Search in sources :

Example 96 with MQuery

use of org.compiere.model.MQuery in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class VOrderPlanning method find.

private String find() {
    int AD_Window_ID = MTable.get(Env.getCtx(), MOrder.Table_ID).getAD_Window_ID();
    int AD_Tab_ID = MTab.getTab_ID(AD_Window_ID, "Order");
    GridField[] findFields = GridField.createFields(Env.getCtx(), AD_Window_ID, 0, AD_Tab_ID);
    Find find = new Find(Env.getFrame(this), AD_Window_ID, this.getName(), AD_Tab_ID, AD_Table_ID, getTableName(), "", findFields, 1);
    MQuery query = find.getQuery();
    if (query != null && query.isActive())
        return query.getWhereClause();
        return "";
Also used : Find( MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField)

Example 97 with MQuery

use of org.compiere.model.MQuery in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WWFActivity method cmd_button.

//	cmd_zoom
	 * 	Answer Button
private void cmd_button() {
    log.config("Activity=" + m_activity);
    if (m_activity == null)
    MWFNode node = m_activity.getNode();
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserWindow.equals(node.getAction())) {
        // Explicit Window
        int AD_Window_ID = node.getAD_Window_ID();
        String ColumnName = m_activity.getPO().get_TableName() + "_ID";
        int Record_ID = m_activity.getRecord_ID();
        MQuery query = MQuery.getEqualQuery(ColumnName, Record_ID);
        boolean IsSOTrx = m_activity.isSOTrx();
        //"Zoom to AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + " - " + query + " (IsSOTrx=" + IsSOTrx + ")");
        AEnv.zoom(AD_Window_ID, query);
    } else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserForm.equals(node.getAction())) {
        int AD_Form_ID = node.getAD_Form_ID();
        Window form = ADForm.openForm(AD_Form_ID);
    } else if (MWFNode.ACTION_SmartBrowse.equals(node.getAction())) {
        int AD_Browse_ID = node.getAD_Browse_ID();
        Window browse = WBrowser.openBrowse(0, AD_Browse_ID, "", m_activity.isSOTrx());
    } else
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No User Action:" + node.getAction());
Also used : Window(org.adempiere.webui.component.Window) MWFNode( MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery)

Example 98 with MQuery

use of org.compiere.model.MQuery in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class AbstractADWindowPanel method onZoomAcross.

     * @see ToolbarListener#onZoomAcross()
public void onZoomAcross() {
    if (toolbar.getEvent() != null) {
        GridTab currentTab = toolbar.getCurrentPanel().getGridTab();
        int record_ID = currentTab.getRecord_ID();
        if (record_ID <= 0)
        //	Query
        MQuery query = new MQuery();
        //	Current row
        String link = currentTab.getKeyColumnName();
        //	Link for detail records
        if (link.length() == 0)
            link = currentTab.getLinkColumnName();
        if (link.length() != 0) {
            if (link.endsWith("_ID"))
                query.addRestriction(link, MQuery.EQUAL, new Integer(Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, curWindowNo, link)));
                query.addRestriction(link, MQuery.EQUAL, Env.getContext(ctx, curWindowNo, link));
        new WZoomAcross(toolbar.getEvent().getTarget(), currentTab.getTableName(), currentTab.getAD_Window_ID(), query);
Also used : GridTab(org.compiere.model.GridTab) MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) WZoomAcross(org.adempiere.webui.WZoomAcross)

Example 99 with MQuery

use of org.compiere.model.MQuery in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class AbstractADWindowPanel method initPanel.

     * @param adWindowId
     * @param query
     * @return boolean
public boolean initPanel(int adWindowId, MQuery query) {
    // This temporary validation code is added to check the reported bug
    // [ adempiere-ZK Web Client-2832968 ] User context lost?
    // it's harmless, if there is no bug then this must never fail
    Session currSess = Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getSession();
    int checkad_user_id = -1;
    if (currSess != null && currSess.getAttribute("Check_AD_User_ID") != null)
        checkad_user_id = (Integer) currSess.getAttribute("Check_AD_User_ID");
    if (checkad_user_id != Env.getAD_User_ID(ctx)) {
        String msg = "Timestamp=" + new Date() + ", Bug 2832968 SessionUser=" + checkad_user_id + ", ContextUser=" + Env.getAD_User_ID(ctx) + ".  Please report conditions to your system administrator or in sf tracker 2832968";
        ApplicationException ex = new ApplicationException(msg);
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, ex);
        throw ex;
    // Set AutoCommit for this Window
    if (embeddedTabIndex < 0) {
        Env.setAutoCommit(ctx, curWindowNo, Env.isAutoCommit(ctx));
        boolean autoNew = Env.isAutoNew(ctx);
        Env.setAutoNew(ctx, curWindowNo, autoNew);
        GridWindowVO gWindowVO = AEnv.getMWindowVO(curWindowNo, adWindowId, 0);
        if (gWindowVO == null) {
            throw new ApplicationException(Msg.getMsg(ctx, "AccessTableNoView") + "(No Window Model Info)");
        gridWindow = new GridWindow(gWindowVO, true);
        title = gridWindow.getName();
        // Set SO/AutoNew for Window
        Env.setContext(ctx, curWindowNo, "IsSOTrx", gridWindow.isSOTrx());
        if (!autoNew && gridWindow.isTransaction()) {
            Env.setAutoNew(ctx, curWindowNo, true);
    m_onlyCurrentRows = embeddedTabIndex < 0 && gridWindow.isTransaction();
    MQuery detailQuery = null;
         * Window Tabs
    if (embeddedTabIndex < 0) {
        if (query != null && query.getZoomTableName() != null && query.getZoomColumnName() != null && query.getZoomValue() instanceof Integer && (Integer) query.getZoomValue() > 0) {
            if (!query.getZoomTableName().equalsIgnoreCase(gridWindow.getTab(0).getTableName())) {
                detailQuery = query;
                query = new MQuery();
        int tabSize = gridWindow.getTabCount();
        for (int tab = 0; tab < tabSize; tab++) {
            initTab(query, tab);
            if (tab == 0 && curTab == null && m_findCancelled)
                return false;
        Env.setContext(ctx, curWindowNo, "WindowName", gridWindow.getName());
    } else {
        initEmbeddedTab(query, embeddedTabIndex);
    if (curTab != null)
    if (embeddedTabIndex < 0) {
        curTabIndex = 0;
        toolbar.enableTabNavigation(adTab.getTabCount() > 1);
        if (gridWindow.isTransaction()) {
        if (detailQuery != null && zoomToDetailTab(detailQuery)) {
            return true;
    } else {
        curTabIndex = embeddedTabIndex;
    return true;
Also used : ApplicationException(org.adempiere.webui.exception.ApplicationException) GridWindow(org.compiere.model.GridWindow) GridWindowVO(org.compiere.model.GridWindowVO) MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) Date(java.util.Date) Session(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Session)

Example 100 with MQuery

use of org.compiere.model.MQuery in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class InfoAssignmentPanel method zoom.

	 *  Zoom action
	 *	To be overwritten by concrete classes
public void zoom() {
    if (getSelectedRowKey() != null && getSelectedRowKey() > 0) {
        //  ColumnName might be changed in MTab.validateQuery
        MQuery zoomQuery = new MQuery();
        String column = getKeyColumn();
        //strip off table name, fully qualify name doesn't work when zoom into detail tab
        if (column.indexOf(".") > 0)
            column = column.substring(column.indexOf(".") + 1);
        zoomQuery.addRestriction(column, MQuery.EQUAL, getSelectedRowKey());
        zoomQuery.setTableName(column.substring(0, column.length() - 3));
        AEnv.zoom(236, zoomQuery);
Also used : MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery)


MQuery (org.compiere.model.MQuery)109 PrintInfo (org.compiere.model.PrintInfo)19 GridField (org.compiere.model.GridField)15 MPrintFormat (org.compiere.print.MPrintFormat)14 ReportEngine (org.compiere.print.ReportEngine)12 Point (java.awt.Point)11 ALayoutConstraint (org.compiere.apps.ALayoutConstraint)9 GridWindowVO (org.compiere.model.GridWindowVO)9 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 GridTab (org.compiere.model.GridTab)8 GridWindow (org.compiere.model.GridWindow)7 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)6 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)6 AWindow (org.compiere.apps.AWindow)6 File ( IOException ( Language (org.compiere.util.Language)4 AdempiereException (org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)3 MClient (org.compiere.model.MClient)3 MLookup (org.compiere.model.MLookup)3