use of org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class WAcctViewerData method fillAcctSchema.
// dispose
* Fill Accounting Schema
* @param cb Listbox to be filled
protected void fillAcctSchema(Listbox cb) {
for (int i = 0; i < ASchemas.length; i++) {
KeyNamePair key = new KeyNamePair(ASchemas[i].getC_AcctSchema_ID(), ASchemas[i].getName());
cb.appendItem(key.getName(), key);
use of org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class ZkReportViewer method fillComboReport.
// dynInit
* Fill ComboBox comboReport (report options)
* @param AD_PrintFormat_ID item to be selected
private void fillComboReport(int AD_PrintFormat_ID) {
comboReport.removeEventListener(Events.ON_SELECT, this);
Listitem selectValue = null;
// fill Report Options
String sql = MRole.getDefault().addAccessSQL("SELECT AD_PrintFormat_ID, Name, Description " + "FROM AD_PrintFormat " + "WHERE AD_Table_ID=? " + //Added Lines by Armen
"AND IsActive='Y' " + //End of Added Lines
"ORDER BY Name", "AD_PrintFormat", MRole.SQL_NOTQUALIFIED, MRole.SQL_RO);
int AD_Table_ID = m_reportEngine.getPrintFormat().getAD_Table_ID();
try {
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Table_ID);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
KeyNamePair pp = new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2));
Listitem li = comboReport.appendItem(pp.getName(), pp.getKey());
if (rs.getInt(1) == AD_PrintFormat_ID) {
selectValue = li;
// Select Default
if (selectValue != null) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("** ").append(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "NewReport")).append(" **");
KeyNamePair pp = new KeyNamePair(-1, sb.toString());
comboReport.appendItem(pp.getName(), pp.getKey());
sb = new StringBuffer("** ").append(Msg.getMsg(m_ctx, "CopyReport")).append(" **");
pp = new KeyNamePair(-2, sb.toString());
comboReport.addEventListener(Events.ON_SELECT, this);
// FR [ 237 ]
use of org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class MLookup method getData.
// getData
* Return data as Array containing Value/KeyNamePair
* @param mandatory if not mandatory, an additional empty value is inserted
* @param onlyValidated only validated
* @param onlyActive only active
* @param temporary force load for temporary display
* @return list
public ArrayList<Object> getData(boolean mandatory, boolean onlyValidated, boolean onlyActive, boolean temporary) {
// create list
ArrayList<Object> list = getData(onlyValidated, true);
// Remove inactive choices
if (onlyActive && m_hasInactive) {
// list from the back
for (int i = list.size(); i > 0; i--) {
Object o = list.get(i - 1);
if (o != null) {
String s = o.toString();
if (s.startsWith(INACTIVE_S) && s.endsWith(INACTIVE_E))
list.remove(i - 1);
// Add Optional (empty) selection
if (!mandatory) {
NamePair p = null;
if (m_info.KeyColumn != null && m_info.KeyColumn.endsWith("_ID"))
p = new KeyNamePair(-1, "");
p = new ValueNamePair("", "");
list.add(0, p);
return list;
use of org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class MLookup method getDirect.
* Get Data Direct from Table.
* @param key key
* @param saveInCache save in cache for r/w
* @param cacheLocal cache locally for r/o
* @return value
public NamePair getDirect(Object key, boolean saveInCache, boolean cacheLocal) {
// Nothing to query
if (key == null || m_info.QueryDirect == null || m_info.QueryDirect.length() == 0)
return null;
if (key.equals(m_directNullKey))
return null;
NamePair directValue = null;
if (// Lookup cache
m_lookupDirect != null) {
directValue = (NamePair) m_lookupDirect.get(key);
if (directValue != null)
return directValue;
log.finer(m_info.KeyColumn + ": " + key + ", SaveInCache=" + saveInCache + ",Local=" + cacheLocal);
boolean isNumber = m_info.KeyColumn.endsWith("_ID");
try {
// SELECT Key, Value, Name FROM ...
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(m_info.QueryDirect, null);
if (isNumber)
pstmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(key.toString()));
pstmt.setString(1, key.toString());
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
String name = rs.getString(3);
if (isNumber) {
int keyValue = rs.getInt(1);
KeyNamePair p = new KeyNamePair(keyValue, name);
if (// save if
m_lookup.put(new Integer(keyValue), p);
directValue = p;
} else {
String value = rs.getString(2);
ValueNamePair p = new ValueNamePair(value, name);
if (// save if
m_lookup.put(value, p);
directValue = p;
if (
log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_info.KeyColumn + ": Not unique (first returned) for " + key + " SQL=" + m_info.QueryDirect);
} else {
m_directNullKey = key;
directValue = null;
if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest())
log.finest(m_info.KeyColumn + ": " + directValue + " - " + m_info);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_info.KeyColumn + ": SQL=" + m_info.QueryDirect + "; Key=" + key, e);
directValue = null;
// Cache Local if not added to R/W cache
if (cacheLocal && !saveInCache && directValue != null) {
if (m_lookupDirect == null)
m_lookupDirect = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
m_lookupDirect.put(key, directValue);
m_hasInactive = true;
return directValue;
use of org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class MLocatorLookup method getDirect.
// containsKey
* Get Data Direct from Table
* @param keyValue integer key value
* @param saveInCache save in cache
* @param trxName transaction
* @return Object directly loaded
public NamePair getDirect(Object keyValue, boolean saveInCache, String trxName) {
MLocator loc = getMLocator(keyValue, trxName);
if (loc == null)
return null;
int key = loc.getM_Locator_ID();
if (saveInCache)
m_lookup.put(new Integer(key), loc);
NamePair retValue = new KeyNamePair(key, loc.toString());
return retValue;