.getMsg(wsc.ctx, "Submit");
    input submitbtn = new input(input.TYPE_SUBMIT, textbtn, "  " + text);
    //	Close
    textbtn = "Close";
    if (wsc.ctx != null)
        text = Msg.getMsg(wsc.ctx, "Close");
    input closebtn = new input(input.TYPE_SUBMIT, textbtn, "  " + text);
    closebtn.setOnClick("self.close();return false;");
    myTable.addElement(new tr().addElement(new td(null, AlignType.RIGHT, AlignType.MIDDLE, false, restbtn)).addElement(new td(null, AlignType.CENTER, AlignType.MIDDLE, false, submitbtn)).addElement(new td(null, AlignType.LEFT, AlignType.MIDDLE, false, closebtn)));
    return doc;
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form) MChat(org.compiere.model.MChat) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table)


GridField (org.compiere.model.GridField)114 MQuery (org.compiere.model.MQuery)15 WEditor (org.adempiere.webui.editor.WEditor)11 GridFieldVO (org.compiere.model.GridFieldVO)10 GridTab (org.compiere.model.GridTab)10 Lookup (org.compiere.model.Lookup)9 ( MLookup (org.compiere.model.MLookup)8 Component (java.awt.Component)7 AdempiereException (org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)7 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form)7 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input)7 ValueNamePair (org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair)7 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)6 MBrowseField (org.adempiere.model.MBrowseField)6 ( VEditor (org.compiere.grid.ed.VEditor)6 Point (java.awt.Point)5 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a)5 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.div (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.div)5