use of org.compiere.model.MAccount in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class DocLine method getAccount.
// getAccount
* Line Account from Product (or Charge).
* @param AcctType see ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_* (0..3)
* @param as Accounting schema
* @return Requested Product Account
public MAccount getAccount(int AcctType, MAcctSchema as) {
// Charge Account
if (getM_Product_ID() == 0 && getC_Charge_ID() != 0) {
// Revenue (-)
BigDecimal amt = new BigDecimal(-1);
if (!m_doc.isSOTrx())
// Expense (+)
amt = new BigDecimal(+1);
MAccount acct = getChargeAccount(as, amt);
if (acct != null)
return acct;
// Product Account
return getProductCost().getAccount(AcctType, as, getAD_Org_ID());
use of org.compiere.model.MAccount in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class Doc_AllocationTax method createFacts.
// getBalance
* Create Facts (the accounting logic) for
* CMA.
* <pre>
* AR_Invoice_Payment
* UnAllocatedCash DR
* or C_Prepayment
* DiscountExp DR
* WriteOff DR
* Receivables CR
* AR_Invoice_Cash
* CashTransfer DR
* DiscountExp DR
* WriteOff DR
* Receivables CR
* AP_Invoice_Payment
* Liability DR
* DiscountRev CR
* WriteOff CR
* PaymentSelect CR
* or V_Prepayment
* AP_Invoice_Cash
* Liability DR
* DiscountRev CR
* WriteOff CR
* CashTransfer CR
* CashBankTransfer
* -
* ==============================
* Realized Gain & Loss
* Realized G/L DR CR
* </pre>
* Tax needs to be corrected for discount & write-off;
* Currency gain & loss is realized here.
* @param as accounting schema
* @return Fact
public ArrayList<Fact> createFacts(MAcctSchema as) {
m_facts = new ArrayList<Fact>();
// create Fact Header
Fact fact = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual);
// dummy fact (not posted) to calculate Realized Gain & Loss
Fact factForRGL = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual);
boolean isInterOrg = isInterOrg(as);
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
DocLine_Allocation line = (DocLine_Allocation) p_lines[i];
// CashBankTransfer - all references null and Discount/WriteOff = 0
if (line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0 && line.getC_Invoice_ID() == 0 && line.getC_Order_ID() == 0 && line.getC_CashLine_ID() == 0 && line.getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 && Env.ZERO.compareTo(line.getDiscountAmt()) == 0 && Env.ZERO.compareTo(line.getWriteOffAmt()) == 0)
// Receivables/Liability Amt
BigDecimal allocationSource = line.getAmtSource().add(line.getDiscountAmt()).add(line.getWriteOffAmt());
// for realized gain & loss purposes
BigDecimal allocationSourceForRGL = allocationSource;
// AR/AP balance corrected
BigDecimal allocationAccounted = Env.ZERO;
// for realized gain & loss purposes
BigDecimal allocationAccountedForRGL = Env.ZERO;
FactLine fl = null;
FactLine flForRGL = null;
// Liability/Receivables
MAccount bpAcct = null;
MPayment payment = null;
if (line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0)
payment = new MPayment(getCtx(), line.getC_Payment_ID(), getTrxName());
MInvoice invoice = null;
if (line.getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
invoice = new MInvoice(getCtx(), line.getC_Invoice_ID(), getTrxName());
// No Invoice
if (invoice == null) {
* Adaxa: Paul
* Allocate to charges
if (line.getC_Invoice_ID() == 0 && line.getC_Payment_ID() == 0 && line.getC_Charge_ID() != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, line.getChargeAccount(as, line.getAmtSource()), getC_Currency_ID(), line.getAmtSource());
} else // Payment Only
if (line.getC_Invoice_ID() == 0 && line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0) {
if (line.getAmtSource().signum() >= 0)
fl = fact.createLine(line, getPaymentAcct(as, line.getC_Payment_ID()), getC_Currency_ID(), line.getAmtSource(), null);
fl = fact.createLine(line, getPaymentAcct(as, line.getC_Payment_ID()), getC_Currency_ID(), null, line.getAmtSource().negate());
if (fl != null && payment != null)
} else {
p_Error = "Cannot determine SO/PO";
log.log(Level.SEVERE, p_Error);
return null;
} else // Sales Invoice
if (invoice.isSOTrx()) {
// Avoid usage of clearing accounts
// If both accounts Unallocated Cash and Receivable are equal
// then don't post
MAccount acct_unallocated_cash = null;
if (line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0)
acct_unallocated_cash = getPaymentAcct(as, line.getC_Payment_ID());
else if (line.getC_CashLine_ID() != 0)
acct_unallocated_cash = getCashAcct(as, line.getC_CashLine_ID());
MAccount acct_receivable = getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_C_Receivable, as);
if ((!as.isPostIfClearingEqual()) && acct_unallocated_cash != null && acct_unallocated_cash.equals(acct_receivable) && (!isInterOrg)) {
// if not using clearing accounts, then don't post amtsource
// change the allocationsource to be writeoff + discount
allocationSource = line.getDiscountAmt().add(line.getWriteOffAmt());
} else {
// Payment/Cash DR
if (line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getPaymentAcct(as, line.getC_Payment_ID()), getC_Currency_ID(), line.getAmtSource(), null);
if (fl != null && payment != null)
} else if (line.getC_CashLine_ID() != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getCashAcct(as, line.getC_CashLine_ID()), getC_Currency_ID(), line.getAmtSource(), null);
MCashLine cashLine = new MCashLine(getCtx(), line.getC_CashLine_ID(), getTrxName());
if (fl != null && cashLine.get_ID() != 0)
// Discount DR
if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(line.getDiscountAmt()) != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_DiscountExp, as), getC_Currency_ID(), line.getDiscountAmt(), null);
if (fl != null && payment != null)
// Write off DR
if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(line.getWriteOffAmt()) != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_WriteOff, as), getC_Currency_ID(), line.getWriteOffAmt(), null);
if (fl != null && payment != null)
// AR Invoice Amount CR
if (as.isAccrual()) {
bpAcct = getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_C_Receivable, as);
if (allocationSource.signum() >= 0)
// payment currency
fl = fact.createLine(line, bpAcct, getC_Currency_ID(), null, allocationSource);
// payment currency
fl = fact.createLine(line, bpAcct, getC_Currency_ID(), allocationSource.negate(), null);
if (fl != null)
allocationAccounted = fl.getAcctBalance().negate();
if (fl != null && invoice != null)
// for Realized Gain & Loss
flForRGL = factForRGL.createLine(line, bpAcct, getC_Currency_ID(), null, // payment currency
if (flForRGL != null)
allocationAccountedForRGL = flForRGL.getAcctBalance().negate();
} else // Cash Based
allocationAccounted = createCashBasedAcct(as, fact, invoice, allocationSource);
allocationAccountedForRGL = allocationAccounted;
} else // Purchase Invoice
// Avoid usage of clearing accounts
// If both accounts Payment Select and Liability are equal
// then don't post
MAccount acct_payment_select = null;
if (line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0)
acct_payment_select = getPaymentAcct(as, line.getC_Payment_ID());
else if (line.getC_CashLine_ID() != 0)
acct_payment_select = getCashAcct(as, line.getC_CashLine_ID());
MAccount acct_liability = getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_V_Liability, as);
boolean isUsingClearing = true;
// Save original allocation source for realized gain & loss purposes
allocationSourceForRGL = allocationSourceForRGL.negate();
if ((!as.isPostIfClearingEqual()) && acct_payment_select != null && acct_payment_select.equals(acct_liability) && (!isInterOrg)) {
// if not using clearing accounts, then don't post amtsource
// change the allocationsource to be writeoff + discount
allocationSource = line.getDiscountAmt().add(line.getWriteOffAmt());
isUsingClearing = false;
// End Avoid usage of clearing accounts
// allocation is negative
allocationSource = allocationSource.negate();
// AP Invoice Amount DR
if (as.isAccrual()) {
bpAcct = getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_V_Liability, as);
if (allocationSource.signum() >= 0)
// payment currency
fl = fact.createLine(line, bpAcct, getC_Currency_ID(), allocationSource, null);
// payment currency
fl = fact.createLine(line, bpAcct, getC_Currency_ID(), null, allocationSource.negate());
if (fl != null)
allocationAccounted = fl.getAcctBalance();
if (fl != null && invoice != null)
// for Realized Gain & Loss
flForRGL = factForRGL.createLine(line, bpAcct, getC_Currency_ID(), allocationSourceForRGL, // payment currency
if (flForRGL != null)
allocationAccountedForRGL = flForRGL.getAcctBalance();
} else // Cash Based
allocationAccounted = createCashBasedAcct(as, fact, invoice, allocationSource);
allocationAccountedForRGL = allocationAccounted;
// Discount CR
if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(line.getDiscountAmt()) != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_DiscountRev, as), getC_Currency_ID(), null, line.getDiscountAmt().negate());
if (fl != null && payment != null)
// Write off CR
if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(line.getWriteOffAmt()) != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_WriteOff, as), getC_Currency_ID(), null, line.getWriteOffAmt().negate());
if (fl != null && payment != null)
// Payment/Cash CR
if (// Avoid usage of clearing accounts
isUsingClearing && line.getC_Payment_ID() != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getPaymentAcct(as, line.getC_Payment_ID()), getC_Currency_ID(), null, line.getAmtSource().negate());
if (fl != null && payment != null)
} else if (// Avoid usage of clearing accounts
isUsingClearing && line.getC_CashLine_ID() != 0) {
fl = fact.createLine(line, getCashAcct(as, line.getC_CashLine_ID()), getC_Currency_ID(), null, line.getAmtSource().negate());
MCashLine cashLine = new MCashLine(getCtx(), line.getC_CashLine_ID(), getTrxName());
if (fl != null && cashLine.get_ID() != 0)
// VAT Tax Correction
if (invoice != null && as.isTaxCorrection()) {
BigDecimal taxCorrectionAmt = Env.ZERO;
if (as.isTaxCorrectionDiscount())
taxCorrectionAmt = line.getDiscountAmt();
if (as.isTaxCorrectionWriteOff())
taxCorrectionAmt = taxCorrectionAmt.add(line.getWriteOffAmt());
if (taxCorrectionAmt.signum() != 0) {
if (!createTaxCorrection(as, fact, line, getAccount(invoice.isSOTrx() ? Doc.ACCTTYPE_DiscountExp : Doc.ACCTTYPE_DiscountRev, as), getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_WriteOff, as), invoice.isSOTrx())) {
p_Error = "Cannot create Tax correction";
return null;
// Realized Gain & Loss
if (invoice != null && (// payment allocation in foreign currency
getC_Currency_ID() != as.getC_Currency_ID() || // allocation <> invoice currency
getC_Currency_ID() != line.getInvoiceC_Currency_ID())) {
p_Error = createRealizedGainLoss(line, as, fact, bpAcct, invoice, allocationSource, allocationAccounted);
if (p_Error != null)
return null;
// FR [ 1840016 ] Avoid usage of clearing accounts - subject to C_AcctSchema.IsPostIfClearingEqual
if ((!as.isPostIfClearingEqual()) && p_lines.length > 0 && (!isInterOrg)) {
boolean allEquals = true;
// more than one line (i.e. crossing one payment+ with a payment-, or an invoice against a credit memo)
// verify if the sum of all facts is zero net
FactLine[] factlines = fact.getLines();
BigDecimal netBalance = Env.ZERO;
FactLine prevFactLine = null;
for (FactLine factLine : factlines) {
netBalance = netBalance.add(factLine.getAmtSourceDr()).subtract(factLine.getAmtSourceCr());
if (prevFactLine != null) {
if (!equalFactLineIDs(prevFactLine, factLine)) {
allEquals = false;
prevFactLine = factLine;
if (netBalance.compareTo(Env.ZERO) == 0 && allEquals) {
// delete the postings
for (FactLine factline : factlines) fact.remove(factline);
// reset line info
return m_facts;
use of org.compiere.model.MAccount in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class Doc_InOut method createFacts.
// getBalance
* Create Facts (the accounting logic) for
* <pre>
* Shipment
* CoGS (RevOrg) DR
* Inventory CR
* Shipment of Project Issue
* Project CR
* Receipt
* Inventory DR
* NotInvoicedReceipt CR
* </pre>
* @param as accounting schema
* @return Fact
public ArrayList<Fact> createFacts(MAcctSchema as) {
ArrayList<Fact> facts = new ArrayList<Fact>();
// create Fact Header
Fact fact = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual);
// Line pointers
FactLine dr = null;
FactLine cr = null;
// *** Sales - Shipment
if (getDocumentType().equals(DOCTYPE_MatShipment) && isSOTrx()) {
BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
DocLine line = p_lines[i];
BigDecimal costs = null;
MProduct product = line.getProduct();
for (MCostDetail cost : line.getCostDetail(as, false)) {
if (!MCostDetail.existsCost(cost))
costs = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as);
total = total.add(costs);
//get costing method for product
String description = cost.getM_CostElement().getName() + " " + cost.getM_CostType().getName();
// CoGS DR
dr = fact.createLine(line, line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Cogs, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs, null);
if (dr == null) {
p_Error = "FactLine DR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
dr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), true);
// to Loc
dr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), false);
// Revenue X-Org
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctDr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!dr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty().negate(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
// Inventory CR
cr = fact.createLine(line, line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), null, costs);
if (cr == null) {
p_Error = "FactLine CR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
cr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), true);
// to Loc
cr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), false);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctCr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!cr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
//get original cost
costs = cr.getAcctBalance();
// costing elements
if (// zero costs OK
total == null || total.signum() == 0) {
/*if (product.isStocked())
p_Error = "No Costs for " + line.getProduct().getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
else // ignore service
/** Commitment release ****/
if (as.isAccrual() && as.isCreateSOCommitment()) {
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
DocLine line = p_lines[i];
BigDecimal multiplier = Env.ONE.negate();
if (m_Reversal_ID != 0 && m_Reversal_ID < get_ID())
multiplier = multiplier.negate();
Fact factcomm = Doc_Order.getCommitmentSalesRelease(as, this, line.getQty(), line.get_ID(), multiplier);
if (factcomm != null)
// Commitment
} else // *** Sales - Return
if (getDocumentType().equals(DOCTYPE_MatReceipt) && isSOTrx()) {
BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
DocLine line = p_lines[i];
BigDecimal costs = null;
MProduct product = line.getProduct();
for (MCostDetail cost : line.getCostDetail(as, false)) {
if (!MCostDetail.existsCost(cost))
costs = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as);
total = total.add(costs);
String description = cost.getM_CostElement().getName() + " " + cost.getM_CostType().getName();
// Inventory DR
dr = fact.createLine(line, line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs, null);
if (dr == null) {
p_Error = "FactLine DR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
dr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), true);
// to Loc
dr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), false);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctDr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!dr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
//get original cost
costs = dr.getAcctBalance();
// CoGS CR
cr = fact.createLine(line, line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Cogs, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), null, costs);
if (cr == null) {
p_Error = "FactLine CR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
cr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), true);
// to Loc
cr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), false);
// Revenue X-Org
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctCr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!cr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty().negate(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
if (// zero costs OK
total == null || total.signum() == 0) {
/*if (product.isStocked())
p_Error = "No Costs for " + line.getProduct().getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
else // ignore service
// for all lines
} else // *** Purchasing - Receipt
if (getDocumentType().equals(DOCTYPE_MatReceipt) && !isSOTrx()) {
BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
int C_Currency_ID = as.getC_Currency_ID();
DocLine line = p_lines[i];
BigDecimal costs = null;
MProduct product = line.getProduct();
for (MCostDetail cost : line.getCostDetail(as, true)) {
if (!MCostDetail.existsCost(cost))
costs = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as);
total = total.add(costs);
String description = cost.getM_CostElement().getName() + " " + cost.getM_CostType().getName();
// Inventory/Asset DR
MAccount assets = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as);
if (product.isService()) {
//if the line is a Outside Processing then DR WIP
if (line.getPP_Cost_Collector_ID() > 0)
assets = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_WorkInProcess, as);
assets = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as);
dr = fact.createLine(line, assets, C_Currency_ID, costs, null);
if (dr == null) {
p_Error = "DR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
dr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), true);
// to Loc
dr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), false);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctDr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!dr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
cr = fact.createLine(line, getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_NotInvoicedReceipts, as), C_Currency_ID, null, costs);
if (cr == null) {
p_Error = "CR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
cr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), true);
// to Loc
cr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), false);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctCr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!cr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty().negate(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
/*if (total == null || total.signum() == 0)
p_Error = "Resubmit - No Costs for " + product.getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
} else // *** Purchasing - return
if (getDocumentType().equals(DOCTYPE_MatShipment) && !isSOTrx()) {
BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
int C_Currency_ID = as.getC_Currency_ID();
DocLine line = p_lines[i];
BigDecimal costs = null;
MProduct product = line.getProduct();
for (MCostDetail cost : line.getCostDetail(as, true)) {
if (!MCostDetail.existsCost(cost))
costs = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as);
total = total.add(costs);
String description = cost.getM_CostElement().getName() + " " + cost.getM_CostType().getName();
dr = fact.createLine(line, getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_NotInvoicedReceipts, as), C_Currency_ID, costs, null);
if (dr == null) {
p_Error = "CR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
dr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), true);
// to Loc
dr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), false);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctDr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!dr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty().negate(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
// Inventory/Asset CR
MAccount assets = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as);
if (product.isService())
assets = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as);
cr = fact.createLine(line, assets, C_Currency_ID, null, costs);
if (cr == null) {
p_Error = "DR not created: " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
// from Loc
cr.setLocationFromBPartner(getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), true);
// to Loc
cr.setLocationFromLocator(line.getM_Locator_ID(), false);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctCr from Original Shipment/Receipt
if (!cr.updateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet";
return null;
/*if (total == null || total.signum() == 0)
p_Error = "Resubmit - No Costs for " + product.getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null;
} else // Purchasing Return
p_Error = "DocumentType unknown: " + getDocumentType();
log.log(Level.SEVERE, p_Error);
return null;
return facts;
use of org.compiere.model.MAccount in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class Doc_Inventory method createFacts.
// getBalance
* Create Facts (the accounting logic) for
* MMI.
* <pre>
* Inventory
* Inventory DR CR
* InventoryDiff DR CR (or Charge)
* </pre>
* @param as account schema
* @return Fact
public ArrayList<Fact> createFacts(MAcctSchema as) {
// create Fact Header
Fact fact = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual);
// Line pointers
FactLine dr = null;
FactLine cr = null;
BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
DocLine line = p_lines[i];
BigDecimal costs = Env.ZERO;
for (MCostDetail cost : line.getCostDetail(as, false)) {
if (!MCostDetail.existsCost(cost))
//get costing method for product
String description = cost.getM_CostElement().getName() + " " + cost.getM_CostType().getName();
if (line.getQty().signum() < 0)
costs = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as).negate();
costs = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as);
total = total.add(costs);
// Inventory DR CR
dr = fact.createLine(line, line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs);
// may be zero difference - no line created.
if (dr == null)
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInventory.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctDr from Original Phys.Inventory
if (!dr.updateReverseLine(MInventory.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Physical Inventory not posted yet";
return null;
// InventoryDiff DR CR
// or Charge
MAccount invDiff = null;
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInventory.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0 && line.getC_Charge_ID() != 0) {
invDiff = line.getChargeAccount(as, costs);
} else {
invDiff = line.getChargeAccount(as, costs.negate());
if (invDiff == null)
invDiff = getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_InvDifferences, as);
cr = fact.createLine(line, invDiff, as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs.negate());
if (cr == null)
if (// explicit overwrite for charge
line.getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MInventory.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctCr from Original Phys.Inventory
if (!cr.updateReverseLine(MInventory.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), cost.getQty().negate(), Env.ONE.negate())) {
p_Error = "Original Physical Inventory not posted yet";
return null;
//get original cost
costs = cr.getAcctBalance();
/*if (total == null || total.signum() == 0)
p_Error = "No Costs for " + line.getProduct().getName();
return null;
ArrayList<Fact> facts = new ArrayList<Fact>();
return facts;
use of org.compiere.model.MAccount in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class Doc_Production method createFacts.
// getBalance
* Create Facts (the accounting logic) for
* MMP.
* <pre>
* Production
* Inventory DR CR
* </pre>
* @param as account schema
* @return Fact
public ArrayList<Fact> createFacts(MAcctSchema as) {
// create Fact Header
Fact fact = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual);
// Line pointer
FactLine factLine = null;
BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
DocLine parentProductionLine = null;
for (DocLine line : p_lines) {
MProduct product = line.getProduct();
if (line.isProductionBOM())
parentProductionLine = line;
if (X_M_Product.PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(product.getProductType())) {
BigDecimal totalCosts = Env.ZERO;
BigDecimal qty = line.getQty();
BigDecimal costTransaction = Env.ZERO;
for (MCostDetail cost : line.getCostDetail(as, false)) {
if (!MCostDetail.existsCost(cost))
costTransaction = MCostDetail.getTotalCost(cost, as);
totalCosts = totalCosts.add(costTransaction);
if (qty.signum() < 0)
totalCosts = totalCosts.negate();
total = total.add(totalCosts);
factLine = fact.createLine(line, line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as), line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), totalCosts);
} else if (!X_M_Product.PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(product.getProductType())) {
BigDecimal totalCosts = Env.ZERO;
MAccount acct = null;
for (MCostElement costElement : MCostElement.getCostElement(line.getCtx(), line.getTrxName())) {
if (MCostElement.COSTELEMENTTYPE_BurdenMOverhead.equals(costElement.getCostElementType()))
acct = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Burden, as);
else if (MCostElement.COSTELEMENTTYPE_OutsideProcessing.equals(costElement.getCostElementType()))
acct = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_OutsideProcessing, as);
else if (MCostElement.COSTELEMENTTYPE_Overhead.equals(costElement.getCostElementType()))
acct = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Overhead, as);
else if (MCostElement.COSTELEMENTTYPE_Resource.equals(costElement.getCostElementType()))
acct = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Labor, as);
acct = line.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_OutsideProcessing, as);
int warehouseId = DB.getSQLValue(line.getTrxName(), "SELECT M_Warehouse_ID from M_Locator WHERE M_Locator_ID=?", line.getM_Locator_ID());
BigDecimal costTransaction = Env.ZERO;
MCost costDimension = MCost.validateCostForCostType(as, (MCostType) as.getM_CostType(), costElement, product.getM_Product_ID(), line.getAD_Org_ID(), warehouseId, line.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), line.getTrxName());
if (costDimension != null)
costTransaction = costDimension.getCurrentCostPrice().add(costDimension.getCurrentCostPriceLL());
totalCosts = totalCosts.add(costTransaction.multiply(line.getQty()));
factLine = fact.createLine(line, acct, acct, as.getC_Currency_ID(), totalCosts);
if (m_DocStatus.equals(MProduction.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) && m_Reversal_ID != 0 && line.getReversalLine_ID() != 0) {
// Set AmtAcctDr from Original Phys.Inventory
if (!factLine.updateReverseLine(MProduction.Table_ID, m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(), line.getQty(), Env.ONE)) {
p_Error = "Original Physical Inventory not posted yet";
return null;
total = total.add(totalCosts);
// When total no is zero then create an adjustment cost , can happen when of resource rate was changes from original cost finish good
if (total.signum() != 0) {
factLine = fact.createLine(parentProductionLine, parentProductionLine.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_CostAdjustment, as), as.getC_Currency_ID(), total);
factLine.setDescription(" Adjustment Cost");
ArrayList<Fact> facts = new ArrayList<Fact>();
return facts;