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Example 6 with MResourceType

use of org.compiere.model.MResourceType in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CRP method scheduleForward.

private Timestamp scheduleForward(final Timestamp start, final long nodeDurationMillis, MResource r) {
    MResourceType t = r.getResourceType();
    // statistical interation count
    int iteration = 0;
    Timestamp currentDate = start;
    Timestamp end = null;
    long remainingMillis = nodeDurationMillis;
    do {
        currentDate = reasoner.getAvailableDate(r, currentDate, false);
        Timestamp dayStart = t.getDayStart(currentDate);
        Timestamp dayEnd = t.getDayEnd(currentDate);
        // resource's availability, switch start time to the given again
        if (currentDate.after(dayStart) && currentDate.before(dayEnd)) {
            dayStart = currentDate;
        // The available time at this day in milliseconds
        long availableDayDuration = getAvailableDurationMillis(dayStart, dayEnd, r);
        // The work can be finish on this day.
        if (availableDayDuration >= remainingMillis) {
            end = new Timestamp(dayStart.getTime() + remainingMillis);
            remainingMillis = 0;
        } else // Otherwise recall with next day and the remained node duration.
            currentDate = TimeUtil.addDays(TimeUtil.getDayBorder(currentDate, null, false), 1);
            remainingMillis -= availableDayDuration;
        if (iteration > p_MaxIterationsNo) {
            throw new CRPException("Maximum number of iterations exceeded (" + p_MaxIterationsNo + ")" + " - Date:" + currentDate + ", RemainingMillis:" + remainingMillis);
    } while (remainingMillis > 0);
    return end;
Also used : CRPException(org.eevolution.exceptions.CRPException) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) MResourceType(org.compiere.model.MResourceType)

Example 7 with MResourceType

use of org.compiere.model.MResourceType in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CRP method scheduleBackward.

	 * Calculate start date having duration and resource
	 * @param end end date
	 * @param nodeDurationMillis duration [millis]
	 * @param r resource
	 * @return start date
private Timestamp scheduleBackward(final Timestamp end, final long nodeDurationMillis, MResource r) {
    MResourceType t = r.getResourceType();"--> ResourceType " + t);
    Timestamp start = null;
    Timestamp currentDate = end;
    long remainingMillis = nodeDurationMillis;
    // statistical iteration count
    int iteration = 0;
    do {"--> end=" + currentDate);"--> nodeDuration=" + remainingMillis);
        currentDate = reasoner.getAvailableDate(r, currentDate, true);"--> end(available)=" + currentDate);
        Timestamp dayEnd = t.getDayEnd(currentDate);
        Timestamp dayStart = t.getDayStart(currentDate);"--> dayStart=" + dayStart + ", dayEnd=" + dayEnd);
        // resource's availability, switch end time to the given again
        if (currentDate.before(dayEnd) && currentDate.after(dayStart)) {
            dayEnd = currentDate;
        // The available time at this day in milliseconds
        long availableDayDuration = getAvailableDurationMillis(dayStart, dayEnd, r);
        // The work can be finish on this day.
        if (availableDayDuration >= remainingMillis) {
  "--> availableDayDuration >= nodeDuration true " + availableDayDuration + "|" + remainingMillis);
            start = new Timestamp(dayEnd.getTime() - remainingMillis);
            remainingMillis = 0;
        } else // Otherwise recall with previous day and the remained node duration.
  "--> availableDayDuration >= nodeDuration false " + availableDayDuration + "|" + remainingMillis);
  "--> nodeDuration-availableDayDuration " + (remainingMillis - availableDayDuration));
            currentDate = TimeUtil.addDays(TimeUtil.getDayBorder(currentDate, null, true), -1);
            remainingMillis -= availableDayDuration;
        if (iteration > p_MaxIterationsNo) {
            throw new CRPException("Maximum number of iterations exceeded (" + p_MaxIterationsNo + ")" + " - Date:" + start + ", RemainingMillis:" + remainingMillis);
    } while (remainingMillis > 0);"         -->  start=" + start + " <---------------------------------------- ");
    return start;
Also used : CRPException(org.eevolution.exceptions.CRPException) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) MResourceType(org.compiere.model.MResourceType)

Example 8 with MResourceType

use of org.compiere.model.MResourceType in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CRPReasoner method getSQLDayRestriction.

private String getSQLDayRestriction(Timestamp dateTime, I_S_Resource r, List<Object> params) {
    final MResourceType rt = MResourceType.get(getCtx(), r.getS_ResourceType_ID());
    Timestamp dayStart = rt.getDayStart(dateTime);
    Timestamp dayEnd = rt.getDayEnd(dateTime);
    String whereClause;
    // Case 1: The time dependent process has already begun and ends at this day.
    whereClause = "(DateStartSchedule<=? AND DateFinishSchedule>=? AND DateFinishSchedule<=?)";
    // Case 2: The time dependent process begins and ends at this day.
    whereClause += " OR (DateStartSchedule>=? AND DateStartSchedule<=?" + " AND DateFinishSchedule>=? AND DateFinishSchedule<=?)";
    // Case 3: The time dependent process begins at this day and ends few days later.
    whereClause += " OR (DateStartSchedule>=? AND DateStartSchedule<=? AND DateFinishSchedule>=?)";
    // Case 4: The time dependent process has already begun and ends few days later.
    whereClause += " OR (DateStartSchedule<=? AND DateFinishSchedule>=?)";
    return "(" + whereClause + ")";
Also used : Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) MResourceType(org.compiere.model.MResourceType)

Example 9 with MResourceType

use of org.compiere.model.MResourceType in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CRPReasoner method getAvailableDate.

	 * @param r resource
	 * @param dateTime
	 * @return next available date
public Timestamp getAvailableDate(I_S_Resource r, Timestamp dateTime, boolean isScheduleBackward) {
    MResourceType t = MResourceType.get(getCtx(r), r.getS_ResourceType_ID());
    Timestamp date = dateTime;
    ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
    String whereClause;
    String orderByClause;
    int direction;
    if (isScheduleBackward) {
        whereClause = MResourceUnAvailable.COLUMNNAME_DateFrom + " <= ?";
        orderByClause = MResourceUnAvailable.COLUMNNAME_DateFrom + " DESC";
        direction = 1;
    } else {
        whereClause = MResourceUnAvailable.COLUMNNAME_DateTo + " >= ?";
        orderByClause = MResourceUnAvailable.COLUMNNAME_DateTo;
        direction = -1;
    whereClause += " AND " + MResourceUnAvailable.COLUMNNAME_S_Resource_ID + "=? AND AD_Client_ID=?";
    POResultSet<MResourceUnAvailable> rs = new Query(getCtx(r), MResourceUnAvailable.Table_Name, whereClause, null).setOrderBy(orderByClause).setParameters(params).scroll();
    try {
        while (rs.hasNext()) {
            MResourceUnAvailable rua =;
            if (rua.isUnAvailable(date)) {
                date = TimeUtil.addDays(rua.getDateTo(), 1 * direction);
            date = getAvailableDate(t, dateTime, isScheduleBackward);
    } finally {
    date = getAvailableDate(t, dateTime, isScheduleBackward);
    return date;
Also used : Query(org.compiere.model.Query) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) MResourceType(org.compiere.model.MResourceType) MResourceUnAvailable(org.compiere.model.MResourceUnAvailable)

Example 10 with MResourceType

use of org.compiere.model.MResourceType in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class DefaultRoutingServiceImpl method calculateDuration.

public BigDecimal calculateDuration(I_AD_Workflow wf, I_S_Resource plant, BigDecimal qty) {
    if (plant == null)
        return Env.ZERO;
    final Properties ctx = ((PO) wf).getCtx();
    final MResourceType S_ResourceType = MResourceType.get(ctx, plant.getS_ResourceType_ID());
    BigDecimal AvailableDayTime = new BigDecimal(S_ResourceType.getTimeSlotHours());
    int AvailableDays = S_ResourceType.getAvailableDaysWeek();
    double durationBaseSec = getDurationBaseSec(wf.getDurationUnit());
    double durationTotal = 0.0;
    MWFNode[] nodes = ((MWorkflow) wf).getNodes(false, Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx));
    for (I_AD_WF_Node node : nodes) {
        // Qty independent times:
        durationTotal += node.getQueuingTime();
        durationTotal += node.getSetupTime();
        durationTotal += node.getWaitingTime();
        durationTotal += node.getMovingTime();
        // Get OverlapUnits - number of units that must be completed before they are moved the next activity 
        double overlapUnits = qty.doubleValue();
        if (node.getOverlapUnits() > 0 && node.getOverlapUnits() < overlapUnits) {
            overlapUnits = node.getOverlapUnits();
        double durationBeforeOverlap = node.getDuration() * overlapUnits;
        durationTotal += durationBeforeOverlap;
    BigDecimal requiredTime = BigDecimal.valueOf(durationTotal * durationBaseSec / 60 / 60);
    // TODO: implement here, Victor's suggestion -
    // Weekly Factor  	
    BigDecimal WeeklyFactor = new BigDecimal(7).divide(new BigDecimal(AvailableDays), 8, RoundingMode.UP);
    return (requiredTime.multiply(WeeklyFactor)).divide(AvailableDayTime, 0, RoundingMode.UP);
Also used : I_AD_WF_Node(org.compiere.model.I_AD_WF_Node) MWorkflow( MWFNode( Properties(java.util.Properties) MResourceType(org.compiere.model.MResourceType) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)


MResourceType (org.compiere.model.MResourceType)12 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)7 MUOM (org.compiere.model.MUOM)4 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)3 GregorianCalendar (java.util.GregorianCalendar)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 MResource (org.compiere.model.MResource)2 Query (org.compiere.model.Query)2 CRPException (org.eevolution.exceptions.CRPException)2 MPPOrder (org.eevolution.model.MPPOrder)2 MPPOrderNode (org.eevolution.model.MPPOrderNode)2 DefaultCategoryDataset ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1 Properties (java.util.Properties)1 I_AD_WF_Node (org.compiere.model.I_AD_WF_Node)1 MProduct (org.compiere.model.MProduct)1 MResourceUnAvailable (org.compiere.model.MResourceUnAvailable)1 PO (org.compiere.model.PO)1 MWFNode ( MWorkflow (