use of org.compiere.model.MLookup in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class VCollectDetail method loadCreditMemo.
* Load for Credit Memo
* @return void
private void loadCreditMemo() {
creditMemoPanel = new CPanel(layout);
// Add label credit note
labelCreditMemo = new CLabel(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "CreditMemo") + ":");
labelCreditMemo.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT));
// For Credit Memo
MLookup cardNotelookup = getCreditMemoLockup(parentCollect.getC_BPartner_ID());
fieldCreditMemo = new VLookup("CreditMemo", false, false, true, cardNotelookup);
// For Credit Memo Type
// ((VComboBox)fieldCreditMemo.getCombo()).setRenderer(new POSLookupListCellRenderer(font));
fieldCreditMemo.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT));
// ((VComboBox)fieldCreditMemo.getCombo()).setFont(font);
// Add to Panel
creditMemoPanel.add(labelCreditMemo, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.EAST, GridBagConstraints.NORTH, new Insets(2, 0, 2, 2), 0, 0));
creditMemoPanel.add(fieldCreditMemo, new GridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.EAST, GridBagConstraints.NORTH, new Insets(2, 0, 2, 2), 0, 0));
// Default visible false
use of org.compiere.model.MLookup in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class VCollectDetail method loadStandardPanel.
* Load Standard Fields for Collect
* @return void
private void loadStandardPanel() {
standardPanel = new CPanel(layout);
// For Tender Type
// C_Payment_v.TenderType
int columnId = 8416;
MLookup lookup = MLookupFactory.get(Env.getCtx(), 0, 0, columnId, DisplayType.List);
fieldTenderType = new VLookup("TenderType", true, false, true, lookup);
((VComboBox) fieldTenderType.getCombo()).setRenderer(new POSLookupListCellRenderer(font));
fieldTenderType.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT));
((VComboBox) fieldTenderType.getCombo()).setFont(font);
// For Amount
fieldPayAmt = new VNumber("PayAmt", true, false, true, DisplayType.Amount, "");
fieldPayAmt.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT));
// Button
AppsAction action = new AppsAction("Minus", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F2, Event.F2), false);
buttonMinus = (CButton) action.getButton();
buttonMinus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FIELD_HEIGHT, FIELD_HEIGHT));
// Add Tender Type
standardPanel.add(fieldTenderType, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.EAST, GridBagConstraints.NORTH, new Insets(2, 0, 2, 2), 0, 0));
standardPanel.add(fieldPayAmt, new GridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.EAST, GridBagConstraints.NORTH, new Insets(2, 0, 2, 2), 0, 0));
use of org.compiere.model.MLookup in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class VOrderDistributionReceipt method fillPicks.
// jbInit
* Fill Picks.
* Column_ID from C_Order
* @throws Exception if Lookups cannot be initialized
private void fillPicks() throws Exception {
Language language = Language.getLoginLanguage();
MLookup orderL = MLookupFactory.get(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MDDOrder.Table_Name, MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_DD_Order_ID), DisplayType.Search, language, MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_DD_Order_ID, 0, false, "DocStatus='CO' AND IsInTransit='Y'");
fOrder = new VLookup(MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_DD_Order_ID, true, false, true, orderL);
lOrder.setText(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_DD_Order_ID));
Timestamp today = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
m_MovementDate = today;
use of org.compiere.model.MLookup in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class VOrderReceiptIssue method fillPicks.
// init
* Fill Picks Column_ID from C_Order This is only run as part of the windows
* initialization process
* @throws Exception
* if Lookups cannot be initialized
private void fillPicks() throws Exception {
Properties ctx = Env.getCtx();
// Base Language
Language language = Language.getLoginLanguage();
MLookup orderL = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_PP_Order_ID), DisplayType.Search, language, "PP_Order_ID", 0, false, "PP_Order.DocStatus = '" + MPPOrder.DOCACTION_Complete + "'");
orderField = new VLookup("PP_Order_ID", false, false, true, orderL);
MLookup resourceL = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_S_Resource_ID), DisplayType.TableDir);
resourceField = new VLookup("S_Resource_ID", false, false, false, resourceL);
MLookup warehouseL = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_M_Warehouse_ID), DisplayType.TableDir);
warehouseField = new VLookup("M_Warehouse_ID", false, false, false, warehouseL);
MLookup productL = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID), DisplayType.TableDir);
productField = new VLookup("M_Product_ID", false, false, false, productL);
MLookup uomL = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID), DisplayType.TableDir);
uomField = new VLookup("C_UOM_ID", false, false, false, uomL);
MLookup uomorderL = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID), DisplayType.TableDir);
uomorderField = new VLookup("C_UOM_ID", false, false, false, uomorderL);
MLocatorLookup locatorL = new MLocatorLookup(ctx, m_WindowNo);
locatorField = new VLocator("M_Locator_ID", true, false, true, locatorL, m_WindowNo);
MPAttributeLookup attributeL = new MPAttributeLookup(ctx, m_WindowNo);
attribute = new VPAttribute(false, false, true, m_WindowNo, attributeL, false);
// Tab, Window
int m_Window = MWindow.getWindow_ID("Manufacturing Order");
GridFieldVO vo = GridFieldVO.createStdField(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, m_Window, MTab.getTab_ID(m_Window, "Order"), false, false, false);
// M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
vo.AD_Column_ID = MColumn.getColumn_ID(MPPOrder.Table_Name, MPPOrder.COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
GridField field = new GridField(vo);
// 4Layers - Further init
// 4Layers - end
pickcombo.addItem(new KeyNamePair(1, Msg.parseTranslation(Env.getCtx(), "@IsBackflush@")));
pickcombo.addItem(new KeyNamePair(2, Msg.parseTranslation(Env.getCtx(), "@OnlyIssue@")));
pickcombo.addItem(new KeyNamePair(3, Msg.parseTranslation(Env.getCtx(), "@OnlyReceiptProduct@")));
use of org.compiere.model.MLookup in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class WTrxMaterial method dynParameter.
// jbInit
* Initialize Parameter fields
* @throws Exception if Lookups cannot be initialized
private void dynParameter() throws Exception {
Properties ctx = Env.getCtx();
// Organization
MLookup orgLookup = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, 3660, DisplayType.TableDir);
orgField = new WTableDirEditor("AD_Org_ID", false, false, true, orgLookup);
// orgField.addVetoableChangeListener(this);
// Locator
MLocatorLookup locatorLookup = new MLocatorLookup(ctx, m_WindowNo);
locatorField = new WLocatorEditor("M_Locator_ID", false, false, true, locatorLookup, m_WindowNo);
// locatorField.addVetoableChangeListener(this);
// Product
MLookup productLookup = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, 3668, DisplayType.Search);
productField = new WSearchEditor("M_Product_ID", false, false, true, productLookup);
// Movement Type
MLookup mtypeLookup = MLookupFactory.get(ctx, m_WindowNo, 0, 3666, DisplayType.List);
mtypeField = new WTableDirEditor("MovementType", false, false, true, mtypeLookup);
// Dates
dateFField = new WDateEditor("DateFrom", false, false, true, Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "DateFrom"));
dateTField = new WDateEditor("DateTo", false, false, true, Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "DateTo"));