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Example 11 with MOrderLine

use of org.compiere.model.MOrderLine in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class PromotionRule method addDiscountLine.

private static void addDiscountLine(MOrder order, MOrderLine ol, BigDecimal discount, BigDecimal qty, int C_Charge_ID, I_M_Promotion promotion) throws Exception {
    MOrderLine nol;
    if (discount.scale() > 2)
        discount = discount.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    String description = promotion.getName();
    if (ol != null)
        description += (", " + ol.getName());
    //Look for same order line. If found, just update qty
    nol = new Query(Env.getCtx(), MTable.get(order.getCtx(), MOrderLine.Table_ID), "C_OrderLine.C_Order_ID=? AND C_Charge_ID=? AND M_Promotion_ID=? AND priceactual=? AND Description='" + description + "'" + " AND C_OrderLine.IsActive='Y'", order.get_TrxName()).setParameters(ol.getC_Order_ID(), C_Charge_ID, promotion.getM_Promotion_ID(), discount.negate()).firstOnly();
    if (nol != null) {
        // just add one to he Order line
    // SHW: new order line 
    nol = new MOrderLine(order.getCtx(), 0, order.get_TrxName());
    // SHW
    if (ol != null && Integer.toString(ol.getLine()).endsWith("0")) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            int line = ol.getLine() + i + 1;
            int r = DB.getSQLValue(order.get_TrxName(), "SELECT C_OrderLine_ID FROM C_OrderLine WHERE C_Order_ID = ? AND Line = ?", order.getC_Order_ID(), line);
            if (r <= 0) {
    nol.set_ValueOfColumn("M_Promotion_ID", promotion.getM_Promotion_ID());
    if (promotion.getC_Campaign_ID() > 0) {
    if (!
        throw new AdempiereException("Failed to add discount line to order");
Also used : Query(org.compiere.model.Query) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) MOrderLine(org.compiere.model.MOrderLine)

Example 12 with MOrderLine

use of org.compiere.model.MOrderLine in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CostResult method createSalesOrder.

public MOrder createSalesOrder(Timestamp orderDate, BigDecimal qty, BigDecimal price) {
    MDocType salesType = null;
    for (MDocType dt : MDocType.getOfDocBaseType(getCtx(), MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_SalesOrder)) {
        if (MDocType.DOCSUBTYPESO_OnCreditOrder.equals(dt.getDocSubTypeSO())) {
            salesType = dt;
    //Create Sales Order
    MOrder salesOrder = new MOrder(getCtx(), 0, trxName);
    // Create Line
    MOrderLine salesOrderLine = new MOrderLine(salesOrder);
    // Complete Purchase Order
    return salesOrder;
Also used : MDocType(org.compiere.model.MDocType) MOrder(org.compiere.model.MOrder) MOrderLine(org.compiere.model.MOrderLine)

Example 13 with MOrderLine

use of org.compiere.model.MOrderLine in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CostResult method createBusinessCaseTest.

	 * create Business Test Case
	 * @param trxName
void createBusinessCaseTest(String trxName) {
    Timestamp dateAcct;
    //First Purchase Receipt 
    dateAcct = today;
    MOrder purchase1 = createPurchaseOrder(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(100), new BigDecimal(36));
    MInOut receipt1 = null;
    for (MOrderLine line : purchase1.getLines()) {
        receipt1 = createMaterialReceipt(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(10), line.getC_OrderLine_ID());
    for (MInOutLine line : receipt1.getLines()) {
        CostResult costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("47.7292"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("30"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1431.8748"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("477.2920"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("0"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("10"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("53.5937"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("20"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1071.8748"), dateAcct);
        assertCostReceipt(costResult, line.getM_InOutLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    //Create Sales Order Order Credit by 5
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 15);
    MOrder sales1 = createSalesOrder(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(5), new BigDecimal(45));
    for (MOrderLine line : sales1.getLines()) {
        CostResult costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), new BigDecimal("47.7292"), new BigDecimal("25"), new BigDecimal("1193.2288"), new BigDecimal("238.6460"), new BigDecimal("0"), new BigDecimal("-5"), new BigDecimal("47.7292"), new BigDecimal("30"), new BigDecimal("1431.8748"), dateAcct);
        assertCostShipment(costResult, line.getC_OrderLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    //Second Purchase Receipt 7 day forward
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 31);
    MOrder purchase2 = createPurchaseOrder(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(100), new BigDecimal(34));
    MInOut receipt2 = null;
    for (MOrderLine line : purchase2.getLines()) {
        receipt2 = createMaterialReceipt(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(10), line.getC_OrderLine_ID());
    for (MInOutLine line : receipt2.getLines()) {
        CostResult costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("43.8065"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("35"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1533.2288"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("438.0650"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("0"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("10"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("47.7292"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("25"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1193.2288"), dateAcct);
        assertCostReceipt(costResult, line.getM_InOutLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    //Create Sales Order Order Credit by 5
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 60);
    MOrder sales2 = createSalesOrder(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(10), new BigDecimal(45));
    for (MOrderLine line : sales2.getLines()) {
        CostResult costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), new BigDecimal("43.8065"), new BigDecimal("25"), new BigDecimal("1095.1638"), new BigDecimal("438.0650"), new BigDecimal("0"), new BigDecimal("-10"), new BigDecimal("43.8065"), new BigDecimal("35"), new BigDecimal("1533.2288"), dateAcct);
        assertCostShipment(costResult, line.getC_OrderLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    dateAcct = receipt1.getDateAcct();
    int M_InOutLine_ID = 0;
    for (MInOutLine line : receipt1.getLines()) {
        M_InOutLine_ID = line.getM_InOutLine_ID();
        MInvoice invoice = createInvoiceVendor(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(10), new BigDecimal(38), line.getM_InOutLine_ID());
    CostResult costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
    new BigDecimal("44.2827"), // cumulateQty
    new BigDecimal("25"), //cumulateAmt
    new BigDecimal("1107.0688"), //cdAmt
    new BigDecimal("380.0000"), //cdAdjutment
    new BigDecimal("20.0000"), //cdQty
    new BigDecimal("10"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
    new BigDecimal("53.5937"), //cdCumulateQty
    new BigDecimal("20"), //cdCumulateAmt
    new BigDecimal("1071.8748"), dateAcct);
    assertCostInvoice(costResult, M_InOutLine_ID, as, trxName);
    dateAcct = Timestamp.valueOf("2010-01-16 00:00:00.0");
    for (MOrderLine line : sales1.getLines()) {
        costResult = new CostResult(line.getM_Product_ID(), new BigDecimal("44.2827"), new BigDecimal("25"), new BigDecimal("1107.0688"), new BigDecimal("241.9790"), new BigDecimal("0"), new BigDecimal("-5"), new BigDecimal("48.3958"), new BigDecimal("30"), new BigDecimal("1451.8748"), dateAcct);
        assertCostShipmentAdjust(costResult, line.getC_OrderLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    //Reverse Material Receipt		
    dateAcct = today;
    for (MInOutLine line : receipt1.getLines(true)) {
        costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("44.2827"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("25"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1107.0688"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("380.0000"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("20.0000"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("10"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("53.5937"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("20"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1071.8748"), dateAcct);
        assertCostReceiptReversal(costResult, line.getM_InOutLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    MInOut reversal = new MInOut(getCtx(), receipt1.getReversal_ID(), trxName);
    for (MInOutLine line : reversal.getLines(true)) {
        costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("46.8373"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("19"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("889.9081"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("380"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("20"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("-10"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("49.0073"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("34"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1666.2496"), dateAcct);
        assertCostReceiptReversal(costResult, line.getM_InOutLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    //Second Purchase Receipt 7 day forward
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 7);
    MOrder purchase3 = createPurchaseOrder(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(100), new BigDecimal(37));
    MInOut receipt3 = null;
    for (MOrderLine line : purchase3.getLines()) {
        receipt3 = createMaterialReceipt(dateAcct, new BigDecimal(20), line.getC_OrderLine_ID());
    for (MInOutLine line : receipt3.getLines()) {
        costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("42.0489"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("45"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1892.1983"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("876.7500"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("0"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("20"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("48.3958"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("30"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1451.8748"), dateAcct);
        assertCostReceipt(costResult, line.getM_InOutLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 65);
    MMovement move = createMovement(dateAcct, new BigDecimal("5"));
    for (MMovementLine line : move.getLines(true)) {
        costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("53.5938"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("9"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("482.3442"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("267.9690"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("0"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("5"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("53.5938"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("4"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("214.3752"), dateAcct);
        assertCostMovement(costResult, line.getM_MovementLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 70);
    MInventory inventory = createPhisicalInventory(dateAcct, new BigDecimal("20"), costResult.cumulateQty);
    for (MInventoryLine line : inventory.getLines(true)) {
        costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("42.0488"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("51"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("2144.4906"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("462.5368"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("0"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("11"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("42.0488"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("40"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("1681.9538"), dateAcct);
        assertCostPhisicalInventory(costResult, line.getM_InventoryLine_ID(), as, trxName);
    dateAcct = TimeUtil.addDays(today, 80);
    inventory = createInvetoryInternalUse(dateAcct, new BigDecimal("-5"));
    for (MInventoryLine line : inventory.getLines(true)) {
        costResult = new CostResult(product.getM_Product_ID(), //currentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("42.0488"), // cumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("56"), //cumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("2354.7346"), //cdAmt
        new BigDecimal("210.2440"), //cdAdjutment
        new BigDecimal("0"), //cdQty
        new BigDecimal("5"), //cdCurrentCostPrice
        new BigDecimal("42.0488"), //cdCumulateQty
        new BigDecimal("51"), //cdCumulateAmt
        new BigDecimal("2144.4906"), dateAcct);
        assertCostPhisicalInventory(costResult, line.getM_InventoryLine_ID(), as, trxName);
Also used : MInOut(org.compiere.model.MInOut) MInOutLine(org.compiere.model.MInOutLine) MInventoryLine(org.compiere.model.MInventoryLine) MInvoice(org.compiere.model.MInvoice) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) MOrder(org.compiere.model.MOrder) MInventory(org.compiere.model.MInventory) MOrderLine(org.compiere.model.MOrderLine) MMovementLine(org.compiere.model.MMovementLine) MMovement(org.compiere.model.MMovement)

Example 14 with MOrderLine

use of org.compiere.model.MOrderLine in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class InventoryUtil method createInOut.

public static MInOut createInOut(MMDocument doc, String trxName) {
    MOrder order;
    if (MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_MaterialReceipt.equals(doc.DocBaseType)) {
        order = (MOrder) doc.scenario.get(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_PurchaseOrder, doc.PODocumentNo).document;
    } else if (MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_MaterialDelivery.equals(doc.DocBaseType)) {
        order = (MOrder) doc.scenario.get(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_SalesOrder, doc.PODocumentNo).document;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("DocBaseType not supported - " + doc);
    //		if (trxName != null && trxName.equals(order.get_TrxName()))
    //			throw new AdempiereException("Internal exception - not same trxName");
    MInOut io = new MInOut(order, 0, doc.Date);
    MInOutLine iol = null;
    for (MOrderLine oline : order.getLines(true, null)) {
        iol = new MInOutLine(io);
        iol.setOrderLine(oline, 0, doc.Qty);
    final boolean checkPrice = (doc.Price != null && doc.Price.signum() != 0);
    // Check Receipt Price Match
    if (checkPrice && !io.isSOTrx()) {
        BigDecimal receiptPrice = iol.getPriceActual();
        if (doc.Price.compareTo(receiptPrice) != 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("MMR - Price Not Match - target=" + doc.Price + ", actual=" + iol.getPriceActual());
    doc.document = io;
    processDocument(doc, MInOut.DOCACTION_Complete, MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Completed);
    if (!Util.isEmpty(doc.ASI)) {
        doc.scenario.registerASICode(doc.ASI, iol.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), !io.isSOTrx());
    checkLineCosts(doc, iol, io.isSOTrx());
    return io;
Also used : MInOut(org.compiere.model.MInOut) MOrder(org.compiere.model.MOrder) MInOutLine(org.compiere.model.MInOutLine) MOrderLine(org.compiere.model.MOrderLine) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 15 with MOrderLine

use of org.compiere.model.MOrderLine in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class LiberoValidator method modelChange.

//	initialize
public String modelChange(PO po, int type) throws Exception { + " Type: " + type);
    boolean isChange = (TYPE_AFTER_NEW == type || (TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE == type && MPPMRP.isChanged(po)));
    boolean isDelete = (TYPE_BEFORE_DELETE == type);
    boolean isReleased = false;
    boolean isVoided = false;
    //Update MRP Change Net 
    if (MPPMRP.isChanged(po) && (TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE == type || TYPE_AFTER_NEW == type)) {
        MPPMRP.setIsRequired(po, MPPProductPlanning.COLUMNNAME_IsRequiredMRP, true, po.get_TrxName());
    DocAction doc = null;
    if (po instanceof DocAction) {
        doc = (DocAction) po;
    } else if (po instanceof MOrderLine) {
        doc = ((MOrderLine) po).getParent();
    if (doc != null) {
        String docStatus = doc.getDocStatus();
        isReleased = DocAction.STATUS_InProgress.equals(docStatus) || DocAction.STATUS_Completed.equals(docStatus);
        isVoided = DocAction.STATUS_Voided.equals(docStatus);
    // Can we change M_Product.C_UOM_ID ?
    if (po instanceof MProduct && TYPE_BEFORE_CHANGE == type && po.is_ValueChanged(MProduct.COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID) && MPPMRP.hasProductRecords((MProduct) po)) {
        throw new AdempiereException("@SaveUomError@");
    if (isDelete || isVoided || !po.isActive()) {
        if (MOrder.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MOrderLine.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MPPOrder.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MPPOrderBOMLine.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MDDOrder.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MDDOrderLine.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MRequisition.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MRequisitionLine.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MForecast.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()) || MForecastLine.Table_Name.equals(po.get_TableName()))
    } else if (po instanceof MOrder) {
        MOrder order = (MOrder) po;
        // or when you change DatePromised or DocStatus and is Purchase Order
        if (isChange && !order.isSOTrx()) {
        } else // or you change DatePromised
        if (type == TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE && order.isSOTrx()) {
            if (isReleased || MPPMRP.isChanged(order)) {
    } else // 
    if (po instanceof MOrderLine && isChange) {
        MOrderLine ol = (MOrderLine) po;
        MOrder order = ol.getParent();
        // Create/Update a planning supply when isPurchase Order or you change relevant fields
        if (!order.isSOTrx()) {
        } else // you change relevant fields
        if (order.isSOTrx() && isReleased) {
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MRequisition && isChange) {
        MRequisition r = (MRequisition) po;
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MRequisitionLine && isChange) {
        MRequisitionLine rl = (MRequisitionLine) po;
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MForecast && isChange) {
        MForecast fl = (MForecast) po;
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MForecastLine && isChange) {
        MForecastLine fl = (MForecastLine) po;
    } else if (po instanceof MDDOrder && isChange) {
        MDDOrder order = (MDDOrder) po;
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MDDOrderLine && isChange) {
        MDDOrderLine ol = (MDDOrderLine) po;
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MPPOrder && isChange) {
        MPPOrder order = (MPPOrder) po;
    } else //
    if (po instanceof MPPOrderBOMLine && isChange) {
        MPPOrderBOMLine obl = (MPPOrderBOMLine) po;
    return null;
Also used : MProduct(org.compiere.model.MProduct) DocAction(org.compiere.process.DocAction) MForecast(org.compiere.model.MForecast) MOrder(org.compiere.model.MOrder) MForecastLine(org.compiere.model.MForecastLine) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) MOrderLine(org.compiere.model.MOrderLine) MRequisitionLine(org.compiere.model.MRequisitionLine) MRequisition(org.compiere.model.MRequisition)


MOrderLine (org.compiere.model.MOrderLine)87 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)44 MOrder (org.compiere.model.MOrder)42 MInOutLine (org.compiere.model.MInOutLine)16 MProduct (org.compiere.model.MProduct)15 MBPartner (org.compiere.model.MBPartner)14 MInOut (org.compiere.model.MInOut)11 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Query (org.compiere.model.Query)8 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)7 MInvoice (org.compiere.model.MInvoice)7 MInvoiceLine (org.compiere.model.MInvoiceLine)7 AdempiereException (org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)6 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 MLocator (org.compiere.model.MLocator)5 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)4 MRMALine (org.compiere.model.MRMALine)4 MBPartnerLocation (org.compiere.model.MBPartnerLocation)3 MDocType (org.compiere.model.MDocType)3