use of org.compiere.model.MProduct in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class CRPDatasetFactory method getTreeNodeRepresentation.
private String getTreeNodeRepresentation(Timestamp dateTime, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, MResource r) {
String name = null;
if (node.getUserObject() instanceof MResource) {
MResource res = (MResource) node.getUserObject();
name = res.getName();
} else if (node.getUserObject() instanceof Timestamp) {
Timestamp d = (Timestamp) node.getUserObject();
SimpleDateFormat df = Env.getLanguage(Env.getCtx()).getDateFormat();
name = df.format(d);
if (!isAvailable(r, d)) {
name = "{" + name + "}";
} else if (node.getUserObject() instanceof MPPOrder) {
MPPOrder o = (MPPOrder) node.getUserObject();
MProduct p = MProduct.get(Env.getCtx(), o.getM_Product_ID());
name = o.getDocumentNo() + " (" + p.getName() + ")";
} else if (node.getUserObject() instanceof MPPOrderNode) {
MPPOrderNode on = (MPPOrderNode) node.getUserObject();
MPPOrderWorkflow owf = on.getMPPOrderWorkflow();
MResourceType rt = MResourceType.get(Env.getCtx(), r.getS_ResourceType_ID());
// no function
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
Timestamp[] interval = getDayBorders(dateTime, on, rt);
name = df.format(interval[0]) + " - " + df.format(interval[1]) + " " + on.getName() + " (" + owf.getName() + ")";
return name;
use of org.compiere.model.MProduct in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class BOMTreeFactory method getNode.
protected DefaultMutableTreeNode getNode(BOMWrapper bom, BigDecimal qty, HashMap map) {
MProduct product = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), bom.getM_Product_ID(), MProduct.Table_Name);
DefaultMutableTreeNode parent = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(bom);
map.put(parent, getTreeNodeRepresentation(parent));
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = null;
DefaultMutableTreeNode leaf = null;
int[] ids = getStorageReasoner().getPOIDs(BOMLineWrapper.tableName(type()), BOMWrapper.idColumn(type()) + " = " + bom.getID(), null);
BOMLineWrapper bomline = null;
MProduct p = null;
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
bomline = new BOMLineWrapper(Env.getCtx(), ids[i], null, type());
bomline.setQtyBOM(qty != null ? qty.multiply(bomline.getQtyBOM()) : bomline.getQtyBOM());
p = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), bomline.getM_Product_ID(), null);
node = addLeafs(p, qty, map);
leaf = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(bomline);
map.put(leaf, getTreeNodeRepresentation(leaf));
parent.add((node == null) ? leaf : node);
return parent;
use of org.compiere.model.MProduct in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class ImportProduct method doIt.
// prepare
* Perform process.
* @return Message
* @throws Exception
protected String doIt() throws java.lang.Exception {
StringBuffer sql = null;
int no = 0;
String clientCheck = getWhereClause();
// Delete Old Imported
if (m_deleteOldImported) {
sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE I_Product " + "WHERE I_IsImported='Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Delete Old Imported =" + no);
// Set Client, Org, IaActive, Created/Updated, ProductType
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET AD_Client_ID = COALESCE (AD_Client_ID, ").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append(")," + " AD_Org_ID = COALESCE (AD_Org_ID, 0)," + " IsActive = COALESCE (IsActive, 'Y')," + " Created = COALESCE (Created, SysDate)," + " CreatedBy = COALESCE (CreatedBy, 0)," + " Updated = COALESCE (Updated, SysDate)," + " UpdatedBy = COALESCE (UpdatedBy, 0)," + " ProductType = COALESCE (ProductType, 'I')," + " I_ErrorMsg = ' '," + " I_IsImported = 'N' " + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y' OR I_IsImported IS NULL");
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Reset=" + no);
ModelValidationEngine.get().fireImportValidate(this, null, null, ImportValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_VALIDATE);
// Set Optional BPartner
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET C_BPartner_ID=(SELECT C_BPartner_ID FROM C_BPartner p" + " WHERE i.BPartner_Value=p.Value AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"BPartner=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid BPartner,' " + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NULL AND BPartner_Value IS NOT NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid BPartner=" + no);
// **** Find Product
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_ID=(SELECT M_Product_ID FROM M_Product p" + " WHERE i.UPC=p.UPC AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Product Existing UPC=" + no);
// Value
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_ID=(SELECT M_Product_ID FROM M_Product p" + " WHERE i.Value=p.Value AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Product Existing Value=" + no);
// BP ProdNo
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_ID=(SELECT M_Product_ID FROM M_Product_po p" + " WHERE i.C_BPartner_ID=p.C_BPartner_ID" + " AND i.VendorProductNo=p.VendorProductNo AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Product Existing Vendor ProductNo=" + no);
// Set Product Category
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET ProductCategory_Value=(SELECT MAX(Value) FROM M_Product_Category" + " WHERE IsDefault='Y' AND AD_Client_ID=").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append(") " + "WHERE ProductCategory_Value IS NULL AND M_Product_Category_ID IS NULL" + // set category only if product not found
" AND M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Category Default Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_Category_ID=(SELECT M_Product_Category_ID FROM M_Product_Category c" + " WHERE i.ProductCategory_Value=c.Value AND i.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE ProductCategory_Value IS NOT NULL AND M_Product_Category_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Set Category=" + no);
// Since 3.8.1 - Set Product Class
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET ProductClass_Value=(SELECT MAX(Value) FROM M_Product_Class" + " WHERE IsDefault='Y' AND AD_Client_ID=").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append(") " + "WHERE ProductClass_Value IS NULL AND M_Product_Class_ID IS NULL" + // set class only if product not found
" AND M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Class Default Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_Class_ID=(SELECT M_Product_Class_ID FROM M_Product_Class c" + " WHERE i.ProductClass_Value=c.Value AND i.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE ProductClass_Value IS NOT NULL AND M_Product_Class_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Set Class=" + no);
// Since 3.8.1 - Set Product Classification
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET ProductClassification_Value=(SELECT MAX(Value) FROM M_Product_Classification" + " WHERE IsDefault='Y' AND AD_Client_ID=").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append(") " + "WHERE ProductClassification_Value IS NULL AND M_Product_Classification_ID IS NULL" + // set Classification only if product not found
" AND M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Classification Default Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_Classification_ID=(SELECT M_Product_Classification_ID FROM M_Product_Classification c" + " WHERE i.ProductClassification_Value=c.Value AND i.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE ProductClassification_Value IS NOT NULL AND M_Product_Classification_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Set Classification=" + no);
// Since 3.8.1 - Set Product Group
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET ProductGroup_Value=(SELECT MAX(Value) FROM M_Product_Group" + " WHERE IsDefault='Y' AND AD_Client_ID=").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append(") " + "WHERE ProductGroup_Value IS NULL AND M_Product_Group_ID IS NULL" + // set Group only if product not found
" AND M_Product_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Group Default Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET M_Product_Group_ID=(SELECT M_Product_Group_ID FROM M_Product_Group c" + " WHERE i.ProductGroup_Value=c.Value AND i.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE ProductGroup_Value IS NOT NULL AND M_Product_Group_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Set Group=" + no);
// Copy From Product if Import does not have value
String[] strFields = new String[] { "Value", "Name", "Description", "DocumentNote", "Help", "UPC", "SKU", "Classification", "ProductType", "Discontinued", "DiscontinuedBy", "DiscontinuedAt", "ImageURL", "DescriptionURL" };
for (int i = 0; i < strFields.length; i++) {
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET ").append(strFields[i]).append(" = (SELECT ").append(strFields[i]).append(" FROM M_Product p" + " WHERE i.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NOT NULL" + " AND ").append(strFields[i]).append(" IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.fine(strFields[i] + " - default from existing Product=" + no);
String[] numFields = new String[] { "C_UOM_ID", "M_Product_Category_ID", "M_Product_Class_ID", "M_Product_Classification_ID", "M_Product_Group_ID", "Volume", "Weight", "ShelfWidth", "ShelfHeight", "ShelfDepth", "UnitsPerPallet" };
for (int i = 0; i < numFields.length; i++) {
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_PRODUCT i " + "SET ").append(numFields[i]).append(" = (SELECT ").append(numFields[i]).append(" FROM M_Product p" + " WHERE i.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NOT NULL" + " AND (").append(numFields[i]).append(" IS NULL OR ").append(numFields[i]).append("=0)" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.fine(numFields[i] + " default from existing Product=" + no);
// Copy From Product_PO if Import does not have value
String[] strFieldsPO = new String[] { "UPC", "PriceEffective", "VendorProductNo", "VendorCategory", "Manufacturer", "Discontinued", "DiscontinuedBy", "DiscontinuedAt" };
for (int i = 0; i < strFieldsPO.length; i++) {
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_PRODUCT i " + "SET ").append(strFieldsPO[i]).append(" = (SELECT ").append(strFieldsPO[i]).append(" FROM M_Product_PO p" + " WHERE i.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID AND i.C_BPartner_ID=p.C_BPartner_ID AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NOT NULL AND C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL" + " AND ").append(strFieldsPO[i]).append(" IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.fine(strFieldsPO[i] + " default from existing Product PO=" + no);
String[] numFieldsPO = new String[] { "C_UOM_ID", "C_Currency_ID", "PriceList", "PricePO", "RoyaltyAmt", "Order_Min", "Order_Pack", "CostPerOrder", "DeliveryTime_Promised" };
for (int i = 0; i < numFieldsPO.length; i++) {
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_PRODUCT i " + "SET ").append(numFieldsPO[i]).append(" = (SELECT ").append(numFieldsPO[i]).append(" FROM M_Product_PO p" + " WHERE i.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID AND i.C_BPartner_ID=p.C_BPartner_ID AND i.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NOT NULL AND C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL" + " AND (").append(numFieldsPO[i]).append(" IS NULL OR ").append(numFieldsPO[i]).append("=0)" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.fine(numFieldsPO[i] + " default from existing Product PO=" + no);
// Invalid Category
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid ProdCategory,' " + "WHERE M_Product_Category_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid Category=" + no);
// Set UOM (System/own)
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET X12DE355 = " + "(SELECT MAX(X12DE355) FROM C_UOM u WHERE u.IsDefault='Y' AND u.AD_Client_ID IN (0,i.AD_Client_ID)) " + "WHERE X12DE355 IS NULL AND C_UOM_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set UOM Default=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET C_UOM_ID = (SELECT C_UOM_ID FROM C_UOM u WHERE u.X12DE355=i.X12DE355 AND u.AD_Client_ID IN (0,i.AD_Client_ID)) " + "WHERE C_UOM_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Set UOM=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid UOM, ' " + "WHERE C_UOM_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid UOM=" + no);
// Set Currency
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET ISO_Code=(SELECT ISO_Code FROM C_Currency c" + " INNER JOIN C_AcctSchema a ON (a.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_ClientInfo ci ON (a.C_AcctSchema_ID=ci.C_AcctSchema1_ID)" + " WHERE ci.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) " + "WHERE C_Currency_ID IS NULL AND ISO_Code IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Currency Default=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET C_Currency_ID=(SELECT C_Currency_ID FROM C_Currency c" + " WHERE i.ISO_Code=c.ISO_Code AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (0,i.AD_Client_ID)) " + "WHERE C_Currency_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"doIt- Set Currency=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Currency,' " + "WHERE C_Currency_ID IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid Currency=" + no);
// Verify ProductType
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid ProductType,' " + "WHERE ProductType NOT IN ('E','I','R','S')" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid ProductType=" + no);
// Unique UPC/Value
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Value not unique,' " + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'" + " AND Value IN (SELECT Value FROM I_Product ii WHERE i.AD_Client_ID=ii.AD_Client_ID GROUP BY Value HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Not Unique Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=UPC not unique,' " + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'" + " AND UPC IN (SELECT UPC FROM I_Product ii WHERE i.AD_Client_ID=ii.AD_Client_ID GROUP BY UPC HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Not Unique UPC=" + no);
// Mandatory Value
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=No Mandatory Value,' " + "WHERE Value IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("No Mandatory Value=" + no);
// Vendor Product No
// sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_Product i "
// + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=No Mandatory VendorProductNo,' "
// + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'"
// + " AND VendorProductNo IS NULL AND (C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL OR BPartner_Value IS NOT NULL)").append(clientCheck);
// no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
//, "No Mandatory VendorProductNo=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET VendorProductNo=Value " + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL AND VendorProductNo IS NULL" + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"VendorProductNo Set to Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=VendorProductNo not unique,' " + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'" + " AND C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL" + " AND (C_BPartner_ID, VendorProductNo) IN " + " (SELECT C_BPartner_ID, VendorProductNo FROM I_Product ii WHERE i.AD_Client_ID=ii.AD_Client_ID GROUP BY C_BPartner_ID, VendorProductNo HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Not Unique VendorProductNo=" + no);
// Get Default Tax Category
int C_TaxCategory_ID = 0;
try {
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement("SELECT C_TaxCategory_ID FROM C_TaxCategory WHERE IsDefault='Y'" + clientCheck, get_TrxName());
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if (
C_TaxCategory_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new Exception("TaxCategory", e);
log.fine("C_TaxCategory_ID=" + C_TaxCategory_ID);
ModelValidationEngine.get().fireImportValidate(this, null, null, ImportValidator.TIMING_AFTER_VALIDATE);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int noInsert = 0;
int noUpdate = 0;
int noInsertPO = 0;
int noUpdatePO = 0;
// Check for new Product Class, Classification or Group
// Go through Records
log.fine("start inserting/updating ...");
sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM I_Product WHERE I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
try {
/* Insert Product from Import
PreparedStatement pstmt_insertProduct = conn.prepareStatement
("INSERT INTO M_Product (M_Product_ID,"
+ "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,"
+ "Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help,"
+ "UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,IsSummary,M_Product_Category_ID,C_TaxCategory_ID,"
+ "ProductType,ImageURL,DescriptionURL) "
+ "SELECT ?,"
+ "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,'Y',SysDate,CreatedBy,SysDate,UpdatedBy,"
+ "Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help,"
+ "UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,'N',M_Product_Category_ID," + C_TaxCategory_ID + ","
+ "ProductType,ImageURL,DescriptionURL "
+ "FROM I_Product "
+ "WHERE I_Product_ID=?");
// Update Product from Import
//jz moved
String sqlt = "UPDATE M_PRODUCT "
+ "SET (Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help,"
+ "UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID,Classification,ProductType,"
+ "Volume,Weight,ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet,"
+ "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy)= "
+ "(SELECT Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help,"
+ "UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID,Classification,ProductType,"
+ "Volume,Weight,ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet,"
+ "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy,SysDate,UpdatedBy"
+ " FROM I_Product WHERE I_Product_ID=?) "
+ "WHERE M_Product_ID=?";
PreparedStatement pstmt_updateProduct = DB.prepareStatement
(sqlt, get_TrxName());
// Update Product_PO from Import
sqlt = "UPDATE M_Product_PO "
+ "SET (IsCurrentVendor,C_UOM_ID,C_Currency_ID,UPC,"
+ "PriceList,PricePO,RoyaltyAmt,PriceEffective,"
+ "VendorProductNo,VendorCategory,Manufacturer,"
+ "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy,Order_Min,Order_Pack,"
+ "CostPerOrder,DeliveryTime_Promised,Updated,UpdatedBy)= "
+ "(SELECT 'Y',C_UOM_ID,C_Currency_ID,UPC,"
+ "PriceList,PricePO,RoyaltyAmt,PriceEffective,"
+ "VendorProductNo,VendorCategory,Manufacturer,"
+ "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy,Order_Min,Order_Pack,"
+ "CostPerOrder,DeliveryTime_Promised,SysDate,UpdatedBy"
+ " FROM I_Product"
+ " WHERE I_Product_ID=?) "
+ "WHERE M_Product_ID=? AND C_BPartner_ID=?";
PreparedStatement pstmt_updateProductPO = DB.prepareStatement
(sqlt, get_TrxName());
// Insert Product from Import
PreparedStatement pstmt_insertProductPO = DB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO M_Product_PO (M_Product_ID,C_BPartner_ID, " + "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy," + "IsCurrentVendor,C_UOM_ID,C_Currency_ID,UPC," + "PriceList,PricePO,RoyaltyAmt,PriceEffective," + "VendorProductNo,VendorCategory,Manufacturer," + "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinuedAt, Order_Min,Order_Pack," + "CostPerOrder,DeliveryTime_Promised) " + "SELECT ?,?, " + "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,'Y',SysDate,CreatedBy,SysDate,UpdatedBy," + "'Y',C_UOM_ID,C_Currency_ID,UPC," + "PriceList,PricePO,RoyaltyAmt,PriceEffective," + "VendorProductNo,VendorCategory,Manufacturer," + "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinuedAt, Order_Min,Order_Pack," + "CostPerOrder,DeliveryTime_Promised " + "FROM I_Product " + "WHERE I_Product_ID=?", get_TrxName());
// Set Imported = Y
PreparedStatement pstmt_setImported = DB.prepareStatement("UPDATE I_Product SET I_IsImported='Y', M_Product_ID=?, " + "Updated=SysDate, Processed='Y' WHERE I_Product_ID=?", get_TrxName());
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
X_I_Product imp = new X_I_Product(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName());
int I_Product_ID = imp.getI_Product_ID();
int M_Product_ID = imp.getM_Product_ID();
int C_BPartner_ID = imp.getC_BPartner_ID();
boolean newProduct = M_Product_ID == 0;
log.fine("I_Product_ID=" + I_Product_ID + ", M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + C_BPartner_ID);
// Since 3.8.1 Check and add product Class, Classification and Group
Boolean saveNeeded = false;
// Class
if (imp.getM_Product_Class_ID() == 0 && imp.getProductClass_Value() != null && !imp.getProductClass_Value().isEmpty()) {
String value = imp.getProductClass_Value();
String whereClause = "VALUE= '" + value + "'";
// Have we already added it?
X_M_Product_Class pClass = MTable.get(getCtx(), X_M_Product_Class.Table_ID).createQuery(whereClause, // will lock the table
if (pClass == null) {
pClass = new X_M_Product_Class(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
pClass = null;
saveNeeded = true;
// Classification
if (imp.getM_Product_Classification_ID() == 0 && imp.getProductClassification_Value() != null && !imp.getProductClassification_Value().isEmpty()) {
String value = imp.getProductClassification_Value();
String whereClause = "VALUE= '" + value + "'";
// Have we already added it?
X_M_Product_Classification pClassification = MTable.get(getCtx(), X_M_Product_Classification.Table_ID).createQuery(whereClause, // will lock the table
if (pClassification == null) {
pClassification = new X_M_Product_Classification(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
pClassification = null;
saveNeeded = true;
// Group
if (imp.getM_Product_Group_ID() == 0 && imp.getProductGroup_Value() != null && !imp.getProductGroup_Value().isEmpty()) {
String value = imp.getProductGroup_Value();
String whereClause = "VALUE= '" + value + "'";
// Have we already added it?
X_M_Product_Group pGroup = MTable.get(getCtx(), X_M_Product_Group.Table_ID).createQuery(whereClause, // will lock the table
if (pGroup == null) {
pGroup = new X_M_Product_Group(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
pGroup = null;
saveNeeded = true;
if (saveNeeded)
// Product
if (// Insert new Product
newProduct) {
MProduct product = new MProduct(imp);
ModelValidationEngine.get().fireImportValidate(this, imp, product, ImportValidator.TIMING_AFTER_IMPORT);
if ( {
M_Product_ID = product.getM_Product_ID();
log.finer("Insert Product");
} else {
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Insert Product failed")).append("WHERE I_Product_ID=").append(I_Product_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
} else // Update Product
String sqlt = "UPDATE M_PRODUCT " + "SET (Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help," + "UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID,Classification,ProductType," + "M_Product_Class_ID, M_Product_Classification_ID, M_Product_Group_ID," + "Volume,Weight,ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet," + "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinuedAt, Updated,UpdatedBy)= " + "(SELECT Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help," + "UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID,Classification,ProductType," + "M_Product_Class_ID, M_Product_Classification_ID, M_Product_Group_ID," + "Volume,Weight,ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet," + "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinuedAt, SysDate,UpdatedBy" + " FROM I_Product WHERE I_Product_ID=" + I_Product_ID + ") " + "WHERE M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID;
PreparedStatement pstmt_updateProduct = DB.prepareStatement(sqlt, get_TrxName());
// pstmt_updateProduct.setInt(2, M_Product_ID);
try {
no = pstmt_updateProduct.executeUpdate();
log.finer("Update Product = " + no);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
log.warning("Update Product - " + ex.toString());
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Update Product: " + ex.toString())).append("WHERE I_Product_ID=").append(I_Product_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
// Do we have PO Info
if (C_BPartner_ID != 0) {
no = 0;
// If Product existed, Try to Update first
if (!newProduct) {
String sqlt = "UPDATE M_Product_PO " + "SET (IsCurrentVendor,C_UOM_ID,C_Currency_ID,UPC," + "PriceList,PricePO,RoyaltyAmt,PriceEffective," + "VendorProductNo,VendorCategory,Manufacturer," + "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinuedAt, Order_Min,Order_Pack," + "CostPerOrder,DeliveryTime_Promised,Updated,UpdatedBy)= " + //jz fix EDB unknown datatype error
"(SELECT CAST('Y' AS CHAR),C_UOM_ID,C_Currency_ID,UPC," + "PriceList,PricePO,RoyaltyAmt,PriceEffective," + "VendorProductNo,VendorCategory,Manufacturer," + "Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinuedAt, Order_Min,Order_Pack," + "CostPerOrder,DeliveryTime_Promised,SysDate,UpdatedBy" + " FROM I_Product" + " WHERE I_Product_ID=" + I_Product_ID + ") " + "WHERE M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID + " AND C_BPartner_ID=" + C_BPartner_ID;
PreparedStatement pstmt_updateProductPO = DB.prepareStatement(sqlt, get_TrxName());
// pstmt_updateProductPO.setInt(3, C_BPartner_ID);
try {
no = pstmt_updateProductPO.executeUpdate();
log.finer("Update Product_PO = " + no);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
log.warning("Update Product_PO - " + ex.toString());
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Update Product_PO: " + ex.toString())).append("WHERE I_Product_ID=").append(I_Product_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (// Insert PO
no == 0) {
pstmt_insertProductPO.setInt(1, M_Product_ID);
pstmt_insertProductPO.setInt(2, C_BPartner_ID);
pstmt_insertProductPO.setInt(3, I_Product_ID);
try {
no = pstmt_insertProductPO.executeUpdate();
log.finer("Insert Product_PO = " + no);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
log.warning("Insert Product_PO - " + ex.toString());
// assume that product also did not exist
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product i " + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Insert Product_PO: " + ex.toString())).append("WHERE I_Product_ID=").append(I_Product_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
// Price List
if (p_M_PriceList_Version_ID != 0) {
BigDecimal PriceList = imp.getPriceList();
BigDecimal PriceStd = imp.getPriceStd();
BigDecimal PriceLimit = imp.getPriceLimit();
if (PriceStd.signum() != 0 || PriceLimit.signum() != 0 || PriceList.signum() != 0) {
MProductPrice pp = MProductPrice.get(getCtx(), p_M_PriceList_Version_ID, M_Product_ID, get_TrxName());
if (pp == null)
pp = new MProductPrice(getCtx(), p_M_PriceList_Version_ID, M_Product_ID, get_TrxName());
pp.setPrices(PriceList, PriceStd, PriceLimit);
ModelValidationEngine.get().fireImportValidate(this, imp, pp, ImportValidator.TIMING_AFTER_IMPORT);
// Update I_Product
pstmt_setImported.setInt(1, M_Product_ID);
pstmt_setImported.setInt(2, I_Product_ID);
no = pstmt_setImported.executeUpdate();
// for all I_Product
// pstmt_insertProduct.close();
// pstmt_updateProduct.close();
// pstmt_updateProductPO.close();
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Set Error to indicator to not imported
sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE I_Product " + "SET I_IsImported='N', Updated=SysDate " + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(no), "@Errors@");
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(noInsert), "@M_Product_ID@: @Inserted@");
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(noUpdate), "@M_Product_ID@: @Updated@");
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(noInsertPO), "@M_Product_ID@ @Purchase@: @Inserted@");
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(noUpdatePO), "@M_Product_ID@ @Purchase@: @Updated@");
return "";
use of org.compiere.model.MProduct in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class DistributionRun method insertDetailsDistributionDemand.
// createOrders
* Insert Details
* @return number of rows inserted
private int insertDetailsDistributionDemand() {
// Handle NULL
String sql = "UPDATE M_DistributionRunLine SET MinQty = 0 WHERE MinQty IS NULL";
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
sql = "UPDATE M_DistributionListLine SET MinQty = 0 WHERE MinQty IS NULL";
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
// Delete Old
sql = "DELETE FROM T_DistributionRunDetail WHERE M_DistributionRun_ID=" + p_M_DistributionRun_ID;
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
log.fine("insertDetails - deleted #" + no);
// Insert New
sql = "INSERT INTO T_DistributionRunDetail " + "(M_DistributionRun_ID, M_DistributionRunLine_ID, M_DistributionList_ID, M_DistributionListLine_ID," + "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created,CreatedBy, Updated,UpdatedBy," + "C_BPartner_ID, C_BPartner_Location_ID, M_Product_ID," + "Ratio, MinQty, Qty) " + "SELECT MAX(rl.M_DistributionRun_ID), MAX(rl.M_DistributionRunLine_ID),MAX(ll.M_DistributionList_ID), MAX(ll.M_DistributionListLine_ID), " + "MAX(rl.AD_Client_ID),MAX(rl.AD_Org_ID), MAX(rl.IsActive), MAX(rl.Created),MAX(rl.CreatedBy), MAX(rl.Updated),MAX(rl.UpdatedBy), " + "MAX(ll.C_BPartner_ID), MAX(ll.C_BPartner_Location_ID), MAX(rl.M_Product_ID)," + // Ration for this process is equal QtyToDeliver
"COALESCE (SUM(ol.QtyOrdered-ol.QtyDelivered-TargetQty), 0) , " + // Min Qty for this process is equal to TargetQty
" 0 , 0 FROM M_DistributionRunLine rl " + "INNER JOIN M_DistributionList l ON (rl.M_DistributionList_ID=l.M_DistributionList_ID) " + "INNER JOIN M_DistributionListLine ll ON (rl.M_DistributionList_ID=ll.M_DistributionList_ID) " + "INNER JOIN DD_Order o ON (o.C_BPartner_ID=ll.C_BPartner_ID AND o.DocStatus IN ('DR','IN')) " + "INNER JOIN DD_OrderLine ol ON (ol.DD_Order_ID=o.DD_Order_ID AND ol.M_Product_ID=rl.M_Product_ID) " + "INNER JOIN M_Locator loc ON (loc.M_Locator_ID=ol.M_Locator_ID AND loc.M_Warehouse_ID=" + p_M_Warehouse_ID + ") " + "WHERE rl.M_DistributionRun_ID=" + p_M_DistributionRun_ID + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND ll.IsActive='Y' AND ol.DatePromised <= " + DB.TO_DATE(p_DatePromised) + " GROUP BY o.M_Shipper_ID , ll.C_BPartner_ID, ol.M_Product_ID";
//+ " BETWEEN "+ DB.TO_DATE(p_DatePromised) +" AND "+ DB.TO_DATE(p_DatePromised_To)
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
List<MDistributionRunDetail> records = new Query(getCtx(), MDistributionRunDetail.Table_Name, MDistributionRunDetail.COLUMNNAME_M_DistributionRun_ID + "=?", get_TrxName()).setParameters(new Object[] { p_M_DistributionRun_ID }).list();
for (MDistributionRunDetail record : records) {
MDistributionRunLine drl = (MDistributionRunLine) MTable.get(getCtx(), MDistributionRunLine.Table_ID).getPO(record.getM_DistributionRunLine_ID(), get_TrxName());
MProduct product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), record.getM_Product_ID());
BigDecimal ration = record.getRatio();
BigDecimal totalration = getQtyDemand(record.getM_Product_ID());"Value:" + product.getValue());"Product:" + product.getName());"Qty To Deliver:" + record.getRatio());"Qty Target:" + record.getMinQty());"Qty Total Available:" + drl.getTotalQty());"Qty Total Demand:" + totalration);
BigDecimal factor = ration.divide(totalration, 12, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
log.fine("inserted #" + no);
return no;
use of org.compiere.model.MProduct in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class DistributionRun method distributionOrders.
// insertDetails
* Create Orders
* @return true if created
private boolean distributionOrders() {
//The Quantity Available is distribute with respect to Distribution Order Demand
if (p_BasedInDamnd) {
int M_Warehouse_ID = 0;
if (p_M_Warehouse_ID <= 0) {
MOrgInfo oi_source = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), m_run.getAD_Org_ID(), get_TrxName());
MWarehouse m_source = MWarehouse.get(getCtx(), oi_source.getM_Warehouse_ID());
if (m_source == null)
throw new AdempiereException("Do not exist Defautl Warehouse Source");
M_Warehouse_ID = m_source.getM_Warehouse_ID();
} else
M_Warehouse_ID = p_M_Warehouse_ID;
// For all lines
for (int i = 0; i < m_details.length; i++) {
MDistributionRunDetail detail = m_details[i];
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM DD_OrderLine ol INNER JOIN DD_Order o ON (o.DD_Order_ID=ol.DD_Order_ID) INNER JOIN M_Locator l ON (l.M_Locator_ID=ol.M_Locator_ID) ");
//sql.append(" WHERE o.DocStatus IN ('DR','IN') AND o.C_BPartner_ID = ? AND M_Product_ID=? AND l.M_Warehouse_ID=? AND ol.DatePromised BETWEEN ? AND ? ");
sql.append(" WHERE o.DocStatus IN ('DR','IN') AND o.C_BPartner_ID = ? AND M_Product_ID=? AND l.M_Warehouse_ID=? AND ol.DatePromised <=?");
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
pstmt.setInt(1, detail.getC_BPartner_ID());
pstmt.setInt(2, detail.getM_Product_ID());
pstmt.setInt(3, M_Warehouse_ID);
pstmt.setTimestamp(4, p_DatePromised);
//pstmt.setTimestamp(5, p_DatePromised_To);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
// Create Order Line
MDDOrderLine line = new MDDOrderLine(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName());
if (p_M_Warehouse_ID > 0)
line.setDescription(Msg.translate(getCtx(), "PlannedQty"));
//addLog(0,null, detail.getActualAllocation(), order.getDocumentNo()
// + ": " + bp.getName() + " - " + product.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "doIt - " + sql, e);
return false;
} finally {
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
rs = null;
pstmt = null;
return true;
// Get Counter Org/BP
int runAD_Org_ID = m_run.getAD_Org_ID();
if (runAD_Org_ID == 0)
runAD_Org_ID = Env.getAD_Org_ID(getCtx());
MOrg runOrg = MOrg.get(getCtx(), runAD_Org_ID);
int runC_BPartner_ID = runOrg.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID(get_TrxName());
boolean counter = // no single Order
!m_run.isCreateSingleOrder() && // Org linked to BP
runC_BPartner_ID > 0 && // PO
MBPartner runBPartner = counter ? new MBPartner(getCtx(), runC_BPartner_ID, get_TrxName()) : null;
if (!counter || runBPartner == null || runBPartner.get_ID() != runC_BPartner_ID)
counter = false;
if (counter)"RunBP=" + runBPartner + " - " + m_docType);"Single=" + m_run.isCreateSingleOrder() + " - " + m_docType + ",SO=" + m_docType.isSOTrx());
log.fine("Counter=" + counter + ",C_BPartner_ID=" + runC_BPartner_ID + "," + runBPartner);
MBPartner bp = null;
MDDOrder singleOrder = null;
MProduct product = null;
MWarehouse m_source = null;
MLocator m_locator = null;
MWarehouse m_target = null;
MLocator m_locator_to = null;
MWarehouse[] ws = null;
MOrgInfo oi_source = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), m_run.getAD_Org_ID(), get_TrxName());
m_source = MWarehouse.get(getCtx(), oi_source.getM_Warehouse_ID());
if (m_source == null)
throw new AdempiereException("Do not exist Defautl Warehouse Source");
m_locator = MLocator.getDefault(m_source);
//get the warehouse in transit
ws = MWarehouse.getInTransitForOrg(getCtx(), m_source.getAD_Org_ID());
if (ws == null)
throw new AdempiereException("Warehouse Intransit do not found");
// Consolidated Single Order
if (m_run.isCreateSingleOrder()) {
bp = new MBPartner(getCtx(), m_run.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
if (bp.get_ID() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Business Partner not found - C_BPartner_ID=" + m_run.getC_BPartner_ID());
if (!p_IsTest) {
singleOrder = new MDDOrder(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
if (m_run.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() != 0)
if (! {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Order not saved");
return false;
int lastC_BPartner_ID = 0;
int lastC_BPartner_Location_ID = 0;
MDDOrder order = null;
// For all lines
for (int i = 0; i < m_details.length; i++) {
MDistributionRunDetail detail = m_details[i];
// Create Order Header
if (m_run.isCreateSingleOrder())
order = singleOrder;
else // New Business Partner
if (lastC_BPartner_ID != detail.getC_BPartner_ID() || lastC_BPartner_Location_ID != detail.getC_BPartner_Location_ID()) {
// finish order
order = null;
lastC_BPartner_ID = detail.getC_BPartner_ID();
lastC_BPartner_Location_ID = detail.getC_BPartner_Location_ID();
bp = new MBPartner(getCtx(), detail.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
MOrgInfo oi_target = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int(), get_TrxName());
m_target = MWarehouse.get(getCtx(), oi_target.getM_Warehouse_ID());
if (m_target == null)
throw new AdempiereException("Do not exist Default Warehouse Target");
m_locator_to = MLocator.getDefault(m_target);
if (m_locator == null || m_locator_to == null) {
throw new AdempiereException("Do not exist default Locator for Warehouses");
if (p_ConsolidateDocument) {
String whereClause = "DocStatus IN ('DR','IN') AND AD_Org_ID=" + bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int() + " AND " + MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID + "=? AND " + MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_M_Warehouse_ID + "=? AND " + MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_DatePromised + "<=? ";
order = new Query(getCtx(), MDDOrder.Table_Name, whereClause, get_TrxName()).setParameters(new Object[] { lastC_BPartner_ID, ws[0].getM_Warehouse_ID(), p_DatePromised }).setOrderBy(MDDOrder.COLUMNNAME_DatePromised + " DESC").first();
// New Order
if (order == null) {
if (!p_IsTest) {
order = new MDDOrder(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
// Counter Doc
if (counter && bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int() > 0) {
log.fine("Counter - From_BPOrg=" + bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int() + "-" + bp + ", To_BP=" + runBPartner);
if (ws[0].getM_Warehouse_ID() > 0)
} else // normal
log.fine("From_Org=" + runAD_Org_ID + ", To_BP=" + bp);
if (detail.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() != 0)
if (! {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Order not saved");
return false;
// Line
if (product == null || product.getM_Product_ID() != detail.getM_Product_ID())
product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), detail.getM_Product_ID());
if (p_IsTest) {
addLog(0, null, detail.getActualAllocation(), bp.getName() + " - " + product.getName());
if (p_ConsolidateDocument) {
String sql = "SELECT DD_OrderLine_ID FROM DD_OrderLine ol INNER JOIN DD_Order o ON (o.DD_Order_ID=ol.DD_Order_ID) WHERE o.DocStatus IN ('DR','IN') AND o.C_BPartner_ID = ? AND M_Product_ID=? AND ol.M_Locator_ID=? AND ol.DatePromised <= ?";
int DD_OrderLine_ID = DB.getSQLValueEx(get_TrxName(), sql, new Object[] { detail.getC_BPartner_ID(), product.getM_Product_ID(), m_locator.getM_Locator_ID(), p_DatePromised });
if (DD_OrderLine_ID <= 0) {
MDDOrderLine line = new MDDOrderLine(order);
BigDecimal QtyAllocation = detail.getActualAllocation();
if (QtyAllocation == null)
QtyAllocation = Env.ZERO;
String Description = "";
if (m_run.getName() != null)
Description = Description.concat(m_run.getName());
line.setDescription(Description + " " + Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Qty") + " = " + QtyAllocation + " ");
} else {
MDDOrderLine line = new MDDOrderLine(getCtx(), DD_OrderLine_ID, get_TrxName());
BigDecimal QtyAllocation = detail.getActualAllocation();
if (QtyAllocation == null)
QtyAllocation = Env.ZERO;
String Description = line.getDescription();
if (Description == null)
Description = "";
if (m_run.getName() != null)
Description = Description.concat(m_run.getName());
line.setDescription(Description + " " + Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Qty") + " = " + QtyAllocation + " ");
//line.setConfirmedQty(line.getConfirmedQty().add( QtyAllocation));
} else {
// Create Order Line
MDDOrderLine line = new MDDOrderLine(order);
if (counter && bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int() > 0)
// don't overwrite counter doc
/*else // normal - optionally overwrite
if (detail.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() != 0)
String Description = "";
if (m_run.getName() != null)
Description = Description.concat(m_run.getName());
line.setDescription(Description + " " + Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Qty") + " = " + detail.getActualAllocation() + " ");
addLog(0, null, detail.getActualAllocation(), order.getDocumentNo() + ": " + bp.getName() + " - " + product.getName());
// finish order
order = null;
return true;